⤷ FATHER - █████ █████████ (42) DEAD
⤷ MOTHER - ███████ █████████ (38) DEAD
⤷ BROTHER - ███ █████████ (20) DEAD
⤷ BROTHER - ████████ █████████ (18) DEAD
→ Mr. Faust is tall, and his musculature lends him to being an imposing figure, and considering his degree and occupation, that muscle is dangerous. Unfortunately, one might notice that he is covered in scars, two horizontally bisect his face over his eyes. His eyes are white, but he says he can see out of them just fine. They've always been like that since he was born. Maybe he needs to wear sunshades, but nothing too bad. Another scar over his lip. There are four across his chest and another three over his left forearm. These look like something with deep claws got a hold of him. Then, there is the massive burn scarring over his right arm. That one is more healed than the rest. His power agitates his healing process. He has several mostly scarred-over holes in both of his legs, apparently caused by being dropped down on rebar. He'd be a prime example of human physique if he didn't have such physical damage. And upon asking, yes, the subject has naturally purple hair. Another strange offshoot of his power. But honestly, I've seen stranger.
→ Upon first conversations with Mr. Faust, he comes across as well-adjusted, considering his background. He tried to charm me over with jovial conversation and jokes. Yet, it was apparent that he was trying to get this evaluation done and over with. Unfortunately, I'm here to ensure all these team members are mentally well. After a while, he grew agitated and started fidgeting in his chair. It was noted that he pulled something out of his pocket to thumb while talking. It took a little convincing to see what it was. It was a 3-year sobriety coin from AA. Noted that he is in remission, but looking back on his files, he had both an alcohol and narcotic dependency that sent him to the ER more than once. He states it helped with "panic attacks." What he describes is the effects of PTSD. Now, he attends therapy and AA to help with that, but he lost his temper when I asked if he takes anything for it. "I did, and you see how well that went," he said while showing off his coin. That's not what I meant, but I understand his hesitation. All in all, he held his cool through most of the meeting except when I started probing about his past PTSD diagnosis and addiction. I'm slow to recommend him as "Team Lead," but his experience is irreplaceable. Maybe get him some anti-depressants.
Heroic Tactics - (1961-1965) - ███████ █████████
→ He was trained by his mother, the team lead at the time, to assess dangerous ZV-related situations and react accordingly. Learning the strengths and weaknesses of his team members and using them to their fullest.
Mixed Martial Arts - (1965-1973) - Frank Faust
→ Cal's uncle is a known military entity in our database. He tries to stay off the grid, but we know where he is. So, he trained his nephew to take someone down with just his body in various styles.
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu - (1974-1976), (1981-Current) - Renaud Payen
→ The head coach at the BJJ joint in the Gridline section of Bastion City. Despite being in a low-income area, Renaud is well known as an undefeated fighter in illegal underground fights. Cal currently works, well worked, at his gym
Kick Boxing - (1979-1985) - Renee Chillam (Hero Moniker: Celsius)
→ Celsius is an ice-based ZV, but can only use her powers on a touch-based method. So, she's studied kickboxing since she was big enough to kick. She's trained a lot of heroes, but Cal is her longest student.
///// START //////////-ZERO VARIANT-////////// START /////
POWER: Self-Replication
→ CROWD CONTROL: The user can instantly and perfectly replicate themselves numerous times without losing energy or getting tired. They manifest directly from the user, splitting into several individual beings that can recombine afterward. The user can copy their clothes and other equipment along with their body. They will normally be able to maintain control over all copies. In the case of sentient clones, living or otherwise, all mental and physical properties are exactly the same as the original ones. Furthermore, due to the possibility of each copy having different experiences, other clones may develop unique personalities, identities, and other attributes independent of the user over time.
→ HEALING (SELF): The user can regenerate by replicating and then absorbing their clone. While it won't entirely erase the damage, it will turn situations that could have been fatal to less-than-critical. The number of clones reabsorbed won't mitigate the damage more; only one is required to bring the user back.
⤷ HIVEMIND: If a clone learns a skill, information, technique, ability, etc. when reabsorbed, the primary user will have access to it as if they learned it themselves.
⤷ ABSORPTION BOOST: If the user reabsorbs their clone, and it's not for healing purposes, for a split second, their body will enter a state of hyper-productivity. Meaning they'll have increased strength, reactivity time, speed, etc. It's only for a split second, but it gives them abilities on par with another ZV who has that as their main ability.
⤷ AUTONOMY: The longer a clone is alive, usually a day or more, the more it becomes its own person, and its goals become divorced from that of the primary user. It can actively work against their interests, knowing them inside and out.
⤷ DELAYED COMPLETE HEALING: While the user can reabsorb a clone to heal themselves from major injuries or reattach a limb (that is not the head), they are still left with a nasty wound. That wound will not fully heal if the user continues to make clones of themselves. Usually, they can get it to at least a scarring over stage, but rarely past that. Leading to the possibility of infection, pain, and increased agitation.
///// STOP //////////-ZERO VARIANT-////////// STOP /////
→ As the son of the notable ███████ ████ ███████, Mr. Faust has a pedicure that one might not see today, even if it is ███████. But, oddly enough, he was believed not to be interested in the business of being in a team with other ZVs until he showed up at the Alpha Squadron tryouts. Unfortunately, while his experience is noteworthy, his power was not on the level to contend with the forces of nature that were his fellow contestants. However, his participation in the interviews pushed the idea forward for the Sigma Squad. So, due to his experience as a ███████, he was nominated as team lead.
⤷ █████████ █████