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Tom couldn't handle all the panic. It was like when you lift up a fridge and all the cockroaches scramble in the light trying to find somewhere else to hide. It was honestly pathetic to see some of these people freaking out like so, But It was hard to predict how some people would react with situations like this. "ALRIGHT GUYS!" Tom shouted over the Chaos, soon causing the scene to go quite. "Alright, I hate being the serious one here, but panicking like this is not going to get us anywhere, acting like a bunch of pathetic lunatics is not going to help" He explained dropping the cigarette bud and smothering it against the ground with his foot.

"That's right tomorrow, give them a good talking too, I mean it won't do any good as they're all dead men walking" Gabriel interrupted Tom, the screens now turning back on with Gabriel now on the big screen

"Fucking rude ass, stopping me mid speech...."

"And since you feel like such the leader today, why not set the example for the rest" Right after those words came through the screen a huge closed off arena like area rose up from the ground a few feet away from the group. It was about the size of the tennis court, made out of metal and some windows to peer into. With two automatic sliding doors. "This little setup I have is for two special guests of the day" Gabriel was now sounding giddy about the upcoming event. "Milo, and Tomorrow will be dishing it out for all of you to see. The rules are simple, fight to win, to win, the other opponent must be killed, or admit defeat. And once this little match is over, you will all be invited to my very own little feast, hosted by none other than me" The lunatic explained in detail

Tom looked over at Milo, dreading what was to come. Maybe they could come to a compromise, and someone could just admit defeat so no one would die, but Tom felt Gabriel was looking for blood...

@Jessica2477 @"Lost" @Clyde @QuakeUPSB @Dragon-Goddess @Mysty @LittleWolf @Cry.EXE

Octavia raised her eyes to look at Tsuki, her expression still panicked. She opened her mouth to speak, to try and come up with a retort, but that's when her hands were pulled away from her neck. Octavia blinked owlishly, her hands shaking slightly from both panic and frustration, looking at Thane, resembling that of a deer in headlights. She just swallowed hard, swallowed the panic she had been feeling, and then nodded. It was like soothing a wild animal, you had to coax it into a state of calm, or else it'd lash out. He seemed to have gotten through to her, until hell broke out all over again.

And then the panic came out all over again. Her hands immediately tightened under Thane's grip, her mouth going agape as the scene transformed before her eyes. She glared up, as if she was looking at Gabrielle himself. "Why don't you get in that arena yourself so I can kick your ass?" She yelled out the man, who at this point, seemed like a malevolent god who had been using them as nothing but pawns for his own entertainment. She took a rigid step back from the arena however, because even though she could bark, she wasn't exactly sure if she wanted to bite. Bite the lunatic who had put them there, or just bite in general. They didn't deserve to be here. She didn't deserve to be here. She wasn't one of them, she couldn't even use her abilities. She barely understood how they worked, but it seemed she'd have to figure it out soon, because whether or not blood was shed in that arena, she didn't want her blood to be the next.


@Dragon-Goddess @Cry.EXE @-\The Talentless/-
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Jacquelyn watched the scene around her as calm as she could be. When Gabriel announced his malicious plan, she turned her head towards the two opponents. She was wondering what they were going to do. She was very glad that it was not her being forced to fight.
"Just calm down... one of them will give up... they'll have to... they wouldn't go as far as to kill each other, right?" He looked at the two, a mixed look of fear, and 'I swear to God I'll kick your ass if you say you would.' Ross kept silent. She didn't like her brother like this. She hated how kind and popular and social he was. It scared her sometimes. And she hated how small and weak and stoic she was, yet, she didn't know or want to change.
Hisoka stood there, mouth slightly agape. They were going to fight? To the death? She trembled slightly, wondering when her time would come. She wouldn't kill anyone. She couldn't; it wasn't in her nature. Hisoka would admit defeat every time she had to fight. She would be cowardly if it meant no blood on her hands. "This is sick," the woman wheezed, voice raspy and quiet. It was nearly gone. She looked back and forth between Milo and Tom. Based on looks, Hisoka guessed Tom would win. But then again, she didn't know what either of them were capable of. Really, though, Hisoka was busy worrying about her future in the arena to think about the men anymore. She wanted to shift into a mouse and scurry away into a random hidey-hole. She decided against that, though, considering Gabriel may somehow notice and find her. Hisoka gagged slightly, but tried to conceal it.
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The doors of the arena slowly opened up, a small gesture to the two opponents to walk inside. Gabriel, who was still seen on the screen was watching, becoming more and more impatient. "Well, we don't have all day" The madman spoke.

Tom was the first person to take a step forward, it was a slow and hesitant step, but surely enough he made his way from the back of the crowd of people and through the doorway of the death box. "I'm just gonna assume that we're gonna take a stance on either side…" Tom spoke aloud, taking his spot on the right side of the field. He stood on a red marker that was placed on the opposite side of the arena. Tom waited for his opponent to take his place on the other red marker.

Milo was slower to get over, he had gotten up slowly as to not make himself dizzy before hand. At first he simply wanted to give up and tell them Tom was the winner. However, at the same time. Milo had learned that sometimes you must read the others in the room. He wanted to feel the others. He simply shuffled his calloused feet on the ground till he made it to the arena. He looked at Tomorrow.

"Please be delicate," Milo told Tomorrow sticking out his hand feebly.

Tom slid his hand into his pocket and pulled out his carton of cigs. "Man just when I was about to go all out on you… then you play that card" Tom took a cancer stick out from the box and placed it between his lips, and closed the carton and placed it in his pocket. He then brought his hand to his mouth and snapped his finger, a small spark jumping out from his two fingers lit the end of the stick, and Tom took his first breath of smoke. "Hey, just don't go all soft on me here, I hate touchy feely crap" Tomorrow explained, smoke escaping from his mouth.

The doors closed, locking shut so things were air tight. "You guys can now begin" boomed the speakers in the arena. Obviously being Gabriel's voice. Tom didn't even hesitate, his body dissipated into smoke, and he rematerialized right in front of Milo with a fist cocked back, he was a few feet up in the air, giving Tom the height advantage.

Milo watched, Tom was certainly faster than him. Not that Milo wasn't fast, it was just difficult for him over the years. Especially with the years of homelessness. Milo watched Tom, should he even try to do anything at this point?

Truth be told Milo didn't come here to fight anyone, nor to get kidnapped either. The more he thought about what he should do, the less time he had to react. Milo decided the best course of action was the one with least resistance, so Milo shifted back quickly. In hopes for Tom to graze close by.

Tom's fist completely missed Milo, Tom landed right on his feet, since he put too much force into this one punch, it caused him to take a few seconds to regain his balance leaving him completely open for a counter by Milo, who took out his razor blade quickly and swiped at Tom with it.

Tom had no time to completely dodge the attack, in his attempts to move his head, he gained a new small gash on his right cheek. With that he spun around, and with that, He somehow conjured up a ball of heated gas, and threw it at Milo's direction. "Think fast mate!" He said, smoke escaping from his lips from the cig in his mouth, which was still holding on after everything.

He couldn't dodged that fast. He tried to shift out of the way a little, but honestly he felt the warmth close to his skin and his clothes cinged on the left, making it more ragged and torn then it was. Milo simply nodded.

"Thank you Tomorrow," Milo told him, bowing, "I forfeit the win is yours."

Tom stood up straight. "Well… That was exciting" He replied taking the cig out of his mouth and holding it between his two fingertips. And just then both Tom and Milo were given a painful shock from the collar around their necks. "You can't just give up, that's no fun at all, there has to be blood my kiddies. Its for the audience's sake" Gabriel's voice boomed on the speakers in the room. Tom fell to his knees, sweat dripping from his brow. He gave Milo a look of desperation, Milo felt the shock surge through his body. Truth it hurt like a bitch, but the nerve pain he dealt with on a daily basis was worse than this. Yet, he stumbled as Tom did.

Tom looked back at the ground. "Well shit…" And just then Tom once again teleported in a poof of black smoke, and was now on the other end of the arena, away from Milo. His face all sweaty, yet he still held that cig tight in his fingers. "Milo...do me a favor and please don't lose hope, Don't let anyone lose their hope" The man explained, He sighed, and tossed his cig to the side, embers trailing behind it. His right hand went to the side of his collar. "Fuck, I hate touchy feely shit. Well, looks like I'm going out with a bang" Tomorrow chuckled. Without a second passing by his hand glowed a bright red, and then there was a small explosion, smoke replacing where Tom used to be, and blood being tossed all around the room.

"Wha- no matter, Milo is the victor…" Gabriel seemed to be less than pleased by the display from the now gone Tom.

Milo cracked his knuckles and finally looked up at the camera. There was something feral about his expression like when you tick off a mean angry dog.

"You took the hope and futures of those Gifted away, for that you will never be forgiven," Milo told Gabriel, "But I will honor the wish of Tomorrow and steal the hope and future you took."

Gabriel Just scoffed in reply " Please, save the theatrical speech for later, I have more important things to deal with than just listen to a pitiful man who lived on the streets." The doors of the arena opened up, allowing Milo to leave the red stained room.

"Then let me put it simpler," Milo told Gabriel, "I'll make sure you go fuck yourself."

"I'll pass on the offer" Replied Gabriel. There was a silence as screen shut off, and Gabriel was nowhere to be seen.

"You won't have a choice," Milo muttered under his breath. Feeling a bit defiant with his circumstances.

@Jessica2477 @"Lost" @Clyde @QuakeUPSB @Dragon-Goddess @Mysty @LittleWolf @Cry.EXE
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In a matter of moments, everything had happened all at once. The man who called himself Tom had been blown to pieces, and was now a bloody menagerie scattered across the arena walls. When the announcement of battle to the death had been voiced, Ren had not expected the fight to go down in such a way. Well...there goes one, he thought to himself. As Gabriel and Milo finished bickering, Fukuzaki scratched his head in irritation. Were they expected to just fight each other until they were all dead? Ren didn't know. He could only wait and see what would happen next.
Eyes widened in horror, Hisoka gripped her stomach. It had all happened so quickly; Hisoka had blinked twice and the next thing she knew, Tom had exploded. She didn't look around the room. Instead, the woman watched Milo leave the arena, then looked to her shoes. Hisoka's nose twitched and she wanted to cry. Not because Tom had been a close friend; she had never said a word to him. The more the woman thought, the dimmer her future looked. Why had she even come here? Her life as a vagabond could have been fine. Then she remembered how Gabriel had lied. She wanted to tear open his gut.
Tsuki was at a complete loss for words. She had silently watched everything that had been happening and could now only stare in sheer horror at what had happened to the man that they called Tom. How could they do this? What had he ever done to deserve that? Were they all so hated that every normal person took joy out of seeing people like them suffer? Pulling her hair back to herself and making it the correct length, Tsuki stood up on shaky leg and muttered the first thing that came to mind. "W-we have to find a way out of here..." She muttered.
Jacquelyn watched the scene with an expression of horror. How could people be like that, making other people kill each other? She didn't really know. All she now knew was that she was going to get out of this place, no matter what.

Lynbell watched the battle along with everyone else, still shaken by the events from the video. She had slapped herself a little to pull it together, because despite not truly accepting it, she was coming to peace that this was going to be the end for her and everyone else there. How could they possibly get away from this place of confinement when no one knew exactly where they were? This psychopath would have to know his facility, his technology, and the surrounding environment they were in in order to have total control of the gifted there.

And then, when "Tom" had blown up, the blonde woman was the least shaken out of all of them. Considering that she had spilled her tears in realization to the first video they all saw, she already knew what she had gotten herself into. It was a shame it had to take two deaths of innocent people for the others to realize just how screwed they all were.


He couldn't believe what he had just witnessed. Two men thrown into battle, then one just blew up! Just- gone! He was dead! Nothing but splatters on the wall! He felt the bile in his stomach churn from what he had just witnessed, and had to swallow it back down to keep from losing what contents he had inside of him. No way did he want to vomit, not now. He, like everyone else, would do anything to get out of the situation that he was in right now. To just leave this place and head back home. He should have known no one would make a utopia for the gifted...

The Teen was appalled by the scene H-he's fucking gone... Kuria thought to himself, taking a step back in response to the gore. He wasn't bothered by the fact that Tomorrow was dead, no, It was the fact that this could've been him. That his blood could be scattered around the room just like Tom's was. And that's when it hit him, this was real, this was a fucking nightmare that he was living inside of. That's when he felt sweat drip from the top of his head and landed on the ground. This is real...this isn't some joke, oh god I need to get the fuck out of here. That was when Milo left the arena, And then arena itself started to recede back into the ground.

Once it was in the ground, a part of the rooms wall slowly slid open, opening up to a new room altogether, it was a comfortable size. And inside was a huge buffet of food, from anything you can name, it was there. Even some alcoholic drinks, as well as normal drinks. There was a long table with several seats, and plates with forks, spoons, knifes, and cups where all set orderly as if it was made to host a family dinner. There was a note in the middle of the table which stated.

Enjoy kiddies

Kuria Didn't hesitate to enter the room and start picking a plate and filling it with food. At least he didn't lie about the feast, might as well fill up because who knows when the next time I'll be able to eat. He didn't even wait for anyone else to follow him, he only cared for himself at this point.

@Jessica2477 @"Lost" @Clyde @QuakeUPSB @Mysty @LittleWolf @Cry.EXE
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Jaquelyn saw the boy go over to the food that had appeared. She, on the other hand, was vary of it. What if it was poisoned? She would wait to see if this guy died from eating it. She could go at least one day without eating.
Ross held a hand over her mouth and started to gag. She closed her eyes and turned around, hunching over. She then she attempted to take in gulps of air, yet she was wheezing and coughing too bad to actually be able to. Thane went over and put his hands on her face, kneeling on the ground. "Hey hey hey Ross, Ross look at me." He tried to get her to look at him, but all she was doing was wheezing and coughing. He got her into a sitting position and made her look up at him. She had tears running down her face. "Ross, come on, focus on me and your breathing... deep breaths... everything will be okay..." He mumbled to her.
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Hisoka stood farthest from the food, watching Kuria closely as he went to eat. She wanted to make sure it wouldn't be poisoned. While it would be horrible for him if it was, at least the woman would know whether or not to stuff her face. Her stomach grumbled. She sighed, walking over to the feast. "Not even any tarantula?" Hisoka mumbled, picking at any veggies she could find on the table. She did feel a bit selfish, though. She was lucky to be getting any food at all, and her food choices weren't very popular anyways. The woman didn't think anyone there would enjoy seeing insects on the table, nevermind eating them.

She looked over to the twins, a worried look crossing her face. The woman walked back over to them. "Oh, are you alright, dear?" Hisoka bent over next to Thane, looking from him to Ross with genuine concern. She felt somewhat guilty coming over. The woman didn't want it to seem like she was butting into anything. She kind of was, but it wasn't like she could walk away. Hisoka's heart sunk each time the girl gagged. She didn't deserve to be here. No one in this room deserved to be here. Her anger towards Gabriel, which had settled slightly, boiled back up. She clenched her teeth, new rage gleaming in her eyes. Hisoka took a deep breath, closing her eyes for a few seconds. When they opened, her look of concern for Ross returned.

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Tsuki eyed the entire layout warily, not sure if it can even be trusted. Heck, the only reason they were being fed was because someone died and the man behind all of this took sick pleasure from it. Taking a deep breath of air, Tsuki slowly made her way over, the wary look in her eyes turning into an out-right glare at not only the food but also at the little note left by Gabriel. Taking a plate, the dark haired woman decided to fill it with not only nutitional foods, but also filling food that would last her a while.

Lynbell was, to say the least, very distrusting of the food presented. It looked wonderful, but why give them a full course meal if they were going to be killed? Well... Then again, if there was poison in the meal, then the very least they could all not suffer the head explosion that they all would have had to endure at least some point during their stay. She sighed, grabbed a plate, and piled up food to satiate her body's need of carbs. If she got ill from lack of carbs, Lynbell would surely die.


He, like everyone else, wasn't very trusting of the food. But there was a certain glow to it that made it look like it was God sent, despite the person who gave it to them was anything but saintlike. He eyed the food, and saw that everyone else was going to grab something. So, he did as well, starting with the veggies. But, no way would he be the first to eat it. Anyone else could take a crack at their meal first before he even thought about putting the food in his mouth.
"Yeah... my sister's just... freaking out a bit is all..." Thane mumbled. "Thank you for your concern though." He said. "Ross... come on... just calm down please..." He begged. He helped Ross sit, yet she still wouldn't calm down. The smell of food wasn't helping either. "Can you find some water or something please?" Thane asked the girl as he pulled Ross down so she was laying with her back against his chest. Her heart was pounding and her lungs where on fire. "Shh... it's okay..." He whispered into Ross' ear. This had never happened before and it was scaring the living hell out of Thane. "Come on Rosaline... what's wrong..." He mumbled softly, worry lacing every word like poison.

Hisoka nodded. "Of course, dear..." she jogged over to the table, filling a cup with water. Being as quick as possible, the woman went back to Thane and Ross. She handed the cup to Thane, considering Ross probably wouldn't be able to take it. The poor girl, Hisoka thought, frowning as she kneeled there. Feeling a bit awkward, but still wanting to help, Hisoka but her lip in frustration. Her eyes fixed to the floor. The woman remembered hearing something earlier in her life about how hearing a cat's purr could calm people down. So, wishing to be useful, Hisoka shifted into a small gray-blue cat with green eyes that could be compared to saucers. The low rumble rose up her throat as she nudged Ross with her head ever so gently, making sure her purs weren't too loud. Hopefully she didn't look crazy. Hopefully this would work. It probably seemed really dumb, but it was worth a shot if it could calm the young lady.

Ross looked down at the cat-girl. She slowly lifted her hand out and softy ran her hands down the cats back. Her hands where shaking but she slowly started to calm down. Thane was trying to keep himself from panicking also. "Thank you." He said softly to the girl.

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