- Posting Speed
- Speed of Light
- Multiple posts per day
- 1-3 posts per day
- One post per day
- 1-3 posts per week
- One post per week
- Online Availability
- whenever I can be online
- Writing Levels
- Give-No-Fucks
- Intermediate
- Adept
- Advanced
- Adaptable
- Preferred Character Gender
- Male
- Female
- Nonbinary
- Transgender
- No Preferences
- Genres
- Fantasy, Scifi, Modern Fantasy, Horror, Romance, Libertine, Furry, Action/Adventure.
Tom couldn't handle all the panic. It was like when you lift up a fridge and all the cockroaches scramble in the light trying to find somewhere else to hide. It was honestly pathetic to see some of these people freaking out like so, But It was hard to predict how some people would react with situations like this. "ALRIGHT GUYS!" Tom shouted over the Chaos, soon causing the scene to go quite. "Alright, I hate being the serious one here, but panicking like this is not going to get us anywhere, acting like a bunch of pathetic lunatics is not going to help" He explained dropping the cigarette bud and smothering it against the ground with his foot.
"That's right tomorrow, give them a good talking too, I mean it won't do any good as they're all dead men walking" Gabriel interrupted Tom, the screens now turning back on with Gabriel now on the big screen
"Fucking rude ass, stopping me mid speech...."
"And since you feel like such the leader today, why not set the example for the rest" Right after those words came through the screen a huge closed off arena like area rose up from the ground a few feet away from the group. It was about the size of the tennis court, made out of metal and some windows to peer into. With two automatic sliding doors. "This little setup I have is for two special guests of the day" Gabriel was now sounding giddy about the upcoming event. "Milo, and Tomorrow will be dishing it out for all of you to see. The rules are simple, fight to win, to win, the other opponent must be killed, or admit defeat. And once this little match is over, you will all be invited to my very own little feast, hosted by none other than me" The lunatic explained in detail
Tom looked over at Milo, dreading what was to come. Maybe they could come to a compromise, and someone could just admit defeat so no one would die, but Tom felt Gabriel was looking for blood...
@Jessica2477 @"Lost" @Clyde @QuakeUPSB @Dragon-Goddess @Mysty @LittleWolf @Cry.EXE
"That's right tomorrow, give them a good talking too, I mean it won't do any good as they're all dead men walking" Gabriel interrupted Tom, the screens now turning back on with Gabriel now on the big screen
"Fucking rude ass, stopping me mid speech...."
"And since you feel like such the leader today, why not set the example for the rest" Right after those words came through the screen a huge closed off arena like area rose up from the ground a few feet away from the group. It was about the size of the tennis court, made out of metal and some windows to peer into. With two automatic sliding doors. "This little setup I have is for two special guests of the day" Gabriel was now sounding giddy about the upcoming event. "Milo, and Tomorrow will be dishing it out for all of you to see. The rules are simple, fight to win, to win, the other opponent must be killed, or admit defeat. And once this little match is over, you will all be invited to my very own little feast, hosted by none other than me" The lunatic explained in detail
Tom looked over at Milo, dreading what was to come. Maybe they could come to a compromise, and someone could just admit defeat so no one would die, but Tom felt Gabriel was looking for blood...
@Jessica2477 @"Lost" @Clyde @QuakeUPSB @Dragon-Goddess @Mysty @LittleWolf @Cry.EXE