GAMER FANS UNITE! (male or females!)



Original poster
Hello, my name is Teresa, and I love's amazing I know! However being bored out of my mind and having the itch to write has gotten me thinking, hey brain....lets do stuff, so here I am-- a fart who's hoping that someone who scrolls says out loud "man...there's nothing here..." except BAM gaming! Where you can immerse yourself to an unhealthy amount of writing within these worlds! For some people who are not interested in Stranger Things or anything vampire related (no offense to those who are) then welcome but even if you are and you like games as well, then...also welcome.
I don't have any particular story, instead i'd like to discuss a story-- something where we are both immersed, something that takes the boring routine out of life...I want to be the person to write to the point where you would get up and look forward to hearing from me! But...we need a huge world to work in, something where anyone can gain the advantage and there can be unexpected twists! I have game suggestions, but don't feel like you have to use these SPECIFIC games, if you want to do a different kind then please PM me I am always looking and more than happy to talk!

Tomb Raider
Ratchet and Clank
Horizon: Zero Dawn
The Last Of Us
Assassins Creed: Black Flag (or any of them)
Bioshock Infinite
Life Is Strange
Beyond: Two Souls

Message me!!