>=< Game

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Depends on the roleplay, really. And for what reason I read it. Some roleplays I find cringeworthy, I read just for that. Roleplays I participate in that I find cringeworthy, I rarely bother to continue. Reading a roleplay between two novel-per-post players (Sen and Hana), I may enjoy, though the amounts of text may overwhelm, though if I am roleplaying with a novel-per-poster, it is on one side difficult as I think less of my own posting size, but on the other hand I get better at having lengthy posts.
Reading = Playing

Video Games OR Board Games
Video games > board games

because ikemen.

Samsung or Apple?
Samsung > Apple
Android Master Race

Science OR Art
Science < Art

Anime or cartoons?
Again, probably because I've watched too few animes.
Cartoons > Animes

Solar Power OR Wind Power
I can't believe I didn't see that coming.

Boring < Deceptive
Gives a little action.

Never Gonna Give You up OR Darude - Sandstorm
Rickroll < Darude
Because bass synth stuff. Yeah, I totally know my instruments and terminology.

How should we punish seriously messed-up criminals?
Public humiliation OR Death sentence?
I need to know some degrees here. How messed up criminal, how serious humiliation, and, well, there probably aren't many scales to a death sentence.

In case of an all-out terror attack or public shooting, I'd go fora death sentence. Then again, as it's supposedly reserved for the "worst of the worst of the worst", unless this criminal is one of those, I wouldn't recommend a death penalty. But I wouldn't exactly publicly humiliate them either. Community service, fines, or prison sentences serve nicely in most cases. Not like I'm gonna put them in a pillory.

Humiliation < Death sentence

White sugar OR Artificial sweeteners
Sugar > Random impostors
I prefer the taste of bone-bleached plants over random not-quite-right tasting chemical mishmashes.

Fake praise OR Honest insults?
Fake Praise < Honest insults
What is better to you? Cockiness booster, or actually useful points of improvement, or at least their opinion on you? I do like the truth.

One-liners OR 80/20 sprites/text
One-liners < 80/20 sprites/text

Sleeping or eating?
Sleeping < Eating
As I found out yesterday, I can survive many days without sleep, but only two meals without food.
No, I did not die. But I came close
Why am I such a spoiled American child?
Here's an easy one.
MS Paint OR Photoshop?
Ooh, that depends on the use. If it's for something as simple as low-res sprite fusion, I'd much rather use MS paint, but is it for other, more intricate uses, Photoshop is a clear choice. Although, I tend to prefer the apps in the direction of PS.


Headphones OR Speaker
Headphones are = Speakers

You have to have both. Speakers for when you can be loud and crazy and have your own party in your home.

But Headphones when to be quiet.

Bulbasaur or Squirtle
The turtle that can generate and spit water in various forms, or the MOST FASCINATING HYBRID between LIZARD and PLANT! Watch it perform JAW-DROPPING and RULE-BENDING FEATS like HYPER SPEED GROWING VINES and GATHERING the SUN'S ENERGY into a BEAM!

Bulbasaur > Squirtle.

Brostep OR Death/black metal
Not to mention making the audience think it's dead and then learning... wait for it... [spoili]DIG[/spoili].

Any step > Any metal
Don't hate. But srsly

Going on an anime binge for your new favorite series and finding out that *JUST THE LAST EPISODE* still has a week to be released.
For me, usually leads to feelings of impatience, WHYYY?!, and Nuuu, how can there only be ONE more?!


Watching the last episode of your new favorite anime series.
For me, leads to burying face in soft objects and flailing, screaming (mentally or audibly) It's the END, it's OVER, there's NO MORE!
Binge, no last ep. > Watch last ep.
I'd rathrr marathon all of Gravity Falls (for example), then find out the last episode had yet to be released, than seeing it, with the feeling if sorroe and despair afterwards.

Stub your toe, three times consecutively
Get several small cuts on your writing hand
Stub my toe > Cuts on writing hand

Messenger or Kik?
Messenger > Kik

FB can read what it wants. That app is better.

Trees OR Sloths
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