Game of Thrones

Normally Isabellas like the villain.. but Joffrey is so evil Isabellas despise him! that is hard to do!
Joffrey is a douchenozzle and I can't wait to see him get his cummuffins! >:[
This series has so many badasses I can't even.

I mean ...

In no particular order, Tyrion, Bronn, Sandor Clegane, Khal Drogo, Daenaerys, Jon Snow, Mance Ryder, Eddard Stark (WHY DID HE HAVE TO DIE. WHY.) and Syrio Forel.

I'm surprised Syrio Forel hasn't come up yet!
I'm usually very picky when it comes to liking characters, but... Yeah, George R.R. Martin apparently knows how to get to me. Just like everyone else, I like Tyrion, but he's not my most favourite char. I don't even know why; sure, I acknowledge the guy's awesomeness, he just lacks that certain... spark for me. It's immensely difficult to choose just one, so I'll swarm you with them instead: Jaime Lannister (his POV in books made me love him), Petyr Baelish (so deviously intelligent), Asha Greyjoy (only sensible Greyjoy, funny and badass to the core), Arya Stark (do I need to list all reasons?), Daenerys Targaryen (again, it goes without saying...)

Well, it would be easier to choose characters I DON'T like. There are two of them. Joffrey Baratheon and Catelyn Stark. Joffrey is the choice I don't need to defend, but what about Catelyn? Eh, her chapters were a chore for me to read and she isn't really that likeable. I mean, look how she treated poor Jon Snow!


I do very much like her...
Daenerys and Khal Drogo really are my favorites. I'm catching up on things, I swear.
I kinda feel sorry for him! ;___; He did help Brienne. He's not aaaaaall total asshole.
Yeah. I mean, he's no saint, but really, who IS in GoT? :D Besides, his interactions with Brienne were simply awesome. Well, don't know about the series; I've only read the books, but they were kinda... adorable there.
You all should read the books too! Then you can laugh at the people who don't already know what will happen in the show. Mwhahahaha.
Jamie losing his hand and the aftermath must be the best damn character development I've noticed in this series so far.