Galaxy's End

The sister's looked back to the man that handed the Eldicem a bottle of water. Once the words, "...use the ship as a way to get off the planet..."reached their ears, their ears perked and looked at each other. A plan was forming both in their heads. The youngest smirked and nodded towards Tibeth then stepped between the man and Eldicem with a friendly smile. "If this creatures needs to get off, she seems rather fragile to be on her own. Me and my sister could accompany her! For protection... of course." Kilexia thought she was rather smart of the situation but Tibeth thought otherwise as she let out a silent huff. Kilexia swayed her tail playfully as she scratched the back of her "dumb" blonde hair as Tibeth would have described it. Tibeth could only hope it would work as she stood the with her arms crossed.
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Aero was soon face to face with the younger sister and listened to her proposition. He thought about it for a moment and could see a few problems would arise from it. If the people recognized them then they could be in serious trouble. He thought about it for a moment, knowing what the young lady needed and that was a ride off this planet. Aero didn't know how the judicial system would treat them. Would they be sent to prison without a second thought or executed since it's marked as treason. "As long as you don't cause any trouble I don't see anything wrong with it. What about your sister, she seems very protective of you." He turned around to her seeing that her arms were crossed and didn't seem all that happy. "If you do come along it's best to come up with a plan b in case things go wrong." Aero said already scheming just in case they would need plan b.
Kilexia showed a sign of excitement but when man confronted Tibeth, she unfolded her hands. Tibeth knew the man was right and they needed a Plan B but there wasn't really much option for a Plan B. As Tibeth spoke her pointed teeth showed as if she was growling. "I don't have a Plan B. There is no room for a Plan B. We die, we die. We get caught, we get caught. Until then we just got to keep running." Kilexia seemed disapproving of this but she could not argue, Tibeth was so much stronger than her. There was high tension in the air as Tibeth looked as if she could attack at any moment even if that was not the case. "So we just... Die in the end?" Kilexia said almost frightened. She did not like that and was now no longer the up-beat she was just a moment ago. Tibeth looked at her sister with bold orange eyes. "We all die in the end. It's part of life." There was silence between the sisters.
Aero listened to Tibeth about dying and how there wasn't a plan b. He didn't like the idea of the two girls dying just because it's possibility. What they did was an accident, not a form of treason. If it as these girls would do more than break planetary equipment. They could have hacked the planets mainframe, causing the cities to have blackouts and taking over. Yet the destruction of equipment calls for a manhunt for a bounty that the people were never going to get. The government was just as savage as the creatures outside the wall.

Then it clicked. Plan b was staring him right in the face, the planetary equipment! It was a gift from their planet to them which is why his brother was working in it. "I have a plan B. Just face trial on my planet." He said with a smile. "I'll make up some weird law that makes you guys come with me. You guys can simply live on my planet and never face trial here. It's possible if you don't want to die or get caught." Aero said with twitch of his ear. He was good at lying after many years of doing it. Once his planet find out the whole things was an accident and that the two are young girls looking out for each other, they'll never let them go back.