
Well, considering that it would make the story's plot thicker, yes. It'd be unfortunate, but it'd nonetheless thicken the plot.
Well, Kurt's PERSONAL story is already plotted. It'll mutate as more people are introduced, like Iliana. xD
The phoenix isn't the one going down, dork. xD!
The old lady who asked him to retrieve her jade key will probably be the one to suffer. He's rescuing Asari/Iliana.
AH~ well. I skimmed. I'm still on life support after that first post xD
If you wanna see a heart- stopping RP, go look up the one-on-one RP called Trust between Layne and me. =3

Your posts exhaust me....but I'll read it.
Xenos! A couple a things. First, you don't get to pick whether the bullets hit me or not, nor do you pick whether any of you're attacks hit me. Please remember that I get a post to dodge and counter. Second! You god-modded. I asked you a question, and you neither answered, nor did you compensate. I also do not go down to your level. I was flying. Just because I take damage does not make me fall. Plus, I dropped you from 100 ft. up. You have little chance to go through that without injury. Edit your post, please.
I wasn't posting to you. It was a random NPC that Iliana had chosen to attack her character.
I've been RPing for five years and DO know the ZESST T1 rules.
Not only that, but by automatically assuming you had even made contact with my character and assuming that the post was to you, you as well Modded. You didn't give enough information as to your position to myself, how fast you were truly moving, or even indicated in the post that you were directing your post to me other than a confusing description. That, and because I had to type this response to Iliana over the time that I didn't have an internet connection and didn't want to keep her waiting, I automatically posted in order to let her know that I in fact did not forget her.

Your attack was far too under-explained for me to understand to begin with. I entered Furpocalypse to create a story with Iliana. If you would like to attack during the escape between him and Iliana instead, I would be more than happy to spar you, but as of yet, I will not allow myself to PK or be PKed.

I'm not trying to sound snotty in any way. At the moment, I would just rather be able to start the story without being killed. I just got here, man.
Forgive this little intermission....


I just don't like it when someone assumes that I'm a noob. It's kinda degrading to believe that someone really thinks that, from such a description, that I would know what's going on. I'm used to more direct posts than that. Not only that, but it also kinda sucks that someone's already trying to PK. The story just started, and you're already trying to knock someone off? Really? I just don't like it when someone pulls an auto-grab like that, anyway. I try to ignore when someone automatically assumes they grabbed or hit me. Not only that, but my post points that I am directly interacting with Iliana. =/
Well I haven't been a victim of such, and so sadly, I cannot relate. Although, I do understand where you're coming from.
I was a victim of it for a good two years, and then I made my original character crazy. xD
xD Mine's a firecracker. If I were born a guy I'd probably be just like him. Thankfully I'm not.

I'd be a drunk and a nicotine freak with a hard mouth and childishly annoying antics. xD
My first ever character is just like me. I'm with-holding my character's name because he has been for another site and not this one. But he's a Kitsune that controls fire that, because of his earning a God status (But being able to be killed), his fires, after a certain amount of "Exlplosion Mathematics," his fires burn hotter than a supernova.
WE MUST RESUSCITATE HER!!! -grabs chest paddles and lets them charge- GO GET THE ADRENALINE!!!