Original poster
Welcome! Please read everything before posting!
This story will be taking place in the timeline of Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood (which follows the story line of the Manga, more information here - http://fma.wikia.com/wiki/Fullmetal_Alchemist:_Brotherhood)
RPers will be taking up the roles of original characters, and the rp will begin just prior to the beginning of the Ishvalan Civil War in 1901. It is well known that the war was started when an Amestrian Soldier accidentally shot and killed an Ishvalan child, spurring the people into action. What isn't as widely known is that this Soldier, was actually a shape shifting Homunculus named Envy. As he fled from the scene after the shooting, a small band of State Alchemists, Soldiers, and Civilians witness his transformation back into his true form, bringing about a series of events where these poor individuals need to fight for their lives not only in the Civil War, but from secretive attacks by higher ups in the military, and by the Homunculi, serving the ever elusive Father. They will need to work together, using all of their wits and military training to survive for as long as possible, while trying to uncover the truth behind the conspiracy and escape to a place where they can live safely.
Important Things to Keep in Mind -
All Alchemists must be familiar with the 3 part sequence that makes up the performance of Alchemy. Even with a Philosopher's Stone, a basic understanding of these principles must be followed in order to perform it properly.
The only time that this law can be broken, is when the alchemist in question has a Philosopher's Stone. While the process of the stone's creation is not known to the general public, they can greatly augment an Alchemist's abilities, allowing them to break the laws of Equivalent Exchange, and transmute anything, from anything, and in any amount. However, the stones are not unlimited. Each use shaves off a small piece, depending on the alchemy performed.
All State Alchemists participating in the war will be given a small Philosopher's Stone. If this stone runs out, they will need to obey the laws until they can acquire a new one from their superiors. If the stone is damaged, or if the alchemist tries to break the laws while they do not have a stone, they risk causing an alchemical rebound, which can have disastrous consequences.
Transmutation Circles are required in order to perform Alchemy. Any trained Alchemist can perform any type of alchemy as long as they know the required alchemical equations to draw the circle necessary. As State Alchemists, you will by default know most, if not all of these. I will not require you to know them personally, as long as you take into account the time it takes to draw the circle when necessary in combat, or in other situations. State Alchemists tend to keep the circle designated for their most commonly used transmutation (or their 'theme') drawn onto some part of their clothing, or carved into their body, weapon, or automail prosthetics, if they have any.
With all of that in mind, RPers will be able to play as State Alchemists (as long as they are not too overpowered, and their abilities are plausible). Soldiers are also allowed, as are civilians. Any outlandish, unethical, and otherwise crazy ideas should be asked of me here in the forum, or via PM before you spend the time coming up with the other character information. The Character application form is below, fill out and post here, and i'll let you know if any changes need to be made before we begin.
Also, keep in mind when writing your bio that the shooting that started the Ishvalan Civil War Has Not Happened Yet! The opening scene of the RP will be the moments immediately following the shooting, your characters will witness it, and the fleeing Envy, and they will have the opportunity to decide for themselves what they would like to do with this information. Before this moment there have been tensions with the Ishvalans, but no open declaration of war. The military has been gathering there, supposedly to try and quell the Ishvalan tensions before they can escalate (if you're a state alchemist, or a soldier, this could explain what you're doing there, unless you'd like to come up with your own reason).
State Alchemist Title: (if applicable)
Alchemy Specialization: (if applicable, what is the transmutation theme that got them their title?)
Weapon(s): (if applicable)
Gear: (clothing and other helpful items that they carry around)
Appearance: (describe how they look physically. accompanying picture is okay, but not necessary, and try to write in at least a bit. this can include scars, piercings, tatoos, automail, etc.)
Biography: (what happened in your characters life leading up to this point? also, why are they in Ishval? were they transferred there for military purposes? or were they just visiting?)
Relations: (friends and family that may be relevant to the story)
Extra Tidbits: (other things about your character that you'd like us to know)
Approved character bios listed bellow. Major is the military rank given to State Alchemists (or more accurately, they are an equivalent rank, but State Alchemists are still called 'Major'), they can attain higher ranks through military experience (more info here - http://fma.wikia.com/wiki/Military_Ranks). I've chosen your ranks based on military history, but if you'd like me to change it just let me know. This will also reflect your character's status in the RP. Active, being a fully capable member of the team. Inactive, being injured, unconscious, or otherwise incapacitated. Or Deceased, should that come to pass. (keep in mind that the Ishvalan war was one of the first times that Alchemy was actually used openly in war, so most State Alchemists don't have a lot of military experience yet.)
Approved Transfers to Ishval
Colonel Antonio Russo - The Glassmaker Alchemist (Krolik) Status: Active
First Lieutenant Elizabeth Rivers (My Representative in the party) Status: Active
Major Eilonwy - The Blizzard Alchemist (Farore) Status: Active
Major Reven - The Spark Alchemist (Raiu) Status: Active
Major Tyler Kraus - The Techno Alchemist (Larharl) Status: Active
Major Lene Kimblee - The Silver Blaze Alchemist (Nissa) Status: Active
Major Andre Lorenzo Fabrico - The Greenblast Alchemist (Des) Status: Active
This story will be taking place in the timeline of Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood (which follows the story line of the Manga, more information here - http://fma.wikia.com/wiki/Fullmetal_Alchemist:_Brotherhood)
RPers will be taking up the roles of original characters, and the rp will begin just prior to the beginning of the Ishvalan Civil War in 1901. It is well known that the war was started when an Amestrian Soldier accidentally shot and killed an Ishvalan child, spurring the people into action. What isn't as widely known is that this Soldier, was actually a shape shifting Homunculus named Envy. As he fled from the scene after the shooting, a small band of State Alchemists, Soldiers, and Civilians witness his transformation back into his true form, bringing about a series of events where these poor individuals need to fight for their lives not only in the Civil War, but from secretive attacks by higher ups in the military, and by the Homunculi, serving the ever elusive Father. They will need to work together, using all of their wits and military training to survive for as long as possible, while trying to uncover the truth behind the conspiracy and escape to a place where they can live safely.
Important Things to Keep in Mind -
All Alchemists must be familiar with the 3 part sequence that makes up the performance of Alchemy. Even with a Philosopher's Stone, a basic understanding of these principles must be followed in order to perform it properly.
- Comprehension - Understanding the inherent structure and properties of the atomic or molecular makeup of a particular material to be transmuted, including the flow and balance of potential and kinetic energy within.
- Deconstruction - Using energy to break down the physical structure of the identified material into a more malleable state so as to be easily reshaped into a new form.
- Reconstruction - Continuing the flow of energy so as to reform the material into a new shape.
The only time that this law can be broken, is when the alchemist in question has a Philosopher's Stone. While the process of the stone's creation is not known to the general public, they can greatly augment an Alchemist's abilities, allowing them to break the laws of Equivalent Exchange, and transmute anything, from anything, and in any amount. However, the stones are not unlimited. Each use shaves off a small piece, depending on the alchemy performed.
All State Alchemists participating in the war will be given a small Philosopher's Stone. If this stone runs out, they will need to obey the laws until they can acquire a new one from their superiors. If the stone is damaged, or if the alchemist tries to break the laws while they do not have a stone, they risk causing an alchemical rebound, which can have disastrous consequences.
Transmutation Circles are required in order to perform Alchemy. Any trained Alchemist can perform any type of alchemy as long as they know the required alchemical equations to draw the circle necessary. As State Alchemists, you will by default know most, if not all of these. I will not require you to know them personally, as long as you take into account the time it takes to draw the circle when necessary in combat, or in other situations. State Alchemists tend to keep the circle designated for their most commonly used transmutation (or their 'theme') drawn onto some part of their clothing, or carved into their body, weapon, or automail prosthetics, if they have any.
With all of that in mind, RPers will be able to play as State Alchemists (as long as they are not too overpowered, and their abilities are plausible). Soldiers are also allowed, as are civilians. Any outlandish, unethical, and otherwise crazy ideas should be asked of me here in the forum, or via PM before you spend the time coming up with the other character information. The Character application form is below, fill out and post here, and i'll let you know if any changes need to be made before we begin.
Also, keep in mind when writing your bio that the shooting that started the Ishvalan Civil War Has Not Happened Yet! The opening scene of the RP will be the moments immediately following the shooting, your characters will witness it, and the fleeing Envy, and they will have the opportunity to decide for themselves what they would like to do with this information. Before this moment there have been tensions with the Ishvalans, but no open declaration of war. The military has been gathering there, supposedly to try and quell the Ishvalan tensions before they can escalate (if you're a state alchemist, or a soldier, this could explain what you're doing there, unless you'd like to come up with your own reason).
State Alchemist Title: (if applicable)
Alchemy Specialization: (if applicable, what is the transmutation theme that got them their title?)
Weapon(s): (if applicable)
Gear: (clothing and other helpful items that they carry around)
Appearance: (describe how they look physically. accompanying picture is okay, but not necessary, and try to write in at least a bit. this can include scars, piercings, tatoos, automail, etc.)
Biography: (what happened in your characters life leading up to this point? also, why are they in Ishval? were they transferred there for military purposes? or were they just visiting?)
Relations: (friends and family that may be relevant to the story)
Extra Tidbits: (other things about your character that you'd like us to know)
Approved character bios listed bellow. Major is the military rank given to State Alchemists (or more accurately, they are an equivalent rank, but State Alchemists are still called 'Major'), they can attain higher ranks through military experience (more info here - http://fma.wikia.com/wiki/Military_Ranks). I've chosen your ranks based on military history, but if you'd like me to change it just let me know. This will also reflect your character's status in the RP. Active, being a fully capable member of the team. Inactive, being injured, unconscious, or otherwise incapacitated. Or Deceased, should that come to pass. (keep in mind that the Ishvalan war was one of the first times that Alchemy was actually used openly in war, so most State Alchemists don't have a lot of military experience yet.)
Approved Transfers to Ishval
Colonel Antonio Russo - The Glassmaker Alchemist (Krolik) Status: Active
First Lieutenant Elizabeth Rivers (My Representative in the party) Status: Active
Major Eilonwy - The Blizzard Alchemist (Farore) Status: Active
Major Reven - The Spark Alchemist (Raiu) Status: Active
Major Tyler Kraus - The Techno Alchemist (Larharl) Status: Active
Major Lene Kimblee - The Silver Blaze Alchemist (Nissa) Status: Active
Major Andre Lorenzo Fabrico - The Greenblast Alchemist (Des) Status: Active