Fresh Start.

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"As laura and her mother made there way to her in gated community 40 miles from her past life thought about things.. in a different light.. if she sat around and hated her parents then she wouldnt get anywhere... maybe she wasnt a lesbian.. or bisexual or anything... where had that life painted her? not a damn thing but a sad picture.. now because of juris she had to start over again. She decided at that exact moment her parents were right. she needed to grow out of this.. she needed to grow up in their light not her own now she seen how things had gone.. when she tried to make decions on her own.. she decided to tie the strings for her parents.. becomming their puppet and what they thought she should be.. She scowled at a picture of her, britt, and stacey.. she threw it out the window.. her mom noticed this and grinned. "Sometimes.. for a greater good.. sacrificed must be made.." she said nodding as if trying to convince herself.

It sounded like a bunch of bs.. but she wasnt going to argue.. she wasnt going to say a word.
The last time she saw Laura was the time she couldn't even explain.

If she tried to think back at how or what sort of relationship they shared, it was somewhere between strangers and friends - and most definitely away from lovers - but close. It was close thought, their relationship was as complex to explain as when you explained how the Universe started. But she believed she had left the life long ago, it was time for her to start again. Here she was sitting at the gym of her High School, which was now transformed as a grand room. It was her graduation, she can finally get out of here. But before that, Juris handled months of rumours. People believed she slept with Laura, some didn't, most didn't even want to talk about it. Everyone in the school knew she was a lesbian, and she was very open about it - but still felt the same about it. She kept her guards up, in fear of being taken advantage of.

She graduated as a Salutatorian, second to Richard - who was the Valedictorian of the school. It surprised many, because she led a very hectic life and they didn't expect her to have balanced her school work along with it.

Next stop? College.
And so the next year and a half came and went quickly giving everyone a much needed break from each other.. that is until college :D
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