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Original poster
This is based on a prompt I found on Tumblr. The prompt is that Character A was kidnapped as a very young child. A's kidnapper raised them until they were arrested when A was 13. Character B (who was A's guardian) has missed them this whole time and was right by their side when they came home. However, A does not remember B. Despite this B tries to help A back into the life they were forced to leave upon their kidnap.

Let me know if you want to be A or B.
The character I will be playing as is my Lucidia OC, Coriander, though this RP won't take place in Lucidia (unless you want it to).
You are welcome to play multiple characters, and I really don't care how you write. :)

Note: Though the tag says angst, if you don't want angst there doesn't have to be any.
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