Original poster

Tamer Basics
Name: Sairantha Rinien
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Hometown: Dawn City

Tamer Appearance
Height - She stands around 5'6" (1.6 meters)
Weight - Her weight is leaning towards the lighter side, though is still healthy. Most of her mass is muscle and thus she is quite lean.
Eyes - Her eyes are hazel in color.
Hair - Her hair is a bright red, usually kept loose, reaching down to around her mid back.
Complexion - She has light, fair skin with a smattering of freckles around her cheekbones.
Distinguishing marks - She has several scars (one on her back, stretching from her right shoulder down her spine in a jagged line; one along her left thigh, to her knee; a small pink line along her right forearm; one just behind her hair line, above her right eye, hidden by her hair). She wears a small chain around her neck with a clear crystal attached to it.
Clothing - She prefers to dress in loose clothing with light colors for movement. She detests formal wear.
Weight - Her weight is leaning towards the lighter side, though is still healthy. Most of her mass is muscle and thus she is quite lean.
Eyes - Her eyes are hazel in color.
Hair - Her hair is a bright red, usually kept loose, reaching down to around her mid back.
Complexion - She has light, fair skin with a smattering of freckles around her cheekbones.
Distinguishing marks - She has several scars (one on her back, stretching from her right shoulder down her spine in a jagged line; one along her left thigh, to her knee; a small pink line along her right forearm; one just behind her hair line, above her right eye, hidden by her hair). She wears a small chain around her neck with a clear crystal attached to it.
Clothing - She prefers to dress in loose clothing with light colors for movement. She detests formal wear.
Tamer Personality
Sairantha is hardly intuitive. Instead, she relies on facts and details, refusing to accept "I think" when she can have "I know" instead. Her brain is like a sponge that is never full, sopping up as much information as possible at all times. She'll question anything she cannot comprehend and will not cease her questions until she feels she has a rounded out understanding of the topic. Saira is a person that always needs to know why, instead of just how. For her, there is always going to be a proper explanation for everything. Sometimes she makes up meaning where there is none, simply to fulfill this need.
Most people prefer to set realistic goals. Saira prefers to set her sights on things that go far above what is considered 'realistic'. It's not ideal to lower your ambitions simply because your objective is impossible. Instead, make it possible. Her enthusiasm shows her younger, less controlled side, where she hasn't experienced enough to lose her imagination and dreams. She eagerly accepts new challenges and meets them with an unrestrained persistence.
Once she sets her eye on a goal, or makes a promise, Saira will do anything to uphold her word, whether it means fighting through exhaustion on a battle field, or always being there for a friend. She works hard and is reliable.
Sairantha was taught at a young age to keep her mind open and to carefully observe the world around her. Her father used to tell her, "If you listen carefully, you can hear the earth sing." It was her father who taught her to make a fire out of backpack and pocket lint, and to make rudimentary weapons from twigs and rocks. She also learned to scrutinize people and conditions quickly, and to formulate opinions and responses just as quick, particularly in battle.
Saira can usually work with what is thrown at her. Change doesn't bother her strongly, and she never takes anything for granted. She almost expects change, and a lot of it, keeping herself on her toes. She exhausts herself this way, always being in anticipation for danger that will never come.
Saira simply cannot be a ruthless warrior because she will always have that itch called mercy. She has a treacherous weak spot when it comes to killing, and will refuse to kill or maim if she has even the slightest inkling that that person may be innocent. A person that is forced to fight is a person that doesn't deserve to die, no matter how many lives they've claimed, and no matter how many lives they'll continue to claim if let go. She also feels strongly for the pains of others, and wants to help, even if she doesn't go about it the right way. She is considerably emotion-driven.
Sairantha has difficulty with accepting and trusting new people into her personal affairs, and as such, generally prefers to work on her own. She will begrudgingly accompany others as a team, and will cooperate, but will be incredibly cautious and wary of people she doesn't know. While she eventually will come to terms with strangers, she sometimes already has come off as hostile and unfriendly, making it difficult to begin new relationships. Once someone has gained her trust, however, she is an incredibly loyal and reliable friend. She is a rather anxious individual because of her mistrust.
Tamer History
The Rinien family has lived in Dawn City for countless generations. Saira's great, great, great grandparents built the rustic house that her family still lives in. That house is old and worn, now, covered in a patchwork of wood and paint from years of quick repairs. Inside are four bedrooms with a large living space, occupied by her near family: father, mother, siblings, and her uncle. Behind the house is a large area for crop, and a stable large enough to occupy two horses.
Adanion, her father, inherited the home when his father died during a hunt with a collection of men from the City. The death was sudden, and strange; there was no body to show for it, no dead bear, and no blood. His father had been involved with a shady group of people in town, people who identified themselves as traders, but were, as Adanion found out later, smugglers and traders of illegal goods, as well as mercenaries for hire. While he had no evidence for his suspicions, he believed that men from this group killed his father for his debts--his father was an obsessive gambler, to the point where the house was actually lost on a bet. Adanion's father never made good on the deal.
Letting go
Despite his desire to seek his father's supposed killers, Maerwen, a close friend from his youth, convinced him not to. She admitted that she loved him and didn't want him to die. He reluctantly gave up his need for revenge, and married her two months later. Maerwen moved into the family home soon after, adopting a job as a seamstress for those in the City who could pay. She was well known for her great skill and dedication to her work, and made quite a bit of money. Adanion, however, barely worked, only tending the garden and handling his horse. Just before the birth of his first son, Meldiron, Maeren insisted he 'get off his arse' and find work. He began to hunt.
Meldiron was born that fall, and nearly exactly seven summers later, Sairantha was born. She and Mel were primarily raised by Adanion, as Maerwen was busy producing the majority of the family's income. Adanion would take the children out into the woods, teaching them to climb trees and swim in the rapids, and later, how to track animals and eventually how to hunt. He brought them alongside his hunting trips, letting the kids carry gear and help him collect hides and game. He made wooden swords for the two children, first training Mel in swordplay and archery, and then once Saira was four years of age, allowing her to join in the lessons.
Growing up
Her father crafted a miniature bow and sword for her to play with, but she took the weapons, particularly the bow, quickly. She would often mock fight with her brother, or race down the streets after the other children. At the age of eight her father began to treat her interest more seriously, providing her with stronger weapons and real arrows and blades. She had a keen eye and was able to hit a bullseye from across the field behind their house, and was adequate in using her wooden sword.
She met her closest friend, Raya, by running directly into her whilst playing in the streets and knocking the smaller girl to the ground. Raya was upset--mostly about dirtying her dress--and turned her cheek to Saira, who offered her a piece of smashed pastry from her pocket. Raya forgave her, and the two soon became friends. They played in the nearby meadows and made up games where Raya was a princess and Saira her personal guard, making flower crowns from daisies and staying out until dusk. The two developed a secret code, and left notes for each other in a number of spots in the city, often in tree hollows or under rocks.
Old grudges
Saira's uncle, Nestaron, was a figure she'd seen little of in her life. His arrival at their home was shocking; and he bore bad news. At the time Sairantha was too young to really understand what her parents spoke of. It wasn't until later that she learned of her grandfather, his debt and death, and how her uncle had never let go. Nestaron had spent the last nine years searching and investigating his father's death and had tracked down the killers--and was determined to get wide scale revenge. At first, Adanion refused his brother, sending him away from the home. Eventually though, he caved, his need for vengeance renewed. Nestaron was invited back to the home where he lived with the family while he and Adanion planned their course of action.
Saira and Mel's training continued. That winter, Alya, the youngest Rinien child, was born. Unlike her elder siblings, Alya was raised primarily by Maerwen, and grew up to be very different than her brother and sister. She rarely saw Saira and Mel, who were occupied with training and practice. Once Saira reached the point where she could learn no more from her father and uncle, she sought the help of others, practicing with other local huntsmen and women. Her brother continued to help her hone her skills with swordplay, although she was never as good with blades as she was with her bow.
She overheard her father and uncle talking in the stables one afternoon--she ended up eavesdropping on the conversation. She overheard them discussing that they were going to be "visiting" somebody in the woods, and decided to follow them. Bow in hand, she stealthily crept after her idols as they traveled. Within an hour, they arrived at a small cottage in a clearing, in the middle of nowhere.
Her father knocked on the door calmly, her uncle unsheathing a sword. A large man opened the door, peering out at the two intruders before his lips melded into a grin. He welcomed them like they were old friends, but her father quickly sprung into action, pinning the stranger against the wall of his own home. A fight soon ensued. The result was disastrous; her uncle was knocked down, unconscious, and her father was pressed onto the ground, his own sword poised over his chest. Sairantha couldn't just stand there, watching. She took action, loading her bow and shooting the stranger. Her arrow pierced his neck, and when his focus was diverted towards Saira, her father leaped to his feet and stabbed him in the heart.
Her father told her the truth as they traveled back home; that he was hunting down his fathers killers, and that that man was one of them. She felt betrayed by her father, who she always thought was the ideal, perfect parent. She began to avoid him, although she didn't tell her siblings or mother what had happened. She did confide in Raya, who suggested she talk to her uncle and father, rather than allow the events to fester into hatred in her mind. Saira agreed, and Raya said that she would go with her, for friendly support. Saira planned to do it in two days time, when she knew her father would be at home, tending the field.
Two days afterwards, a group of men attacked the house. Her father and uncle attempted to hold them off while Meldiron and Sairantha attempted to help Alya, Maerwen, and Raya from the house. Her father and uncle were fighting a losing battle, and Saira impulsively decided to join the fight. Still young, she was quickly overpowered and pushed to the ground, a nasty wound on her back. Her brother, noting her absence, came to her rescue, killing his sisters assailant. Shortly afterwards though, the group of intruders fled, taking Adanion with them. Nestaron failed to track them down.
Afterwards, her mother fell into a depression jag shortly after, becoming heavily detached from her family and the world. She firmly believed her husband was dead, even though Nestaron firmly believed otherwise.
Sairantha continued to train, mostly with the help of her uncle and two local instructors. When she was eighteen, Raya was brutally assaulted and murdered by two men from a nearby settlement; Sairantha took it upon herself to seek revenge, not unlike her father, and killed the both of them after tracking them down individually and breaking into their homes. The first man she stabbed in his sleep, and the second she killed when she found him hunting in the forest.
She met Merrik Tetra while traveling with her brother to another city, seeking the instruction of a well known archer. For awhile, they traveled alongside each other (on the insistence of her brother), and got to know one another. Initially apprehensive, she took to what he said about dragons and tamers with a grain of salt. However, his words planted a fantastical image in her mind. She asked him if he had a dragon, and he said he did, summoning his dragon to prove it. She found herself in total awe as he asked if she would like to join the tamers on their quest, and hurriedly agreed. It would be her chance to do something with her life, and maybe repair her family name.
With the Order
Joining the Order was a leap for Saira. After the bonding ceremony, she wanted so badly to bail and return to her old life; but she couldn't break that promise, that bond. Aerarya soon became her best friend, one of the few she could completely trust in her new home. She grew to like the Meadow well enough, and took to the rigorous training with vigor, particularly at the monastery, where she took the chance to learn something to heart, learning a little bit about the Order's history, and developing new techniques for her swordplay and archery both. She began to open up some time into training, going on an exhilarating hunt with Merrik after a giant boar, and meeting the great Mare of the Woods. While she's yet to make a name for herself among the people, she's beginning to build her confidence.

Tamer Relationships
Adanion Rinien//Father//54//MIA
Sairantha was always her father's favorite, and she held an adoration for him so strong that made them inseparable, a relationship even closer than Adanion's with his wife. Since she was young she was stuck to his side like glue, nearly worshiping his every move. She simply thought he was a god born in a mortal body. He taught her nearly everything she knows, and became her inspiration. However, since discovering his sketchy history, her relationship with him has been fragmented, her love for her father dissipated with skepticism and betrayal.
Maerwen Rinien-Alluth//Mother//52
Originally, Saira and her siblings held an average relationship with their mother. She would cook breakfast and they would give her a peck on the cheek before leaving to go about their day, and would cherish her devotion to the family in the usual way. However, after Adanion's disappearance, and her deterioration, Sairantha grew distanced from her mother, hating her for her weakness and lack of strength.
Nestaron "Fleetfoot" Rinien//Uncle//49
Saira was nearly as close to her uncle as she was to her father as a youth, and still remains so. Despite learning of her uncles associations with her father's wrongdoings, she still treats him the same and looks up to him as a second idol. She can tell her uncle anything and knows he'll listen intently, without judging.
Meldiron Rinien-Alluth//Elder Brother//29
Sairantha and Meldiron always held a playful, loose relationship with each other. As children, they practiced on each other, sparring often in the yard for fun. He often picked on his younger sister, originally causing her to dislike her brother, but as they grew older and more mature, they gained a liking for each other not too different than between friends.
Alya Rinien//Younger Sister//14
Sairantha never bonded quite as much with her younger sister as she did with her brother, but still holds affection for her. Even though she is a teenager, Saira still treats her like a baby that needs to be coddled, although she does it out of love and not of spite.
Raya Glandeur//Close Friend//22//Deceased
Raya was her close childhood friend and understandably held a special place in Saira's heart. Raya was like a sister to her, always there for her to talk to and understanding. When she wasn't with her father, she was usually always with Raya. When her friend died, she was torn to pieces, falling into a jag of depression and disbelief. Sometimes, she still will 'talk' to Raya inside her mind, missing her friend's presence and advice.
Tamer Strengths
Saira has a sharp eye and acute senses, allowing for her to track people and animals and shoot with great accuracy. She can see her target from great distances away and is attuned to the wind- she can feel which direction it is moving in and accurately can decipher how far it will blow her arrows off course. She can pick up on slight body language and the most sparse of details.
Since she was young she has been studying the art of using bows in combat as well as when hunting. She has a great amount of raw skill with her bow and some with throwing knives. While she isn't an expert and has plenty to learn and space to grow, she is still an astounding bow-woman.
Quick Learner
Saira picks up new skills quickly.
Thinks Before Acting
Sairantha often will thoroughly think things through before acting. She's quite the opposite of impulsive.
Sairantha can move quickly through nearly any obstruction and can easily avoid attacks and traps. She has a fast reaction time.
Tamer Weaknesses
Saira hardly trusts anybody, apart from those whom which she is close to. It takes a long time to gain even a smidgen of her trust.
Lack of Experience
Saira has been living in a relatively sheltered life, compared to most warriors and adventurers in the world. She has only had a handful of real-life combat experiences, often accompanied by others. She also is not in any way an expert on anything, leaving her without a specialization.
Arguably a strength and a weakness, Saira has a great deal of compassion. She works well with humans (that she can trust, anyways) and can empathize easily, but in the thick of battle, her compassion works against her. She detests killing and inflicting pain on others. Her morality sometimes gets the best of her.
Saira can usually hold her own, but while she is relatively strong, she wouldn't be able to wrestle off a 200 pound man for her life unless she pulled something clever (luck is not a good thing to rely on).
Apart from being inexperienced, Saira is also still very young at heart; she has trouble seeing limits, both personal and otherwise, frequently gets lost in her daydreams and fantasies, and is a bit of an idealist.
Tamer Abilities/Skills
Saira is incredibly skilled at using a bow and arrows, and can also use throwing knives and a variety of other ranged weaponry.
While she is not the greatest at using a sword, Saira can defend herself from close quarters with an average sword. She can also fight with daggers and knives.
Being primarily an archer, Saira relies on being able to stay hidden from her enemy. She is near silent on her feet, and is adept at making herself undetectable.
She has retained basic survival skills- she can patch up a wound, find food, water, build a shelter, etc.
Sairantha can move quickly through nearly any obstruction and can easily avoid most attacks and traps.
Bonded Ability
Similar to her dragon's power of fog, Saira can summon a loose cloud of mist in the area around her. It lasts briefly (2-3 minutes at best), and has a radius of roughly 5-10 feet. Works best under proper weather conditions.
Dragon Basics
Sairantha is hardly intuitive. Instead, she relies on facts and details, refusing to accept "I think" when she can have "I know" instead. Her brain is like a sponge that is never full, sopping up as much information as possible at all times. She'll question anything she cannot comprehend and will not cease her questions until she feels she has a rounded out understanding of the topic. Saira is a person that always needs to know why, instead of just how. For her, there is always going to be a proper explanation for everything. Sometimes she makes up meaning where there is none, simply to fulfill this need.
Most people prefer to set realistic goals. Saira prefers to set her sights on things that go far above what is considered 'realistic'. It's not ideal to lower your ambitions simply because your objective is impossible. Instead, make it possible. Her enthusiasm shows her younger, less controlled side, where she hasn't experienced enough to lose her imagination and dreams. She eagerly accepts new challenges and meets them with an unrestrained persistence.
Once she sets her eye on a goal, or makes a promise, Saira will do anything to uphold her word, whether it means fighting through exhaustion on a battle field, or always being there for a friend. She works hard and is reliable.
Sairantha was taught at a young age to keep her mind open and to carefully observe the world around her. Her father used to tell her, "If you listen carefully, you can hear the earth sing." It was her father who taught her to make a fire out of backpack and pocket lint, and to make rudimentary weapons from twigs and rocks. She also learned to scrutinize people and conditions quickly, and to formulate opinions and responses just as quick, particularly in battle.
Saira can usually work with what is thrown at her. Change doesn't bother her strongly, and she never takes anything for granted. She almost expects change, and a lot of it, keeping herself on her toes. She exhausts herself this way, always being in anticipation for danger that will never come.
Saira simply cannot be a ruthless warrior because she will always have that itch called mercy. She has a treacherous weak spot when it comes to killing, and will refuse to kill or maim if she has even the slightest inkling that that person may be innocent. A person that is forced to fight is a person that doesn't deserve to die, no matter how many lives they've claimed, and no matter how many lives they'll continue to claim if let go. She also feels strongly for the pains of others, and wants to help, even if she doesn't go about it the right way. She is considerably emotion-driven.
Sairantha has difficulty with accepting and trusting new people into her personal affairs, and as such, generally prefers to work on her own. She will begrudgingly accompany others as a team, and will cooperate, but will be incredibly cautious and wary of people she doesn't know. While she eventually will come to terms with strangers, she sometimes already has come off as hostile and unfriendly, making it difficult to begin new relationships. Once someone has gained her trust, however, she is an incredibly loyal and reliable friend. She is a rather anxious individual because of her mistrust.

Tamer History
The Rinien family has lived in Dawn City for countless generations. Saira's great, great, great grandparents built the rustic house that her family still lives in. That house is old and worn, now, covered in a patchwork of wood and paint from years of quick repairs. Inside are four bedrooms with a large living space, occupied by her near family: father, mother, siblings, and her uncle. Behind the house is a large area for crop, and a stable large enough to occupy two horses.
Adanion, her father, inherited the home when his father died during a hunt with a collection of men from the City. The death was sudden, and strange; there was no body to show for it, no dead bear, and no blood. His father had been involved with a shady group of people in town, people who identified themselves as traders, but were, as Adanion found out later, smugglers and traders of illegal goods, as well as mercenaries for hire. While he had no evidence for his suspicions, he believed that men from this group killed his father for his debts--his father was an obsessive gambler, to the point where the house was actually lost on a bet. Adanion's father never made good on the deal.
Letting go
Despite his desire to seek his father's supposed killers, Maerwen, a close friend from his youth, convinced him not to. She admitted that she loved him and didn't want him to die. He reluctantly gave up his need for revenge, and married her two months later. Maerwen moved into the family home soon after, adopting a job as a seamstress for those in the City who could pay. She was well known for her great skill and dedication to her work, and made quite a bit of money. Adanion, however, barely worked, only tending the garden and handling his horse. Just before the birth of his first son, Meldiron, Maeren insisted he 'get off his arse' and find work. He began to hunt.
Meldiron was born that fall, and nearly exactly seven summers later, Sairantha was born. She and Mel were primarily raised by Adanion, as Maerwen was busy producing the majority of the family's income. Adanion would take the children out into the woods, teaching them to climb trees and swim in the rapids, and later, how to track animals and eventually how to hunt. He brought them alongside his hunting trips, letting the kids carry gear and help him collect hides and game. He made wooden swords for the two children, first training Mel in swordplay and archery, and then once Saira was four years of age, allowing her to join in the lessons.
Growing up
Her father crafted a miniature bow and sword for her to play with, but she took the weapons, particularly the bow, quickly. She would often mock fight with her brother, or race down the streets after the other children. At the age of eight her father began to treat her interest more seriously, providing her with stronger weapons and real arrows and blades. She had a keen eye and was able to hit a bullseye from across the field behind their house, and was adequate in using her wooden sword.
She met her closest friend, Raya, by running directly into her whilst playing in the streets and knocking the smaller girl to the ground. Raya was upset--mostly about dirtying her dress--and turned her cheek to Saira, who offered her a piece of smashed pastry from her pocket. Raya forgave her, and the two soon became friends. They played in the nearby meadows and made up games where Raya was a princess and Saira her personal guard, making flower crowns from daisies and staying out until dusk. The two developed a secret code, and left notes for each other in a number of spots in the city, often in tree hollows or under rocks.
Old grudges
Saira's uncle, Nestaron, was a figure she'd seen little of in her life. His arrival at their home was shocking; and he bore bad news. At the time Sairantha was too young to really understand what her parents spoke of. It wasn't until later that she learned of her grandfather, his debt and death, and how her uncle had never let go. Nestaron had spent the last nine years searching and investigating his father's death and had tracked down the killers--and was determined to get wide scale revenge. At first, Adanion refused his brother, sending him away from the home. Eventually though, he caved, his need for vengeance renewed. Nestaron was invited back to the home where he lived with the family while he and Adanion planned their course of action.
Saira and Mel's training continued. That winter, Alya, the youngest Rinien child, was born. Unlike her elder siblings, Alya was raised primarily by Maerwen, and grew up to be very different than her brother and sister. She rarely saw Saira and Mel, who were occupied with training and practice. Once Saira reached the point where she could learn no more from her father and uncle, she sought the help of others, practicing with other local huntsmen and women. Her brother continued to help her hone her skills with swordplay, although she was never as good with blades as she was with her bow.
She overheard her father and uncle talking in the stables one afternoon--she ended up eavesdropping on the conversation. She overheard them discussing that they were going to be "visiting" somebody in the woods, and decided to follow them. Bow in hand, she stealthily crept after her idols as they traveled. Within an hour, they arrived at a small cottage in a clearing, in the middle of nowhere.
Her father knocked on the door calmly, her uncle unsheathing a sword. A large man opened the door, peering out at the two intruders before his lips melded into a grin. He welcomed them like they were old friends, but her father quickly sprung into action, pinning the stranger against the wall of his own home. A fight soon ensued. The result was disastrous; her uncle was knocked down, unconscious, and her father was pressed onto the ground, his own sword poised over his chest. Sairantha couldn't just stand there, watching. She took action, loading her bow and shooting the stranger. Her arrow pierced his neck, and when his focus was diverted towards Saira, her father leaped to his feet and stabbed him in the heart.
Her father told her the truth as they traveled back home; that he was hunting down his fathers killers, and that that man was one of them. She felt betrayed by her father, who she always thought was the ideal, perfect parent. She began to avoid him, although she didn't tell her siblings or mother what had happened. She did confide in Raya, who suggested she talk to her uncle and father, rather than allow the events to fester into hatred in her mind. Saira agreed, and Raya said that she would go with her, for friendly support. Saira planned to do it in two days time, when she knew her father would be at home, tending the field.
Two days afterwards, a group of men attacked the house. Her father and uncle attempted to hold them off while Meldiron and Sairantha attempted to help Alya, Maerwen, and Raya from the house. Her father and uncle were fighting a losing battle, and Saira impulsively decided to join the fight. Still young, she was quickly overpowered and pushed to the ground, a nasty wound on her back. Her brother, noting her absence, came to her rescue, killing his sisters assailant. Shortly afterwards though, the group of intruders fled, taking Adanion with them. Nestaron failed to track them down.
Afterwards, her mother fell into a depression jag shortly after, becoming heavily detached from her family and the world. She firmly believed her husband was dead, even though Nestaron firmly believed otherwise.
Sairantha continued to train, mostly with the help of her uncle and two local instructors. When she was eighteen, Raya was brutally assaulted and murdered by two men from a nearby settlement; Sairantha took it upon herself to seek revenge, not unlike her father, and killed the both of them after tracking them down individually and breaking into their homes. The first man she stabbed in his sleep, and the second she killed when she found him hunting in the forest.
She met Merrik Tetra while traveling with her brother to another city, seeking the instruction of a well known archer. For awhile, they traveled alongside each other (on the insistence of her brother), and got to know one another. Initially apprehensive, she took to what he said about dragons and tamers with a grain of salt. However, his words planted a fantastical image in her mind. She asked him if he had a dragon, and he said he did, summoning his dragon to prove it. She found herself in total awe as he asked if she would like to join the tamers on their quest, and hurriedly agreed. It would be her chance to do something with her life, and maybe repair her family name.
With the Order
Joining the Order was a leap for Saira. After the bonding ceremony, she wanted so badly to bail and return to her old life; but she couldn't break that promise, that bond. Aerarya soon became her best friend, one of the few she could completely trust in her new home. She grew to like the Meadow well enough, and took to the rigorous training with vigor, particularly at the monastery, where she took the chance to learn something to heart, learning a little bit about the Order's history, and developing new techniques for her swordplay and archery both. She began to open up some time into training, going on an exhilarating hunt with Merrik after a giant boar, and meeting the great Mare of the Woods. While she's yet to make a name for herself among the people, she's beginning to build her confidence.

Tamer Relationships
Adanion Rinien//Father//54//MIA
Sairantha was always her father's favorite, and she held an adoration for him so strong that made them inseparable, a relationship even closer than Adanion's with his wife. Since she was young she was stuck to his side like glue, nearly worshiping his every move. She simply thought he was a god born in a mortal body. He taught her nearly everything she knows, and became her inspiration. However, since discovering his sketchy history, her relationship with him has been fragmented, her love for her father dissipated with skepticism and betrayal.
Maerwen Rinien-Alluth//Mother//52
Originally, Saira and her siblings held an average relationship with their mother. She would cook breakfast and they would give her a peck on the cheek before leaving to go about their day, and would cherish her devotion to the family in the usual way. However, after Adanion's disappearance, and her deterioration, Sairantha grew distanced from her mother, hating her for her weakness and lack of strength.
Nestaron "Fleetfoot" Rinien//Uncle//49
Saira was nearly as close to her uncle as she was to her father as a youth, and still remains so. Despite learning of her uncles associations with her father's wrongdoings, she still treats him the same and looks up to him as a second idol. She can tell her uncle anything and knows he'll listen intently, without judging.
Meldiron Rinien-Alluth//Elder Brother//29
Sairantha and Meldiron always held a playful, loose relationship with each other. As children, they practiced on each other, sparring often in the yard for fun. He often picked on his younger sister, originally causing her to dislike her brother, but as they grew older and more mature, they gained a liking for each other not too different than between friends.
Alya Rinien//Younger Sister//14
Sairantha never bonded quite as much with her younger sister as she did with her brother, but still holds affection for her. Even though she is a teenager, Saira still treats her like a baby that needs to be coddled, although she does it out of love and not of spite.
Raya Glandeur//Close Friend//22//Deceased
Raya was her close childhood friend and understandably held a special place in Saira's heart. Raya was like a sister to her, always there for her to talk to and understanding. When she wasn't with her father, she was usually always with Raya. When her friend died, she was torn to pieces, falling into a jag of depression and disbelief. Sometimes, she still will 'talk' to Raya inside her mind, missing her friend's presence and advice.
Tamer Strengths
Saira has a sharp eye and acute senses, allowing for her to track people and animals and shoot with great accuracy. She can see her target from great distances away and is attuned to the wind- she can feel which direction it is moving in and accurately can decipher how far it will blow her arrows off course. She can pick up on slight body language and the most sparse of details.
Since she was young she has been studying the art of using bows in combat as well as when hunting. She has a great amount of raw skill with her bow and some with throwing knives. While she isn't an expert and has plenty to learn and space to grow, she is still an astounding bow-woman.
Quick Learner
Saira picks up new skills quickly.
Thinks Before Acting
Sairantha often will thoroughly think things through before acting. She's quite the opposite of impulsive.
Sairantha can move quickly through nearly any obstruction and can easily avoid attacks and traps. She has a fast reaction time.
Tamer Weaknesses
Saira hardly trusts anybody, apart from those whom which she is close to. It takes a long time to gain even a smidgen of her trust.
Lack of Experience
Saira has been living in a relatively sheltered life, compared to most warriors and adventurers in the world. She has only had a handful of real-life combat experiences, often accompanied by others. She also is not in any way an expert on anything, leaving her without a specialization.
Arguably a strength and a weakness, Saira has a great deal of compassion. She works well with humans (that she can trust, anyways) and can empathize easily, but in the thick of battle, her compassion works against her. She detests killing and inflicting pain on others. Her morality sometimes gets the best of her.
Saira can usually hold her own, but while she is relatively strong, she wouldn't be able to wrestle off a 200 pound man for her life unless she pulled something clever (luck is not a good thing to rely on).
Apart from being inexperienced, Saira is also still very young at heart; she has trouble seeing limits, both personal and otherwise, frequently gets lost in her daydreams and fantasies, and is a bit of an idealist.
Tamer Abilities/Skills
Saira is incredibly skilled at using a bow and arrows, and can also use throwing knives and a variety of other ranged weaponry.
While she is not the greatest at using a sword, Saira can defend herself from close quarters with an average sword. She can also fight with daggers and knives.
Being primarily an archer, Saira relies on being able to stay hidden from her enemy. She is near silent on her feet, and is adept at making herself undetectable.
She has retained basic survival skills- she can patch up a wound, find food, water, build a shelter, etc.
Sairantha can move quickly through nearly any obstruction and can easily avoid most attacks and traps.
Bonded Ability
Similar to her dragon's power of fog, Saira can summon a loose cloud of mist in the area around her. It lasts briefly (2-3 minutes at best), and has a radius of roughly 5-10 feet. Works best under proper weather conditions.

Dragon Basics

Image source
Dragon Name: Aerarya
Dragon Gender: Female
Dragon Species: Atmosphere dragon (Silver dragon)
Species Description:
The silver dragon is a long, sleek, and muscular creature of the skies. With near black eyes and a glistening sliver body with massive pearly wings, they were once seen skittering through the skies, dipping in and out of the cloud line. They feel at home in extremely high altitudes and have what seems to be everlasting flight endurance. The ancients called them Chinooks for they would breath their warm air down the mountain sides as they soars over the peaks; a gift to the farmers when a cold snap threatened their crops.
They are graceful and elegant beings with a love for humans specifically. They once played with the cloud formations trying to maintain helpful weather for the citizens of the lands. These dragons have gentle souls and see their tamers as their most revered companion. There is nothing a silver dragon wouldn't do for its human and through their unwavering loyalty and compassion they form bonds so strong that their humans too would do anything for them. Their fire is silver.
The silver dragon is a long, sleek, and muscular creature of the skies. With near black eyes and a glistening sliver body with massive pearly wings, they were once seen skittering through the skies, dipping in and out of the cloud line. They feel at home in extremely high altitudes and have what seems to be everlasting flight endurance. The ancients called them Chinooks for they would breath their warm air down the mountain sides as they soars over the peaks; a gift to the farmers when a cold snap threatened their crops.
They are graceful and elegant beings with a love for humans specifically. They once played with the cloud formations trying to maintain helpful weather for the citizens of the lands. These dragons have gentle souls and see their tamers as their most revered companion. There is nothing a silver dragon wouldn't do for its human and through their unwavering loyalty and compassion they form bonds so strong that their humans too would do anything for them. Their fire is silver.
Species Abilities:
Fog: These snakelike creatures have an instinct from their ancestors to use the temperature fluctuation in their breath to slightly alter weather conditions; they can summon a layer of fog to surround themselves.Sky Dive: Because of their genetically abnormal lungs they can soar the even the highest of altitudes and come shooting down out of the sky like a falling star. This may seem like a strange ability but there is no other dragon capable of a lightning quick ambush from the skies in the blink of an eye.
Twister: Due to the large area their wings hold silver dragons can soar long distances with fewer wing beats, giving them their long distance abilities. But these large wings have another unique use; they can whip up small twisted on the ground; by combining their hot and cool breath with a current of air from their wing beats they have been know to stir up twisters around 100 ft tall.
Dragon Personality
Dignified (but still playful)
Aerarya likes to act rather posh and elegant, even though she's playful and a little childish. She takes after some of the other dragons in this respect, playing 'monkey see, monkey do'. She picks and chooses her company carefully, and holds herself under high self-regard.
Aerarya is about as loyal as you can get. She'd follow her tamer to the moon and back. She is incredibly protective and would sacrifice herself in a heartbeat to save her human's life.
Aerarya detests violence. She has a strong belief that life should be spared by any means necessary, and that even people with the most corrupted of minds can be fixed. She can easily sympathize with anybody.
Aerarya has an intense need to know everything about anything. Often times, her curiosity can distract her from the task at hand.
Dragon Strengths
Being an atmosphere dragon, Aerarya is as fast as can be. She can dart in and out of the cloud line at breakneck speed and could probably give several dragons a run for their money.
Sharp Talons
Aerarya's talons are rather sharp.
Aerarya is literally bursting with energy. She could go for hours without tiring, however at the end of her frequent high, she crashes and falls dead asleep.
Dragon Weaknesses
Dignified (but still playful)
Aerarya likes to act rather posh and elegant, even though she's playful and a little childish. She takes after some of the other dragons in this respect, playing 'monkey see, monkey do'. She picks and chooses her company carefully, and holds herself under high self-regard.
Aerarya is about as loyal as you can get. She'd follow her tamer to the moon and back. She is incredibly protective and would sacrifice herself in a heartbeat to save her human's life.
Aerarya detests violence. She has a strong belief that life should be spared by any means necessary, and that even people with the most corrupted of minds can be fixed. She can easily sympathize with anybody.
Aerarya has an intense need to know everything about anything. Often times, her curiosity can distract her from the task at hand.
Dragon Strengths
Being an atmosphere dragon, Aerarya is as fast as can be. She can dart in and out of the cloud line at breakneck speed and could probably give several dragons a run for their money.
Sharp Talons
Aerarya's talons are rather sharp.
Aerarya is literally bursting with energy. She could go for hours without tiring, however at the end of her frequent high, she crashes and falls dead asleep.
Dragon Weaknesses
Aerarya is frightened by many things, including, but not limited to spiders, water, dogs/wolfs, enclosed spaces, and darkness.
Silver dragons are used to having the freedom of the sky to maneuver and fly. In a tight or dense area, Aerarya will have difficulty spreading her wings and getting into the air, not to mention flying. She'll trip over nearly anything and everything, sometimes injuring herself in the process. Once she's moving, though, she's usually alright.
Her intense defensive nature doesn't stop at sacrificing herself; Aerarya also relentlessly seeks revenge on those who hurt the humans she cares about, be it her tamer or otherwise.
Aerarya is frightened by many things, including, but not limited to spiders, water, dogs/wolfs, enclosed spaces, and darkness.
Silver dragons are used to having the freedom of the sky to maneuver and fly. In a tight or dense area, Aerarya will have difficulty spreading her wings and getting into the air, not to mention flying. She'll trip over nearly anything and everything, sometimes injuring herself in the process. Once she's moving, though, she's usually alright.
Her intense defensive nature doesn't stop at sacrificing herself; Aerarya also relentlessly seeks revenge on those who hurt the humans she cares about, be it her tamer or otherwise.
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