Forgotten 『Shane』and 『Wildpelt』

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Sean sighed, and sat up again. "You don't understand what it's like to forget. Right now, you're really pressuring me into remembering. Just accept the fact that I don't remember shit, and get over it. I don't remember you. I don't remember me. I don't remember my parents. Hell, I don't remember anything. It's not my fault my brain said 'Oh, wouldn't it be so hilarious to give up on him.' It's not my fault. It's not my fault, it's not my fault, it's not my fucking fault.." He gritted through his teeth the whole entire time. "It's not my fault..!!!" He yelled, clenching his fist tightly. His heart began to speed up tremendously. "It's not my fault! Leave me alone..!!" He yelled again, putting the thin sheet over his head. He just felt like screaming and shouting that it wasn't his fault, until he felt better about himself.
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