
Original poster
Normally when I rp I like to play the bottom/sub/omega role. I can rp in either threads or pms. I normally write one to two paragraph's per post (give or take depending on the situation.) Please pm me if you are interested in this plot.

Plot 1: May contain: School life, bondage, dark kinks, smut

Your character is the son priest at their temple. They have recently moved to a new town and YC will be attending school/collage. (depending on age preference) However, the temple has captured a demon and is currently keeping the demon in the basement. The demon, my character, isn't too happy about being locked up all the time so the priest has made it YC's job to look after him, which means YC has to make sure he behaves and punishes him when he does something wrong. They enroll the demon in the same classes so he can have a chance to better his life with education. Through spending time together the two characters become closer and eventually grow feelings for each other.

Plot 2: Will contain: Mpreg, school life, bondage, dark kinks, smut

Plot two has the same basic plot with YC being the priest's son and MC being the captured demon. While the two become closer and get into a more sexual relationship, it is found out that MC has the ability to become pregnant and apparently has done so with YC being the father. How will the two go on knowing of their forbidden love? What will YC do when it comes to their father?
I'd be willing to give this a try
Sweet ^-^ Send me a pm and we can talk about setting up the rp.