For the Love of Words

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Original poster
My 900th POST!! Go me!

Ok, now I understand that this game may have been done already, but I wanted to post it anyway. It might be a game for me and crap for someone else but here goes. I LOVE words. They are quintessentail and out right make me giddy.

So for this game all you have to do is post a word that you love. A word that makes you smile every time you read it. A word that you would like to use everyday if you could. But like me you have to keep your BIG words muffled since they might cause a proliferation of critical thinking that some might consider painful.

That being said, grab your Dictionary and Thesaurus and lets have some fun.

For example: audacious, cheeky or even fuck. (Sure fine if it tickles your giggle)

But really have fun with it. I'll start with

Ephemeral -Lasting only for a short time (maybe like this game but it just sounds so nice) and its my 900th post!
Abomination- 1. (n.) The feeling of extreme disgust and hatred; abhorrence; detestation; loathing;
2. (n.)That which is abominable, shamefully vile; an object or state that excites disgust and hatred; very often with religious undertones.
Degenerate - I love calling people this who I consider to be deserving of the title.
pleth·o·ra (plthr-)
1. A superabundance; an excess.
2. An excess of blood in the circulatory system or in one organ or area.
[Late Latin plthra, from Greek, from plthein, to be full; see pel-1 in Indo-European roots.]

I love how it sounds!
Fustilugs : A grossly fat or slovenly woman.
mew: lair, retreat, animal sound.

(I'd put more but im very very tired..) and it sounds cute.
Awesomeness - I know a lot of people say this, but its one of my favorites.