For the Dragons

Fire Starter's voice entered her mind, gently and just as carefully as he had with the others.

Why do you stand here?

He asked. It was a simple question, yet one that could have so many different answers. Which is precisely why he chose this question. The other dragons had different thoughts, even different questions that they would ask, but it was not Fire Starter. He always had other thoughts.
Zairee welcomed his voice into her mind. Not one ounce of worry did she feel when the strong voice entered her mind. She breathed out slowly closing her eyes for a second and then looking at him once again.

I am here because for once my heart beats for something I've dreamed of my entire life. . You saw something in me that no one else has.
There is something within me that feels that I belong, I cannot lie to my soul.

She answered feeling a little lightheaded from concentrating in speaking to him from her mind. She felt pride in herself at that moment and could only imagine her papa's smiling face whenever he'd tell her about dragons and how he spoke to them. He might not have been proud of the moment and neither would her mother be, but Zairee felt more pride in herself than ever before
Fire Starter bent his head down to see her through one eye. Something clicked for him, almost as if he was breathing for the first time.

Wise....I wish to share that heart through the sky with me?

He asked. Yet, even as he spoke, he knew what her answer would be. He let smoke flow through his nostrils and over her.
She bowed her head as well accepting the bond that now tied the two forever.

I would be honored

The congregation stirred for mere seconds before some clapping occurred. When the smoke had cleared leaders of the town stared in shock. Zairee looked over at the crowd and felt hesitation as some of the leaders walked her way. They stood before her stern looks on their faces. "What have you done?" One tall woman snapped. "The choice was not only mine..." she whispered at their glares. "You have no place in this line how dare you go behind the rules we have set do you not understand they are enforced for your protection? How are we going to be protected with all these men wanting to ride and we have a young elf barely able to speak up soaring the skies it's an abomination!" The older man said placing his spectacles higher on his nose. Zairee stood her ground and faced them. "If you wish to argue you speak to him." she said looking over at Fire Starter. Against protocol or not, he had also chosen her and no one was going to break the bond.
Fire Starter moved to stand behind her, her forelegs on either side of her, offering her a barrier.


He spoke to the congregation, yelling and calling order.

"I not argue..." He said, his voice cracking and popping with the effort. The other dragons nodded, dipping their head towards the bronze. They had acknowledged his superiority and command, amongst them he was a great dragon, already for one so young.
The faces in the crowd contorted with fear and then respect. To argue with a dragon was forgetting one's place. The people had elected protectors for a reason. The leaders sighed in frustration. "It is not the norm Fire Starter... we do not mean any disloyalty or offense. She is just a girl." Zairee eyed them incredulously. "Your mother will be quite upset when she hears of this... she's lost a husband, a daughter pursuing dreams will cause her grief. She's not ready." the taller woman snorted again looking down at the young elf whose shoulders squared on the woman showed determination of those years above her.
Fire Starter moved forward, face lowering.

You say just a girl...and yet, the ones who made the pact between our people were just children. The greatest kings and princes our your kind were mere children. Can not one person influence a people? I have deemed her worthy, and amongst my kind that is all that is needed. Should it be so difficult amongst your kind?

The leaders knew the very truth in the dragon's words. "Forgive us Fire Starter. Change is hard to accept, even harder when it comes as a surprise." Even though they were sincere in apology they were unnerved and angered by Zairee. She was sure they would seek out her mother at once. Without worrying she turned again to the dragon. The night would bring festivities in the town. kiosks, dance, folklore, food and the 'crowning' so to say of the new riders. She could already hear the townspeople begin their walk back into town where the bonfire was waiting to be lit by the dragons for the cooking to begin. Zairee smiled softly at Fire Starter. "Thank you." she said to him when the leaders walked off.
A few of the others quickly paired off with their riders, only four females remaining undecided and unchosen. One of them was the green that Fire Starter had spoken with before. She approached, smiling at the pair. She mind-spoke her congratulations before heading towards the bonfire.

Fire Starter turned his head back to Zairee.

Speak no thanks. We are bonded now and tis my duty to protect you. Besides, the people of this town have been pompous too long. I wished to set them in place and remind them of my status.
Zairee nodded at his words. The people of the town had forgotten that if it weren't for these dragons they would have been destroyed by now. There were forces beyond their comprehension that dwelled deep in the forests and mountains that surrounded their little town. Thieves had attacked her father and had left him for dead. She remembered watching the burial like a far off nightmare. She looked at all the dragons and her new life. She vowed right then she would protect any others from her father's fate.

Iridessa had packed different herbs, flowers and leaves into her basket and was getting ready to start on her way home. She knew that by now the ceremony was well over with and that many would be in to the shop on the next few weeks as the new riders went into training. So many were hurt while others were nervous. She would be a busy woman as would be her daughter. She remembered Zairee asking if she could take part in the ceremony. She shook her head and began down the trail home
Fire Starter smiled at her.

Shall we go enjoy the feast?

He began to plod off, his tail sweeping out behind him.
Zairee realized then she hadn't eaten since breakfast that morning. She nodded at Fire Starter and held her rumbling stomach.
My stomach agrees
She laughed lightly following slightly behind him off to his side. The town was coming alive for the festival of the bonding ceremony. Paper lanterns lit the main road of the town where dancing, kiosks of goods for sale and food lined the buildings. She trotted over to where an older elf female was stirring a steaming pot.
"It smells delicious what is it?" The old elf smiled at her and handed her a bowl. "It's Kharcho. Only three dollars." Zairee had never heard of the red colored soup before but decided her nose couldn't be too wrong. She handed the woman the money from her pocket and walked over to where logs had been split and were being used as benches to sit were. She sat cross legged balancing the rounded bowl in one hand she took a first bite. So many flavors burst on her taste buds. Her mother was an excellent cook but was very bland and not very spontaneous with choices. After three more bites the flame began to build in her mouth. She swallowed a mouthful down and looked around for water. Whatever she was eating was going to make her spit fire
Fire Starter followed her, dipping his head to sniff the stew. Pulling his head away and sneezing out a burst of fire.

That smells strong.

He followed her and as she sat on a bench, he sat behind her, his tail curling around the bench she was on.
She coughed putting the bowl down on the bench and moved quickly to the nearest kiosk buying a drink and downing it. She looked back at Fire Starter and smiled

I'm surprised fire didn't come out of my throat.

She laughed
Fire Starter chuckled.

That would have been a sight.

He remained curled around the bench she had been seated on.

Do you wish to see where we shall be staying as dragon and rider?

He asked with a dragon smile.
Her eyes suddenly widened with interest and she stood up straight from her crouched position fighting off the heat from the food. She nodded excitedly and eyed the bowl.

I'm not sure if you'd like a bite of this kinda stuff but it seems right up your alley.

​She smiled pushing the bowl a little closer down the bench.
He bent his head down to sniff it again and shook his head. His nose wrinkled in disgust and he turned.
She couldn't hold back a slight giggle. "I guess burning lava soup isn't your idea of a meal." She stood up and looked around at the festivities.

Lead the way

she said to Fire Starter waiting for him to show her where they would stay. Her mother would be home at dusk and she would tell her then or shortly there after that things had changed. She pushed out all bad thoughts of what the future lay for her and her mother, she would understand.... she'd have to. right?
Fire Starter wrapped his tail lightly around her, reassuringly, before letting her go and walking off towards the edge of town.

Each pair of both dragon and rider take a seperate resting place. That way they can share, talk, and learn of each other in private.

He motioned to a field with a large barn in the middle.

This has been my home for a while. It will be out shared quarters from now on.
Zairee followed him and felt a sense of excitement bubbling within her. This was truly happening it wasn't a dream. She remembered how to get to this place from her home. She also noticed it was in a place her mother would not normally venture on her quest for herbs and plants.

What if you tire of attempting to train me? What if I fail you as a rider?

she asked from her heart. It had been the number one concern from the moment she stepped foot within the line of participants of the ceremony