For the Dragons

He nodded, flying in circles.

Very much. I prefer it this way.
They flew for what seemed like hours and with each and every day they flew, she noticed that they were getting more in sync. The flights were longer and he challenged her each day to something new. She enjoyed the challenge. They were getting so light in the air and becoming more lithe.

Fire Starter swooped down to the ground landing beside the barn softly. Zairee hopped down and smiled at Fire Starter. It had been at least a week or so since she had seen or heard from Adriel. His sister's funeral had progressed through town and she had seen it from the air atop Fire Starter as all the dragons had flown above in a sign of respect, their riders with them. Fire Starter nudged his head at her and looked in the direction of the pathway towards town. There standing with a smile was Adriel, his oiling satchel along with him. Zairee turned and fought back a smile. She was glad to see him.
Adriel walked to them and surprised both Zairee and Fire Starter when he dropped his satchel and hugged her. She blushed fiercely when he put her back down and bowed to the dragon. He left the young elf's side to work on her dragon's itchy body.

"I hear from the other riders in town that you are doing way better than they expected for a girl." he said from the back of the massive creature. "Well I like proving people wrong." she shrugged lightly feeling confident. "You ready for the mating flight this week big guy?" he asked picking off a few loose scales. Fire Starter made a noise that had Zairee laughing.
Fire Starter walked away from the elves with a tad bit of annoyance. He launched himself into the air and away from them, soaring and flying with joy and thoughts flying free.
Zairee watched after him with her eye brows furrowed. "Was it something I said?" Adriel asked picking up his bag. "I'm not sure..." "Hey..." he said reaching out to brush her cheek. "Let's go for a walk." "I'm not sure that's a good idea." "He's off flying... I'm sure you can talk to him if you wanted to... vice versa." "Adriel..." "Come." he said holding her hand and pulling her towards the path to town. Zairee looked up to the sky feeling a new kind of uneasiness with Fire Starter's departure.

They reached the edge of a small lake near her home before the barn. "How are you doing?" she asked as they sat with their feet leaning off of the small rickety deck, submerged in water. "Well... I'm doing better." She smiled. "How about you... how are you doing with the whole rider thing?" "We are a pretty good team." she smiled confidently. "And have you seen your mother?" she shook her head frowning. "How is she?" "Well... she's been pretty sharp with everyone since your bonding." "How's papa's herb shop doing?" "Same as usual... although she has lost some clients without being able to go out to get the herbs and tend the shop at the same time..." "I wish she would find more help." "Well you know your mama." She nodded looking over at him. "You know Zairee... you could always still help her." "I need to train... you know that a rider must stay with their dragon and train incessantly to prepare for future battles." "How about the present... what are you going to do about that?" She shrugged. "What present?" "This one." he said leaning in to place a kiss on her lips. She shyed away instinctively and blushed fiercely in the sunlight of mid afternoon.
Fire Starter blocked off all communication with Zairee. He was hungry and slightly hurt. Some great dragon he was! He could not even go a day without a great oiling or affection or meal. He swooped down, picking up a deer and gulping it down in flight. It was supposed to be bad for digestion, flying and eating at the same time but he did not care.

If only dragons had it the way two-leggeds had it. He wished to be Neema's mate, but it was obvious there was no such path ahead of them as of yet.
"Is this why you left home?"

Adriel and Zairee both turned instantly at the harsh voice behind them. Zairee's mother stood with a basket full of herbs staring at the two elves. "Mama." Zairee said running to her. "Don't bother Zairee. First you leave the house to train with a dragon who by the looks of it has abandoned you on land to lock lips with an oiling elf. That will get you pretty far." Adriel shook his head at her cruel words. Zairee eyed her mother. There was something different about it. Her eyes looked discolored and her skin looked different. "Mama... you'd never really say things like that what's going on?" The entire time her mother would not look at her daughter in the eyes. When Zairee went to touch her mother she instantly jumped back with a noise unlike anything Zairee had heard escaped her chest.

Adriel was beside Zairee quickly pulling her slightly behind me. "Iridessa are you feeling okay?" The older elf nodded and turned to leave. "I've never seen her that way." he said hugging Zairee to his side. "Adriel... that was not my mother... something's wrong... I can feel it." Zairee placed her hand to the ground feeling the life around her and with every footstep her mother took away from them, the more Zairee noticeed that something wasn't right.
Fire Starter landed by his barn, pushing his way in with a growl. He was upset, rightfully so. He had felt something stir. The other riders and their dragons had long gone out to search for their own territory, knowing that this territory was his.
"What do you mean?" "Something is in mama... that is not my mother. We need to alert the town... there hasn't been a possession in years, this is dangerous." Adriel decided to tell his father and alert the town. "Come with me, they won't believe me." "I need to get to Fire Starter." "Zairee..." "Adriel, this is my job." She jumped up into the trees and headed towards the barn. She jumped down into the clearing and ran quickly to him.

Something has happened. My mother has been posessed.
Fire Starter peeked out of the barn, blowing smoke from his nostrils.

What do you mean? How would you even know?
Fire Starter I know my mother and when I put my hand to feel, life was nowhere near my living, breathing mother. Her eyes were so different... her skin... it's not right. She's been taken as host I know it.

Adriel made it to town looking around not knowing why any of the people inhabiting would care. They didn't care when his sister had been taken, why would they care now, especially for Zairee's mother. He ran home to alert his father, Gideon.
FireStarter huffed.

Very well...but I do not know but one method to save her...

His eyes looked down at her sadly and he wondered if she could handle it.
Zairee's eyes misted and she swallowed hard. She blinked at the teeming tears.


She felt fear and anxiety awaiting the answer. She was sure that just maybe she didn't want to know but something told her within to be strong. It was in their hands to save her mother.
Fire Starter sighed, pulling her in for a hug before saying sadly...

I take the demon into me and battle it there...we have no priest here that could exorcise it safely...I have a feeling it is a Void Demon and those are extremely difficult to exorcise...
[[Sorry for the long pause between posts, I've been super busy and stressed with finals. I have three days until freedom until Fall semester.]]

Zairee had learned to deal with loss with the death of her father and although it had been quite difficult in the weeks since the bonding and having left her mother, the thought that her mother was in danger and now Fire Starter would also be battling a dangerous omen, she feared for two beings she loved dearly.

You will be all right though won't you?

She asked frantically attempting to control her tears. The dragon stood before her with a look of concern on his face.
Fire Starter felt his heart lurch at the look on his rider's face and the way she phrased the question.

I do not take me to your mother...

He frowned, turning around and walking off, his tail dragging in the dirt and his scales clattering.
Zairee simply nodded and walked along side the dragon towards the baobab tree. The door was left slightly ajar they noticed once they arrived.

I'll see if I can bring her out.

Zairee crept into the home before Fire Starter warned and called out for her mother. "Mama?... Can you come outside with me I want you to see something." she heard the rustling going on upstairs and made it up the steps quickly. "Mama?" The woman standing in the corner looked like her mother only in faint ways. The body was her mothers but the eyes were different. They had gone from bright green to a dark almost purple. The veins around her neck seemed to have been tinted black. "Mama...." "What do you want!" she screamed at the young elf. Zairee staggered backwards almost falling down the steps.

She choked back tears. "Mama... come with me... please?" "I know why you want me outside. You want that dragon to come after me. I'm here to stay, leave ... or else." Zairee stood her ground and shook her head. "This is my mother, you have no place here. You're going to regret ever using her body and coming into the protected lands of Fire Starter." The chuckle that escaped the woman's body had Zairee's hair on edge. The woman lurched forward with hands extended trying to grab for Zairee's throat. The young elf ran down the stairs as quick as possible with her possessed mother a step behind her. "You'll regret ever coming here!" Before Zairee could reach for the door the demon grabbed hold of her shoulder sending a burning sensation down her arm. Zairee twisted from beneath the grasp falling back into the kitchen with great force.

She could see through the open door that Fire Starter was growing impatient and was going to rip through the home any moment. She stood to her feet and glared at the being. "Come on then!" she yelled back at the demon jumping over the wooden table, past the woman and heading back for the door. The demon was on her heels when Zairee kneeled down sending her mother toppling over her and out onto the trail. When the woman roared standing up she came face to face with Fire Starter with nostrils puffing out smoke and a slightly agape jaw, flames crackling.
Fire Starter waited outside, panicking as he heard Zairee's pleas and calls. As soon as her mother appeared before him, he leaned over, a great clawed hand enveloping her gently as his eyes turned to slits and he began chanting.

No teara los nemaria...No teara los nemaria...