


Original poster
the Fighting Pen

Around him the crowd gave out a bloodthirsty roar. Dirk stepped into the arena with a smile as he turned too look at the spectators. Drug addicts and killers. Freaks and fuckers! All gathering in one place to watch him perform. To watch him kill. He gave a satisfied laugh at the turn out before setting his gaze across the arena to his opponent. The speakers boomed as Critter, the announcer, began speaking.
"We have a satisfying fight to the death this afternoon folks! In the Guzzlers corner we have Dirk, who has been accused of stealing the accusers rations."
A few members in the crowd boo'd, primary supporters of the Marauders.
"In the Marauders corner we have Dom, the accuser."
Similar to himself, Dom got a few boos. This time from the Guzzlers in the crowd.
"This is the third time the two have been caught scrapping in the streets, and we all know what that means!"
In unison the crowd roared out.
"That's right, a fight to the death! Joining us is the Baroness of our fine city, Jessica Grimm!"
Once again the crowd roared out in support. The Baroness herself sat high up in the stands in a balcony. She took a sip from a wine glass and gave a quick wave around the arena.

Dirk focused across the arena towards Dom. The two had always butted heads, but today it would finally end. Dirk had been itching for a reason to kill him, and when the Raiders pulled him off as he was choking out Dom he knew they were being hauled off to the arena.
"Both of their respective factions have been provided weapons for their fighters, located conveniently in the lock boxes of the arena."
Two flags sat towards the center of the arena. One bearing the insignia of the Blood Guzzlers and the other the symbol for Monty's Marauders.

Both Dirk and Dom charged towards their respective flag. Opening the box, Dirk peered inside expecting to see one of his large knives. He frowned, pulling a dull and rusty butter knife from the box. He shot a glance back at the Guzzlers and flipped them off, a few laughed in response. Turning his attention back towards Dom the man already had his weapon, a revolver. The mercenary fired a shot at Dirk, the bullet hitting the box and hitting Dirk in the side. Growling, Dirk lobbed the box towards his opponent, who side stepped it and fired another shot, this one missing it's target.
Rushing forward, Dirk dodge another shot while a fourth hit him in the calf.
"Damn it Dom, quit shooting at me and fight like a man."
The man gave a cocky smirk and didn't answer, firing another shot as Dirk got a few feet closer towards him. The shot landed in Dirks shoulder, and though the pain was dulled by his enchantments it slowed him down. Before the mercenary could get off another shot, Dirk tackled him to the ground. The gun went off as the men hit the ground, the sixth and final bullet heading off towards the stands.
Dirk stabbed the rusty knife into the mans stomach and went to stab a second time before getting knocked in the head with the gun. The knife fell from his hands as he tried to gather himself but his vision was blurry from the blow. Dom pushed Dirk too the side, getting in another hit before climbing on top of him."Your last meal is going to be your own fuckin' blood Dirk." He said with a laugh, hitting Dirk in the stomach with the handle of the revolver.
Dom put the barrel of the gun to Dirks forehead and laughed as Dirk finally snapped back into focus. Dirk stretched out his arm, struggling to get a grip on the knife as Dom weight was pressed on his chest. Dom looked up towards the Baroness, who gave a quick thumbs down.
Dom smirked down at Dirk, hesitating before he pulled the trigger.
"Any last words?"
"Fuck you."

Dirk got a grip on the knife as Dom pulled the trigger, an unsatisfying *click* came instead of a bang. Stabbing the knife up into Dom neck, blood spurted from his throat as he grabbed at the knife that stuck from his throat. Pushing the dying man off him, Dirk stood laughing some as he caught his breath. Sitting up on his ass, he patted Dom as he struggled too breath with blood in his throat. Dirk stood up and looked over himself, taking note of his injures before looking down at his opponent.
"You hesitated Dom."
Giving the man a kick to the side, Dirk raised his arms into the air and turned in a circle looking over the crowd as they cheered.
"And the winner is Dirk!"
Looking up at the Baroness, Dirk watched as she stood from her seat, said something to one of her guards and disappeared from her balcony. Giving one last bow to the crowd, Dirk grabbed the rusty knife and limped back towards his exit.

Dirk laid in his small pad, sipping on a beer as he sharpened one of his combat knives. A knock came from his door and creaked open, expecting too see one of the Guzzlers floozies Dirk smiled at the door but frowned. Instead of a woman, it was a rather well-dressed man, resembling a butler, with a stoic face with his arms behind his back.
"Miss Grimm would like too speak with you."
Dirk frowned, stabbing the blade into the table.
"Guessin' I can't say no?"

The butler opened a door letting him into a room with a handful of other people. The door closed behind him with a dull thud. He ran a hand through his hair and whistled too himself as he looked around at everyone else. He found a seat in the middle of the room next too a small desk with a lamp and small statue. He started fidgeting with the statue before laying it sideways on the desk.
"Anyone know what we're fuckin' doing here?"
Ryder Rowe

Ryder's day was going decently as one did for people in the apocalyptic hellhole that was the world right now. He had just gotten back, delivering whatever evidence of his claimed bounties. Which came in whatever form provided by the employer. A finger, a hand, an ear, an eyeball. Sometimes an item of value of the bounty. Or a picture for those with cameras. Like the lucrative bounties placed by the Baroness as she wasn't one to settle for evidence that wasn't picture proof.

In fact, Ryder almost liked it. As it meant he didn't have to carry pieces of a human being or some item and hope that the employer would accept the fact he had in fact claimed the bounty and brought evidence back. Though sometimes, evidence of a body was hard. As sometimes, the poor individual found themselves being supper for some creature and after being cut out. It was a little hard to figure out what's what and what to do.

The collected bounties earned him a decent amount of supplies, ammo and even a small favor from one of the factions. Though he wasn't exactly interested in narcotics, or the allure of someone else. Ryder had more important matters. Such as repairing his motorcycle. A mere shadow of once it was, rusted and held together by slapped on parts. It was Ryder's pride and joy. Not to mention, allowed him easy transport.

But during the last bounty, the bike had taken a hit to the engine, so when on, would spew black smoke and made a much louder clicking noise than usual. So it needed repair before it failed on him during a bounty or mission.

Using a wrench, and a bunch of other things, Ryder was midway through when someone knocked on the door to his garage and home. "Ze door is unlocked." He called, his voice heavy with a strange accent.

In stepped in someone that looked like one of those creatures the Guzzlers' worshipped and aspired to be. "Yes?" Was all he said.

What followed was a summons to the Baroness. Which meant that Ryder had work to do. Work that if turned down would earn him a one way ticket onto the bounty board.

"So long as my bike is fixed vhen I get back. I vill head on over to ze Baroness." The man would nod silently before exiting through the open door, closing it as he left. Ryder donned his usual outfit of a leather jacket and his sometimes weapon, motorcycle helmet. The headgear causing his wild hair to be pressed down against his head. To anyone else, it'd be a discomfort, but to Ryder it was just routine for it to be this long and pressed down.

Now he found himself in a room with a bunch of other people that one would consider odd. But considering he lived in Folly, it was practically nothing note-worthy.

"Neine, all I vas told vas zat there vas a job offer. Und here ve are..." He would say to the inquiry.

This was to be an interesting job....

@TheQueensGuard @WhomeverElse
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Fayne Santilon

The harsh smell of different herbs and concoctions met with the tall woman's nose as she stirred an ancient pot. Hanging on her order board with a thumbtack, she gazed at the potion, running the ingredients through her mind once more. Alchemy wasn't Fayne's expertise, but after her mentor had passed on her eighteenth birthday four years prior, she had made the promise to the deceased woman that she would keep her work going. From outside, she listened closely, pausing her work. It sounded like like light clicks, or steps, against the earth.

However, to her relief, it was just Beau. Fayne watched with a smile as the male musk deer walked into the room, his hooves clicking against the stone floor. When she had first started learning and understanding her skill in Beastial magic, she had somehow managed to bond with Beau after finding him as a fawn. Being able to hear animals talk, it was understandable that they would have such an intense bond.

"Good morning, Beau. Did you see anyone trying to scout the cottage?" though the conversation was telepathic to her from Beau, she spoke her responses out loud, knowing the deer could understand her nonetheless. As the deer walked over, he looked into the pot and sneezed, walking away from the invading smells. He then looked at Fayne before rubbing his head against her leg in greeting.

"Nothing that I could see. I think those Marauders from last week gave up when they ran into a few night creatures." Beau responded, his voice filling Fayne's head with it's cautious tone. The woman added Wolf's Bane to the pot and covered it before scratching at the top of the deer's head. In the recent days, she had been hiding in the cottage because of crazed lunatics trying to find her location. It was most likely druggies trying to find get another high, even if it meant killing her to find it.

A week prior to finding out about the crazed group, Fayne had went into town to purchase more supplies; potion ingredients, arrows, leather, the works. However, she was stopped by a shady looking man, his hair gelled into spikes and his teeth sharpened to points as well. Nothing was said between them and he had handed her a slip of paper. On it read "Draught of Youth: Important, ASAP. Bring to Baroness in a week", to which the cautious woman retreated to her cottage, careful not be followed.

Now that she glanced around her cottage from one eye, her other covered with a black leather eye patch, she felt a gaping hole left behind from her mentor. She had been taken so suddenly that it seemed like she didn't have a chance to do or say anything. But now, she was sure that she was summoned by the Baroness. The potion was small and though it gave a youthful look to the consumer, it didn't shine a light against the potions of immortality or beauty. From her deductions, Fayne assumed that the order was an act of seeking her out in order to summon her. That meant she needed to go to the city and she needed to watch her back.

As the draught finished boiling down, Fayne gathered a small pack and filled it with necessities. She pulled the long locks of black hair that fell to her rib cage up into a ponytail before attaching her knife holster at her hip, her spear holster around her shoulder and across her back, and her arrow holder across her back as well. Beau watched the woman with curious eyes, sniffing at her Mansonia bow before she grabbed it and pulled it over her shoulder as well.

"The Baroness might have summoned me. Just in case it's a fluke, I need to be prepared." Fayne explained her situation as she pulled off her eye patch. Underneath revealed a long scar above and against her right eyebrow, something she just made a habit of covering ever since getting it. She stuffed the eye patch into her pack, as well as some health and mana potions. Grabbing the mask hanging beside the door, the black haired woman pulled it on and tied the knot behind her head tight, so as to make sure that it didn't fall off. "Wait on the edge of the tree line, but stay hidden, Beau. I have a feeling something might be going on, so when I find out, I'll let you know. Please be careful." Fayne lifted the mask on to the top of her head as she crouched, looking into the deer's eyes. She scratched underneath his ear and gave him a reassuring smile before standing once more, bottling the potion.

"Be sure to let me know when you leave!" Beau called to her as she left the cottage, pulling the animal mask onto her face, which was now the shape of a rabbit. And then. she was in a room that was filling with more and more people. Fayne stuck to the wall in the shadows, crossing her arms over her chest and watching the others very carefully. As one man entered and asked what they were doing there, another answered. The woman stayed quiet, attempting to blend into the shadows as much as possible. This was not what she expected when she assumed she was being summoned. Thankfully, though, it didn't seem like a trap... yet. Nonetheless, Fayne kept her forest green gaze on everyone at all times through her mask, keeping one hand by her dagger. Unfortunately, she was too far from Beau to telepathically communicate with him, so she hoped that he was safe and out of sight. If something happened to him, she was afraid of what she would do.
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Six of the Shadows

There's just something about the sun. Something about the light. Something about the world so bright.

Six stared absently up at the bright, blue sky, refusing to look away even as his eyes started to blur and water. He wasn't sure where he had heard the old song, but for a very long time it had stuck with him, swimming around in his head and slipping out of him in hums and whistles every now and again. He had no love for music and he definitely didn't love the pointless tune with it's pointless lyrics, but try as he might he never could forget them. The song was his anthem now. It was a sad commentary on the state of him. The only time his mind was ever truly his mind was when the midday sun sapped the magic in his veins. It was the only time the entity in his mind was ever truly silenced. Eventually the sky's glare became too much for him and he looked away, casting his gaze down unto the city instead. He was standing atop the roof of a mostly intact building in the heart of Grimms Folly. He liked to come up here sometimes and look down at the hordes of people maneuvering through the ruined streets. They were addicts, murderers, rapists and dark mages. All of them wicked and impure. Six always thought it fitting that they should all live in this squalor of a city like rats.

Eventually, he got tired of people watching and left the roof, weaving through the maze of halls and corridors inside the building until he came to a familiar door. There were brass plates in the form of a number 11 stuck to the door, and the outline of a 6 behind them where the other plate had fallen off. He turned the lock and went into the room, slamming the door behind him. He never bothered locking it. If someone wanted to break in he doubted a few rusty locks on a door that was barely hanging on to its hinges was going to be much of a roadblock.
He went straight for the bathroom, looking at himself in the broken mirror and shaking his head before rifling around in drawers for his battery powered sheers. He went to work scraping most of the hair from his head until he had a neat buzz cut. It was the way he preferred it and he spent a few moments scrutinizing his work. It wasn't long before he realized he wasn't alone. The door to his bedroom was open and there was something moving within the darkness. Something that was giving off waves of dark energy.

There's someone outside the door, little Asanii. The voice was soft and raspy at the same time. It echoed around in his head and fought against his own thoughts. Should we kill him now and be done? He's probably here to try and rob us you know. To put us back out on the streets with nothing to our name.

Asanii ignored the voice, walking through the darkness and opening the front door as the visitor was about to knock. The man's face registered shock before he realized he was in the presence of a shadow-caster in a building filled with whispering shadows. Then his face shifted back to impassive. He was impeccably clean and well dressed; not a single blood splatter in sight. Right then and there, Six knew this man wasn't from this part of town. "Your presence has been requested by the Baroness Jessica Grimm at her manor. If you would please, I can transport you there now."

"Why so urgent?" Six asked flatly.

"We've been searching for some time. You are not an easy person to find."

Fair enough. Six didn't question it further. If the Baroness really had summoned him then it was in his best interest to see what she wanted at the very least. And if she hasn't and this is a trap, then everyone involved will be dead before nightfall. It was as simple as that. The man hadn't heard the menacing internal dialogue six had just had with his more unstable half, and they arrived at the manor of Jessica Grimm in record time with no unexpected ambushes. Six entered the empty room and naturally gravitated toward a darkened corner, watching as other 'guests' arrived and questioned why they'd been summoned, but saying nothing.
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Both dark, powerful arms raised above her head and big mouth opened even bigger to let out a full and satisfactory yawn. One thick-fingered hand brushed up against a braid dangling from her head and she froze mid stretch. Both hands then went up to her head and felt around at the newness of the feel of her head and the alien sensation of the shaved back and sides. Big dark eyes popped open wide and she gasped as she caught a good look at herself in the mirror. A smile slowly unfurled from her lips and a very satisfied and very appreciative sound she let out.

"Mm-mm-MMMH!! Priz... my girl, you just gone and outdone yourself once more. Daaaaaayaaaam. Hey man, wouldja look at me? Wouldja please just look at this fantabulous creature sitting here? PRIZ!! You fire! You straight up fire, girl--"

"You fell asleep, B," a long, thin yet sinewy muscled arm reached over and set a pipe with some pungent herbacious herb smoldering in the bowl right in front of the other woman's face, "you didn't even take a hit. Take one now and let's drift, bae-bae..."

"Yeah, you gots the magic touch. Went out like a candle in the wind, girl. And yo! Ppppffft...!! Get that stank-ass-abomination-devil-grass out my face! Girl, please...! You know I gots a blank-cheque delivery AND I'm riding shotgun tonight. You know me. Get ready or get dead. You know what's good..."

"Who's driving? I needs to know. I always get this feeling--"

"Shut your stoner mouth before you let it run off and fill my head with that gobblie-goof nonsense sermon, " the large woman stood now and shook out her new 'do as she laughed, "naw, we cool Priz. You broken-headed, but we always cool. You don't even have to ask, sister. Oh you know who's driving....! Blank-cheque runs require the best. I ridin' with my boy, Brimstone."

"Breaker and Brimstone, eh?" a small smile turned into a scoff, "don't you get him killed, B.
Please. I get worried sometimes. I gets this feeling that--"

"Will it kill you to go visit him...? Priz, he still loves you. No matter what you think you did. You should go talk to him. He's been waiting on you, girl. Waitin'..."

"Oh he's been waiting?!" the tall silver, black and purple headed girl made an aggressive sucking sound through her teeth then took a long and noisy hit from her pipe and expertly blew out a plume of smoke out the side of her mouth, "I been comin' around like twice a week, then once a week, then like once a month. I been trying! ME!! I always gets turned away at the gates by the Monty's goon-jobs...! Naw, man, it is his turn!! I did my turn! It's his turn to come around twice a week, then once a week, then once a month to MY TURF!! HIS TURN NOW!!! Boy too good to come to the parlour?! REALLY?! UGHS!!!"

Breaker shook her head as Prism tossed her pipe at the 'Prettying Chair' only to go scrambling after it, pick it up gingerly, and rock it like a baby-- there was still some left in the bowl! She flicked open her lighter and sparked it, desperately trying to stoke the embers. A few smoke rings she puffed out victoriously.

"You can't just march up on the Marauders and expect them to open up to you with open arms, hugs n' kisses. Priz, they don't trust you no more since your moms got the boot--"

"She didn't get kicked out, Breaker!! They set her up! I don't even know who they are... BUT SOMEONE!! Someone set her up and she ghosted on 'em to go n' find a way to clear her name!!"

"Whatever. Marauders ain't gonna' trust you on their turf regardless, girl."

"So how come they still deal arms with me? And what about you? You a Monty goon-job!!"

"HEY!! You best be respectful, little miss thang!"

"Sorry. I didn't mean it like that. You my girl, girl. So why you and the others still come around then, B?"

"Cuz politics aside, we still love you. We seen you grow up. We still cool. You know all the fellas won't let nothing bad come to you... in the parlour. But back in Marauder-ville? You disease. You toxic. Can't have it good till ya moms pays Monty back. Till then..."

"Man, I still love all o' yous. I still love it when you come to the parlour. And... I still love him..."

"Then let him know. When I say 'visit with him' you soooo know where I mean. But you been avoiding going there. You say you tried to visit him at Monty's but i know, I sooooo know you know that you can't get up in there. You say you try, but you know trying to go that route is dead ended. Yet you still don't want to go meet him there. It's safe there and I know you soooo know that."

The larger Marauder woman reached over and put both dark her hands on both shoulders of her pale, wiry Handler friend. A gentle shake Breaker gave Prism before caressing her cheek. "So what gives? Why you avoiding him, bae-bae? You love him and you know he still loves you... sooooo 'fess up, lil' Handler... what gives...?"

"Man, I ain't gots no time to try to make up some kinda' sloppy-ass sob story, girl! I needs to find the Grimms, okay? I needs to--"

The sign had been flipped over to say: 'SORRY, WE CLOSED AND YOU UGLY.' But a single soul was still undeterred to barge on into The Prettying Parlour. And so the charming little bells tinkled and jingled away as the door swung open and a stranger waltzed on in. Hell, no. To reinforce the notion that the shop was closed, a split second after the stranger entered without proper invitation, both Prism and Breaker whipped out their guns. The business ends were trained on the intruder, hammers cocked and muzzles ready to scream hellfire.

The fellow, a well dressed butler type, took off his specs, breathed on them, cleaned them with a cloth and put them back on his face. This man had ice in his veins; several pistols shoved in his face and he was completely non-plussed. He merely met their gaze and cleared his throat before speaking. "Ms. Maclane, the Baroness Ms. Jessica Grimm requests your presence tout de suite."

"Well, what took you so long, eh?" Prism smirked, un-cocked the hammers of her guns, spun them around a couple times in her fingers before re-holstering them. She turned towards her friend and popped up her eyebrows, a sly grin gracing her mouth and a twinkle dancing in blue eyes, "hear, that, B? Ms. Grimm requests the presence of Ms. Maclane. That's me!!"

"And when you are 'requested tootie-sweet' you best go tootie-sweet, Prizzy..." Breaker put her sidearm away as well. She then straightened up her leathers and shook out her large arms, "I'll catch ya flip side. Payments in your pack. Whenever the Grimm wants you, you best be on your bestest behaviour. Love ya, girl. I'm out."

A huge rib-cracking embrace from the big woman, a kiss on the cheek, a fancy little choreographed hand shake, then she strut on out of the parlour.

"Love ya too, girl... luck and lasers. Don't get yerselves killed, kay?"

"Touching," mumbled the butler-type then cleared his throat once more, "I have your ride there prepped and ready to go as we speak. Shall we then, Ms. Maclane...?"

"Yeah. Yeah, sure. Why not. Only because you called me 'Ms. Maclane.' Me fancy, huh? Me fancy, huh? Hey, I didn't catch your name good sir-- BUTTONS!! I like it...! Thanks, Mr. Buttons. Can't wait to meet Ms. Grimm. Hey, do you mind if I smoke in your ride..? "


It did not take long for Prism to finally settle down and settle in during her ride to meet the Baroness. She had poked and prodded, did a little stick n' move, even went off on a wild tangent that actually got the 'escort' to smile. And it was that little smile that tipped her off. 'Buttons' was nervous-- it did not take a psychokinetic to know that. But it went even beyond that. There was that little 'tell' that he gave up despite the stoic and icy exterior. Buttons had tapped the steering wheel a few times; each time with that same pattern. He was pre-occupied with thoughts of something else. Perhaps thoughts of someone else.

"Hey don't worry. I feel ya, Mr. Buttons. You and me ain't alone in this world. No one person is an island..." she spoke softly neath her breath whilst leaning an elbow upon a knee, fist pushing up her chin, that just right look of consternation or contemplation gracing her face and darkening her normally bright blue eyes. She held her pose a moment longer then relaxed, melting back into her seat. Prism let out a soft breath, that was more of a small laugh than an exhale. Buttons had responded to her statement with mere silence. But once more his fingers did that little tapping pattern on the steering wheel. But the girl noted the speed and rhythm of the tapping. It was slower. Less of a nervous motion and more of a thoughtful one.

"We are here now, Ms. Maclane," said Buttons as her pulled into the round about driveway.

"Naw. We ain't here yet. But we will be one day... Uplift and thanks for the lift, Mr. Buttons."

Out of the car he lead her to the main entry where another escort lay in wait for her to take her to see Ms. Grimm. She smiled and nodded and waved a fond farewell to Buttons and he returned the same gestures in kind. Abruptly he turned, then made his way back to his ride, leaving her with the escort. Two of them. A very, very big and intimidating two of them.

The pair flanked her as they brought her up and over to the gathering spot. Prism did not extend any pleasantries nor did she try to get a 'profile' on these two. No, she had closed her eyes and began concentrating. So what if she started to glow all rainbows? There was no way she was heading into this place without getting a simple psyconic scan of who's who here. Call her paranoid but--

A pained groan she let out. After letting out a noisy exhale, she donned upon herself a full facepalm. There was no need to cast. She had heard a snippet of that voice and it was enough. She heard him.


Lips pursed together tight as slowly shook her head with much disdain. She made up her mind. As soon as Big Boy Escort 1 and Even Bigger Boy Escort 2 left her to her own devices, she decided to duck out into the shadier and please-don't-let-that-Jerk-notice-me areas of this room.

"Oh hey there, Bunny..." she nearly tripped over the mask wearing, dagger wielding, human disguised as a rodent, "it's okay. I'm hiding too. See that big bruiser with the even bigger mouth. Yeah him. Pen fighter kinda' big mouth. Like, he can be alright I guess, but I just don't feel like dealing with dicks right now. I'm talking human sized, smelly penis kinda' people. Unless you're into that kinda' thing there, Bunny. And don't try to stab me or I will shoot you. Hey, bunny's make lots of babies. I munch on them sometimes even though we are supposed to use them for bait. They taste pretty good. And they make great winter undies too. We should breed more of them. Matching winter socks would be nice too. Not that I'd want to breed you just to make socks."

The tall girl swept a hand through her silver, black and purple hair as she chuckled. She then shrugged, smiled sheepishly and held out a hand to shake. Blue eyes shone in earnest as she gazed into the eyes of the mask wearing person.

"Hi, nice to meetcha' Bunny. I'm Prism. And I don't wanna shoot you."

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Koen walked around the Marauder camp looking for Rhu. They had the day off and he knew she would be bored. Luckily, one of the gang members was scheduled to fight in the pits today. "Dom is fighting that guzzler in the pits. Want to go watch?"

Rhu grinned, Dom had been picking fights with the guzzler for the past month. The had all been waiting for it "Does Dom really think he can beat him?" She asked standing up. She didn't know anything about the guzzler, but she knew Dom. He fought well but was stupid, hot-headed and young. It was unlikely he'd be able to survive a fight to the death.

"What, you think he'll lose?"

Rhu rolled her eyes, "Of course he'll lose Koen. He never pays attention to how many bullets he has."

She was right of course, but it didn't mean the fight wouldn't be interesting so the two made their way over to the pits anyway. To their surprise, Jessica Grimm was present also. Even more surprising, she had looked in their direction. That definitely meant trouble. Koen leaned back on his seat, smiling to himself. Things were about to get interesting.

The match had ended as expected but was disappointingly boring. Dom had lasted half as long as Rhu thought he would. The fight ended before it had begun. Koen and Rhu sat in their chairs waiting as the body was taken away. Soon, an impeccably dressed young man came to find them. "Miss Grimm would like to speak to you."

Koen looked him over. Good looking, but too uptight for his tastes,
"Yea, yea we know." The pair stood up and walked past him, Koen giving a quick, hard smack on the butt as he passed. Rhu rolled her eyes and gave him a look as if to say, "Another one?". The messenger looked unsure for the smallest second, then cleared his throat, and with the slightest blush in his cheeks said, "Right this way please." Koen grinned. Maybe his type after all. Perhaps when all this was over he'd come find him.

They were taken to an empty waiting room. Eventually, other people were brought in as well, including the guzzler they had just seen fight in the pits. Many of them stuck to the shadows, and all appeared to be skilled in one way or another. Whatever the job was, it would be difficult. In more ways than one.
"How many more are we waiting for?"
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Grimm Manor

Conversation between Dirk and Ryder

@Jhuton @Annyeong Bunny @Boo Girlie BoomBoom @ItariChan @The Wanderer

"The fuck you just say to me?"
""You heard vhat I said."
While it seemed no one had an answer on what they were doing there, only one man had answered him. What he said exactly, Dirk didn't have a damn idea. Dirk stood from the seat cushion and sat on the arm of the chair with a smirk, a mischievous glint in his eye.

"Guessin' you are a little slow, at least judgin' by the way you talk."
"Not as slow you though."
He scooped up the statue from the desk and tossed it between his hands, as if he was playing catch with himself. He smirked at the mans rebuttal. "You hit your head one too many times riding a bike? That why you wearin' that helmet now? 'Fraid you gonna knock your head one more time and stop talkin' completely?" He asked the strange sounding man, tossing the statue behind him onto the chair as he stood and walked towards the other man.

"You'd be amazed at how you can bludgeon someone vith a helmet."
"I'm not a fan of bludgeoning. I like to stab things. I like to go fast, but I don't think I've ever ridden a bike before. Mind if I take yours for a spin after this?"
"Try it and I vill add your skull as an ornament."
For a moment there was a tense silence, both Dirk and the man were unmoving. Dirks laugh broke the silence as he took the mans hand and shook it firmly, the man also joining in with the laughter.

"I'm only jokin' around! Been bored waiting for this lady. You even think she's a proper lady? Don't think I've met one of those yet! Only whores and bitches where I stay! Names Dirk! Sorry for my smell, just got out of the Pens and haven't had the time to wash."
Finally taking a breath and letting go of the mans hand, he continued.
"I just got done guttin' this damn Marauder before some tight-fuckin'-ass old man came to my room and brought me here!" He paused, glancing over the man to try and get a better read of him. "Wait you ain't a Marauder are you? Eh' doesn't matter, you seem like a cool guy, so you're alright in my book!"
"Yeah, you seem like you could back up ze talk. Which earns you a spot in ze respect zone. Too many people out zhere who rely on numbers and bluff to get by. I'm a Marauder, but I can't get mad for someone making a mistake. Especially in Folly."
Dirk leaned against the wall beside his new friend and looked around the room at everyone else. It seemed most people were in their own corners, waiting patiently for Grimm to get her ass in the room and tell them what to do.

Dirk almost overlooked the first man in the corner, his skin was as dark as the shadows and only his white hair stuck out immediately. His left arm was limp, effortlessly hanging down at his side. The Guzzler had seen the kid around before, wandering the streets of Folly. Dirk scoffed, smirking some as he commented under his breath "Look at that freak! Doesn't have a workin' arm and Jessica Folly still brought him here. Suppose that's the beauty of the city though, all us freaks livin' and workin' together!"

Next up was a pair he recognized that ran with the Marauders. The girl was supposedly deaf, which if it was true it'd be harder for Dirk too hit on her. Well, he could always have her the translator beside her to relay the message. If that didn't work, she'd surely fall for his looks.

Dirks smile faded as he spotted the last pair in the room. "Oh great, that bitch is here." Prism, or as Dirk calls her Marti, stood beside a woman wearing a mask. Dirk assumed it was a woman by the curvature of her body, which quickly brought the smile back too his face. His eyes rested on a dagger at her waist. "Alright Ryder, time to be each others wing mans!"
He motioned towards Marti and the rabbit-masked woman. "See the gun toting, violet haired chick? That's Prism.You can have her. She's got a rockin' body, but ain't quite all there in the brain." Dirk made a 'cuckoo' motion by his head. "I call dibs on her bunny friend, which sayin' that out loud sounds like she might not be sane either considering she's dressing up as a rabbit. But she also has a rockin' body and she has a nice knife I'm gonna try and steal. Sound good partner?"
"I am not interested, but I do vish you luck on your endeavors." Ryder responded, causing Dirk to shrug. "Suit yourself. I'll put a good word in for yah, encase you change your mind."

Dirk took a few steps towards the girls, when the door opened up with a dull creak. A butler stood at the door, a different man than the one who picked Dirk up, but he was just as old. He came into the room, paying no attention to anyone specifically and announced
"Please stand for Baroness Grimm."
The tapping of heels came into the room right on time as a woman of medium height entered the room, a fitted crimson dress hugging her body. Her hair was curled and hung past her shoulders and she looked as if she was plucked from a formal dance. She gave a soft smile as she looked around at everyone.
"Thank you Harvey, I would like to be alone with my new employees."
The butler, Harvey, quickly exited the room without a word.
"I hope I did not keep you all waiting too long, I was busy with another matter."
Dirk shifted uncomfortably in the presence of the woman. He couldn't determine what exactly made him wary of the woman, but he knew not to trifle with her. She strolled to the table in the center of the room a laid out four photos, each a picture of a different person. She motioned for everyone to take a look, pointing at the first man.

"This is a Krittius Grout, a former shadowmancer that worked for both me and my father. We had a falling out, and now he is among those that wish to see this city fall." She paused for a moment and glanced towards the white haired boy. "Some of you may recognize this man, as he used to be act as a merchant some time ago."

The next photo was of a woman. "Lucy Clem. A scavenger-turned insurgent after a unfortunate accident took her child's life. She blamed my Raiders and has stolen some rather sensitive information that could do some harm."

"Malachai Drenchwood" She said the name and tapped on the next photo. "He is somewhat infamous, both in Folly and out of it. He is the head of the insurgents and perhaps the most dangerous. Some claim he is a vampire. I call him a mad man who has killed countless for no reason. He killed a dear friend of mine some time to go. A kindly herbalist named Helenia. If I am not mistaken, she was your mentor wasn't she Fayne?" She glanced over at the woman wearing the bunny mask.

A fourth picture was of a masked man garbed almost entirely in metal and cloth. There was almost no exposed skin, and where there was, it was scarred with a burn mark. Jessica hesitated on this picture, a small frown coming to her otherwise unadorned face. "This is Tungsten. A former guard of mine. He's a bit of a simpleton, his mind was easily twisted by Malachai. He will be your first target."

She let everyone gather the information before taking a step back.
"Most people justify killing to themselves. Some do it for family.To survive. For food or water. But not you. You can kill without hesitation. For pleasure. For their things. To further your goals. For revenge. This time; you will kill for me."
She paused and shook her head, giving a wide smile.
"No, not just for me. You will kill these four for the entire city. You will kill for yourselves, as you have always been prepared too do. If they live, then all of our ways of life are over. Folly as we know it will collapse and be left for the rats and wyverns. Of course you will be compensated as well. Make a request too one of my butlers and if it is within my power, I will grant you it. After you bring me proof of their deaths of course."

She took a look at a pocket watch she had concealed in a pouch on the side of her hip.
"I am afraid I have other matters to attend too. If any of you, for whatever reason, decide not to do this job please let Harvey know. He will also be the man to address any questions too." She gave one more soft smile before turning to leaving, the old butler taking her place.
"Miss Grimm directed me to answer any questions you have."
Krittius Grout. That was his name. The old shadowcaster had never seen it fit to share his name with Asanii while the boy was under his tutelage. But now he knew the name and Jessica Grimm was giving him the opportunity to hunt him down and claim his head like he had dreamed of so many nights before. He wasn't so naïve to think the Baroness would let any of them just reject this assignment and leave if they felt like it. Things were never so easy in Folly. But it didn't matter anyway; there was no way in hell he was going to walk away from this opportunity.

The things we'll do to the old man, the voice echoed inside his head. We could take him apart like a doll, or tear out his heart. Or you can feed him to me. I'll take bits of his flesh, piece by piece, until there's nothing left. Yes I like that plan. A maniacal cackling was set off inside his head and threatened to force it's way out of him. Asanii pressed the heel of his palm to his forehead until the laughing had subsided. The mention of his old master had stirred up strong feelings of rage inside of him. That, in turn, had set off the psychotic part of his consciousness. It was exhausting, but it was his cross to carry.

"I will accept this mission," Asanii said, staying crouched in his shadowy corner. His eyes, hair and tattoo must have looked eerie with the rest of his body completely veiled in shadows. He stared down the butler as he continued speaking. "Show me to the hiding spot of the shadowmancer and I will bring his head back as proof of his demise. In return I would ask only one thing. A building in the farthest reaches of the city where no one can venture. Someplace where I can be alone with my thoughts, always."
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As the guzzler went about being crazy and the start of a peculiar friendship. The Baroness made herself, and not wanting to appear disrespectful. Ryder did bow his head when she entered. And kept quiet as proceeded to describe people this merry band of misfits were to hint down.

Krittius Grout. A shadow-mancer, a big problem to deal with, but one easily manageable. Likely going to not have enough of a corpse to claim the bounty.

Lucy Clem, a scavenger who stole information from the Baroness. Simple enough, but probably hidden behind a wall of bodies, hired on by promise of the selling of the information. But body could be recovered to proof of completion.

Malachai Drenchwood, the leader of the group, and most likely the most dangerous. As the Baroness said that the man was a rumored vampire, which got Ryder on edge, either this meant he was so crazy he was compared to a vampire, or he was an actual blood-sucker. Neither seemed great traits. Likelihood of a recoverable body was less likely than that of the shadow mancer.

Finally, there was Tungsten. A former guard and just under Malachai in terms of dangerous, as the man was a guard to the Baroness, who picked her entourage for their level of craziness and how dangerous in a fight they were. Their first target, and most likely going to be a challenge. A fun one.

As the Baroness left the room and the butler was now their talk-to for questions person.

Ryder walked up to him and after the boy made his request, he spoke up. "Vhat type of proof of completion vould be acceptable? As I assume ze jobs vill not be a simple 'collect fingers' or 'personal effect.' " A simple question, along with a simple request. "Ze only thing I vant is better veapons and tools to repair my bike. Zat is all."

@TheQueensGuard @Jhuton @ItariChan @Annyeong Bunny @Boo Girlie BoomBoom
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Fayne Santilon

As she stood in the shadows, she refused to turn and look at the talkative girl next to her, much less respond. But, in order to not cause any rifts between anybody so early on, she did.

"I'm not so keen on stabbing you either, so let's keep it mutual." with her voice a bit muffled beneath the mask, Fayne spoke softly, almost quiet, but still loud enough for the girl next to her to hear.

At the comment about using her knife, Fayne made a face under her mask and placed her hand on it for safety purposes, not wanting to say anything else to the other. The dark haired woman then turned to look at the pissing match that seemed to have started across the room between two of the other guys, one of which who the girl next to her had pointed out moments before. He looked slightly familiar in the sense that she may have seen him during one of her deliveries before. Her eyes locked onto them as they soon became friendly and talking about whatever before she looked to the rest of the group that was in the room. A man in the shadows, his stark white hair and tattoos the only key to knowing where he was standing, and a pair of twins, or siblings, from what she could see. It was pretty much a group made up of random people throughout Folly, from what she could tell...

However, as she was taking mental notes about each person she could see, she was interrupted by the Baroness entering the room. Fayne crossed her arms over her chest in a defensive stance before watching the woman settle before a row of pictures she set had set up, eyeing each of them. Even through her mask, she felt a small chill run down her back. From her mentor, she had heard a lot about the Baroness, but most of them were good things. She had always wondered why, until that moment.

Once the Baroness had started going through each bounty, Fayne memorized the first two names. But, once the third man was introduced, she was confused at first. She didn't know the name or the face, but there was something familiar about him. Until the Baroness explained why he was on the hit list, that is.

Fayne felt the hairs on her neck stand on end and felt her heart skip a beat. Her forest green eyes locked on to the Baroness once she looked her direction and she felt rage bubble in her gut. When Helenia had been attacked, she had gotten to the scene too late, but was there long enough to see a man trying to loot for her things. He was smart enough to keep his face hidden, even though she was hiding in the foliage. But to know the face of the man who had slaughtered her mentor brought both agony and a sense of justice through her mind.

As the Baroness finished up with the last bounty, the tall woman had to struggle to pay attention, but she managed. Shifting on her feet, she watched as the other woman left, leaving her butler to answer any questions and to take down what they wanted after the mission. Fayne watched as one by one, the people in the room started to walk up to the butler. Seeing her moment, she walked forward after the man with the helmet finished.

"I want to live in the woods near Folly and to put an alchemist station next to where I will live. The mines were okay, but too many people have begun to figure out where I am, which is dangerous for me. That is all." the woman spoke and her voice was a bit hesitant, though strong at the same time. She owed it to Helenia to do this mission...

@TheQueensGuard @The Wanderer @Jhuton @ItariChan @Boo Girlie BoomBoom



The mask-wearing person did not reciprocate with a handshake, but at least she acknowledged Prism with kind words that only those found in Folly could utter. This amounted to the sentiment of: "I won't kill you... yet."

Good enough for the multi-hued headed Prism.

"Hey, Bunny...? sSo yeah, you here because a Butler served you summons too?" asked Prism as she followed Bunny's gaze. She too made mental note of the others as she took in the surrounding areas. Curiosity started to tickle from the back of her mind as she noted the motley crew gathered here. Bunny need not answer; they had all been served.

Normally she would go into ''profiling mode' upon meeting a stranger and interacting with them, but not now. No, because right now she was a bit distracted. One, she really wanted to see what the other woman looked like beneath the mask. Two, she really wanted to try on the bunny mask-- oh whatever. Who was she trying to kid...?

She was distracted because Dirk the Jerk was here. And as much as she hated the guy for being that kind of guy, she just could not help but love to razz and mouth off at him. They were betting rivals afterall. That and he was always good about picking up a tab at the local watering hole. Always seemed like he never payed for a drop. Being a hard to kill dick of a Pen fighter had its perks, she supposed. Most of the dive bars where she drank with him, most likely heavily bet on him and treated him like celebrity. Most of them. Not all were won over by that winning Jerky personality.

"Nah, here we go," she clicked her tongue twice loudly, then with a disdaining headshake, she watched Jerk make motions to head on over and her new companion, "Dun worry, Bunny. Just chill. I gots this. I'll deal with the human-sized, smelly penis..."

The Pen fighter seemed to be trying to convince the helmet-headed guy to come with him yet in vain. Prism took two steps forward to intercept the Pen fighter before he got within a whiff of her new Bunny friend.

"Damn...! Didn't know the Grimms finally found the janitor they been looking for," called out Prism. A soured look held upon her face yet blue eyes glinted with much humour, "Bargain bin, clean-resistant, broken n' tired ass, has-been-but-never-really-was, over-hyped/over-rated, Guzzie-branded, smelly Pen fighter kinda' janitor. Man, this family don't know what they just signed on up for do they...? 'Sup, Jerky..."

The soured face lost to the overwhelming pressure of the humour shining in her blue eyes. Prism broke out into a reluctant smile, but then that broke away even further and so she ended up giggling as she held up a hand, palm facing him.

"Hey, listen up, bruh... not only do you still owe me for the Kesler v. Maggas Beast rematch, but you don't get a piece of my Bunny's tail here. Gots that? She's fam now, bruh. And later on, she prolly wanna be my girlie too?

Damn skippy, hippie...! Yeah, like maybe later we gunna hold hands and then we gunna have sex. Lots of it. Lotsa' hot, bunny-humpin', drippy, prolonged, finger-lickin-good kinda' sexy-sexy-sexy sex...! Compute that, Jerky-man...?! And the answer is the same as always: NO.

No, you can't participate. No, you cannot watch. And hell no, I will not draw you a limited edition, signed-with-dedication comic book adaptation neither.

That's right, Jerky. You need to move on and find another rodent to put your dirty penis in."

Prism lowered her palm and her chin at the same time. A laugh that was more of a playful scoffing sound escaped her smiling lips. One more disdaining headshake then she finally held out a fist to bump in front of Jerky.

But before they could invoke a proper fistbump, in walked the Baroness all sleek, slick and sexy; just like any proper Baroness should.


Prism stood up straight as a board once Ms. Grimm had been introduced, but now she had returned to the easy-breezy, swaying motions of a happy stoner. The tall woman had sauntered over to the table to get a better look at the photos of the hit list that Ms. Grimm was assigning them. A sniff she took and caught a good whiff of the perfume that the Baroness wore. So good that she had to inhale the sleek brunette twice. She then listened in on the summaries of their marks.

The first she did recognize but did not have an intimate knowledge of the guy. It was true; Priz only knew him as the merchant called KG. The Handler had often bought shells and ammo from him. But true as Baroness said, it had been a while since she had seen KG.

The next two she had no idea as to who they were. But she stood beside Bunny and could not help but notice the volatile reaction of her new comrade once the name of this 'Vamp' was tossed in the mask wearing female's direction. "I lost my Mentor too, Bunny," said Prism solemnly and softly, "she moved on without me. And I got lost. That's why I'm here. I need to be found again. I deserve something else..."

After the cryptic message, she sighed, smiled at Bunny then gave up another headshake. Suddenly, Priz perked up and turned attention once more to Ms. Grimm once the sleek Baroness showed off the final Mark.

Tungsten. Yeah, she knew this guy. And actually she had liked him. Really, really, really, liked him. They were buds. He was her contact and confidante that spilled whatever info he had on the Grimms of Folly. What little he did have. Actually, okay fine, he barely even knew what he was supposed to do for the Grimms unless he was specifically ordered to do what they wanted, but still! Tungsten was a great listener and much to the chagrin of Breaker and her other friends, Prism always found time to visit him and be nice to the guy. In big black bold lettering; Gone to 'Stennie was the note she left on the front glass of her Prettying Parlour shop.

Little snacks, trinkets, stories, whatever it was, she always made an effort to gift him something. She always loved that contented aura he put out when she 'glowed rainbows' for him when she read his mind. True there was not much to read, but the happiness found therein was comforting and charming to Prism; Tungsten was simple-minded but his happiness was just a pure, simple joy just like a child's. Where the hell else in Folly could she find such a thing; a diamond in the rough that she knew could hold for a finite time.

"Oh, 'Stennie... we comin' to getcha," murmured the girl as she ran a hand through her silver, black and purple hued hair. Once more she sighed and found herself tracing the metal masked face of her former contact and confidante, "I told you my Moms was right; Friends for more than the day, just watch your back anyway... I'll glow you rainbows one more time..."

A pale slender hand ran across her mouth, as if wiping away a horrible taste. Then blue eyes darkened, "...and then, Stennie, I'mma put a bullet in your head."


Dark eyelashes and lids fell over darkened blue eyes as she listened to the clack-clack-clack of the high heels of the yummy-smelling Baroness as she yummily traipsed away. Once the others put in their requests from Harvey the Butler, she would finally take her turn to speak. Yet Prism barely paid their requests for compensation any mind for she was now making up her own mind. When she opened her eyes next, her blue eyes were no longer blue. They began to shift and swirl with all the colours of The Rainbow mixing in with a rarely seen hue in Priz's eyes:


"Hey, Mr. Harvey. What I want, you n' Ms. Grimm just cannot provide. I'm a lost little girl and killing these people on the hitlist won't make me closer to being found nor finding what I need. But yeah, I'll do it. I will put bullets in the skulls that Ms. Grimm wants me too. But what I really want to know is who's gunna protect us?

From us?

What's to stop Bunny there from putting a dagger in my heart and what's to stop me from making a new hole in the back of her head? Why the hell are we together? Why was it us scumbags chosen over any other scumbag out there in Folly?But It's simple really, right? Ms. Jessica Grimm gets what she wants. And to save what she really wants, she wants to trust us and our skills to do her bidding- she's Jessica-freakin'-Grimm, man! Who's gunna argue with that?

But us? The hell we gunna do to trust us and trust that we won't use our skills against each other? See, the way I see it is like this, Mr. H; you can't cram a bunch of rabid dogs together, add water and sun and voila! Instant killing machine pack! Nope. You need to get rid of the disease first.

So how do you cure our rabid ways..."

Prism was fully lit now. Rainbows swirled, danced and flitted across her skin, eyes complete swirls of shifting hues, as she attempted to read the surface thoughts of those present. The light show glow was harmless but it was a side-effect of when she was casting her psyconic magics.

" you gunna stop us from killing one another out there on the job, bruh?"

Grimm Manor
@The Wanderer @Jhuton @Annyeong Bunny @Boo Girlie BoomBoom

When Dirk went off towards Marti and the bunny, Prism was quicker with the draw.
Getting in front of her, her long drawn speech only got an eye roll from Dirk.
"Listen Marti, the Kesler match was complete bullshit and you know it! I told you once and I'll tell you again, Kesler choked on his blood, the Maggas didn't kill him! The thing was a fluke! Besides, that's not the important thing here, Bunny over there gets to make her own decisions! She doesn't need you talkin' her ear off, she needs a strong fella' like me taking care of her."
He shot the masked woman a wink, when the Baroness came in.


Dirk watched, impatiently waiting his turn as the others spoke up. Normally he would've been the first to call out what he wanted, but he was stuck on what he actually wanted. So he waited, hoping to come up with something that'd be worth hunting down four people.
First up was shadow freak in the corner, who's sudden voice surprised Dirk.

"I will accept this mission,"
The butler nodded and gave a small, closed mouth smile and waved a hand. Beside him a paper and quill appeared from thin-air, where though both glowed a pinkish-purple. Dirk had heard of outfitters, mages who could conjure up items and weapons. He had always wished for an ability like that! "To summon knives on a whim, that would be sweet!"
"That can certainly be arranged Mister Asanii, though the where abouts of the Shadowmancer aren't quite known. The only concrete location we have is of Tungsten, which I will brief you all on shortly."

Next up was his buddy the biker. Ryder stepped up and asked in his thick accent. "Vhat type of proof of completion vould be acceptable? As I assume ze jobs vill not be a simple 'collect fingers' or 'personal effect.'" The butler thought for a moment and shrugged. "Miss Grimm didn't directly say, though I suppose you will find something that'd be significant too each person. May I suggest Tungstens mask?" He paused, the quill writing something on the paper. "What ever you decide should be enough, though if Miss Grimm were to discover that the target in question wasn't killed as directed then it wouldn't fair well for any of you, that I am sure of. Now on to your request."
Like Asanii, the quill wrote down Ryders name and his request of weapons and parts.
"Miss Grimm directed us too fix up your motorcycle while you were here, as she deemed it beneficial for your task. While it's not pristine, we shall provide extra parts on your return.

The masked woman stepped up next, Dirk watching her backside with a smirk as she said her request. He leaned against the couch and watched the masked womans curves, rather than listen to her words.

"I know of the perfect spot in the Woods for you Miss Fayne, I'll recommend the spot too Miss Grimm and get it done."
The quill wrote down her information on the parchment.

Dirk stood from his couch to claim his rewards, when Prism's skin lit up. He sighed and took a seat once again. "Get comfortable everyone! Prism here is gonna talk the butlers ears off."
As she talked, she asked a fair question. Who would stop them from snapping at each other. Why did Grimm choose them, strangers that don't know each other rather than an established group. Hell, she has the Grimm Raiders in the palm of her hands, why not send them. Dirk frowned, from the sound of it Prism was trying to talk them out of a job!
"That's where I come in, you coked up rainbow."
He quickly got off the couch and wrapped an arm around Prism, letting it rest on her shoulders.
"I'll make sure everyone is on their best behavior! Myself included!"
"I doubt you'd be the best too keep people in line, Mister Dirk."

The butler spoke, a bigger smirk on his face than before. Dirk frowned, dropping his arm from Prisms shoulder.
"Miss Maclane, most of you are far from rabid dogs. The Baroness has eyes and ears all over the city, and she has taken a keen interest on everyone here. She likes to branch off and experiment and try to make new connections in the city. She chose you seven for her own reasons. "
He paused, admitting.

"Those reasons I do not know. Between us, I suspect she doesn't care if you kill each other. The job will get done, be it you seven or a new group. Who knows, maybe you all will get along!"
His mouth settled down to his previous half-smile.
"She did inform me she believes none of you are in bed with the rebels, and that's enough for her. Now, what could I get you Mister Santiago."

Dirk frowned, hearing his actual last name.
"I want a fight with the human champ of the Pens! I'm tired of going through the rigmarole of climbing up the ladder. Oh! And a knife, but not just any knife I want a fancy one! Something made from a tatzelwurms tooth! Oo, no a dragon!"
He smiled excitedly before glancing at Prism.

"Oh and I need you to settle the debt I have between me and Marti's Kesler vs Maggas beast fight. I'm tired of her bringing it up."
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Right after Koen finished his question, Jessica Grimm walked into the room. For a moment Koen considered staying seated, but the decided against it and motioned for Rhu to stand as well. The job was simple, but challenging as well. Exactly the kind of excitement he needed in hislife. Koen glanced over at Rhu, So what do you think? Anything you want? He asked Rhu. Rhu shrugged. "Maybe a new staff. Mine sticks sometimes when I extend it. I'll think about it " She sifted through the photos and pointed at Malachai Drenchwood and Krttius Grout. "These two are the fun ones. The other two should be no problem. Looks interesting I'll do it."

Koen looked up at the butler, "We'll get back to you on what we want. But we'll take the job."

The two listened to the others, with Koen translating everything Rhu. Well, almost everything. 5 seconds into hearing the one called Prism talk, he gave up and told her, "This one talks too much... Don't worry about it though most of it isn't important."

"She did inform me she believes none of you are in bed with the rebels, and that's enough for her."

Rhu raised an eyebrow. "Bold of her to assume none of us are in bed with any of them." She shoved Koen playfully, "This one's tries to get in bed with everyone he meets."

Koen translated her words before responding "Please, I don't flirt with everyone I meet. Just most of them." He looked over the pictures again, "Half of them are too old anyway. Though I admit Tungsten looks familiar. Pretty sure I gave up on him within the first 5 minutes. He was just too stupid."
Outskirts of Grimm Folly - The Next Day - Morning
After everyone told the butler what they wanted, with the exception of the pair of mercs, the old man had said.
"Wonderful, with all that settled you all can be on your way. Be sure to meet up at the Northern gate tomorrow morning before eleven. We've arranged for transportation to take you past Marsellus to a point just outside Port Redwater. There you will find Tungsten, along with some supporters of the rebellion. In Miss Grimm's own words. 'Leave none alive'."

Dirk had made sure to be on time, after all he had a reputation to upkeep. He arrived in full gear, aside from his mask which was attached to his pack. He wasn't the last one to arrive, so he made himself comfortable by taking his helmet off as well. Whenever Ryder arrived, he gave the man a smile and wave but stayed put on the ground. Whenever the masked woman arrive, Bunny as Prism called her, he whistled and said "Mornin' beautiful." but once again stayed seated.

Now he, along with the others, were gathered on the outside of the north fence. The transportation the baroness had scrapped together was a four door pickup truck, various pieces of metal were attached to the sides and metal bars were covering the side windows as makeshift armor. An old, eye patched man sat on the hood of the car, greeting everyone with a clearly fake half-smile. When everyone finally got around to getting there, he stood from the truck and waved everyone over. He's back was hunched and he stood shorter than most everyone in the group. Dirk couldn't help but stare at his missing teeth as he spoke.
"Gath'er round. The Baroness said you needed' a ride. There you go. Try not to break it."
Setting the keys on the hood he headed back into the city. Looking around at the others Dirk shrugged and tossed his bag into the back of the pickup truck. "I'm not the best in a car." He started, now climbing into the back itself. "I get car sick pretty easy so I'll sit back here incase I gotta hurl."

@The Wanderer @Jhuton @Annyeong Bunny @Boo Girlie BoomBoom @ItariChan

Fayne Santilon

It all felt like it wasn't real... if that made any sense. As Fayne disappeared back into the mines after the meeting, finding Beau waiting for her, she couldn't stop thinking about what all she had experienced. It wasn't as if she was a natural at spilling blood, and her powers were novice level at best. For some reason, she wondered why she was even chosen to tag along. But, then, of course, she remembered that Malachai Drenchwood person. The one who apparently killed Helenia and the one who's mask had been in the old mentor's cold dead hands.

The memory nearly emptied her stomach, but she kept herself collected. If she was going to do the mission, she needed to do it right and with no qualms.

Then, she thought back to the people she had seen and talked to. Her new group, she should say. The woman she had met, Prism, was a basket case in Fayne's eyes. Though, she did make some strong points in the meeting and stood up to the fighter who was trying to make advances on her... even if she was vulgar in her own way. Then the fighter, who she had heard as Dirk, seemed to ride her nerves. Though she had her mask on and couldn't very well tell what he looked like from afar, she knew when he was staring at her. Fayne wasn't stupid. The twins were still a mystery to her, as was the shadow man, since they didn't really talk too much. There was also a man with a helmet, who also held an air of mystery about him as well and had a rich accent. Fayne couldn't place where it was from, since she spent most of her time away from people.

Fayne knew she wasn't that far out of the ordinary herself, being that she wore a mask and spoke to animals for a living. So, as she was walking to the Northern Gate with Beau in tow, she watched the others arrive before her from the treeline and felt like she was supposed to show up.

"Alright Beau, it looks like we're going solo from this point. Stay hidden in the trees and follow the truck. I don't want someone in the group to shoot you because they see you." Fayne instructed as she scratched behind the musk deer's ear. He gave a hesitant nod before the taller woman stood back to her full height. Pulling her long straight locks into a high ponytail, she also slipped on her mask, which was now had the sleek appearance of a fox. The mask itself was metal and seemed to bend into different animal faces whenever it felt like it... something that Fayne couldn't figure out for the life of her.

Once she arrived, Fayne saw that quite a few people had already arrived, as she had traveled on foot most of the way. Though, a few others were still missing. Right away, she looked over to the brute of a man on the ground who cat-called her.

"Go to hell." Fayne spoke confidently, though she felt her face flush from the whistle. Then, so that he wouldn't get any possible joy out of seeing her body language shift because of it, she stuck up a lazy middle finger and continued walking. Upon seeing Prism when she saw the other woman, Fayne gave a hesitant wave, feeling as if the crazy lady might actually be another ally in the situation. Well, they all should be allies after the speech Dirk and Prism had the night before, but it was Folly. Weirder things have happened.

Soon enough, their ride showed up and the man who drove it seemed to look upon them with distaste, even if he hid it well. The Baroness must have done something that he may not have been okay with accepting. Either way, he left the keys and disappeared, leaving the group to decide on seats.

"Shit..." Fayne exhaled under her breath as she made a realization: she couldn't drive, and she sure as hell couldn't navigate. That left her with sitting in the back next to Mr. Ogle. Making a face under her mask, she pulled herself in next to him and sighed, keeping her eyes ahead. "No funny business, got it? If you feel like you want to get all touchy-touchy, your ass is gonna be scraping gravel when I kick you out of here." Fayne warned, turning to look at the man. She hoped somebody else would also join them in the back to put her mind more at ease, but she felt that no matter what, she had to watch her own back with the people there. Though, she hadn't met the others yet, so maybe she was jumping the gun.

@TheQueensGuard @Jhuton @The Wanderer @ItariChan @Boo Girlie BoomBoom
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As the group dispersed, Ryder went back to his garage home, filling up on supplies. Making sure his revolver was cleaned, and that his motorcycle was topped off in fuel as best as one could manage nowadays.

As he slept, his dreams were barely filled with anything beyond mild musings. Such as the others in this merry band of bounty hunters. Dirk was an alright fellow, a bit brash but could be moderated. Prism was just as vocal, but way more tolerable. The "Bunny girl" was a bit quiet, which was worrying in that quiet people had secrets, he knew from experience.

So when morning came, he walked up next to the truck with his motorcycle. Watching as the others gathered, before getting on. "Sorry, I brought zis as I am positive if it vas left, it vould be scrapped or stolen. So someone else is going to have to drive." There was room for one passenger, but it'd be a tight fit but manageable.

He'd start the bike's engine, waiting for it to start.

@TheQueensGuard @Annyeong Bunny @Boo Girlie BoomBoom @ItariChan @Jhuton
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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Rhu and Koen arrived first. Rhu had always been an early riser and had pulled Koen, yawning out of bed. Koen waited, sitting on the ground playing with some puzzle rings he had brought. Rhu stood next to him.

"No worries. I can drive. Not good with directions though, so I'll need someone who can do that to sit up front." Koen said standing and reaching for the keys. "Make sure you guys in the back don't fall out though." He said with a mischevious glint in his eyes. Koen jumped into the front, leaving his bag for Rhu to grab. He waited with the door open and turned to the side and fiddled with his rings, "It's a good thing you brought the bike. It'd probably be a tight fit back there for 5 people."

Rhu grabbed Koen's bag and jumped in the back next to the guzzler and the masked woman, giving them a friendly wave. Before sitting, she fished out a notepad and pencil from her bag. It wasn't the most efficient way of communicating but she'd manage. "Hello I'm Rhu."
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A small grunt she gave as she slid off of the tree branch and landed deftly upon the ground. Quickly, she stuffed her journal and pencils into her pack, checked her weapons were ready, strapped on her helmet, slung her pack over her shoulder and strut on over to their ride.

Once she had seen the others crammed into the transport and seen the motorcycle nearby, she began to 'glow rainbows'. As soon as she picked up their thoughts she immediately stopped casting. Slowly she shook her head and wiped a hand across her mouth as if wiping away a bad taste in her mouth.

If her daddy was here, he would have whipped them all within an inch of their lives. There was no prep, no planning, no priorities. This was not how a Hunt was made for success. This was a trial in futility that would end in failure.

"Alright, listen up, hunters," she had returned the wave Bunny had tossed her but without her usual smile and nonsensical chatter, "I gots no idea who is in charge here, but I'm your comms expert and close range gunner. I already got a read on your thoughts as of yesterday so I already have a neural connection nexus setup for us. I recognize your thoughts. But now it's up to you to recognize mine and link up. "

As of now, Prism was not the same woman they had met yesterday. The wildness was still there, but the intensity was way different. Her eyes had a feral glint to them, there was a bit of a growl to her voice and she was strutting about like a predator. She was a Handler now in full on Hunt mode.

"Remember yesterday I asked about killing each other and what we can do so we don't kill each other? Well, hunters, this is it. You let me into your head and we gunna' get along just fine. We gunna' talk through our brains to each other. We gotsta work together just like real Hunters do; just like a pack of wolves.

Now I'm gunna' cast again and you all gunna' feel pressure on your temples. Some of you who are very, very resistant will feel as if needles-- daggers even --will be stabbing and twisting into the back of your eyes. That is normal. That is a natural response. But for us to communicate psyconically you need to not resist. 'Kay?

Now then. Get ready. Take a deep breath and imagine you are in a field of all the safest things you know. I cannot harm you here. I can only speak with you. Your mind's eye will see colours like you never knew... if you are open to me. Ready? Here we go..."

Prism closed her eyes and began to glow rainbows once more. She would gently enter the subconscious of her team then slowly reveal herself; she would appear as a rainbow'd up bunny with shifting glowing hues and a unicorn's horn sprouting from her forehead.

>>Now if you can hear this then know we are on the same side. Know that I'm here for you. Know that I will protect your thoughts from other psyconically enabled things as long as you let me in. I am Prism. I am Prism and I am on your side. ~sighs~ Yeah... yeah that even goes for you too, Jerky.<<

A crystal she handed out to the driver Koen, to Bunny and to Ryder, "Alright. Here ya' go... These are so I can communicate psyconically with you without seeing you. You can send to me but you have to exert some Mana to use it. Pack of wolves, 'kay?"

She then deftly hopped onto the back of the motorcycle behind Ryder, "Oh and hey, Mr. Accent? I'm riding this bike with you. I gotsa helmet too? The spikes help locate the prisms I gave you guys. Like 'em? Iknowrite...! Me too...!

"Hey, sooooo... mind if I smoke?"

