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David lunged forward with his taser he needed to end this quickly before Alphonse could process what had happened. If he didn't he'd be done for. Dodging a blow from Ivan's automail David managed to land a blow on Ivan. He activated his taser with a smirk. Ivan went down with Edward. David quickly moved to take the now unconcious bodies away from Alphonse however it wasn't an easy task. Even though the boys were lightweights compared to most moving them both quickly was difficult perhaps not even possible.
''I won't let you escape this train!'' The armor boy declared and charged forward. Alphone's fist landed against David's chin, punching him right into the ceiling. When he fell down again Alphonse grabbed him and threw him against the walls.

The two knocked out boys fell from David shoulders.

''Argh....n-not again'' A while later Ivan opened his eyes again. He lied on the couch in one of the compartments. A chained up David sat opposite again. The two were alone.

''You do know'' Ivan said ''That I must kill you, not just because you are my enemy, not just because I crave revenge but...If you keep living and the Amestrians take you....I think your going to talk about Drachma'' A blade came out of Ivan's metal feet again ''So lets make a deal, you start talking about general Alexei, to me and no one else and I shall let escape these people....if not'' the boy raised his leg.
David glared silently at Ivan. He'd been trained for this. As a squad leader it was important that he be prepared for threats. Even if he wanted to David wasn't sure he could reveal the information Ivan was looking for. Psychological conditioning had left him solid when faced with the threat of torment. Pointedly, David rolled his eyes at Ivan.He sighed.
"You've worked under the general in the past. Knowing you I'd assume you know more about the good General than me."
David scoffed.
"Surely, after all you always did kiss up more then anyone else did. Tell me how far have you climbed now? Was it worth all the boot licking Ivan?"
''It was'' Ivan replied, not even with a hint of shame in his voice ''And you should do well not to speak that way to your superior'' As a colonel Ivan outranked David quite a bit ''I take that as a sign that your not going to talk then? I suppose I can live with that'' David however couldn't live with that....because Ivan just kicking his metal knife into his neck.

Ivan looked with completely cold eyes as the man bled out before him.

''Now where did that boy go?'' Ivan wondered.

''Brother...I think we are safe now'' Alponse gently woke his brother up in their shared compartment. The soldiers on the train had been defeated and Alphonse had urged the personnel NOT to stop at the next station to avoid giving Drachme reinforcement a chance to board.
Edward's eyes fluttered open and he groaned. "What the hell happened Al?" He looked around the compartment for a moment to help regain his bearings. "Where's Ivan and what happened to David?" A number of other questions ran through his mind as well as a wave of panic. They had to keep the train from stopping at the next station. "Does the engineer know what happend? Are you alright?"
''Its you i'm worried about brother'' Alphonse said ''You have been out for hours but I took care of it'' The armor boy explained how he talked to the engineer what was going on and how he punched out and locked up David

''Sir Ivan is watching over him now'' Alphonse said ''Those two knows each other so sir Ivan would be able to sense his tricks incoming''
The conductor frowned. There weren't many passengers on the train but avoiding the station could get him in trouble if someone complained. This was his only run for the day though so missing the station wouldn't be so bad. "I need a serious reason. I cant just take any passenger's word on something like this."

Edward sighed as he pulled himself up off the floor. He flashed his pocketwatch. "Its a military order then."

Ed looked over at Al. "I got this. You should go check on Ivan and David.
When Alphonse returned he looked troubled and uneasy, as much as his metal form allowed that to be expressed at least. He had brought Ivan with him who's automail was bloodied but otherwise seemed perfectly normal.

''B-brother...I think I made a mistake'' Alphonse started careful, guild oozing out his childlike voice ''I-i don't think that commander is...a-alive anymore''

'You don't have to sound so doubtful'' Ivan said ''Its safe to say one dies when the artery in the neck is sliced open''
Edward turned quickly to look at Ivan. His expression was aghast. "YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO KILL HIM!!"
His expression softened when he looked at his brother. "Al it's alright. This wasn't your fault. I'll report this to the Fuhrer. Amestris usually doesn't take well to unnecessary force. When we get to the next town I have to call to put in a report anyway."
''I am not an Amestrian so what your superiors think is of no concern to me as long as its not threatening Drachma'' Ivan said ''I told you why he had to die, neither of you I acted''

Alphonse's expression wasn't one of anger but Pity. In his eyes Ivan genuinely didn't see anything wrong with killing David and that made it all the more wrong.
"Don't forget that Amestris is cleaning up Drachma's mess with this mission Ivan! Its your side's rebels that are making the alliance so dicey at the moment. You'd best care what the superiors think!" Edward growled out harshly.
Edward ran a hand through his bangs and gave a huff. "I'm going to one of the not destroyed cabins and taking a break before we get to the next town."
Alphonse winched at his brothers words. He thought Edward was right but saying that out loud would only serve to drive Ivan further apart and that would impact their teamwork. The glare the brothers received seemed to confirm that line of thought.

''Hey, how much of an idiot are you'' Ivan grabbed Edward's shoulder ''Splitting up is exactly how we all got ambushed in the first place! It may be unpleasant but we need to stay together.
Edward quickly pulled away with a sneer. "There isn't anyone left to ambush us thanks to you! I have no interest in working with someone like you. Just being around you makes me sick."

Ed looked up at Alphonse expectantly. "You aren't going to stick around with this sociopath are you Al?"
''Um...I-i...sir Bradley did order us brother'' Alphonse said

''Yes listen to the intelligent one Elric'' Ivan sneered ''But...perhaps I need to make it more interesting for you. General Alexei is obsessed with that stone, same as you'' He grinned knowing he had the boy now ''Aid me and you may have all his knowledge on the stone, abandon the mission and I'l destroy it so you will never get your hands on it''
Edward glared. "Bastard Drachman I swear to god at the end of this mission I'll be at your throat." Edward looked over to Al. "He knows something about the stone. I don't think I have a choice at this point Al. I wont report you til the end of the mission. Sound fair Ivan?"

At this point the train began slowing to a stop.
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