Flycoren: Streaks of a Bloody Faith

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Crow had found himself wandering theTemplehalls silently. Vaughn had said his good byes, and the group had grown solemn. Scarlet had stolen Dalia away to talk to her about her accommodations. The past few nights she had been staying in servant quarters, but she had a room properly prepared for Dalia now. Full from dinner Crow was now left to his own thoughts, and little to bother him.

It meant little to him, with what Vaughn had talked about. Crow had no clue what any of it really meant. It seemed bad, real bad. But he was the worst person to make that judgement. He could hardly remember his own name, let along what a 'Darkian' meant. Rhye told me she would explain later, but she seemed more concerned at consoling Grey. Crow knew when to take a hint. He had silently slipped into the main hall. Peering down the vast walkway, he took in a deep breath. Pulling the vial from his pocket he examined it closely. It didn't seem to be so strange. Opening the vial his scrunched up his nose. It smelt like vinegar. That girl really wanted him to drink this?

Placing the cork back on he ran his hand through his hair. closing his eyes he let his head bob forward. What should he do. It was frustrating not knowing who the heck he was, or where he was supposed to be. His brain nagged at him, like he was supposed to be doing something, or going somewhere. But the reality was. He was here, and he was now becoming a grand part of this scheme. He knew that if he didn't remember now, there would be no turning back on this path.

He liked being with Rhye, he felt like he had a lot to learn from her. She wasn't all that much older than him, but she knew a lot. She had travelled many places, and seen many things. So had Grey. He supposed, if there was any where else to be, this wouldn't be so bad. But he wanted to be safe. Taking in a breath, he headed for the main entrance way. He felt partially lost, but as he approached the large doors, familiarity settled his concern.
Two guards stood at the doors. With a nod, they let him out into the world. The warmth engulfed him as the doors creaked open. It felt nice from the cool marble cave he was just in. Stepping own, he could smell smoke from the street fires that were now being lit. The sun hung low in the sky, and little light was being cast. Only enough to leave a faint hue of orange and purple.

Walking down the cobble stone streets, he felt wary about wandering alone. He knew full well that he could get lost without Rhye guiding him. But he had to find a place of solitude. Away from anyone. That was his strict order.

Finally, he seemed to have found a place that would work. Hidden away in some thick brush, he found an opening, away from any buildings, or wandering eyes. Taking care to know which direction he had come from, he stepped into the center of the thick bushes. Looking up into the sky, stars had started to speckle the sky. Pulling the small bottle out, he sat down in the grass. Pressing his glasses firmly up onto his nose, he carefully pulled the cork from the bottle.

He had to know. Before he made any mistake, before he let something go that was worth knowing. His heart ached at the very idea of remembering who he was. He would have to let Rhye, Grey and possibly even Dalia go. But he had to. Bringing the bottle up to his lips he hesitated. With another moment, he knocked it back. It went down smooth, but it felt extremely cold going down his throat. Shuttering violently, the after taste could be something to be desired.

Sitting in the silence, nothing seemed to happen. He gave it another couple of minutes, but still. The only thing that seemed to be happening was the cold sensation was growing outward. Grasping at his chest, it felt very uncomfortable, almost painful. Like he had frost bite. Shaking his head, he grunted. Standing up, he was more than discouraged at the fact that none of his memories had returned. Keeping his hand upon his chest to try and warm it up, he headed back towards theTemple.

Maybe deep down he didn't want to know? But that didn't really make sense, considering the anxious feeling he had been toting around since he awoke in the forest. He could only dwell on this the whole way back. By the time he had returned to theTemple, the sun was gone, and the stars were out. He had begun to shiver violently by this point. He wasn't sure if it was because of what he drank, or if it had really just cooled down that much. He would get close to the fire place once he got inside, that would help.

He did his best to avoid anyone. He really had hoped to avoid Rhye especially, he felt guilty for even trying to get back his memories, and any kind of questioning would just be salt to the wound. Now he just felt like an idiot, a cold, shivering, idiot. Wandering down the hallway, he could hear familiar voices talking. Stopping on the spot, he leaned against the wall, trying to keep himself collected. The cold sensation made him feel sick, and he didn't want to let anyone know this. Closing his eyes, they were the only thing on his entire body that burned.

Please just let them walk by, he thought to himself.
To say the situation had become complicated was a laugh in the face of whomever thought this was a joke. Everything had just come colliding into one another to break before her eyes, sitting at her feet hoping to be fixed and yet she knew she couldn't do a thing for it.

Vaughn had deemed that Grey was something that everyone had thought was long dead and gone and yet... he showed no hesitation behind his clear accusation. She might have started to laugh about it all if Grey had been more resistance to the very thing, but something seemed to click in his head. She could only wonder what it was and had even dared to ask him what he was thinking about all this when they had been dismissed by the shocked Scarlet. Even the great and all powerful mother of Casbael had said she was going to seek council with Sparlas about the events that had transpired. Something in all her time within the temple, she had never heard stated by the mother. It left a knot in her stomach.

As they all disbanded, Crow and Dalia seemed to disperse amongst the bodies that were within the temple leaving her alone with the frighteningly silent and clearly brooding demoil. In her head she had it all figured out, all she needed to do was be ever vigilant with Grey, waiting patiently for him to speak his mind and not go probing around but.. that proved in vain when she sprung out the question to what was he thinking.

She had expected him to show anger at least, but there was nothing. He threw down a exhausted look to her, clicked his tongue, turned away from her and walked away without a word. Panic welled into her chest while feet followed briskly on his heels finding that his hand caught around her shoulder to stop her. Even then, nothing was spoken to her but rather a shake of his head and again departure.

She could deal with anger, fright and anxiety from him, but this... this was new. And it scared the living hell out of her.

Being forced to dwell alone she could not pin point another truthful time in her youth that had felt this same plight of panic and in turn shunning.

Feet took on a life of themselves slowly milling around the temple grounds inside and out until she had found herself standing in an not so common room with a person she hadn't seen in a bit of time. While she hadn't meant to come this way it appeared she had been expecting it. Of course she would, the woman was a link to time itself.

Deep hazel eyes were studying her inside and out, the frail linger smile touched against the thin lips as hands had been clasped tight into the rise of her thighs. Without a word, the woman opened a hand to gesture outwards that was an invitation for her to walk and talk, or rather listen. She said nothing to what she could have possibly seen in the time line of this day, but rather talked about little things that really had nothing to do with the situation. It didn't take much to figure out that Katherine was trying to bring her attention to anything but what was happening.

Eventually she began to exchange a conversation back and forth with the slightly older woman, each taking time to let a faint smirk blossom into a weary grin while they made their way back into the inner reaches of the temple. It was then she seen Katherine's curious eyes flick back and forth seeming to know something more than she did. Making a slow beckon with her fingers, the woman was nothing short of a hound dog when it came to finding someone. It wouldn't remotely surprised her if the archon being began to sniff at the air.

Trailing tight around a corner and a pillar, Rhye paused when Katherine turned her attention sharp around to the wall seeming to find her prey.

Taking a step around the woman's shoulders, Rhye could only blink. "Crow?" she was actually caught off guard by him hiding in the shadows as it were. Glancing to the side back and forth, her brow knitted. Daring a question she paused before it began as she would have been utterly stupid not to notice the difference in his demeanour or rather the shivering that seemed to rake across his skin. Perhaps she should have known personal space but in the short time she had come to learn the hevanarchon he wasn't usually so... ill looking? Was that a right way to describe it? Either way, Rhye made no qualms to close the distance between himself and her allowing her gaze to peer top to bottom over him. She wasn't sure what the hell had come over him but it was evident enough something had.

Katherine grinned lightly, "Fates are muddled around you, so many different time lines twine violently around your essences and yet I am surprised even that you have not come to seek my guidance." she spoke causing Rhye to shake her head vigorously. Humming a laugh behind closed lips, Katherine took a step back in a motion for them both to follow her. "Now that I have both of you alone, perhaps a warm drink and a fire would warm the cold in your chest, Destyn."

Rhye raised a brow, shook her head again not knowing in the least what sort of prattle was coming from Katherine, but then again it was best not to go understanding a seer.

Hesitant for a moment, Rhye grinned gingerly almost a private smirk to that of the hevanarchon before she reached forward to wrap her arms tightly around his shoulder. "Just don't shiver me off now," she teased him lightly, "What were you doing that you are freezing yourself to death?" she dared, though Katherine made a noise to it all.

"Tick tock goes the clock, past and present mixed in a jar so nice and neat but within the heart of the lost, it confuses and loses track of its stream line. Tick tock tick tock, the past is cold in bed and one has invited it back into their warmth."

Rhye blinked, "What?"

"Come come, we shall chit and chat. Rhyden my darling, take Destyn to the great spanse. I have taken the liberty to have the men stock the fire earlier this day."

"You didn't..." Katherine pressed a finger to her lips saying it was a secret. "Seers, I swear."
Crow pulled himself up with the best of his ability. But the shivering was only left to be uncontrolled. He could feel his eyes sunken in, and he could only imagine what he looked like as Rhye and the other lady looked over him.

She spoke so strangely, he had no idea what she was talking about. At the moment however, he really could care less. His mind was already so foggy, he could hardly string together sound thoughts or sentences.

"Fire yes." Crow nodded. "Drink. Please, no." He stuttered behind a shiver. He looked at Rhye, somewhat ashamed, but she only seemed confused by his current state. Crow knew if he was refusing food or beverage she would guess something was wrong. But the very thought of ingesting anything at this moment was more than... unsettling.
What was wrong with this day honestly? If it wasn't one person suffering some sort of unspoken plight it was another.

"Fire yes." Crow nodded. "Drink. Please, no."

Doing a double take to the refusal to something to ingest, Rhye frowned deeply at him. What had he done in that short amount of time that would have him suddenly refusing something that required him to inhale at a rapid pace. She really didn't want to lecture him especially since she had no idea what was going on, but she was hardly dumb enough to leave it at that. Her brow's knitted tight to the shame that echoed across his face. "Crow." her tone came out harsher than she really intended but after this day, she really didn't want someone else suddenly turning into something else.

"Tut tut Rhyden darling," Katherine beckoned, a grin ever present on her fair face those eyes drawn into a smile that was mimicking her lips. "Seems my sights were correct this day," she pointed a long thin finger to the nose of Crow, "You drank it didn't you."

"Drank what?" Rhye felt like she was sitting on the outside of a conversation locked behind glass only to watch the scene play out without actually hearing what was happening.

"Fluid." Katherine responded flatly this time about as if that was clearly stated, "Seeping seeping, it all is seeping into the core of your being. Trying to reawaken in a numb shell of once was, hardly effective. What silliness that woman was, giving you something without at least an inclination of its properties." Oh she hated it when Katherine got like this, talking in ramblings of nonsensical words. It was worse than riddles, at least you could figure out a riddle eventually, this... this was something else entirely. It was like she was having a full fledge discussion with herself seeing as she was the only person who would get the gist of it. "Chills and shivers, cold and ice sucking at the teet that has yet to produce a ounce of milk."

"Kate, please." Rhye gasped at her seeming to remind her that they were going to at least get Crow to a place of warmth and they didn't need the delay. Especially since she felt like she was going to vibrate across the room with how much he was shuddering.

"My pardon," she lifted a finger in a slight one finger wave as her body whirled right around to lead the progression towards the great spanse. Rubbing a hand up and then down her face with a bit of groan, Rhye turned a look down to Crow.

"Please tell me you didn't do something stupid, cause I can't reprimand you when you're like this." she at least spoke this time far more gently, concern was evident in her irises and in the tone. Giving him a slight pull to follow after Kate back through the hallways of twists and turns, she was thankful the large hearth of a room wasn't honestly that far off. It was a central point of the temple, easy for guests and works alike to come and rest in, easily holding about three hundred people at a time - if they were standing; more if they were sitting.

As the simple door slide open unlike so many of the others inside the temple, the wash of heat did well to remind her how really warm this place to get. In winter it was a great place to hunker down but in the summer, not so much. But that was besides the point due to the boy's folly, of what she still was trying to figure that out.

Pointing towards a high back chair, Kate shuffled inwards to pat the seat emphatically that is until Rhye would step back away from Crow when she felt he was at least capable to standing, walking on his own. Leaning back to clap her hands excitedly together, she reached out to ruffle up his hair eagerly. "Such mystery's wrapped up in this little noggin, all the memories of old and new to be had just within arms reach and yet it's not. Such marvel, such wonder, such-"

"Kate." Rhye warned pulling the doors across the sliding track to shut them again.

"Pardon pardon," she waved slightly spinning around grabbing the well worn blue hue of a blanket from the roost of another high back chair, humming all the way to drape it loosely for a time over Crow's head. It didn't take long before she was standing in front of him bundling him like a child, pulling ends here and there, there to here and tucking all the while. When she felt satisfied with him, her body leaned back with a hum to see if she really was happy though Rhye was holding a hand over her mouth trying not to laugh at it all. While the woman could easily be a wild card, she was amusing when it came to being perfectionist in all she did, be it little or big. "Snug as a bug in a rug, snug snug." she sang tapping the end of his nose and clapping again. "Now," hands reached forward to rest on her knees looking deeply at Crow trying to unravel the mystery that was supposed to be there. "Tut tut little Destyn going off drinking, silly child. You do not know who you are and yet you go looking for answers in bottles. Answers are found in knowledge not bottles."

"Okay who was drinking, you?" she pointed to Kate, "Or him, cause from where I stand, I am thinking it was you."

"Not booze my darling, manna!" Rhye's eyes widened drastically, "Manna is hard on the system of any mortal, at least in the digestive state." she pulled the blanket around his face again, "Silly boy, silly woman for giving it to you. Silliness all around." Skin connected with skin as Rhye slapped a hand to her forehead but said nothing. "Now Destyn love, tell me... what did you think would happen. Indulge my whim and my curiosity for if you want possible answers, I may give them too you. Maybe may not. Tell tell."
humming all the way to drape it loosely for a time over Crow's head. It didn't take long before she was standing in front of him bundling him like a child, pulling ends here and there, there to here and tucking all the while.

Though he had hoped being concealed within a vast amount of blankets, and directly in front of the fire, it seemed to do little in staving off the ever growing cold within him. Shivering and chattering he could only look up at Rhye with remorse. He felt only stupid and ashamed. Getting in Rhye's way when there were much more important things to be doing. Her bright green eyes glinting in the dim fire light, he could tell she was worried about him, despite that being the last thing he wanted from her.

"Not booze my darling, manna!" Rhye's eyes widened drastically, "Manna is hard on the system of any mortal, at least in the digestive state." she pulled the blanket around his face again, "Silly boy, silly woman for giving it to you. Silliness all around." Skin connected with skin as Rhye slapped a hand to her forehead but said nothing. "Now Destyn love, tell me... what did you think would happen. Indulge my whim and my curiosity for if you want possible answers, I may give them too you. Maybe may not. Tell tell."

He could only describe the sensation as death, but he knew he was far from it. Only extremely ill. As Kate, this supposed person who knew exactly what was going on, even better than he, started to question him; he could only mutter under uncontrollable chattering. He felt sort of annoyed at her, not because she was trying to be nosey, rather it was that she was only drawing further attention to him, when he was trying to avoid it.

"C-c-cold, didn't-" He swallowed hard trying to steady his vibrating jaw. "Expect this." He snorted. He could feel his nose running, he felt like a giant baby. He tried to speak more, but he struggled to greatly. He looked at Kate, his vision continued to blur further and further. Trying to keep his head clear, it only grew more foggy. "M-m-m" He started.
"Memories." He managed to struggle out of his thick tongue. His eyes were now closed. "Not..." He slouched, "This." He could feel Kate and Rhye huddling over him, worriedly. He wanted to tell them he would be okay, but he wasn't even sure of that.

Silence. It seemed to be quiet, calm finally. Warmth returned to his body, or that's what he thought. Opening his eyes, there was nothing. No light, his body too heavy to move. Panic set in for a moment at the realization that his body didn't work, but that was quickly distracted by blue orbs which appeared in front of his face. As they swam around the darkness the continued to grow until they were as big as ostrich eggs. They sped up, and flew right at him. Bracing himself, the impact left no sensation. Slowly he opened his eyes. His clothing showing a blue impression where the orbs had slammed into his body. This aura continued to crawl across his body, growing in size.

covering his chest, what ever was holding his body in place seemed to let loose it's hold. Getting upon his feet quickly, he took several paces back, attempted to wipe the light from his chest. It didn't go anywhere, in fact it had now transferred to his hands. Shaking his hands frantically, it only seemed to grow faster. Before he knew it, his entire body was enveloped in a blue veil. He wasn't sure what to think, it didn't hurt, it didn't feel like anything.

Looking upon the ground, he realized he was standing upon a cobblestone floor now. He was sure that he wasn't a moment ago. Looking up, there appeared to be a dim light across the horizon, what he could make out appeared to be buildings all around him. Walking down an unfamiliar street. He couldn't make out and of the buildings, they were black blocks as far as he was concerned. But he didn't know what else to do, so he continued to move forward.

stopping in his tracks, there were people standing before him. His eyebrows stitched together as he tried to make them out. One appeared to be a blonde haired lady, she was nestled into a taller being, a male. He was only black, with white eyes. He held her tight, as if to protect her. He had large black wings, like that of a Crow.

"Crow?" He found himself questioning aloud. The dark being started to grow in size. Stepping back with fright, the being loomed over him, reaching at him. Crow continued to step backwards, trying to turn, he felt his heal lock onto the ground, causing him to fall hard on the cobblestone. Letting out a yelp, the dark being continued to reach for him until his hand pressed firm against Crow's chest. Screaming more, the being seemed to enter Crow's body, pressing harder and harder until it grew painful. Screaming in agony, he wanted nothing more than the pain to end.

With a cold sweat Crow sat up. Placing his hand into his face, he realized he no longer had his glasses on, nor any clothes. Only a thin blanket across his lower body. Shaking his head, he was glad that was over. He was relieved, until he realized his wasn't alone in the room. Two sets of eyes watched him wearily in the distant corner of the room. This wouldn't have bothered him so bad, if he wasn't stark naked under the sheet.

"He's awake." It sounded like Kate. Both figures stood up, and started toward him. Pulling the blankets up right quick, Crow felt flushed.

"Wh-What are you two doing in here?" He questioned in a fret.

"Kate told me what happened, I was worried!" Dalia seemed to pipe up. She bounded over until she sat upon the edge of the bed. Crow inched away from her, concerned by their lack of concern for his state.

"Okay, alright." He relented. "But where are my clothes?" He mumbled unsure of the question.

"From Frost to Blaze, your mind was in a delirious haze. You were burning up my child." Kate spoke. "I will go retrieve Rhye, she will want to know of your awakening, yes yes."

"Oh, that's not necessary!" Crow piped up. But it was too late, she was on her way out of the door. He could only mumble more. He could feel the sweat upon his back, still trickling down. He could also feel the eyes of the other staring at him.

"...Yes?" Crow asked Dalia.

"Are you okay?" She asked leaning in. "You seem so uncomfortable." She blinked.

"That's because I am!" Crow whined. "Kinda... naked under here." Crow pulled his eyes from her.

"So?" Dalia blinked. "I didn't see." She tilted her head.

"Then... who?" He questioned. But before he got an answer he only felt the color drain from his face.

"It better not have been Rhye." He sighed worriedly.

"No, I think it was Kate." Dalia brought a finger up to her chin.

"Not much better..." Crow grumbled.

"She only did because you were burning up, she had to get your temperature down, otherwise you wouldn't wake up." Dalia looked at Crow, her brown eyes full of concern.

"I'll be okay, honest!" Crow hoped anyways.
After a moment of silence Crow brought his hand up to his chin. "What... exactly did Kate tell you, anyway?" He found himself asking.

"You drank Manna. To awaken yourself. She said she wants to talk to you, so I am to await her return." Dalia spoke quietly. He could tell that she wanted to say more, but she refrained.

"Wonderful." Crow admitted. He wasn't sure what else to say to Dalia, other than to apologize for being an idiot. But she seemed to sense how silly he felt, because she inched in again. The comfort bubble was popped quite literally as she leaned in again.

"Next time, let me know. We can keep it a secret from Rhye, okay?" Crow scratched his head, his face flushed again. Though he knew full well that could only cause more trouble than he had, he appreciated the sentiment.

"Thanks Dalia, I'll keep that in mind."

The large door clacked open as Kate returned surprisingly fast, with Rhye's Company in tow.

"Oh my." Kate spoke with a coy tone. Crow quickly realized why she made it with such a tone. With Dalia leaned right in, and him only separated with a thin sheet.

"No, NO! It's nothing!" Crow yelped. Flailing about, he suddenly wished he had gone into a coma.
She wanted to kill him with everything going on and without answers, it was difficult not to just strangle the very life from him. He had passed out on such a whim, his very flesh set to flame from cold leaving her and Kate in a sense of panic.

It took Kate little of any time to actually strip his clothing away and she had been very present for it, though she was the one screaming for her to stop it. One she really didn't want to see anything and two, she would have no idea how to explain it to Grey later. If she ever found him either.

Guards arrived shortly after she had began yelling at Kate to keep his clothing on, wasting next to no time ushering them all off towards the infirmary. Though the moment she was stopped from going beyond the door finally served to strike her final nerve. Hardly being one to strike out at many, Kate felt the sting of her own hand winding up and clapping hard to her face. She was a guardian, she was above them all besides that of Scarlet and Sparlas, she would not be held back a moment longer only to witness something from the sidelines. Guilt certainly wracked her later but at that moment and time, she would not listen to anything Kate had to say in the matter. Rather it appeared the Seer was awakened to the sheer plight that rested painfully in her chest.

Eventually with all that could be done, Kate had sent for Dalia knowing that girl had the closest connection to that of Crow, while she took her leave but not before making damn sure the moment Crow awoke, she was to be summoned.

Now that time came.

She said nothing to Kate, letting the steely gaze pierce hard into the woman saying more than words ever could. What they walked into though was something else.

Knitting her brows to the scene, she gritted her teeth watching from her side view as Kate smirked, turned to look at her and quickly humbled herself. Turning a furious sharp eye to her, the seer bowed at her waist.

"Dalia... Kate," her tone was cold, "Out." She was in no frame of mind to hear any disputes and she made that awfully clear in her usual friendly calm demeanor. Watching the pair carefully from the curve of her nose, she held her shoulders straight.


Rubbing his brow absently trying to stifle the aggression and fury that had been pressed across his shoulders. It had been difficult to tame her anger this time, especially when it all had finally come out. It wasn't like he could go denying the undeniable truth that was in fact standing before them, alive and thriving.

No, now he had to come to fruition to what he feared the most.

Stretching his hand back and forth testing the limits beneath his flesh, the lad had been quite vacate from the temple in the recent few days. In fact he couldn't even say he had returned after that first day of learning the truth behind his own name. Perhaps it had been for the best, especially since it appeared another one of the companions to the Vena guardian had struck out in a way that was easily not a feasible idea. So many changes were occurring around all of them, and so many out of the simple control of the Casbael order.

Will's were tested, patience pushed to their limits and yet this was the time they all had to start coming together for a greater purpose. One that was beyond the reach of fingers that sat on the horizon of the new day beckoning them with silent calls.

Testing the ground with the butt of his sculpted cane, he had made a point of making a noise so the lad would realize he was not as alone as he thought. Ears flicked, eyes peered across the span of his shoulder only to lower his brow in a threaten glare while he began to pick leaves from his robe. "Lovely day for a stroll, do you not agree?"

"Sparlas." he muttered correcting his stance so his back wouldn't be left exposed to the elder man, his glower did not waiver or lift rather it seemed to take on a stronger hold. "Didn't realize you were capable of leaving the temple without an aid or your wife's permission."

Same attitude even after a day or so contemplating what he was, that was a good sign at least. "It's a secret to everyone." pressing a finger to his lips, hands fell away to drape loosely around his sides. "After a while, it is nice to escape the reaches of the temple for the seclusion of the wilds."

Grey frowned deeply to him seeming to agree with him but not ready to voice it. "I can't imagine how the night feels, care to give it a detailed description to your elder?" His nose wrinkled, "No, well maybe another time. Lad... you can't lurk out here for an eternity."

"What gave you that impression?" his stance tightened taking on a defensive pose. While he might not have realized what he was doing, even in the short time of knowing him, he had come to see the subtle changes. Grey was ready to be on the attack to some questions, even daring to become violent if the moment required it.

Humming letting his hands stroke thoughtfully down the rough skin on his face, Sparlas smirked softly before he pointed to Grey's left side bounding back to his right. "You are missing a certain woman that you seem to enjoy toting around with you on a daily basis. It leaves one to assume you are avoiding her and the rest of the temple due to your own insecurities of being finally proclaimed as your rightful title."

Ears lifted, eyes narrowed and fangs bared. "What do you mean rightful title, you talk as if you had..." Understanding took over the facets of his face allowing the stab of a finger come towards him, "You did know, Sparlas!"

"Perhaps." Nonchalantly he moved around the open space of the garden, looking over the leaves of some of the larger plants. "And perhaps we have met many years ago Grey." Even if the lad didn't want to admit it or show it, he was hanging on his words. "Just to make myself sound older than I am," his hand extend to the height of his own knee cap. "I remember you when you were a wee tot. Though you were certainly a lot calmer and cuter at that point than you are now." Grey snorted at him. "The offspring of a demon and a priestess, the enriched blood of the darkian running fervently in your veins. Demoils at the beck and call of a five year old, you were a great threat to this world, Grey. Still are, but it is your choice now to determine whether you are just another threat that Casbael will lay their eyes on or are you the new reign of the demoils that will fortify Flycoren so that the legends of old will lay down and die."

"Speak common, not this drivel you are spouting off." Grey hissed. "You make it seem like it is as simple as a snap of one's fingers to make everything that my grandfather left me, just disappear." A hand slapped to his chest, "Not only have I been given something I had never wanted, or had interest in, I get a entire empire and worldly population that has a eternal hate on for me. That isn't something so easily wiped aside. You can't clean this surface with a few apologetic words, Sparlas."

"True." he grinned, "But you have something your grandfather did not lad," Brows knitted as the curiosity piqued, "Rhye." Then came the snort while his own arms dropped away from his once defensive stance, turning into an uncertain stand. Eyes flicked back and forth searching his thoughts for things he wasn't sure he could handle.

Eventually teeth gritted to wave a hand through the air trying to dismiss the entire thing. "I wouldn't go dragging her into anything like this."

"Haven't you already?" Grey paused stiffly, looking down to the elder man. "You have... how to say this with a bit of grace." thumbing for the right word, Grey was starting to lean away uncomfortably. "Ah, laid claim?"

"What. What? Wait how, what... there..." speechless and caught red handed, Grey scoffed off to the side furiously rubbing a hand to the back of his neck desperately grasping at something to throw back at him in sheer denial. But those lies weren't coming but rather something he knew that was extremely rare for the boy to even have happen, Sparlas couldn't stifle his own smirk.

"Actions speak louder than words," he tapped the apple of his own cheek causing Grey growl at him and turn away. "And you know eventually she is going to come out in search of you, so this little hiding feat you are trying to pull won't last long. I'd give it another day maybe. Give or take, depends on how long she takes to deal with Destyn."

"Crow?" Grey returned his attention back partly twisted with worry and fright all at once. For what purpose he wasn't overly sure.

"Seems the lad has ingested something that has not only Rhye worried but Dalia and a few other select women."

"You couldn't have told me that sooner?" Grey muttered at him taking a firm stride forward. Well it wasn't his original plan of action to make the Darkian return, but it certainly helped. He could at least pull the four of them into a group with Grey back in the comforts of the white marbled building, and finally giving the truth behind it all.
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The feeling of abandonment washed over Crow as Dalia and Kate exited the room promptly after Rhye's request. Pulling the sheets closer to his chest, he could feel Rhye's sights boring into his soul. As the door creaked closed behind her, he could only look into her steely gaze with fright.
"Uh...?" He wasn't sure what to say, but he felt something had to be said to break the tortuous situation. "Didn't realize you made house calls..." He muttered. His blue hair falling over his eyes he attempted his best effort to suck into a tiny corner and prevent any of the onslaught he was sure a Guardian could muster.

"Look Rhye, I'm sorry, honest. It wasn't meant to be a big deal..." He winced waiting for pain.
Shutting the door as they left eyes of confusion and fretting concern threatened to rise over her but she had made sure they couldn't return. Checking the knob just to make certain they weren't lurking close by, Rhye threw her coolly stare back across the width of her shoulder.

Silence echoed around the room, holding fast making him clearly uncomfortable. She was revelling in it, the fright that lingered in his own gaze only served to remind her that she still held a lot of potential power beneath her flesh. It was a reminder that she often forgot.

"Didn't realize you made house calls...", Lips pressed into a grim line at his attempt to kid around, eyes of unusual coloring narrowed to him.

"Look Rhye, I'm sorry, honest. It wasn't meant to be a big deal..."

She struck out a accusing finger at him, a brow puckered tight into a furrowed knit. "How dare you even utter that pitiful excuse. Wasn't meant to be a big deal? You can sit there and say that with a straight face and think," Rhye tightened her stare down, "Think I will even accept it."

Lifting her chin up to look down at him from the curve of her nose her tongue clicked impatiently. "It was a big deal especially considering you have no idea what principals exist in an alchemist's abilities, let alone potions. It is a big deal. What in the nine hells were you thinking Crow," hands opened in a wide stretch, "I know you are struggling with finding yourself again, I got that much. I can't even begin to sympathize with you, cause I don't know what it feels like. But for the living scales of Demot, Crow." Rhye was struggling with herself even. She was never overly that good at keeping up the neutral facade that a guardian had to develop. "If I had known that Keressa gave you something like that, I could have at least arranged for you to be somewhere safe. We could have been aware that something could have happened and be ready to act. Who the hell knows what could have happened if you passed out if neither Kate or myself were there? Then what?"

She shook with the sheer stupidity of his decision. "Damn your memories Crow, damn them and yourself. You keep searching for them and in turn now are willing to throw yourself into circumstances you have no idea about. A mortal body cannot ingest living manna, it is toxic to us. We must be born naturally with it, if you haven't figured it out yet. Hevanarchons are not born with it!" she snapped at him, "You could have killed yourself and you know what you may be looking in the past for what you lost. But you are so damn busy looking backwards to realize that you have people who are actually in the present giving a incredible damn about you and your safety." Flicking up her hand, Rhye gritted her teeth. "It is bad enough I have to worry about Grey but now I had to fear and fret that you are going to destroy yourself as well. Not to mention, scaring Dalia. She has been searching for you for how long and you pull something like this."

Rhye lifted her nose again, "Not a big deal, you better get your facts straight cause honestly if that is what you consider not a big deal. Then we have a huge problem."
Crow could only stare at the sheets in front of him while Rhye let loose her frustration on him. Somehow he felt like it wasn't all because of what he had just done. But he found contentment in that. A small smile formed over his lips as she stumbled with her frustration.

"You keep searching for them and in turn now are willing to throw yourself into circumstances you have no idea about. A mortal body cannot ingest living manna, it is toxic to us. We must be born naturally with it, if you haven't figured it out yet. Hevanarchons are not born with it!" she snapped at him, "You could have killed yourself and you know what you may be looking in the past for what you lost. But you are so damn busy looking backwards to realize that you have people who are actually in the present giving a incredible damn about you and your safety." Flicking up her hand, Rhye gritted her teeth. "It is bad enough I have to worry about Grey but now I had to fear and fret that you are going to destroy yourself as well. Not to mention, scaring Dalia. She has been searching for you for how long and you pull something like this."

Rhye lifted her nose again, "Not a big deal, you better get your facts straight cause honestly if that is what you consider not a big deal. Then we have a huge problem."

He nodded lightly. "Hmm. You are right, I have no idea of such things as alchemy. And perhaps I was being naive in some ways..." He looked up at her, his red eyes seemingly glinting in the low light.

"But can I ask you something..." He tilted his head and looked to the side momentarily. Noticing a cold meal and a glass of water on a far side table. "You trusted Vaughn with Grey, did you not? Only by mere mention of who he was, yet you had never met him before." He looked back at Rhye carefully. "Would he tote around an apprentice that didn't know what she was doing?" He scratched his head and winced lightly, his muscles still burning slightly. "I couldn't bring myself to think that what she had given me would be meant to harm me. Even though that was my initial concern. And despite everyone's overall concern for me currently..." He rubbed his eyes behind his frames for a moment.

"And though I'll be the first to admit whatever I just went through felt like hell, Literally. I'm still alive." He could feel Rhye studying him, still fraught with anger. He realized maybe he should cut to the chase.

"I'm sorry I had you so worried, but look." He reached his hand out with his palm facing up. "feel." He gave a half smile, waiting for her touch.

"Though you say I wasn't born with magic..." He looked at her, almost as shocked as she did. "It's cold... and I can feel it coursing through me." He brought his hand back to his lap. "I don't know how to explain it... I'm as confused as you, and I am still without an answer as to how. And somehow Keressa knew this beyond all of us." He pushed his frames up onto the bridge of his nose.

"I thought I was going to get answers..." He paused. "It only gave me more questions." He sighed lightly.

"But you have made me realize something." He turned to look into Rhye's eyes. "I am going to become your Shepherd."
"You trusted Vaughn with Grey, did you not? Only by mere mention of who he was, yet you had never met him before. Would he tote around an apprentice that didn't know what she was doing? I couldn't bring myself to think that what she had given me would be meant to harm me. Even though that was my initial concern. And despite everyone's overall concern for me currently."

A cynical smirk made it's impression on her lips, "Crow, I trusted Vaughn not because I knew his name. He is Scarlet's and Sparlas' son. I have heard legends about his feats and knew I could trust him, because it was his father that had requested him to look over Grey. I do not know Keressa. As far as I am concerned, I do not even know if Vaughn was aware of what she has done. He would be the first person to state manna is not to be ingested ever. So do not go putting praise upon her head." Rhye knitted her brows again, beginning to bare her fangs as it was, "It is near criminal what she has done, she has already been pulled into Scarlet's hands, I will not be surprised if she is stripped of her title for almost injuring a guest of Casbael."

"And though I'll be the first to admit whatever I just went through felt like hell, Literally. I'm still alive." He could feel Rhye studying him, still fraught with anger. He realized maybe he should cut to the chase.

"I'm sorry I had you so worried, but look. Feel." She was thinking about feeling alright, him about to feel the inside of her own palm against his cheek but she stifled that urge rather quickly. Rather she sighed nosily to him, complying with what he had asked of her only to feel the stunned nature rip across her face. Retrieving her hand and rubbing it slightly, she was watching him again. "Though you say I wasn't born with magic... it's cold... and I can feel it coursing through me. I don't know how to explain it... I'm as confused as you, and I am still without an answer as to how. And somehow Keressa knew this beyond all of us."

"Keressa is a fore something much like Kate, Crow. She might know something about you but it would be no different than Kate. Though I would vouch that our dear Katherine wouldn't have been so stupid as to endanger you." She was bitter and sour to the whole thing. There would be no light being pulled into her heart for the woman now. She had overstepped her boundaries and Rhye was certain to make her know she had. As far as she was concerned, Keressa had almost inflicted one of her own to something she would have easily known could have gone array.

"I thought I was going to get answers... It only gave me more questions."

Rhye turned to walk to that of the chair as she grabbed a hold of his jeans and threw them at him. She was listening to him, though haphazardly, ears of length flicked upwards daring to replay his final words through her head. "But you have made me realize something. I am going to become your Shepherd."

Blinking to slowly bring her gaze back to him, Rhye began to laugh outright at him. It started off as a giggle before she was supporting herself with the wall trying not to fall right over onto the floor with how hard she was laughing. Tears fell to the floor, struggling to get a grip on herself. "No you won't," Rhye lifted herself upwards wiping at her eyes, "Not until you learn to rely on your friends instead of desperately clinging to the hopes to regain yourself." Rhye frowned again turning sharp on her heels, "The temple I rule, we must all work together. Where there are faults another picks up and where someone falls we collect and hold fast. I will welcome you into the temple Crow, you and Dalia with open arms but..." she peered across her shoulder, "You will never become the shepherd until you stop believing that your answers are going to come from elixirs and other means of manna. And trust that we will be there to be the ones who will lift and pull you back to your feet. A shepherd must be the rock of the temple and," Rhye narrowed her gaze on him, "The other diplomatic half to the guardian." Pulling the door open with a stiff jerk, she exited with a furious huff.

Stepping backwards watching the door open and shut sternly, he was actually glad when she had walked briskly towards the inner ring of the temple. Grey glanced downwards to that of Dalia he had found lingering around the corner, sitting on the floor. "I can't assume that went well."
"Tch... That went well..." He murmured under his breath, as he sat in the silence of the room. The corners of the walls seemed to extend endlessly in the dark room. Grabbing at his pants he pulled them on and stood. Dizzily he wobbled towards the glass of water. Placing a hand upon his forehead his mind could only wander to his dream of the strange angel holding the lady in his arms. Swigging back the water in as few gulps as possible he wandered over to the door. Pressing his hand against the handle he stood there for a moment, with the feeling of cold metal in his hands.
"She has a strange way to show concern, to say the least." He sighed. "But she's probably right. Thank you Rhye, for letting me know... What a Shepherd actually is." He spoke quietly to himself. Pulling the door open, it creaked loudly, which was really the last thing he had wanted. He could instantly feel the eyes of Dalia peering on him from down the hall.
Crow looked directly at her, with a tired sort of look. Dalia could only shrink down and try to hide.

"It's okay." He waved off. Dalia wearily walked up to Crow.

"I thought she killed you." She spoke with high concern.

"Naw, just chewed on me..." He scratched his eyebrow. "I deserved every ounce of it though, so I'm not mad at her for it. She was just venting. I just had to come up with something that would make her storm out." Dalia just stood there quietly, with her fingers fidgeting in front of her.

"So what's going to happen now?" She asked. "Does she hate us?" Crow could only laugh.

"Someone that passionate about a stranger they just met...? I don't think so." He folded his arms. "Though I am concerned. I think she feels like she's lost control of the situation at hand... trying to get a hold of things again, and I'm not sure how to help." He waved a hand as he smiled at Dalia.

"I know it may be hard, but perhaps you should get some sleep. We all could use it. Even though I may have been sleeping all night already, I'm exhausted." He chuckled lightly. Dalia only looked at him confusedly.

"I'll see you in the morning Dalia!" Crow said cheerfully as he started to walk down the hallway.

"Wait... But!..." She squeaked as she helplessly watched him walk away. "Goodnight." She stuttered.

Crow walked down the large hallways. Every other time he walked down the halls, they had been bustling with people, moving to and fro working hard to achieve what they set out to do. But at these hours, there were few people moving about. He welcomed the quiet corridors as he questioned the things he had done. He understood Rhye's frustration over his untimely decision. But he could hardly confess to her whether or not he was really sure on following her. He had to make these choices for himself, and despite her open arms... He felt he had already caused enough problems.

What had happened to Grey was directly his fault. And there was no way around that. He was causing a rift all around him. But instead of fear, or wanting to run, there was something deeper than that. He knew that he had to be part of the solution. He just had to wrap his brain around what that solution was. With that thought he found himself in front of extremely large doors. Four guards stood out front of the door, and they were quick to halt him.

"No entry permitted. Not at any level."

Crow rubbed the back of his head. "I uhh-- was just lost." He admitted nervously.

"At ease men. He is with me." A familiar voice rang through his ears. Turning to see who it was, the figure of Sparlas sauntered forward.

"Sparlas!" Crow exclaimed. "Uhh, what are you doing here?" He asked.

"That's kind of my bedroom, I was about to go to bed..." He raised his eyebrow. Crow hunched over a little embarrassed.

"Oh." was his simple statement.

"It's fine. Come with me child." He spoke calmly, with a strong voice. He escorted Crow to a balcony with elegant banisters. flowers and vines grew across the front of it and wrapped around to hang upon the balcony floor. The stonework etched into the ground was like nothing Crow could recall ever seeing. On top of that, even in the night sky, the view was amazing. Both moons gleams brightly, and the stars sparkled with a life of their own. As Crow looked up to the sky with astonishment, Sparlas laid his cane against the banister.

"Quite the day we have had, isn't it my child?" He spoke softly. "It's amazing how on most days... life moves at a consistent pace. But for those few, it seems life takes a hold of us, and moves the world around us, making it turn even faster than it did before." Crow looked toward Sparlas.

"Why won't Scarlet tell me who I am?" Crow asked quietly, cutting the short talk brief. Sparlas just stood silently with his arms folded for several minutes.

"Nothing she tells you... Will be helpful to the person you are now." Crow only shook his head.

"And who am I now?" Sparlas smiled walking over to Crow. Placing a firm hand upon his shoulder.

"You are what ever you desire. People only dream of the freedom that you have achieved, child. People spend their entire lives trying to form what they envision for themselves. Some spend millions to achieve this. But you. You have your path completely clear for you to do what you want. But with that choice comes a sort of responsibility." Sparlas brought his hand up to his grizzled chin.

"Responsibility?" Crow asked. Sparlas nodded in return.

"Yes my child. Your personality, mentality, your inner abilities. They must align with your decision." Crow looked upon the ground, with disappointment.

"Scarlet wants me to be Rhye's Shepherd. Rhye doesn't want that, not after what I did." Sparlas chuckled.

"Those around you are only trying to do what they feel is right. They all want to help you become the best you can be. They are not at fault, nor are you for feeling like you don't have a choice. These are simply your options."

"Take these influences, and let them be factual. Not emotional. With those facts at hand, you may find your answer. And if you don't, then perhaps the answer lies elsewhere." Sparlas stretched and yawned loudly. It almost seemed out of place, as this older man to act out so childishly.

"I'm afraid my voice is tired. I have spent all day yakking." He wandered over to pick up his staff. A light breeze caressed the two, the night air smelling strongly of summer. "Do what you feel is in your heart. And I promise it will work out." Sparlas spoke with confidence.

"That sounds so cliche..." Crow mumbled.

"Ah yes," He agreed. "But those who say it, are wise to think so." Sparlas departed, leaving Crow to stand upon the balcony looking up at the stars.

"I'm sorry Grey..." Crow spoke aloud, even though Grey wasn't in front of him. "I will help fix what I've done to you. Even if that means I have to become Rhye's Shepherd to do so." Closing his eyes he took in a deep breath. What ever he had done, up to this point... He knew with the energy coursing within him, he would spend the time and learn what it was, and how to utilize it. In this way, he could help Rhye and Grey, in any way that they needed him.

He had lingered back for a bit mostly keeping a firm eye on Dalia due to her own nervousness for waiting out the storm that had been bustling inside the room and honestly behind his own flesh, to avoid Rhye when she came out. A part of him had been hoping that she would have calmed down but in the time he had come to learn of her attitude and her patience, it had been clearly broken. Whatever Crow had done managed to crawl under her skin and he knew his own behaviour had been the paving stone for it all.

When he was certain about Rhye being far enough ahead, he smirked somewhat to that of Dalia. Poor girl, she had no idea what she was getting into though the dysfunction of them all sort of made it a little more compelling to see where it all ended. Not that he would admit that.

The night had turned late before he really thought about it, being stuck with the realization that he was something that was supposed to be nothing but a legend; all the secrets of his parents came to the forefront of his mind. This was exactly what they were hiding, they knew. Of course they knew but how could he have been the Darkian, he had never heard of a half breed being one and it was a birthright. That meant the moment he was born, he was that. All of it was confusing and now not only had his blood turned into a full demoil, he was counted as a hellion.

Lifting his gaze up to peer down the long stretch of hallway; feet stalled their advancement to raise a brow to the oddity standing out front. It seemed the feeling was mutual as they shared a look of peculiar stare before he decided that he needed not to worry about this tin can standing here.

"Evening Lord," the man spoke to him when he was close enough, tipping his head forward in a proper greeting. This place was all about looking its best and behaving even better, it was really starting to work on some nerves of his own.

Grunting in acknowledgement, Grey blinked only to narrow a single eye down to the man as he stepped in front of him. "Can I help you?" Throwing down unimpressed glance with the halt of his route.

"Orders from Lady Hunter; she is not to be disturbed this evening. I am merely following through with her request."

Lifting his eyes to look at the wooden grain of the door, he couldn't help but feel like this had been entirely his fault. Which a good portion of it was. She had been patiently ready to stand with him in this moment and yet he was not willing to have her do so. Instead he had brought her aside in a way that he could even see the hurt that ran through her gaze when he turned away. Crow's part had only increased the strain on what she was trying to control, but the lad had his own plights and faults to handle as well, she couldn't be expected to have a hand in it. At least not one that would be to fix it all.

Still, he wasn't overly ready to start listening to her orders now. Drawing his attention downwards, the man was waiting for his response calmly.

"Are you part of Dorian's squadron?"

Easily not the question he was expecting, the man hummed before his helmet nodding vigorously with his head, "Aye sir, is there a problem?"

Grey grinned as he shook his head this time, "Good I didn't want this to be awkward." Without missing a beat he grabbed a hold of the man's chest plate to lift him from the ground. Confusion settled well in his brown eyes arms flailing out to the sides before he slumped forward when the torch hook held the back of his armor against the wall. Taking a step back, Grey lifted his brow giving him a slight salute. "Have a good evening."

"Uh... you as well Lord." he squeaked out as the door latch clacked with him opening it to the dark room. Most of the torches had been snuffed out for the night though the cool breeze that filtered to stir up the smell of lavender and vanilla gave way the shady vision crowned with a silver light resting her elbows against the balcony edge.

"Are those ears on the side of your head just for decoration?" Rhye hissed backwards, he caught a step catching the glint of vivid green irises staring across her shoulder at him. Rather through him. "I specifically asked not to be disturbed. There is only so much stupidity I can handle within a day and night."

Grey huffed a mocking laugh at her expense, setting the smoldering anger alight in her gaze again. "I don't take orders from the likes of you or any others. Didn't you get the memo darling, you are dealing with the Darkian. I don't fall under Casbael's rule." he returned her own gesture letting the annoyance seed deep into his tone as he crossed out into the relieving night air. "Care to keep trying?"

Working her jaw, hair flicked back in a snap as she turned her gaze out to look upon the silvery rooftops of the city below. "Hon,"

"Don't you dare, I am just as angry with you as I am him. I don't need your sagely wisdom so if that is all you came to offer, take it back out the door you entered in from." She was a little feisty to say the least, a side he really wasn't all that accustom too but it certainly perked a bit of his interest.

Humming some as he ignored her comment about leaving, he leaned a little over the balcony railing, "Didn't think we were up that high," Rhye muttered something beneath her breath, "You are rather sour you know that? It makes it extremely unpleasant to deal with you, do we need to have a repeat of our first meeting?" she shot him a glare that he could easily say most would have went cringing from. Or leapt off the balcony knowing death was an far more peaceful existence than living with her foul attitude at the moment. "Now you are going to shut up and put up with what I have to say," she opened her mouth as he leaned his elbows back to the railing, "Sometimes it would do you justice just to suck it up and listen."

Lips pursed tight together as she just threw a waving dismissing hand at him. "Don't you think you can loosen your reigns a little here, from where I am standing you don't need to keep the control on the situation." She was ignoring him now, but that meant little. He knew she was listening, "I won't play it off like I know what has happened with Crow but in my personal experience, he is lost enough without the big bad guardian coming down his throat. Rhye," she ignored him still, turning away as he wrinkled his nose at her now. "Rhye." he said with a clear command in his voice yet she remained stubborn. Okay he could deal without this side of her, it was hardly becoming of a guardian.

Pushing up away from the railing as he could have cared less about what she was going to say, he pinched his fingers to the bottom of her chin forcing her to look back to him. Tears prickled against her lashes, anger and fear sat well within the depths of her irises. Chuckling a little to her, he shook his head. "Look at you, all torn up in so many directions. Not knowing what the hell you are doing, which way you're going or coming and yet you are struggling just to maintain. Rhye you are a guardian yes, but you don't need to be one here. Look I know you have a lot on your plate, but it is not your responsibility to make sure everything is perfect. None of us are."


"Don't even start with me," Grey interrupted her, "Cause I am the last person who wants to hear your excuses, let go of it Rhye. You aren't here to maintain us, just like we can't maintain you. So why wind yourself up because of it? Look we can handle Crow as a working team and figure out what has to be done. You aren't the only one in this remember. And he isn't either. I hate to admit it but, we are starting to become the great big misfit family, and we don't need to be fighting amongst each other."

Anger subsided revealing her confusion to him. "Family but your-"

"Don't read too much into it," he waved it aside tipping her chin upwards, "Now let's handle one thing at a time. Crow is alive and we are going to have to go back out into that big scary world in hopes to figure out that plague still, we cannot weaken each other by our own stupidity. I didn't agree to be the body guard to a couple of idiots."

Rhye frowned a little, "But what about yourself, I mean the idea you have just been claimed as the-"

"Let's not bring that up again right now," he grunted to the very idea, "Tomorrow is another subject." Stealing the night to his own whim and to at least prove a private point that she wasn't alone and he didn't just brush her off; the silence that greeted was a blessed thing.
It wasn't something he could just adjust too over night, literally. While he was starting to get more of a feel to the natural order of things that were the mortal way, as long as he could stifle the urge to follow suit, he would. There was no denying it, the twilight hours of night turning into daylight was the time he thought best. Quiet sang through the marbled corridors, soft shuffling of the morning staff busying themselves with the clean up before anyone was up and rustling through and the lull of the world around them just screamed serenity. Something he wasn't so apt to admit he was accustom too.

Even when he had inhabited that of the Vena temple all those months, the room he had been given was merely a place he put his gear rather than linger inside.
But as long as the collar worked in unison to that of the cuffs around his wrists, he knew it would soon become impossible to fight against the basic urge of his ecchial side that would eventually scream and cry for the slumber of the night. The only good thing about that was possibly the idea of the guardian that he was still trying to keep under lock and key. He knew it wouldn't take long before someone really got a whiff of what had transpired between the pair of them, while most bodies in the temple knew they had a closer relationship none really knew how close.

Exhaling heavily letting the weight of the moment subside from his shoulders, his gaze was drawn downwards to the outer ring that sat beneath the large rounded balcony stretching over the dual stairway entrance to that of the temple, blue narrowed eyes were glancing over the looming striking pose of the man of casbael. It took a bit to find the way out to the balcony in all honestly, Echowinds wasn't nearly as easy to navigate as that of Vena though on the plus side he didn't have to feel the lingering pressure of Lord Falcon on him making in the same inhalation a little easier to take in a solid breath.

Vagunet stood unwavering, his claymore raised above his head in a mighty pose to righteousness and the heavens, the pedestal beneath his feet coated thick in ivory and obsidian seeming to strike out in a powerful everlasting bellow of power that would reign the temple high. He wasn't so keen on the man that he heard in legends, nor was he overly fond of the other side of the spectrum he had been so gifted to be born in. The stature served as a reminder to those around that Casbael triumphant in the great war but to him, it reminded him that they hadn't nearly succeed to destroy the throne he was to be in control of. Rubbing a rough hand across his brow only to descend downwards to slap nosily into the thick banister, he was trying to ignore the fact that Vaughn had dropped this on him... on them! Talk about bad taste.
Morning came with little resentment to the previous night. Things were calm, and peaceful. Any hard feelings seemed to drift into the air, thinning into nothing. Crow awoke to a basin and cloth beside his bed. How a maid had snuck into his room, he wasn't sure. But perhaps he was in a deeper sleep than he had thought.

Rubbing his face with the thick warm cloth, he felt refreshed. Placing his glasses upon his nose, he wriggled his bare feet across the marble ground. Reaching for his shirt he pulled it over his back. Feeling safe within the walls of theTemple, he didn't even bother to get fully dressed up. Simply in his shirt and pants with bare feet beneath his boots. Opening the door with a creak, the sunlight filtered across the smooth floor.

As Crow stepped out into the hall, he was surprised to see a body curled up on the outside of his door. Long brunette hair splayed out across the floor, covering the face of the little one that lay before him.

"Dalia?" He questioned. A quiet voice mumbled as she stirred. Sitting up she rubbed her eyes. "How long were you there?" Crow asked surprised.

"Mmmmmm." She mumbled some words, but Crow was unable to make them out, she almost sounded like she was speaking in another language.

"What?" Dalia blinked as she looked at him with a sort of lost look.

"Oh, I-" She seemed to pop back into reality. "Since dawn, maybe?" She stood up and stretched. "I was going to knock on Crow's door. But figured you were tired. I didn't want to bother." She spoke shyly, her eyes wandering off distantly as she blushed.

"You didn't have to..." He sighed with a tilt to his head. With a hand on his head he only nodded lightly. "Are you hungry?" He questioned. Dalia grinned with an evident happiness. With a hop she nodded.

"Sure, let's go eat!" She grabbed at his hand and started pulling him down the hall way, his boots clacking across the floor.

Wandering through theTempletowards the kitchen that had fast become their usual spot to sit in theTemple, they slowed their pace as they rounded a bend. Large pillars opened up to a foyer where a large being stood looming silently. He seemed to take notice of the two, but didn't make it obvious. Standing with his arms folded he leaned nonchalantly against one of the many pillars.

"Grey!" Dalia waved at him, he seemed to give a small side glance, but remained silent. Dalia released Crow's hand and bounded over to Grey. Crow decided to follow up closely behind.

"Hey, Grey..." Crow acknowledged him cautiously. Grey nodded with a mild response. "What are you doing here?" Though the answer seemed obvious, Crow felt uncomfortable just standing there not saying anything, and felt idle chit chat may help aid the situation.
And he thought cat's were creatures of habit as he took clear notice of the tethered to each others hips secondary pair to the group coming around the bend, his attention didn't linger long on them. There was no real reason too, he had already made his own personal peace with what had transpired the night before and honestly, he didn't believe - for once- that he had the need to tear into someone after Rhye had so effectively done so.

But the distraction was a good sign. Tilting his chin upwards as Dalia took it upon herself to close the distance between the three of themselves, Crow in short tow; eyes of the familiar unusually shade of blue fell to linger long on that of the hevanarchon. Usually tempered into a tight pull of tension or rather annoyance, none appeared to the moment. Rather it might even be thought he showed a reflection of concern to the younger lad but that was fleeting and hard to catch on his face.

Correcting his stance from leaning against that of the marbled pillar planting his own feet firm beneath his stature, Grey gave a lazy shrug to his question. It was obvious and it was even more apparent that Crow was trying to avoid the awkward silence that could easily slip into the space between them all. Didn't help that the blue haired one was walking on those proverbial egg shells, did well to acknowledge him nonetheless.

Throwing a mild look around before settling back to the pair again, a brow rose some. "Watching the sunrise," he couldn't really hold back the snarky comment but in retrospect it was tamer than usual. "Or rather playing more of a look out for a certain guardian that would easily be coming this way eventually and," he pointed a firm finger to Crow, clearly accusing him. "You know with all the hell you caused last night, you did a damn fine job overshadowing my own issues, I would almost feel obligated to thank you but rather I won't." he didn't overly want to say much but he still felt he like had too, even against his own prior thoughts. "Next time, just be a little more careful would you; unless you enjoy seeing her come unglued."

Grey considered Dalia a moment, "So with that behind us thankfully, I heard from passing lips you had a conversation with Sparlas last night." Chatting guards being relieved of their night time duty proved good gossip, at least for those who were scrounging around on the air waves. "I assume you have thought more on what Scarlet had thrown at your feet, and the possible hell that everything is rising up too now?" Again he wasn't one really to dart around the truth and honestly, the less posed about his own change of titles was for his own sanity. He wanted to avoid it like the plague, so making it turn about to concern more of Crow was more of his enjoyment. Plus he might be able to figure out if he should start trying harder to ward Crow and Dalia away from the organized chaos that was Casbael or vice versa and start being a recruit. That thought alone left a foul taste in his mouth.
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Crow nodded silently. His eyes looking up at the lumbering demoil. His expressions seemed less harsh this morning, he pondered whether that was because of the neck and wrist braces. "I..." He paused for a moment. "Think I will take her up on the offer of Shepard. I understand I have a lot to learn. Which maybe that's even an understatement, but," Crow looked over to Dalia and back at Grey. "I think it's the right thing to do. Even if Rhye doesn't think so..." Crow looked down at the marble floor. The shine of the morning sun reflecting off of the floor.

"And it's not just because I feel like I don't have a choice. Rather, it's that I feel responsible for what's ahead. When I think about it, I couldn't just turn a blind eye knowing what I know. To leave it all in your hands, wouldn't feel right. Not when I know-" Crow clenched his hands. Ever since he had drank the Manna, he could feel a strange tingling throughout his body. It encouraged his spirits, knowing that there was something within him, part of his past was there, he could taste it. "That I have the power within me to help. Even in some small way."

This is what his heart told him. This is what he knew he had to do. It wasn't only that he felt like it was his fault for Grey's transformation, but rather it was his duty to make sure it didn't affect anyone else. That it didn't cause casualty's. Crow nodded, reassuring himself, this was the right choice. If he had a past, he may one day find it, but before he could be selfish with it, he had to set what had already happened, straight.
"Think I will take her up on the offer of Shepherd. I understand I have a lot to learn. Which maybe that's even an understatement, but, I think it's the right thing to do. Even if Rhye doesn't think so... And it's not just because I feel like I don't have a choice. Rather, it's that I feel responsible for what's ahead. When I think about it, I couldn't just turn a blind eye knowing what I know. To leave it all in your hands, wouldn't feel right. Not when I know-" Crow clenched his hands, "That I have the power within me to help. Even in some small way."

Rubbing a hand to his eyes trying to remove the fatigue that was already settling there, Grey could only offer a gruff scoff to Crow's prattle. He understood the kid wanted to fix his wrongs but was this really the way to do it? Then again, he couldn't say much to it. He didn't hold that right.

Wait! His placid gaze went from hum drum boredom that seeped through is entire being to sheer upright alert. Crystal clear blue irises flicked hastily to Crow repeating the last sentence he had said through his head. "That I have the power within me to help. Even in some small way."

That said, Grey stabbed a finger to him his own ears shifted to mat downwards. "Power? What in the nine hells are you sprouting on about, power?" it was condensing at best, belittling otherwise Grey couldn't fathom what that sentence fully meant alone. He wasn't one to understand the fiddlings of manna at all, but he was no where stupid enough to know that Crow's little announcement was anything to say his own internal physical power - he had witnessed the lack of that already and mind you it wasn't because the lad couldn't hold his own, rather he had to reteach himself such things. "Not many know how to read between the lines of someone elses words as easily as I have learnt. There is a sudden reason to why you feel you can accomplish the title of shepherd and why do I have a great niggling feeling now biting at the back of my skull," his hand rubbed haphazardly there to express his point, "That it had something to do with that vile crap you took into your body?" he wasn't going to dodge this one, not even remotely; rather he was attacking head first like a bull.
"I don't know if it's that... More like, something Sparlas said I think." Crow blinked at Grey's sudden spurt of fret. Crow shook his head.

"I'm not saying I feel like I can conquer the world or anything," Crow laughed. "But I feel free from the worry of my past. That's all. I'm here now with you guys, that's all I'm going to focus on. And I mean, I haven't any greater clue to what all this Manna hubbub is. All I know now is that I should be dead and not alive for drinking it, and now I feel weird. Maybe it's just anxiety hoping I don't keel over suddenly, though I'm not one hundred percent sure. What I do know, is that my hands won't stop being clammy." Crow rubbed the back of his head and raised his eyebrow with a nervous laugh. He wasn't sure what Grey was all on the up and up about. But it certainly concerned him. Did he know more about Manna, was there something that had not yet been said?

Crow looked at Dalia who had been standing their silently, seeming to enjoy the conversation at hand. "Maybe I do feel on some level like I'm stronger for surviving something like Manna. But to say why, would just sound naive." Dalia tilted her head as Crow smiled with a sort of concerned look.
"I don't know if it's that... More like, something Sparlas said I think." Watching how Crow said it, that still didn't relieve the sudden distress that was echoing through his mind. It still seemed off.

"I'm not saying I feel like I can conquer the world or anything, But I feel free from the worry of my past. That's all. I'm here now with you guys, that's all I'm going to focus on. And I mean, I haven't any greater clue to what all this Manna hubbub is. All I know now is that I should be dead and not alive for drinking it, and now I feel weird. Maybe it's just anxiety hoping I don't keel over suddenly, though I'm not one hundred percent sure. What I do know, is that my hands won't stop being clammy."

"Maybe I do feel on some level like I'm stronger for surviving something like Manna. But to say why, would just sound naive."

As he spoke, it was difficult to find any reason not to doubt his words. All this made little sense to him and everything was pulling at his mind. There was something strange about all this and not just because of what Crow said about ingesting the manna without the death that should have come after. That... that made his own skin turn a shade of cold. It was a common thing taught to children, manna - pure unfiltered manna was poisonous to anyone who thought they could devour it, much like a common venom.

Watching Dalia tilting her head upwards and Crow seeming to exchange a silent bout of words, he shook his head. The pair of them were both clueless, though it was probably Dalia who was acting that way. Crow... was truly that, but without memories that would certainly make it easier to be so dense.

He sighed, waved a hand aside as the firm motion that he was done talking about this as it was only adding onto the stress in his own mind. One issue at a time, that was all he needed and to eventually deal with the plague that was rushing his own being, the damnable title of Darkian- he wasn't ready to have more thrown at him. But he was going to be keeping his mind on this one even if he didn't want too. "I just hope you realize what sort of hell you are getting yourself into. Casbael isn't the type of organization that opens its arms wide for no reason. There is something Scarlet wants from you and I will be damned if it is something small." that still irked him, Scarlet... the woman who breathed order and tradition offering Crow the position so easily while he had been promptly chewed out before by the very woman for even helping Casbael with their demoil problem. It was infuriating on so many levels. "Plus you still have to convince Rhye of your intentions." he wanted to say that he would have to be impressed as well but with how much Rhye was still so damn determined to keep their relationship under lock and key, he knew better.

That thought lead him to sigh again craning his attention upwards to the soft motion of his ears twitching, catching the in step of others; he frowned deeper with knowing the shuffle but knowing in the same thought that it wasn't Rhye quite yet. Rather he pressed his ears back as the man dressed down in commoner clothing came around the bend of the temple, a few of his lackeys at his side. Eyes met, tension could be felt between the pair of them before Dorian gave a haughty huff, acknowledged the pair of others off his right hand, grinning somewhere between bitter annoyance and smug reprieve, "I thought you'd be up in chains by now, your grace." Dorian threw at him with clear belittling. "Hard to believe Scarlet is still letting your foul presence disgrace the place, but we all know that's only thanks to Rhye you are allowed to even walk on two legs."

He bit down hard on his bottom lip, his fist once slack had tightened into neat white balls but yet he amazingly refused to say anything... so far. Seeing how he was refusing to give into his taunts, Dorian grinned widely; "Nice to know she has begun to temper that demoil tongue of yours," Dorian turned to look at the pair of them, "Good to see you upright as well Crow," the name was seeming to catch on now, "And fully dressed."
Crow could feel his face beginning to flush, with the comment towards his previous night of being stripped down. He could only wonder how he was moved, as no one had fully explained it to him. But by the sounds of it he was tromping through the whole place nude as a buck. But as his face fell towards the floor he felt Dalia step in front of him with her arms out.

"Leave them be!" She hollered. "They have gone through enough without your mean comments. Your poor attitude isn't needed." Dalia spat angrily. Dorian, slightly taken aback only smirked some. Tilting his head as he pulled in closer to the girl who stepped in front.

"My, aren't you a sweet tart. I'm surprised something so delicate as yourself floated in on the winds looking for these ... gentleman." Dorian took a quick glance up, his tapered ears flicking with a mild annoyance. Bringing his hand up to Dalia's chin, she turned away. This only seemed to annoy Dorian further. Standing up straight he cleared his throat.

"What ever, I have much better things to tend to than a misfit group such as yourselves. Go on with your business, but I count the moments when you are done with this place." He joined the sides of his mates, turning back once more to Grey.

"You may carry blood of the Royals, but be warned- the moment you step out of line in this temple again, I will not hesitate. You were lucky to have Rhye around." Dorian gritted his teeth as he spoke.
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