Fly With Me - A Story of Survival ((IC))

Everything moved fast, he had completed the first task, and Syril'th had successfully completed hers aswell, at the least Azrael was impressed. As Airease described the second challenge and flew of to the pit, Azrael turned to Syril'th, " I wish you all the luck, my friend, the Gods brought both of us together to this pack on the same day, and I think we have a crucial role to play here. And I do bileave you are more than capable of doing your part, I just hope I can do mine". With this he gave her the slightest smile and took of. He caught up with Airease as they reached the entrance to the pit. Airease told him to go first, but it was a whisper, something was off there, he felt it, why would Airease need to whisper ? Probably nothing, Azrael thought, wow Azrael dont be too trusty, he thought sarcastically. His life had shown him never to trust anyone fully, always leave room for doubt.

As he and Syril'th got to the pit, Rya came with the golems she made, she was quite intimidating for her small figure, with her glowing eyes. Azrael's inside turned as he looked into the blank eye of his opponent. His Grand master had always had him fight golems, and in his little ages he would get beaten, and badly bruised by them, he would lie in a heap of pain and stare up at the blank expression of his opponent. Azrael snapped back to the present, as Rya described the rule. Azrael was happy that his blast organ was prohibited, this should be good training, he thought. It started as Rya went to the farthest side of the court. Azrael putforth his right leg, and bowed until his horns brushed the ground, not as a sign of respect to the opponent but to the arena itself, he had studied the olden ways, he had studied and practiced them for 2000 years, and now he was going to show it to those who are not already dead.

The fight started and Azrael went straight into his battle stance, he crouched, arching to the side to reduce his surface area to the opponent. They both circled eachother, waiting to find a way in. Azrael evaluated the golem's every move to find any weaknesses. Nothing is ever perfect, and soon enough he found that the wings on the golem were a bit awkwardly placed. He knew Rya was controlling them, so he smiled a knowing smile with a hint of malice, it was to keep its eyes on Azrael's face, as he gathered dust in his tail and whipped it at his opponent. The time it took for the golem to blink was all Azrael needed, he pounced forward and slammed his right talons onto the golems right foot and clamped it to the ground, Azrael waited no time and quickly used his left claw to grab the golem's head and smash it down to the floor, with a swift turn he whacked the golem's face with his tail while simultaneously biting down on it's right wing. As he had expected the imperfection gave way and the wing broke, and Azrael quickly jumped of the golem before it got out of it's stun. Now he could wait, he proved his point that he was no ordinary dragon. On his peripherals he saw Syril'th valiantly fighting her own opponent, and a part of him was happy for her, the other part was competitive.

Azrael now had the upper hand, with the golem's wing gone it would be harder to balance itself. So Azrael was back on his stance, waiting, watching. It was utterly a surprise when he saw the golem's wings levitate, and snap back into place. This was preposterous, he was fighting an opponent that knew no pain, and one that indures no damage. But something caught his eye as he saw this happen, he saw the golem's head glow brightly blue. " So that's where she has kept the reserve", he thought. Before he could think again the golem charged at him, its expression held nothing, no feeling, no honor, no determination, just blank. Azrael was partly angry at the fact that he had to fight a rejuvenating enemy, but he was downright mad at fighting something like this.

As the golem neared, Azrael jumped, using his wings to push him up, but he was a tad bit slow, and in the process the golem caught his tail, it wrapped its horns around Azrael tail and yanked him out of the sky, "a weak move", Azrael thought to himself. Azrael crashed with a thud, and quickly regained his posture, but the golem rushed him with full speed, before Azrael could fully dodge, the golem stabbed his side with its horns, it didnt go deep due to Azrael dodging, but he felt like something was ripped out of him, his magic!! Anger poured out of him, as well as blood from here he was stabbed, and he began to think, any possibility that he can get to the golem's head. He then spotted a large boulder at the end of the dome, and an idea struck, his opponent is adaptive, so he had to end it with one strike. Azrael moved with blinding speed, towards the golem, but his opponent, had learned already, and shoved him to the side, its horns dangerously close to Azrael's throat, it also blasted a colum of fire towards Azrael, something which he hadn't anticipated, it licked at Azrael's horns, missing his head by inches, he quickly ducked and rolled to his side, but he had done what he wanted to, he had gotten to the side of where his back was to the boulder. Azrael quickly swiped his tail again with dust, knowing that this time his opponent will do what he wanted. Just as intended instead of flinching, the golem charged at Azrael with full speed. Azrael turned and ran towards the boulder, as he reached it, he jumped, using his talons to grip onto the boulder, as he pushed himself backwards using his wings to counter his flow, he did a backflip over the charging golem, Azrael stretched his front right claws to reach the underside of the golems snout, he clamped it shut and dug his talons into the golems face, as he completed his back flip, he landed on the golem, his rear claws and his body weight smashing down where the pelvis would be. Azrael waited no time, and trusted his front left claw into the back of the golems neck, he dug his talons in, just as he felt it again, he felt his magic being drained, at an alarmingly quick rate, this was no ordinary golem, Azrael roared in fury, and for a split second his scales were black, his eyes glowed bright white with power, his magic began to overload, the golem took in soo much, but Azrael's reserve never drained, he smiled knowing how he looked like, and with this, he ripped the head of the golem where the magic reserve was, his scales quickly returned to white. Azrael quickly jumped of and landed as the golem fell to its side, its magical blue light still glowing bright, intact it grew brighter, and then BHOOM.

He had completed yet again, and also got a bit of revenge, and also also a bit of show of, he thought cheerfully. A fight always cheered him up. He tossed the head up, as it landed he crushed it under his claws, sending a small sonic boom, of compressed magic, unlike any other, was white.
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As the rest of the flight traveled to this 'Pit', Syril'th began to sense heavy magic the closer they became. She had it in the back of her mind that she was about to face something she never had before. And this feeling had only made her remember the darkness that slithered in the night. Her nerves froze with cold at the flashback. She needed to focus and prepare herself for what was to come, in more ways than one. The alpha had landed at the top of this metal dome as it groaned slightly beneath him. It was an impressive structure, one that would make you wonder what kind of creature needed to build such a monolith. As she followed Azrael into the dome, she couldn't help but notice the hushed conversation he had with Arieas prior to their descent. Moments later, Rya stepped on the sandy field, eyes glowing hot with magic and fire. Beside her, two golems, mirror images of one another, stared blankly at Syril'th and Azrael. The breath left her throat for a short time. She had never seen any magic quite like this. She had to admit these creatures of earth intimidated her.

What in the heavens….

Rya must be one powerful dragon, and she felt that was an understatement. The alpha female turned to her and explained.

"This Golem is equally immune to your abilities magically as well. Though your electrical capabilities are most impressive they will be unused in this fight. You will have to use strength and understanding. Learning an enemy is a sure way to defeating them. As one of this pack you also become our students. We will train you in the ways we know. This shows us what both your limits are physically and what we can push to further extents"

At that, Rya walked away and the golems approached their targets. Syril'th steeled herself. She knew this was going to be one battle she couldn't win outright. Her golem looked and moved like a dragon in every way. A green gemstone the size of her fist and the color of moss beat as if it were a heart in the center of the monster's chest. She watched the magic pulse through it. Quickly, Azrael spoke before the trial began.

"I wish you all the luck, my friend, the Gods brought both of us together to this pack on the same day, and I think we have a crucial role to play here. And I do believe you are more than capable of doing your part, I just hope I can do mine".

His kindness took her aback.

"I wish you luck as well, friend. By the end of this moon, may we be brother and sister in flight." She lowered her horns to him in a sideways tilt, a sign of respect as equals.

Focusing on the task at hand, she no longer needed to worry about any of the other dragons. She was here to prove herself and to show the rest of the world she still had fight in her. And with that, the battle began.

Azrael engaged with his golem in her peripherals. Syril'th crouched low and turned her direction to her golem. Her shoulders rolled under her skin, similar to the Anrik predators. She stalked on the tips of her feet, ready to move quickly. Her golem stared blankly and began to mirror her posture. She let out an intimidating hiss in its direction, only to receive no response. Flicking her tail, she began to think on her approach, when suddenly the golem attacked her first! Syril'th pounced backwards to avoid contact but was a second slower. The earth golem raked her left flank with its rocky claws, smearing her victor's mark and taking a few scales with it.

Much quicker than I anticipated…

Syril'th quickly swiped at the golem's front leg with her claws as she ran by, knocking loose stone, causing the golem to lunge forward off balance. Before she could turn around and hit a second time, the golem's leg started to reform. She snuck a quick glance at Rya, whose eyes were still glowing red even underneath her lids, and smirked.

Such a crafty partner you have, Arieas… Don't lose her.

With the sound of a groaning tree, the golem turned back to Syril'th and opened its maw. It let loose an unexpected rain of shards towards her. In an instant, she fled from the shower as some rocks ripped through the air past her. As she ran around the arena, the golem whipped its head in the opposite direction and continued the volley. Syril'th skidded to a halt but again, her speed had diminished, and two shards imbedded themselves between her lower ribs. She gasped in pain. She was ashamed of her performance. She had gotten soft. Her heartbeat was beginning to elevate and Syril'th realized it was going to take more than a swipe of the feet and a slit of the throat to down this beast. The golem stopped his breath attack, regaining magic. Waiting for her enemy to recharge, she pounced on its shoulder, sinking her claws between the cracks of rock and magic. Syril'th tried her best to hold on as the golem thrashed its weight around to throw her off, blood splattering over the rock and herself. As her adrenaline levels rose, the tips of her spines glowed electric blue. She couldn't help the electricity that ran down her back. The surge connected with her opponents left wing and to her surprise, the current turned a spot of the wing near the shoulder to glass. She glanced at this peculiarity, but before she could exploit that discovery further, the golem swung its tail around and knocked Syril'th at the base of her skull with a mighty crack. She felt her body stiffen and then became weightless.

She saw white, then she saw…wings. She knew that shadow and with it, there was a voice. Another dragon? She couldn't quite focus her vision, but she saw flashes of his face. His scales reminded her of, what was it? Home? It has been a long time since she was home.

Syril'th, you shouldn't be here. They need you there.

Jyru? Is that you?

You cannot stay my dear friend. Your time has not come.

But I want to stay. I feel no pain… Where are you, Jyru?

She felt a sadness well inside her, she felt heavy. This familiarity of comfort, Syril'th craved it so bad she didn't want to let it go. She longed for the only dragon that was her friend. She hoped he made it out and flew far away from this place. Hope was all she could do for him now.

Where is not important my dear friend, nor is when. But I need you to be strong. I need you to fight. Get up, Lith.

It feels nice here Jyru.

Lith, get up. You need to leave.

Jyru? Jyru wait for me, please!


The world came back to her with a loud boom. Her eyesight retuned and she saw the earth golem towering over her on its haunches, going in for the kill. She gained her bearings and rolled from underneath him. She bit down to keep a surge of tears from surfacing as she held her stare with the golem. To her, it was real, Jyru was there. She was thankful to see him again, but she also hated her mind for opening wounds even deeper. With a new burning rage, she charged the golem faster than it had time to react. Syril'th used her horns as a battering ram and aimed for the chest, knocking the golem to its side. She heard the gemstone crack. She leaped onto her prey with vicious intent. Teeth bared and spines fully erect, she was ready to rip its throat out. As the creature turned over, Syril'th locked claws with her opponent, pulling it to into her. Whether or not her idea would work, was just a matter of will. She beat her wings harder than she had ever before. Every ounce of power she had was used to lift her opponent off the ground. Slowly they rose together, entwined in a dance of anger and power. The golem struggled and resisted every inch of the ascent. It thrashed like prey in its dying throws, realizing its outcome. It wrapped its tail around her ribs, stabbing the shards further into her abdomen. Syril'th let out a scream like she never had before, and it wasn't all from the pain in her side. Her spines sent more lightning through the golems tail. Pieces of its tail shattered and fell from the fight. She swung her tail up to hit the petrified rock, shattering the wing until it hung limp. If this golem had eyes, he would be staring knives at her.

"Rrrrraaaaaaaahhh!!!" Syril'th let out a roar so great the metal dome started reverberating, shaking loose centuries of dust. She climbed higher until she reached the top of the dome. Her wings felt like they would rip off with every beat. Dragon and golem hung suspended in a moment in time. Jyru's face flashed in front of her. She remembered flying wing to wing with him… She took a calm, deep breath and stared it right in its sightless face. Her blood rushed in her ears. She could feel every cut, every bruise, every sore muscle tense with pain. Her path had brought her here for a reason. There was no room for error, no time to turn back. There was only forward.

"I can land on my feet, mighty golem! Can you?!" And with her declaration, she folded her wings and plummeted to the ground, taking the golem with her. As they fell, she reminder herself of all the failures she accomplished. She needed to do better. She would not let this flight of dragons die, not if she could prevent it. Syril'th would swear her life to this pack if it meant that it was the last thing she could do to protect them. The ground grew closer, and with another hiss of defiance, she grabbed the gemstone heart and braced herself against it. She did not look away as they approached the earth. She stared right back it the golem's dead face and with a thud they made contact. Syril'th felt the bones in her wrist snap from the pressure. She didn't care. Slowly, the magic faded from the golem as it returned to its original form. She breathed heavy and felt her hot blood still coursing from her side. Syril'th lifted her palm and the gemstone crumbled away. Some of the golem heart had embedded itself into her skin, stinging as another painful reminder. Holding her injured wrist to her side, she limped to Lady Rya and bowed. As she bowed, she let the tears come. Another task complete. Another memory burned into her mind.
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A whoosh of air escaped the golden dragon's nostrils, a breath Zendyr hadn't known he was holding in tense anticipation during the trials. While he had no doubts that Lith and Azrael proved powerful and intelligent in their own rights, the scales of destiny could still prove a cruel and unpredictable mistress who would turn one's pride and joy into soot until the very taste of happiness was rendered ash. After all, Zendyr thought himself and his former flight nigh-invincible as they buried the bones of their adversaries deep in the dredged loams of the Baron Moors. The once prideful alpha of the Mistwalkers had believed that any adversary could be eradicated if you bash it hard enough. His dragonflight's scales were no different when faced with destiny's vengeful claws. And, now, it was the bones of his flight, of Seluna that called the rotting soil home.

Pride and tyranny always had its price. And, the tyrant's name would always be tolled from the bells of reckoning.

However, his self-stigmatizing reflections shattered upon Arieas' announcement of the pair's success in the first trial. All solemn thoughts vanished, replaced only by a relieved joy. Being unable to see and assess their trials, Zendyr could only pray to the cloud of darkness in front of him that they were safe and sound. After all, being injured in the first trial spelled disaster once they faced Lady Rya's sentinels of stone. Tireless and merciless guardians who strained even the mightiest of contenders to the flight. The sightless dragon winced at the memory of his own sentinel pounding the living gods out of him. Being thrashed around like sticks and stones definitely hurt more than just his bones, and with each mighty blow of its craggy fist, Zendyr could feel his chance to join Arieas' flight spiraling down the dark. Wings bent, legs bruised, and snout fractured, Zendyr was almost ready to just surrender when the memories at the Moors slammed against his psyche.

Rage. He raged at his own misery and steeled himself at the thought that Seluna would smite him if he would abandon his chance for redemption underneath the weight of his pathetic regrets. Having regrets was one thing, but to surrender easily to that good night was unacceptable for someone who genuinely wanted redemption. He would redeem himself, and he would challenge the very fates that be in order to claw it from their grasp.

The golem was strong and so was Zendyr.

And, the dragon knew that if he couldn't use his mists to poison the lifeless golem, then, he would use the mists on himself. When the white fog covered him in a torrid cascade of white, the cracks and bruises on his scales vanished as the cloud covered the pit. It was at that moment that the dragon realized that if Rya was controlling the golems, then, she shared their own line of sight. By cutting off their sight, he was tipping the scales in his favor.

So, with his strength imbued by the fog's cellular properties, Zendyr used his hearing to discern the golem's location before he darted behind it. Claws sharpening and muscles tensing as Zendyr gave everything he possessed into his right front leg, the dragon took to the skies as the mist dispersed in an explosion of white haze. Then, like a gigantic arrow of mist and retribution, the golden dragon launched back down with a furious tempest. His right claw crashed against the golem's head, shattering the stones underneath his temporary strength as Zendyr emerged victorious just as the fog dispersed. Out of the white veil, Zendyr was already prostrated in front of his potential zu'rs, ready to offer them the broken golem's head.

And, so it was that Zendyr knew that every pained gasp and roar was part of the trial by fire. Every crack, every blow, every crash. It was all a painful thread in the tapestry of their flight.

He shouldn't flinch nor worry, but when Lith let out a guttural roar of power, Zendyr bolted up in surprise. He couldn't see what was happening, but the scent of blood worryingly wafted alongside the symphony of thunder and static. He tensed as his mind conjured frantic images of what was happening, only for a massive crack and thud to greet his ears as he sensed that both Lith and golem crashed against the ground. However, he could also hear the golem shatter under the female dragon's weight. Silence permeated around the arena as the anticipation robbed Zendyr of his words, and only when the realization hit him that both Azrael and Lith had triumphed did he speak.

"T-They won," The words escaped his jaws before he could stop himself. He turned to his Lord Arieas beside him, and with a joyful tone, Zendyr chuckled. "It seems your strength and honor drew in two powerful dragons to your side, my lord," He nodded to the zu'ur. "And, while one more trial lies ahead, I suppose everyone can already see what they are capable of at this point. I'm truly honored to have been with your flight from its earliest moments, to feel it grow under your care." Then, Zendyr readied his healing mists. "Deirdre and I will start healing them, my lord, in preparation for the last trial."

Zendyr bounded for Deirdre with a grin, stumbling in the process as he made his way towards the smaller dragon.

"I remember when you were taking the trials," He mused with a grin at Deirdre before he laughed. "And, now, from just the four of us to now a possibility of eight. I couldn't be happier," Zendyr shook his head before turning to the pits. "It's time to give our blessings and aid to our future flight members, Deirdre," Zendyr beamed at the smaller dragon. "I'll disperse my mists for any immediate need and you can finish them up with your healing magic."

Zendyr focused as a burst of white mists flooded from him and with a grunt, he took to the air with a spin. The mists followed their master, twisting into a column before they coalesced and spun around the golden healer. Then, Zendyr took flight as he soared directly above the two neophytes, and with a roar, the conglomeration of mists discharged in a nova of white, hazy fog. The healing smoke rained down in gentle, aromatic needles of haze, like a white veil of respite for the weary fighters who had done their utmost best. It was an offering of a slight rest before the hardest of the trials. Afterward, Zendyr descended behind them, albeit bungling his landing with a slight stumble.



Maybe Fate had deemed that his redemption was finally at hand. And, it would start with these two. With the flight. With his zu'urs. And, with the incoming wall of darkness that they would soon battle together.
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Deidre could not believe her eyes, the battle in front of her was intense and powerful. It almost made her want to coward a bit. She turned her head when Zendyr spoke to her about her own trial. Thinking back at it she didn't know if she could chuckle about it so freely. It was quite brutal for her and a bit of an embarrassment, she sometime wondered if she won only by accident. She barely had any skills in protecting herself and so her fight was difficult, she suppose her healing abilities prevented her from falling or giving up so easily as just some simple defense and distances helped her heal and keep herself together. She watched as Zendyr bounced around with happiness. She felt as though it had been a long time since she had seen him so happy. The mere thought of having more in the pack brought him happiness. This in turn made Deirdre smile as well. She was glad to see him happy and gladly went to his side going to help heal the others. Azrael had some wounds and was bleeding a bit and Syril'th had broken her wrist.

"You both did very well" she praised the both of them. "I believe you both will do well in protecting the family" she said feeling proud. She jumped down into the pit needing to be close to the two of them in order to heal them. "Azrael, you were quite brutal with yourself. Try not to get yourself too hurt in the next trial. I need you to keep yourself strong. You along with Syril'th are going to become apart of this pack and I need you to be strong" she said quietly to him. "If you allow me" she said leaning her head onto his closing her eyes and allowing her magic to course into him. The cuts he suffered with slowly transferred onto Deirdre making her stumble a bit forward before healing on her body as well. She stood up again shaking a bit but keeping herself together looking back up at Azrael with a smile. "I'll be rooting for you brother" she said flying back up next to Zendyr
The dome.

That damned arena, forged of strange metal and withered by weather and the reclamation of nature. Valos growled as he circled above the structure. The memory of his own golem battle returned as he rubbed jagged scars along his forelegs. They were just the most open, the most visible of the scars he bore from that fight.
Valos found an alcove to lay in that was just big enough to fit him alone. As usual he wanted to keep to himself. Especially here. He didn't want Zendyr to suddenly become nostalgic and reminisce on old memories. The elderly dragon had a habit of bringing those things up when they were least called for. Or desired. And Valos remembered that fight well enough.

The golem had been merciless. Just the same as Valos was in a fight, it had gone after him with everything. If it had been another dragon it would have been simple. His venom and acid were excellent deterrents for most aggressors, and if there ever was a scrap Valos was more than capable of holding his own. But he'd been effectively stripped of his primary tool in that fight. The golem was immune, leaving just his wits and physical ability against a monster forged from Rya's twisted mind. She'd have to have taken Valos' own anatomy for inspiration; The golem bore many of the same natural weapons that he did. Elongated claws, the bone-like ridges, quills, though the golem also bore two massive forward facing horns.

As Azrael began his fight Valos rubbed he scars on his forelegs again, the pain from their birth having been burned into his brain forever. The golem had broken both of Valos' wings and pinned him underneath it. By this point neither he nor the golem were looking well, but the golem was most certainly ahead. Valos had struck towards the golem's face, to which it replied by catching his foreleg and ripping the spiky ridge out of his leg before driving it back into Valos' chest.

It did that several other times, each leaving a matching scar on Valos' body.

The killing blow had involved tearing the golem's head in half at the jaws, though Valos barely remembered anything after that. He woke up hours later barely able to stand or move even after being healed.

And so as both Azrael and Lith dealt deathblows to their respective golems Valos stomped the ground and roared in defiance. Both of them showed excellent capabilities and absolute determination. Yet, still, the next trial would prove their full worth.

Valos slid from his perch with relaxed grace, unfolding his wings at the last possible moment to glide down safely. As usual his manner was casual. Aloof. Though he did walk with some reserve in his posture as he neared the others.
"You'd never expect dirt and stone to be so murderous," he growled as he neared the broken bodies of the golems. With rattling quills and an angry hiss Valos struck at a piece, shattering the golem's body further. "If I go the rest of my life without seeing another one, it'll be a gods' send."

The pale dragon turned and slowly looked over both Azrael and Lith. Finally taking the time to let their image and scent settle in his mind. "Watch yourselves in the last trial. It will be no simple task to make it through. And don't even let yourself imagine making it through unscathed. I guarantee you that it'll be the hardest challenge you've faced so far."​
Marahuté watched as Valos flew off without a word to find some ledge to perch from to watch the second part of the trials. Had she said something wrong? A sad crooning rumbled in Marahuté's throat as she sighed and looked down at her new, but now forgotten toy. No matter what she did or what she said, Valos always seemed so distant.

Moments later found Marahuté laying off the the side with the others, watching as Azrael and Syril'th began the second leg of their trials. Marahuté always hated this part. She had always found the golems a bit creepy with the way their eyes glowed and they fought with an emotionless brutality. But Marahuté knew the golems had a purpose. They tested a dragon's quick thinking and wit as well as strength.

Though it still didn't make watching any less easy. Marahuté had leaned forward, her talons digging into the rock beneath her and her wings half spread as she fought back the instinct to help her pack members. It wasn't until Syril'th had finished her trial that Marahuté realized that she'd been holding her breath the entire time. Moving forward with the others, Marahuté hummed loud in praise to the newcomers.

"You both did it," she said brightly. She purred as she gave Syril'th a gentle nudge with her muzzle, sensing the sadness that seemed to come from the other female. She then turned to Azrael once Deirdre had finished her healing and gave him a gentle nudge as well.

"You did very well," she said, her tail twitching in happiness. "My name is Marahuté, by the way. I don't think we've officially met yet."
Aireas rumbled hearing Zandyr's words. His chest slightly swelled as pride strengthened him. He soon followed the pair of healers into the arena and observed the victors. They had a grueling trial and it wasn't the worst to come. But with a recent declaration of war having two strong dragons join them was a must. With these two.....they had lucked out "Well done you two. You have passed where most fail. No easy thing to accomplish indeed" He said showing a slight smile across his face.

At the opposite side of the arena Rya opened her eyes slowly as she adjusted to seeing through her eyes again. The magic having dissipated from her eyes her body calming from using her magics. As she stood up slowly her flight was congratulating the victors and even some experiencing their own encounters with the golems. Valos being the one most vocal about it. But she was not surprised by this. With his mindset and how difficult it was not using poisons to kill unlike his normal style it pushed him to his limits. He may not have liked it but it was needed. As was the suffering of these initiates. A needed requirement to see who they really are. And in her eyes so far. Worthy members if they impressed further. Rya let a glance look over at Mara. Eagerly saying praises and in high spirits. Happy to see she has just as eager the personality to help as she is to meet others.

Approaching the main group the Sa'Zur made her way to the lighting dragon Syril'th and stood before her. The wounds slowly healing but she had not let the interaction go unnoticed. Though Zandyr was always kind and cordial he seemed fascinated with this female. In season or not it was interesting. The red female though did not force herself into his mind but rather spoke to him kindly at the edge so he could recognize who wanted in. Her voice being a calm and collected tone 'You are allowed happiness my friend. Second chances come so rarely and you have already paid dearly. It would be saddening to not let your heart feel something again' With the few encouraging words she could make before the silence got noticeable she then smiled at Syril'th "Well done. Your determination is to be commended. Even without magic you did well" The Sa'Zur then went over the the male Initiate looking at his wounds as Deidre did her work "Your cunning served you well. If you pass the last trial you will indeed make a valuable member of this flight" Rya soon turned and approached her mate. The Ka'Zur was correct. It was a very difficult trial. Yet there they stood. A few paces from her partner Rya happily entered his thoughts as she nuzzled him 'I recommend we allow a rest time. Though it isn't of custom it may allow the flight to talk and recover. Allowing us to do the same' She said calmly eyes locked onto his. She felt his confident voice echo in her head as his eyes looked into hers with a slight squint of curiosity or confusion 'Are you sure? It would be something else the others were not given' The Sa'Zur tilted her head acknowledging she knew the others may see them taking a break as unfair. But there were other factors at play now 'Indeed my love. But we are at war now. I would rather they take the final trial tomorrow and be healed by days end than finish it now and leave them down for more than that. Rest now might be the only gift we are able to give for some time' Though the Ka'Zur noted the differences in custom the changes in circumstances were also just as clear. If they were to be allowed in the sooner they were combat ready the better. Rather than have a plan of attack but a need to wait due to severe injuries and recovery time. Lowering his head he nuzzled the female shifting the speaking type as his voice took upon the air "Very well my love. You make a good case" He chuckled and the pair walked together stepping forward towards the flight side by side. Aireas speaking to them all "Well done on your victory. We have decided to let you rest. The final trial will occur tomorrow. Take this time to hunt. Fill your bellies. Then rest. Regain yourselves. The last test will happen tomorrow at dawn" His voice boomed declaring those words law as they reached ears to those who were present.

Once the declaration was made Rya looked over their flight
"Rest with your comrades. Become closer to the flight you wish to join. Tonight shall be for you. Tomorrow shall be for your future among us" The Zurs then left as one and on their leaving they took flight. The need to hunt feed now taking hold of them. The pair flew together as their hunt began.
Azrael decided not to concentrate on his weakness and stared up at the sky. Flights of Kalus, Dringes, and Kamaros flew, not knowing the dangers of this world. Sometimes its easier being you guys than a dragon, he thought. As he looked down he heard Airease' congratulate them. Only then did he look to Syril'th, she was in worse condition, having broken a paw.

"You faught valiantly my friend, it was a proud moment fighting alongside you", his voice, although a bit weak held sincerity. As he finished this the healers arrived, the Vak was pleased that Dreidre healed him, he was used to the mist, but it was quite new to him for a true healer to heal him. As she healed him though he felt something wrong, he kept loosing strength, it was not his body it was his magic, Rya's golem had affected him somehow. As he thought of this, Dreidre finished healing his cuts, he thanked the healer, " I dont know how many thanks I've told you since I got here, but i thank thee again, my sssfriend" he caught himself before he called her sister, although Dreidre had called him brother before he couldnt call her sister, partly because he'd never called someone that, and also because he didnt feel it right, a slight blush streaked across his face, so quickly that not even his grandmaster would've noticed.

Rya soon showed up to congardulate them,
thank you for your recognition Sa'Zur, it is a great honor ", afterwards the Zurs said that they have postponed the last trial until tommorow, something which the Vak appreciated. As they took off to hunt, Azrael turned towards where his half eaten fen'zi lied, but before that he wanted to ge to know the others.

Azrael looked around him, taking in every color, face, and scent of his soon to be pack mates. He immediately chose to talk with Valos, seeing as he was the most intriguing. As the Vak walked up to Valos however he felt an uneasy feeling of unwelcomeness,
" Valos ? That's your name right ? Well my name is Azrael, I came from the northern isles, it was interesting what you did with the anrik earlier today, Azrael bit back his displeasure, but his remark was true, he always was curious about acid dragons. " We don't have much of your kind in the north. The Vak bit his tongue before anything else could be said, he was definitely not himself, he was loosing strength too fast. He turned to leave and said " I have trust issues as well my friend, but I do welcome you to come and join me for dinner, that is if you dont want to hunt anything today " Azrael smiled at the young dragon, he then walked to the younger dragoness, " Hey, nice to meet you pretty one, my name is Azrael, didn't see you when I first came here. I'd love it if you joined me in finishing of the hunt from earlier today, you know we could all like get to know each other better." He caught himself trailing of and quickly regained his posture before spreading his wings and taking flight.

He didnt get far before he fell, just as he was out of eye sight of the pack, his eyes went blank as he carpeted the treeline, he fell with a thud onto a clearing unable to see or feel. Just silence and numbness. He heard faint whispers in the distance, they got closer and closer with each words. " never forget who you are Rael, the whole world will never forget what you are, so dont hide it, it will only weaken you further my son". He recognised his grandmasters voice, he was the only living thing that called the Vak Rael. He listened for anything else, his heart leaping in joy after hearing his sensei. "You must use your ability to strengthen yourself Rael, or else you will be further weakened, never be afraid to turn your scales black, it is your strength." He woke up with a bruised head and tree shards sticking between his scales. But something else was different, his blue accent was a pulsing lime green.

Azrael contemplated what his master had said. Maybe it is time to change, he thought. He was getting weaker and weaker, to the point where he could l barely get up from his fall. As he struggled to stand, he closed his eyes amd concentrated as hard as he could. He never tried to manifest his true form before, it just came as a reaction. He went into his deepest recesses, focused on releasing his
"Woge" as his master would say. He suddenly felt a great surge of energy within himself, he could feel his muscles regaining their lost magic, his blast organ again flooded with it. He felt himself getting stronger and stronger. He opened his eyes to see himself black, this time there was no red accent, it was just pure black, as if the sun stopped shining on him.

He stood there basking, taking in deep breaths and controlling his itch to find something to kill. He courced his breaths, taking in the scent of the tree barks, the leaves, the flowers, each and every feather, and piece of fur near him, he could smell the warm sunlight which gently stroked his face. As he relaxed himself his scales flashed and then smoothly turned back to white. Azrael felt better than ever, not only regaining his strength, but also claiming a brief victory on what he thought was his biggest weakness.

Azrael looked up at the sky, and he smiled knowing that even after the distance he put between him and the alliance, his grandmaster had come to him, to let him know where he needs to improve. With this he spread his wings again, this time bringing them down with his full might, blasting himself up into the sky as he neared his meal. He also hoped some others might join him.

But he didnt feel like an outsider anymore, the Zurs have shown great kindness. He shall treasure it with his best effort.
Lady Rya seamlessly connecting her mind with his was always a strange occurrence. Like a voice, a whisper in the shadows that slowly seeped into his ears, leaving it tingling in the wake of her call. Between the two alphas, earning Lady Rya's trust was the prerequisite before Lord Arieas would even consider befriending one of his flightmates. The telepath dragon's ability to peer into an individual's mind and soul meant that no dark secret would go unspilled, no treacherous thought would ever be kept hidden unless they were a more powerful telepath than her. While Lord Arieas led the flight with strength and valor, the sightless healer believed that Lady Rya was the mesh that kept them all together. She made sure that all errant and dangerous behaviors were addressed, but most importantly, she also did her best to aid those who were pained and scarred by the things darker than them.

Zendyr didn't really know if his lieges had told his flightmates of his past, of his tyrannical streak. And, yet, Rya, after peering at the brutality he committed, still trusted him enough to gather what pieces she could to restore Zendyr into the fractured dragon he had managed to become at the present. Like a mother, she tenderly allowed Zendyr to stand once more on his own legs. It was with her guidance that Zendyr realized that the threads of the past did not necessarily weave a tapestry of what laid ahead; instead, they can become a foundation of what one wanted to become in the future. Everyone, as she said, deserved happiness. But, for Zendyr, his happiness was anchored on the concept of redeeming himself. To wipe off so much wasted dragon blood from his claws. To find a semblance of peace in the wake of the thought that his flight had shattered so many eggs and so many bonded families. He wanted-- no, needed-- redemption and Rya was kind enough to understand that.

The problem was Zendyr remained unsure of what his redemption should look like.

For centuries, Zendyr always believed that redemption would come in the form of taking care of his zu'urs' hatchlings until they took wing in the skies. But, perhaps, as their linked thoughts met in the middle of the void between them, it could also come in taking care of another, in treasuring a life he deemed greater than his own. They both knew that his liege was talking about Lith and the possibility of him finding the bond he lost to tyranny with her.

It would be so simple. But, Zendyr hesitated at the thought. It has been a thousand years since he last... loved. To bond with another under the stupor of instincts was shallow at best. Did he even remember the shape of his draconic heart, rendered to nothing but dust and sand in a lifetime's pursuit of wiping his slate clean? Did he even remember what it meant to bond with another? And, if he ever... did try to bond, would he be bonding in the name of sharing his heart for another to hold or for the sake of redemption? He hated the idea though of using another to redeem himself, and he didn't want that for his future mate. Lith or not.

"You've pieced me back as best as you could, my lady," Zendyr replied, sending his wave of thoughts back into his liege. "I'll... try and see if my heart can still beat once more, broken as it is."

This was his reply, and as he refocused his attention on his flightmates who rejoiced in the aspirants' triumph, Zendyr wiped the conflicted arc of emotions playing through his features.

Since they talked about hunting for their fill for the sunset, Zendyr figured he somewhat disliked the idea of leeching off Valos' hunt or even Mara and Deirdre's. Hunting in the last few drops of sunlight meant that their prey was already settling for the night. Less movement meant fewer opportunities for him to hunt. Besides, with everyone hunting, the Drer needed to be guarded, especially with the impending threat of the unknown that Lith had presented. If anything, he could just hunt by himself in the dead of night so he wouldn't burden anyone. This, Zendyr argued, may allow him to settle the chaos of thoughts that Lady Rya had set inside his head.

"I'll take the first watch over the Drer whilst everyone is out hunting," Zendyr offered with a grin. "Valos, you could lead them to the richest region for the hunt. Take care of them, brother. Brutes sometimes appear as the sun sets." He addressed his fellow poison specialist before he turned to Lith and Azrael with a breath. "I believe my brothers and sisters have already lavished you with their congratulations," Zendyr chuckled before he bowed to them. "But, thank you for choosing to stay with us. We may not yet be a strong dragonflight, but we do value our family. Valos included," The golden dragon spared a soft laugh at his flight brother's expense. "No matter how much he distances himself, he's looking out for each of us as we also do for him. So, watch each other out there."

With that, Zendyr's great wings unfurled before he roared at the skies to give him a better idea of his area. Then, he took off, navigating around steel and stone as he headed for the highest point in their territory. Once he found it, he perched himself upon the tall tower, tucking his legs beneath him as his wings folded. With a snort, he angled his head to the skies, desperately wishing he could see the moon once more if only to assure himself that he was still here. That he was still needed.

His thoughts dwelled back on Lady Rya's words, and a part of him wanted to believe she was right. That he deserved a second chance. Every single dragon always endured the dark at one point in their long lives, but it didn't mean that they could never find the light again. Perhaps, like the moon, Zendyr had just waned into a dark phase in his life but it didn't mean that he couldn't wax once more into the light. Redemption was indeed a journey, and he had already paid the price.

Maybe redemption wasn't about caring for another's hatchling or bonding with another. Maybe it was in the little things.

Maybe it was in loving himself a little more each day, one broken piece at a time.
The sun sank low to the horizon, kissing the earth in a fiery explosion of color across the sky. Ariéas pushed his wings downward and climbed into the clouds in an anxious way, too long had he been stressed and focused on the things of the Flight. His words had been clear and sincere: "Rest now." And Rya's echoing decree solidified their wishes that they be alone for a time.

The dam of emotions he had been building up in the passed forty hours had racked Ariéas mind and for a while he was consumed with the events of the day and previous days. The bloodshed, the newcomers, the omens of darkness and pain that filled his mind and flooded his body with unease. All in a moment he closed his eyes and continued to force his wings to carry him higher into the clouds. Rya was somewhere beside him, her scent whirling like fresh droplets of rain around his lips and nose. It was sweet, alluring, almost as complex as the slowly brightening stars he was climbing for in the now darkening sky.

He let himself breath in the crisp air of the atmosphere. The wind no longer whispered in his ears for he had climbed too high for that. Only the gentle beating of his own wings and the rhythmic echo of Rya's danced in his ears. He opened his eyes and nearly gasped at the beauty of all that was below him. The sky was an incredible midnight blue now, white and yellow orbs of light littered the heavens and the world below them was cast in moonlit shadows. Long fingers of black began to reach out across their territory as he hovered in flight taking it all in. Sure the world was beautiful and sure as hell they deserved to take it in, but yet, in that pure moment of peace another of worry and fear crept up into the corners of his mind. The Alpha was strong and willing to do whatever it took to keep his family safe, but the echoes of war rose up in his mind in the silence.

Bowing his head and letting out a deep sigh Ariéas looked at his mate, the beautiful She-dragon reflecting the moonlight like a ruby in a crystal stream. In that moment he realized how scared he truly was. She was wiser than he in a lot of ways and knew she would follow by his side until her death, but the mere thought of losing her to the demons they soon would face created a tidal wave of fear in his chest. It tightened. He felt his wings growing weaker but in an effort to not convey his feelings to his knowing counterpart he simply pulled them in and dove silently to the ground. He found himself at the edge of a small pool in the west end of their territory, far from the listening ears and peering eyes of his Flight: a place he could truly share his fears.

Once he was sure Rya had touched down behind him he slowly turned to her, and then the emotions rolled off his tongue without warning. The dam finally burst. Bright tears welled in the corners of his eyes and he could not stop them. He felt utter disgust with himself for appearing so weak in front of her but at the same time knew she was the only one who could ever understand.

"I....I Fear I have made a terrible mistake Rya. I have just welcomed two innocent souls into our midst. Two lambs to slaughter!" Knowing she would feel the power of his fear through his thoughts, he let her in and melded his mind to hers. It was warm and comforting to feel her there but the tears did not stop. "I am weak my love. I cannot do this without you and I feel as though my failure to provide a new generation to you has caused a rift in our bond. An ever growing canyon of distraction that now has been widened immensely through this new danger of war." Ariéas knew he looked like a weakling and his pride threatened to shut him up, but he did not care and pushed it aside. Too long had his thoughts gone unspoken.

"I can do a lot of things in this life. Losing you is not one of them..."
Sa'Zur - Rya

When the Sa'Zur landed beside her mate she could already feel his mental barriers failing. Already feel they were crumbling as doubt dug deep gauges into the base. As they fell she heard his words. She did not stop him letting him say everything he needed to. Between them there was no need to hide. As he mentioned losing her did she walk closer and before he could speak she pressed her head up against his lower jaw closing his maw. Humming softly she tried her best to relax him. Her voice being the soft warming tone to his ears "We are together for life Aireas. If the winds, the rains, the very air we breath tried to part us i would destroy it all. But know this my love" With her turn to speak now established she looked up at him and touched her snout to his. Her ruby eyes staring straight into his gold eyes she could read with ease "We lead our flight with honor. We know what we are. We do not hide it. We are not ashamed of it. As dragons, as rulers we are not weak. We are strong not just in ourselves but also with those we inspire. You and I have gathered the forgotten and made them into a flight worthy to face any threat. War will not be kind to us. But with faith....with love for those you are with and lead. Even the greatest foes can be overcome. And though we may have no young to show now. We have time. We must simply try again" With her last words spoken she rubbed her head down his neck giving every comfort and reassurance she could give.

It took a few moments but soon she stepped around him so they were side by side. She lifted her maw to the air smelling it and all the scents that lingered. There were old scents but a few fresh ones. Armored Fenzi being one of the new ones but she had no desire to risk injury before the trials tomorrow. But the great Horned Fenzi scent did seem more appetizing and fit the easy required magical levels to help fill her as well as a good amount of meat. She smiled and placed her head against his. Though he was a bit taller so it may have been an amusing struggle "Come, Horned Fenzi is more my fancy tonight. Shall we see who can catch the best prize?" She gave a knowing smirked at him then gave a small flick of her tail against his side. Quickly there after flying up and started in a downward direction towards where her prey is to be found.


Healer - Deidre

The healer soon walked up to the hunting groups and though she was not a hunter when they lacked multiple she had been made a hunter. Though if these two were to join both warrior and hunter roles would be added to their ranks. A needed task if she was accepting everything into account. She slowly walked as her magic was still lingering. It wasn't common but her healing magic was also known by another name. As normally Pain Eaters. Though in history even fewer had been named they were known for great deeds in healing regardless to their well being. It made a very selfless personality common in her birth flight. Walking up to Azreal she smiled "Hey i mean not to bother you. Nor do i want to impede on your hunt. Could i ask you to bring something back? Healing took a bit more than i thought it would" She gave him a hopeful smile and then politely bowed her head politely backing away slowly as moving her way to Zandyr. Though the scars and wounds on Azreal had all been healed her body held gradually fading scars. Evidence to all she had recently healed one or multiple of their kind.

She stopped and sat beside the healer tending to her wounds. It caught her off gourd as the thought drifted through her mind. What she had actually asked a hunter to provide and it being to a prominent male. Looking to the blind dragon she started to clean her claws and slowly moved up her leg "What do you make of him- them" She quickly corrected herself feeling a slight embarrassment in her slip "They seem more than capable fighters. The Golems were never an easy fight even with me they never held a claw back" She continued grooming her scales to look at their best but it also helped comfort a timid personality. She is caring and loves those she helps but sometimes her thoughts wander. A dragon testing to be in the flight seemed to arrive at the forefront of these wandering thoughts. And unfortunately she feared Zandyr could read her nearly as well as the Zur's. She shifted and tried to get herself to relax licking some of the wound marks she holds on her skin to sooth the discomfort.
The sky was more or less turning dark as Azrael landed where his carcass lay. Azrael began to eat, his sickle like front teeth slicing into the meat, his fangs digging in to clamp it as he rips it out. His new found confidence was something he needed dearly, for a long time he was afraid of himself, what he might do to others, but today as he experienced it multiple time he was growing to live with it.

He finished the rest of the armoured Fen'zi and took of into the sky. "time to see if I can get something for Deirdre", the healer had done so much for him in just a day, the least he could do was get her a meal. A warm sensation seeped through him, something that represented happiness was seeping into his cold bitter life. He had a family now, and he would never loose them, even if it meant he had to kill every single dragons in this world, or die. With a wide grin he blasted of into the heart of the forest, picking up faint scents of prey, " A horned Fen'zi should do the trick very nicely, hopefuly it's not too much", he swooped down lower, spanning his visions across the forest floor. He flew for about 20 minutes, not finding a wisp of anything, " the rain and thunder must have led them to hiding". But then he caught scent of a horned Fen'zi. He dove down, zeroing in on the scent until he had vision of it.

His heart sank as he saw a mother and 2 children huddling beneath a tree, the mother's leg was caught under a massive tree which had fallen. There was no way she would survive the night, he looked around and spotted the herd within viewing distance, waiting. He had to send the little ones away, or theyd die too. Azrael landed, as he walked over, he saw the fear in the Fen'zi's eyes, he walked up to the mother, and exchanged glances from her and the little ones. With a slight crack of his heart, he turned to the kids and roared, a threatening bellow, which sent the Kalu's and Oppon's flying from the trees. The kids got the message, and with heavy eyes, they left their mother, and returned to the pack. Azrael turned his head to the dying mother, his eyes held sympathy, she was a prime female, and she would've lived a long time if it had not been for this.

"Hunting a prime prey at his prime is different than hunting something that has already fallen. Your death will provide my family with nourishment, I am truly sorry that nature chose to let you go." He looked at the dying animal to see no fear in its deep orange eyes, only pain and acknowledgement. With a swift swipe, he severed the animals spinal cord, causing all its pain to go away, and the animal's eyes slowly closed, as if to sleep. " May you find rest in the afterlife". He gathered the carcass in his maw, and stealing a glance at the pack, he lifted of again. Quickly returning to the drer. He found Deridre, and dropped the carcass infront of her. "Enjoy your meal Deirdre, let's get your strength back, I have a feeling your gonna need it tommorow", he chuckled, he looked at her and noticed the scars she bore, it was because she heale him. Concerned, he asked her " are you going to be ok ?". As she began to eat, he flew up to the cliff where he perched this morning, near the den. He was not a member of the pack yet, so he decided to spend the night there, looking above everyone.

As he landed he stretched his wings, and legs, and sat down, looking at the sun setting across the horizon. Nostalgia tugging at his heart, he began to hum, something he never heard any other dragon do, he hummed what he had heard when he went to raid a shadow stalker camp once, it stuck to him, made him feel things. So he rested his head on his front paws and began humming what he had heard.
" High in the halls of the kings who are gone, Jenny would dance with their ghosts, they spun her around on the cold damp stone, spun away her sorrow and pain." He had no idea what the verses meant, but it rhymed, and it was beautiful. So was the sky.
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"For the most part, I think we both agree on how we view our future flight brothers and sisters," Zendyr mused with a soft laugh as Deidre began to tend to her wounds beside him. He knew of her healing ability. It was a noble albeit two-edged blade. His heart clenched in concern for his sister who would take the beating of others, their wounds and scars as her own. She branded their injures upon her small body in selfless love for the pack-- a burden that Zendyr wished he could take away from her but knew that this was her pride and joy as his fellow healer. As such, Zendyr always took the time to heal up anyone injured in the flight, and only the small ones that could not be regenerated by his mists would be left behind for Deirdre to finish.

So, he lowered his neck towards Deirdre, nudging his snout against the crown of her head in a comforting act. Then, he brought down his great golden wing over her body to cover her just as the healing mists seeped out around him. Zendyr lifted his head towards the skies as he breathed in the crisp night air, the crests on his head tingling in relief. It had always been them, Zendyr and Deirdre, when the flight had been in its earlier days. He witnessed her struggles during the trials and helped her rise after each, pouring his mists for her to recover from her wounds. Though disinclined for combat, Zendyr could sense that Deirdre shared the same benevolence as him. While Zendyr fully supported Arieas on many fronts, the blind dragon knew that they clashed a bit in terms of the importance of strength versus character. The golden dragon had his reservations against the primal method of inducing flight aspirants, believing them to be inappropriate for dragons whose powers did not rely on harming others.

Instead, Zendyr would advocate for trials that would take into account the strengths and weaknesses of the aspirant in order to test them properly. Not just through brute strength and magical capability. His thoughts dwelled on Azrael now, remembering the outburst that the aspirant let loose once his initial zealousness to join was declined in the past. There was no doubt that Azrael was strong, but a flight that merely relied on strength without restraint and honor was fated to fall.

Zendyr knew this well.

A low purr vibrated from the column of his neck as he yawned as he continued speaking to his fellow healer.

"We have been together for the longest time before the other members joined our flight, Deirdre," Zendyr spoke in a gentle tone as the pleasant aroma of flowers and honey wafted around them. "I know you well. You wish to know how I feel about Azrael, do you not?" He grinned at her whilst a teasing tone laced his voice. Zendyr took a moment to compose his thoughts before he began speaking once more. "He is a powerful and skilled dragon, possibly contesting Lord Arieas in terms of raw combat potential. I have little doubt that he is stronger than me. His wings move like the wind and shadow, deadly and efficient. His breath and voice echo confidence in his abilities," Zendyr paused. "Azrael... is like the surface of the ocean. He reflects the light of sun, star, and moon with his power stretching towards the horizon. Limitless potential. But, when the winds blow hard and when troubles pierce the surface, I fear he ripples and becomes clouded with emotion."

Zendyr sighed as he straightened his posture, his tail swishing to the side.

"I fear that Azrael is still reeling from whatever horrific past shaped him. He has a good and honorable spirit but not an unbendable one, and sometimes our pasts can still cause wounds that no healer can ever soothe," Zendyr mused. "Lady Rya says that I am a broken dragon, and she is right. But, I think Azrael is far more broken than I am and he seeks the companionship of a flight to shield him from the fact that no one else can carry the burden inside of him but himself. And, in that aspect, Azrael is truly alone," The golden dragon suddenly shook his head as he turned to face Deirdre with a smile. "It is not your job to fix Azrael. The past is not his fault but it is his responsibility to heal. The best we can do is to assure him that he does not have to suffer alone with nothing but the songs of shadows to lull him to sleep," Zendyr said, his crests continuously trying to sense any strange movement in the wind. "You need to assure him that he is not alone. Not anymore."
As the sun set, Syril'th finished her meal of Fen'zi, licking the blood from her paws. The towering trees begun their midnight dance with the shadows as the moon began to peak. She left the flight to their own devices after all were healed, although, her wrist had not quite felt the same as it used to. It was almost as if her bones had grown heavy with magic in that arm. She rolled her wrist around giving a slight huff at the discomfort. Syril'th could not help but replay the vision she had experienced mid combat with the golem. Her companion's phantom words echoed in her head over and over.

"...I need you to be strong..."

She wondered why now, of all times, did her mind bring him back to her. Jyru had been one of the only dragons in the world that was able to look past all her flaws, a true friend. Not lovers, but their relationship was undoubtedly forever. She hoped with all her being that she did not fail him and that he was safe, far, far away. There was though, some doubt. Syril'th pushed those darker thoughts down within her mind. She dare not let her head wander in that direction.

Gore finished, and belly full, the storm rider heaved herself towards the heavens. The pale moonlight reflected a ghostly light off her sapphire scales, making her glow like a spirit, mirroring how she felt inside. She shivered at the cooling night air as the stars flickered. The sky was not yet black as daylight clung to the horizon with determination. She hummed slightly with static, a sign of her body's contentment after her meal. Heading back toward the Drer, Syril'th closed her eyes and drifted on the wind, letting it take her where it wanted. Gold was the first thing she saw in her mind. Zendyr. A soft smile presented itself on her lips. Syril'th had no idea why she was so enthralled by that healer. Maybe his metallic scales made her feel comfort, reminding her of Jyru's copper hide. Seeing him nuzzle the purple female lit a fire inside her she didn't know she had. It was by no means fair to lay claim to something that was not hers, but she could not fight the feeling. Opening her eyes to land, Syril'th circled near the grassy base of the Drer. Larger rock formations jutted out around the den. She picked one and landed without a sound. The rock still warm from the days heat relaxed her tired muscles. Tomorrow she would fight to survive. She would have to earn this home as well. But for now, she watched the tall grass roll like the ocean, wave after wave of moonlight on emerald blades. She felt her eyelids grow heavy as the moon came into view. The pale face blurred as she fell into a deep slumber, and once again she felt nothing.
The night air felt cool and calm against Valos' scales as he drifted on the currents in lazy circles above the Drer. The pale dragon often floated alone at dusk. The setting sun painted dreams upon the sky, giving him a focus to help ease his mind. When the blessed light of the moon lit upon him his scales drank in the light with joy. Opaque shadows rippled over his body as he drifted in and out of clouds. Black eyes, pitch holes into the abyss during the day, turned to glistening pools reflecting the stars. And still, no one would see this.

Even now Valos kept to his own company.

Unlike the others Valos hadn't hunted again. Since it had been late when they left to hunt Valos had kept watch over the others. The last thing they needed was a brute to walk up on them. That would have been a scrum even with their numbers, but with two of them having just fought golems the risk would have been higher. And so Valos had remained airborne and let his senses wander the region. Thankfully there were no disturbances and the others managed to gather enough game to satiate themselves.

His stomach protested rather loudly about it's emptiness. Valos growled in response. It seemed to get the picture.

The night birds began their opening chorus; Long hallowed whispers reaching out into the aether followed by ear shattering silence as they waited, hearts stirring, for reply. Valos closed his eyes and listened to the night awaken around and below him. All the different songs and poems that flooded up from the world below mixed into canter and rhyme that spoke of eternity. Slowly, eyes closed, Valos let his mind drift into nothing as his body responded on it's own.

Wings tucked and he dropped several feet before spinning out, unfurling to catch an updraft and soar back into the clouds. It was a dance; Valos following the step of the moon and wind and his own heart. His movements were graceful and fluid, moving with and through the air as if he were one with it. And as the song continued to rise from the world below his own voice rose to meet it.

Sonorous and stirring. Mournful yet moving. Valos' song was not of words but of the deep cry of one's spirit. The moon cast faint shadows through unfurled wings as he continued this display, though it was for no one other than himself. It had been sometime since he'd felt so stirred to dance upon the night sky and sing with the world around him, and it had been the first time since he'd joined the flight, yet for some reason tonight felt befitting of it.

At the climax of his performance Valos hurtled up, his wings forcing him above the clouds before unfurling so he could gaze at the moon unobstructed. For a few brief moments he was weightless, floating there between heaven and earth, before diving back through cloud and aether to land gracefully upon his usual haunt. Valos maintained a secure distance from the others, though they were within eye sight. As he settled himself down he turned his attention to preening. Shed would come on soon, and old scales and quills were starting to irritate and itch.​
Marahuté landed lightly in the center of the Drer after returning from her hunt. She'd managed to take down a Horned Fen'zi this time, a rather large buck, and Marahuté rumbled in pride as she set her kill down. It had been a fair fight, the Fen'zi leaving his own marks along her golden neck. They hurt, but Marahuté didn't worry too much, knowing they would heal.

Glancing around, she noted that the others hadn't made it back yet. Those that could were off hunting as well and her Zurs... well... they seemed to want to be alone.

Marahuté's eyes drifted upward to watch as Valos he made circles above the Drer. Her head slowly bobbed and swayed in time with his song. She softly hummed along, but her voice didn't rise to join his. Instead Marahuté sighed and laid down, her head resting on her forelimbs as she waited for the rest of the pack to return.
She was right, as most often she was. Ariéas lifted his head and watched her jaunt away form him towards the edge of the clearing, an almost sultry gleam in her ruby eyes. The flick of her tail across his side sent a pulse of adrenaline across his scales under his wings. He smirked and shook the tears from his face feeling sheepish for even having them at all, he knew however that Rya was understanding and gracious sometimes, if only towards him.

"Come, Horned Fenzi is more my fancy tonight. Shall we see who can catch the best prize?"
Without wanting to leave her waiting Ariéas spread his wings and brushed her wing tip gently and winked at her. "Sure my love. Although, I don't think you have a chance..." and he snickered before blasting downward forcing his body into the air and sending a small cloud of dust down around her. He laughed heartily and continued to gain altitude knowing she would be chasing him. The large spikes on his tail clattered against one another as he flexed his muscles forcing himself higher. He clicked his jaw in a playful chittering to taunt her as he once did when they were courting as much younger dragons .

Once he was at the appropriate height he hovered and looked across the plain below them. Hunting Horned Fenzi was not necessarily hard but it did require finesse in that the creatures possessed an incredible sense of hearing and sight. One had to learn how to spot them in the tall grass of the plains from high above the prey eye-line and then do a silent dive onto the target. On this night the moon begin to rise and illuminated the plain like a calm sea below them, silent and billowing in waves of grass and flowers. The white light was a great advantage to dragons since it illuminated the iridescent crests on male Horned Fenzi's antlers thus making them much easier to see from the ambush height.

Ariéas's golden eyes scanned the blue-gray grass rolling below him and after a few minutes of silent hovering he spotted a flash of green and purple on the far end of the plain. Patiently waiting to see the prey emerge from the deep grass, Ariéas climbed a few hundred yards higher and circled across the sky to position himself for the dive. Finally, when he came to the spot he had seen the flash he realized it was not a Horned Fenzi, but in fact was a much smaller creature called a Bartyi, a feline-esque creature who tasted like spoiled meat and was most definitely not something worth his time.

Annoyed the alpha huffed and looked over at his scarlet treasure glowing in the moonlight. For an instant the world faded around her and she stood out in his gaze like a single red rose in an endless expanse of gray. He watched her and let out an almost inaudible grumble just low enough for her to pick up on. Nodding at her Ariéas whipped his tail out behind him in the air to signal to her if she had found anything yet. He figured he would best her in this contest simply because he had the brute strength over her at least twice fold but, at the same time, she still had the uncanny ability to surprise him.
Rya hovered in the night sky looking over the fields. Aireas had been quick to pounce at movement and she was inclined to do the same if not for her mind saying to her it wasn't her target. Seeing the feline rush away made her jaws chatter with unpleasant memories of being a young dragon and trying to hunt new things. The taste of the Bartyi after taking only a bite stayed for near a week. The rancid smell it wears is also a good deterrent. Hearing the low tone of her mate she then looked around. There were a cluster of glinting shapes a few miles away. After returning a tone of her own from her chest she flew higher to not be seen. Flying towards her target she had not forgotten her contest with her mate. Looking back to make sure he was still far enough behind her she dove down. In a steep dive she aimed short of the herd as they fed but as her distance was half way to the ground she angled more and more towards the herd. Only doing enough so all that speed is focused onto her target.

As she aligned with the ground she opened her talons and had her full impact against the flank of the buck she targeted. As it called in pain the herd scattered not being of a species to help one another. More like a skittish prey unless they spot you first or are cornered. Keeping the prey pinned to the ground now it's hip was easily broken from the force alone so escape wasn't a concern. Trying to run the buck struggled only to earn a deep bite on it's neck. There was a struggle but soon the field was quiet again. Letting go of the bite Rya felt the warm coating of blood on her maw. It was a taste usually on successful hunts. So she savored the taste.

Looking back she found her mate on top of his own Fenzi. Having chosen a similar approach he implemented it differently however. Having knocked over the Buck he chose to daze it then landed to finish it. His weight alone with his strength could have brought down the Buck but dazing it made it much safer. The less injuries they sustained during a hunt the more they had a chance to survive.

Walking to him Rya smiled as he removed his maw from his prey's throat. He had nearly bitten the head clean off with how much pressure was used "So, do you want to call it a draw?" She asked nuzzling his muzzle. She heard a deep rumble similar to his chuckling "This time my love. But the next we hunt there will be a winner" She smirked and licked his cheek smearing some blood on his nose "I look forward to it" With their kills made both dug into their meals. Rya had eaten quickly and eaten every part she knew would give sustenance. However what she had to work at was the intestines. Shaking it free of dung that was in the track was key. Her kind could digest almost anything on their prey. But their byproducts they surely could not or at the very least heavily avoid.

Once she was sure that blood no longer gripped her maw or her claws the dragoness looked to her mate. The gold male had been doing the same and lay relaxed away from his kill. Standing the Sa'Zur approached her male and circled him. His eyes soon watched her but she stopped by his wing laid over his legs and belly. She crooned and pushed her head under the wing and he soon lifted it for her. She could only smile as she pressed against him to comfortably rest with him. Though at her youngest when males had been on her mind there was an illusion of a perfect partner. She had lost that somewhere along the way but as she felt the ridges and angles of their bodies rest beside one another she laid her head on his paws. It was a perfect fit. His muscled body though larger was like a piece of a puzzle only meant to fit for them. She gently licked his paw and crooned to him "Let us rest here for the night. Under the stars" She heard the warming rumble that she always loved to wake up to and the voice that could melt her defenses if he wanted to "Very well my love" He said in her ear placing his head near hers they relaxed and soon were asleep in their loving embrace.


Deidre had rested with Zandyr and she smiled down at her paws as she listened to him "Yes i understand he is hurting. As a healer i can tell even by just sight if pain is present. I will take it....slow. I will not push him" She had talked and slowly recovered beside Zandyr for a time. Soon her scars had faded partly thanks to Zandyr's healing mist. Normally they would take days to vanish yet they were nearly gone with his help and it hadn't been so long since the fight. Deidre woke up to flapping wings and was wide eyed to see a Horned Fenzi at her feet. Looking up she smiled seeing Azreal "Th-thank you Azreal" She smelt it and her belly rumbled a bit louder than even she thought it could. She felt her heart skip as Azreal asked about her health "I'm getting better. And yes i will be there to heal you tomorrow" He soon flew off and Deidre took a breath in. No doubt Zandyr could sense the nervousness she experienced or at the very least her slight changes to his presence.

She wanted to be a mate to someone. But as Zandyr said she was not to heal his past nor be the response. He had to choose her for the right reasons. Deidre started to eat and devoured the meal. She made a mess and even got Zandyr with a few of the times she shook the meat in her maw. But by the end she felt satisfied and started to clean herself. Grinning the female looked to her close friend "It seams you are a gold and red speckled dragon now. Is this to be a permanent look?" She asked jokingly. Zandyr and her being close enough for her to comfortably joke with and not have to worry. She was never anxious around him. He was and always would be that one friend to anchor her when others could not.
The sunset was always something the Vak enjoyed, one of the only small dose of enjoyment. He gazed at the horizon, where the orange sun clashed with the darkness, giving the area a dark pink glow, as he began to think, his mind began to wander. He wondered, how things were at the allaince now that he was gone. He wondered why he felt differently about this pack and its subjects. He wondered about Scalia, and Fer'sturn his fellow soldiers back at the allaince. He thought about Deridre, his face suddenly flushed bright pink which clashed with his white ish silvery nature. He let a smile out. Why did the healer all of the sudden have this affect on him ? Azrael surely had seen female before, in their prime, larger, more dominant, but they never had this effect on him. "Am I falling in love ? ". His face quickly shifted, his memories drifting back in, any time he associates anyone with love, they've all hurt him, wounded him deeper than any dragon could with their claws or teeth. The painstaking picture of his parents came into view, standing on top of that God cursed cliff, valuing other's opinion over their son.

He shook his head, tears threatened to spill, amassing at the edge of his eyes, claws digging painfully into the granite rock, but he bit them back. He will not shed tears over things that never shed them for him. His mind came back to Deridre, " Ill give it time, no matter how desperate I am inside, I'll still give it time, because I dont think I can take another fall. I just cannot." With reluctance he pushed her face away from his memories. Then he stood up, the sun now had completely sunk, and the moon had his chance to shine, giving the sky his favorite midnight blue. He stood over the edge and breathed a huge dose of the air, it smelled like wet rock, but with hints of lilacs, and blood lilies. He raised his wings, curving them as he arched forward into a free fall building up speed as he arched back up, straight up, up above the clouds. Then he saw the glint of another dragon, about 3 or 4 miles in front of him, he saw Valos gliding effortlessly through the clouds, slicing them with his wings.

Azrael arched back and blasted off towards the acid dragon, building up so much speed, he was almost on top of him in a matter of minutes. Unlike Valos's silent glide which perfectly cut the clouds, his dash deformed them. Azrael intentionally flew as close as possible as to touch the other dragon's wings, as he overtook him and flew ahead, looking back at him, with a mocking smile. He remembered the acid dragon's daredevil act when Syril'th was introducing herself.

The night was young, and they had a race infront of them, should Valos choose to take it.
"I suppose there is some merit to being blind, Deirdre," Zendyr mused with a chipper tone before he playfully nudged against her even as she splashed some blood on his scales. "If I cannot see myself, then, I can just pretend that I do not look as If I had just stumbled into a puddle of blood. Which may be entirely possible." The golden healer sighed in relief before he stood up, stretching his great wings and forelimbs as he gazed into the inky darkness around him. His jaws unhinged in a loud yawn before he grinned down at his flight-sister. "Now, while you enjoy your," Zendyr mockingly coughed. "Heartlight's specially caught bounty, I will be off to hunt for my own share."

Zendyr laughed at Deirdre's expense, taking off to the skies with a twirl as the serene light of the silvery moon crawled and shimmered upon his golden scales. The golden healer hated being deadweight in the flight. With his hunting skills below average and his role as an omega not yet being practiced, he was essentially useless in the flight at the moment. Serving no purpose other than to heal, Zendyr found himself unable to abuse any sort of kindness. And, if anything, he was to hunt for his own food. It was fight or famine, and Zendyr refused to starve by his own hand.

So, the gold dragon glided through the air, trying his best to discern his location just by the way the verdant musk of the trees, the crystalline and salty whiff of the waters, and the echoes of the winds from his wings as it bounced off of the stones. It was the best he could do, and still, his flight was far from graceful. He wobbled as he soared, sometimes stopping in mid-air as he realized he had gone off a mark only for him to swerve immediately just to get to one of the nearby hunting grounds. In most cases, he would roar at the empty space to give him a better idea of what laid ahead but now, with his flightmates either bonding with their beloved or finding some time to themselves, he wouldn't dare disturb them with the roars of a blind dragon flailing for food.

Landing with a stumble upon one of the hunting grounds by the river, Zendyr steadied himself as he slowly walked into the woods. He persevered amidst the constant thudding of his snout against one merciless treebark after another. And, throughout his minor suffering, it was to the thoughts of the storm dragon that his mind wandered off to. In searching for a mate to bond with, a dragon's appearance was a good portion of the entire process of choosing. Glimmering scales, tough hides, or large wings often attracted others the most as it offered the highest chances of stronger genes being passed on from both parents to their future offspring. Dragons with disabilities or blatant weaknesses were often left to the scraps, doomed to live alone for the rest of their long lives. So, if appearances played a significant part in choosing one's mate, why in the gods' names did he find his mind so occupied by someone he couldn't see?

Instincts came first into his thoughts but Zendyr had long learned to suppress such base desires, and only now did he find those buried cravings clawing back towards the surface. Maybe it was the selflessness of her act in informing them of the impending doom despite having no obligation to do so. Maybe it was the kindred sorrow he felt from her presence, a sense of desperation and salvation at perhaps having found someone who knew loss as much as he did. Or, maybe he was just drawn to broken things in a futile effort to fix them as if it would bring him any closer to the vague redemption he so pursued. Needless to say, Zendyr resigned himself to the notion that even if he took Lady Rya's advice to pursue a courtship of Lith, she would never shackle herself to a blind dragon who couldn't even piece himself back together. Imagining the storm rider with either Valos or Azrael left a sour taste on his tongue which vanished just as soon as he clocked himself against a sturdy sycamore.

"Get a grip, Zendyr," the healer berated himself with a hiss. Zendyr shook himself back to focus on the hunt as he crouched down in the shadows of the trees. He couldn't hear nor smell any nearby prey, but that was always the case. His style of hunting was inefficient, terrible, and outright stupid, but it was his only way not to scare off the prey which would give birth to a chase he couldn't finish. If he couldn't get to them, then, he would make sure to bring the food to him. Wings folding to better hide his visage, the dragon breathed out as the fragrant mists seeped from his scales and flowed through the moonlit forest. The white tendrils crept through the trees and laced within the shrubbery, eager to enmesh any fenzi who dared follow the trail back to the jaws of the beast. The golden dragon readied himself for a long hunt. Still, the moon was high and the night was still young. He had plenty of time. And, perhaps, he could continue to think of his flightmates. To think of a future beyond the war. To think of his lieges, of his friends, of her.

For the first time in centuries, Zendyr wished he could see-- if only to put a face and scales on the dragon that stabbed at his mind with every single passing thought beneath the moon.