Fly With Me - A Story of Survival ((IC))

The Ka'Zur sighed to Malok "I do apologize for this Malok but she is with us. Another daughter of Rya's but she has her own-" The alpha stopped and looked at the female in question "Flaws and habits me and Rya are trying to correct" The stoic dragon had noticed her speaking to him and her childish actions. Hatchlings play and that is fine. But coming to an age where that is less common he had hoped she would kick that by herself. But maybe that was who she was meant to be. Taking a breath the Ka'Zur looked at his Beta "However Malok you will have to work on the skills of learning dragons. You challenged for the right to rule but that is one of the many purposes of ruling. Knowing those under your command for instance" Arieas then took a step to the side so he can more address Aise "Now i am happy with your report but there is a development you both should be aware of. New dragons have arrived and the final trial will be this morning, inducting them into the flight. Ill news has come and war flies on the horizon. As such you both will need to return. And you Aise, will need a tutor. Someone who maybe needs to learn to better his skills with others" Though he would not want to trust anyone to protect his family other than himself the male let a small smile grace his face as an idea. His eyes met Malok's and the alpha again stood in front of him "Aise is important to me and Rya. You need to learn these skills. Teach her. And you may learn from it as well" The golden scaled dragon turned and opened his wings letting the sunlight glint from his scales "The challenge begins soon. Come along, maybe you can catch the challengers before the trial begins if you find them" Then Aireas took flight and returning home. Though he hoped Rya got her sleep.

Rya had just woken up yawning as she enjoyed her sleep. Aireas was not to be found. She huffed partly annoyed by him but also at the requirements of their post. Most often the simple pleasures of laying with one another for one whole night became a welcome comfort. Standing she felt comforting pops and saw the glow of the sun from around the Drer. Though the structure itself obscured it. Looking over Rya spied the healer Deidre fast asleep. If she had chosen she would have wanted to let the Pain Eater sleep. It pained the Zur to see her use her gift knowing it hurt her to do so. Yet she never complained nor asked to not use her abilities. It was selflessness even she had not yet mastered. Or maybe would. Stepping closer she nudged her hearing the healer mumble in her sleep "No my heartlight please lets eat a-" coming from her still dreaming mind. Rya chuckled and tapped her again "Time to wake up. Deidre up and at it" The healer had a startled flinch but when she realized who had touched her she relaxed after a breath or two. "Sorry Sa'Zur. I didn't realize it was morning. Just had a rather pleasant dream" The Sa'Zur made no comment of what she heard but gave a knowing smile "Well good. Hopefully Zandyr can handle the healing today but if not you will need it. Come Deidre" The Sa'Zur said kindly before heading off for the place they were to have the final trial. Not far from the Arena there lay an open field. It bordered the forests and was solid stone. Landing both females checked the area. Better to be safe than sorry. Once the general area was safe did she see her mate closing in on their location. And once they were here the trial only needed the initiates to begin.
Azrael decided to go get a drink now that noone seemed to be awake. He turned east. It was still early morning but fen'zis were now comming out of the treeline and into the open field to graze. Azrael smiled thinking out the complexity of his world. Each day, thousand of different animals, and hundreds of thousand kinds of plants live their life. None ever taking the time to step out of the rush, and look at the world peacefully.

The sun sat snug between two hills, as if the hills themself were cradling it ever so carefully. This again brought back memories of his parents. He had always blamed them for everything that has happened to him, and he could never find it in him to forgive them. " A mother is suppose to be a protector, a disciplinarian and a friend. A mother is selfless, and loving, she is one who must sacrifice many of her wants and needs for the wants and needs of their children. A father makes all the difference in a child's life. He's supposed to be a pillar of strength, support and discipline." He recited the lines of parenthood, which new parents recited with honor and joy in the old north.

He looked at the sun,
" mother, father, I dont think I will ever be able to forgive you, but from now on I will try my best. Because if i hurt because of you again, I fear the gods will harm you." After saying this, Azrael felt a sort of closure he never had.

He flew over the hills, and into the valley, there layed the lake sprawled in the middle of the valley. As he flew down he noticed atleast a dozen different species of birds, and countless creatures skittering across the banks, occasionally casting a feared glance at his direction. Azrael had no intention to hunt anything, all he was here for was a drink. He landed softly on the golden sand, a cozy warm feeling enveloped him as his claws dug into the warm sand. He bowed down and took a sip of water, it was refreshingly cold. Then he gulped a mouth full into his maw and sprayed it, straight into the sky. The spray came down and enveloped him in a cool mist.

He looked at the birds, and noticed a pair of Kakatools, a medium sized bird with a beautiful mango yellow shade with blazing red streaks and a blue crest feather. He noticed as a supposed male flew after a female to get her to notice him. But no matter how much he tried, she paid him no attention. As they darted of down the lake, he noticed there was something off about the male, his crest feather was smaller than usual, and his color was wayy too bright.
" I guess I'm not the only mutant in this world eh ?" His mind then shifted to Deirdre, and his face crunched as cold realization seeped in. He was a mutant, there was no guarantee wether he is even fertile. Why on earth would any female choose him ? Especially one with such a rare gift and a sense of selflessness he had not seen previously.

He felt as though a sumo drake had barreled into him, its horns digging into his heart.
" Well, so much for happy thought, damnit Azrael why do you always end in such negativity?"

As he contemplated, he saw the Kakatool pair again, but this time they were flying together. She had accepted him as her mate. Azrael smiled, the biggest smile, so big that if his grandmaster or teammates had seen him, they would've thought he was possessed or something.
" Well then, let's end it positively here, I might stand a chance. Emphasis on might". With this, he unflured his wings and took of, hurriedly returning to the drer. " let's not get too ahead of yourself my friend, you don't even know if youd get out of today alive, or even if you did that Airease will accept you." As he landed at the drer, he noticed Rya, and Deirdre flying of to the field where he fought the golem's yesterday.

" Here we go God's, I'm gonna have to access my banked luck today, now would be a great time to feel bad about my childhood you guys." Now he waited for Airease's arrival. As the aspirant usually followed the pack alpha to the field of battle, according to his custom. He just hoped neither of them died in this battle. Because that would be bad.
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Every letter, every syllable that serenaded the golden healer's ears beneath that starry, starry night coalesced into vivid imagery of suns, moons, and skies long forgotten beneath the midnight curtain of his blindness. Her words melted into serene colors that exploded behind Zendyr's eyes, painting the raven canvas of his life with memories of a life before this one in Arieas' flight. Her eloquence drew Zendyr in as if he soared alongside her through the shifting hues of the clouds and beyond the stars and shadows that littered the horizon before Lith's eyes. Slowly, the darkness of his world became enflamed with gold and blue, entangling each other in a dance that threatened to unravel the healer into the vulnerable dragon that he truly was deep inside. Starved if sight and companions who could show him how beautiful the world still was despite all the horrors he had done, Zendyr felt himself lose to the constant tug-of-war raging inside of him. Between maintaining his strong, composed elegance and, just for once, let the maladies that plagued him flow, the sightless healer let the latter win, if only for this moment.

"Thank you," Zendyr whispered, rivulets of misty tears falling from his blank, glacier eyes as he looked up at the rising sun on the horizon. "Thank you," He continued with only his crests twitching to betray just how much he was surely shaken inside. "Thank you." Zendyr turned his sightless gaze down to the sapphire flame as he tilted his head at her. "That was beautiful, Lith." Zendyr breathed out a shaky sigh of appreciation as he let a fanged grin curve his mouth. "Actions may be the most effective means to meaning but words will always keep their power."

His wings rose from the storm dragon, masking the space above her just as the sunlight pierced the Drer's spiraling tower of solitude, now graced by calm gold and benevolent blue. Just as Lith painted, the sun's gentle light reflected from the healer's golden scales as Zendyr rose with renewed strength. With a flap of his wings, the winds bellowed and swayed around him in a seemingly joyous whisper of hope and new beginnings. The world was still beautiful despite the countless flights his pack raided and shattered. The gods of lands, seas, and skies may have judged his eyes unworthy of beholding their splendor, but they deigned to cast upon him a look of mercy in the form of eyes who could share the world to him as he finished his penance and redemption. Now, more than ever, he had to steel himself to protect this still-beautiful world that he shared with Lith and his new flight. The putrid marshes and the bloodied skies of the Barren Moors would not haunt him again. After all, there was little to be gained by just looking back at the past. What was more important now was what he could do for the future. For him. For her. And, for everything good left in this world.

"Words can be the light, the waters to paint the darkness," Zendyr grinned as he turned in the direction of the proving grounds. "And, in my darkness, you have painted light. You say that the sun envies my scales as they pathetically reflect a light I do not own, but I believe that the world should envy you more because all the gods' oceans and all the gods' vales could never have made my world brighter again."

Zendyr stretched his wings as he stepped forward to inhale the scent of a new morn, finding the faint traces of his liege and some of the other flight members making their way towards the place where Lith and Azrael would face their final trial.

"It is time for the final challenge, Lith," Zendyr craned his neck to face her general direction before his wings slowly lifted him upward in a burst of winds. "Let me fly with you for the rest of the way. And, then, I will watch your trial until the end when you rise as I know you've done countless times before, stronger than ever."
As she finished her portrayal of the world around her, Syril'th took a deep, confident breath, hopeful that she had told it well. She looked up as the sun began to rise and noticed a glimmer in the corner of her eye. A small tear crept down the side of Zendyr's face. Before she asked him about the state of his distress, he thanked her. He spoke with a hushed voice so quiet she could barely hear it. Syril'th's words escaped her. She found no other fitting response than to nuzzle her nose against his neck. With a low, rumbling croon, she gave her regards. He lifted his wings above her. A tiny void crept along her skin where the heat left from his touch. Just like she described, his golden scales shined brighter and greater than any treasure she could ever imagine. He cast a small shade upon her as he stretched his wings. She couldn't help but grin also as they rose together to face the new day.

"Zendyr, all I can say in return is 'Thank you' as well, for giving me the chance to tell my ballad. This moment we've shared has given me a new strength for the fight ahead."

"It is time for the final challenge, Lith," He spoke to her. "Let me fly with you for the rest of the way. And, then, I will watch your trial until the end when you rise as I know you've done countless times before, stronger than ever."

Reluctanly, they let their tails loosen, no longer entwined. Syril'th spread her wings as well, her scales blinding like the sky, mixing the light between them, blue and gold. As she faced the direction of the battle field, Syril'th felt a longing inside her she never knew she needed to fill until she spent this time with Zendyr. Hours felt like minutes. With newfound hope, she began her ascent, readying herself for the upcoming trial. Playfully she lashed his back leg with the tip of her tail, an invitation to follow. Looking back, she saw him with a large toothy grin and happiness on his face, waiting for him to join her in flight. The storm dragon knew that this would be a day she kept with her forever.
Valos swallowed the last of the Fen'Zi, the remains dripping from his snout, before he stood up and stretched. It was slow, languid. He took his time to stretch each limb, each wing, and align his body from nose to tail tip. His scales and quills flexed and relaxed in shivering fashion, rippling with his muscles as they loosened, before realigning in proper manner and pattern.
"Trust," he whispered after a time. "It's a funny thing really. You expect to be able to rely on those you trust, and yet even those closest to you, those who gave you life, can tear out your own throat in the end."

There was no malicious in Valos' voice. Just a deep seated pain. One that rarely ever surfaced from it's grave deep in his heart. And just as quickly as it was uncovered it was buried once more. Valos raked his claws along the ground before raising up and clawing at the wall irritably. He was keyed up and restless. The sleep he wanted was far off from him. His body, unbeknownst to him, had his mind focused on other things.
"I can't sleep," he growled as his claws dug furrows into the wall. "I can't focus. All I want to do is fight and kill and fu-"
Valos stopped himself. He was midway up the wall, his claws dug in a good three inches, and yet that wasn't what caught his attention and made him pause. It had been there all along these past days, yet it wasn't evident until now. Finally. Yet this was a rather embarrassing way to realize it.

Valos' body was flushed, an unusual obsidian tint of color to his normally expressionless scales. By nature he was lean, but his current diet had made his musculature swell as the nutrients reached their destination quicker. Even his temper was more surface level than typical. Sure, Valos was always broody and distant, but he rarely voiced his thoughts.

It all made sense now.

Slowly, suddenly very self conscious, Valos eased himself down from the wall before settling back onto his haunches. He was very much aware of himself and the extremely present Mara. It took great effort not to focus on her presence, let alone her scent.
"Yeah, fine," Valos mumbled after a silent few minutes. "I'll let up on the Va, I mean Azrael. But only after the trials are finished."
Marahuté tilted her head curiously at his whispered words, not sure if he was referring to her or someone else. She thought she had detected a slight note of sadness to his voice, though in was quickly covered up by more growls as Valos clawed restlessly at the wall. Marahuté eyed the deep gashes he left and shifted in slight uneasiness.

She wasn't sure how to take his sudden shifts in mood. Sure, he had always been standoffish and distant, even with her, but his aggression and temper seemed to have grown worse over the past couple days. Especially with the arrival of the newcomers, though his aggression seemed more aimed at Azrael. It almost seemed as if Valos was being... territorial.

Marahuté sighed as she tried to make sense of it. Perhaps it was the tension that seemed to linger in the air recently. With the failure of the Alpha pair's clutch and an unknown threat hanging over the pack, she supposed it was understandable for Valos to be on edge. Though she was relieved when Valos agreed to ease up on his aggression towards Azrael once the trials were complete.

"Alright," she replied, satisfied. Marahuté watched him it silence for a moment, trying to figure out what it was that seemed different about him just then. Before she realized what she was doing, Marahuté rose from where she had been laying and moved to nuzzle at his cheek, a soft purring floating low on her breath.

"Try to get some rest," she said as she pulled away. "Dawn comes early and the pack has a big day tomorrow." She turned from him to return to her spot, curling her tail around her as she settled down. "Good night, Valos."
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Aiseith purred at Malok, pleased that he let her stay on his tail. Her own tail twitched back and forth on the ground, the spikes clattering together and creating odd patterns in the dirt. She nudged Malok's tail and hopped up, stretching her legs out, her back legs almost flat on the ground and her chest and neck reaching towards the sky. She lost her balance and fell over, squirming for a bit to get back on her feet. A blue blush spread over her maw, before she shook it off and spread her wings, reaching her head back and nibbling at the scales there. An old scale came off and she held it in her mouth, crossing her eyes to try and see it. She couldn't because, duh, dragons can't see their mouths.
She spit it out into her claws and studied it, taking some vines that grew all around her ravine home, folding the vine around the scale so that it made a bracelet. The white scale shone brightly in the rising sun as Aise raised her head to the sky, closing her eyes and sniffing the air.

"It seems as though most of the flight have made it back to the Drer' grounds. Shall we head there now? I wonder if anyone remembers me...oh well. Let's gooooooo!!!" She exclaimed, darting to the side of the cliff and dropping off of it, spreading her wings as she went down. Dropping about 30ish feet, she drove her wings down, pushing the air down and rising, shooting past the two males. She circled once in the air, waiting for them to join her before she darted off for the Drer', her smaller figure flying swiftly through the air. Once she reached the Drer', she folded in her wings and dropped like a rock towards her fellow dragons. She spread her wings at the last second and landed at the edge of the group, shaking her wings out and folded them in carefully and rustling the spikes on her back and tail.
"Hello, hello, hello everyone!!! I hope everyone is having a wonderful morning! How are you?" She grinned, sitting down and wrapping her tail around her legs.
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The large figure that stood along the Ka'Zur watched as the small female took flight, he turned to his alpha and shook his frills loose and examined the look he had been given. "So be it, I hope you know what you're doing then." He turned and extended his wings outward and leaped down from his cliff side perch, using a light updraft to push his bulk into a glide slowly gaining altitude until leveling out on his approach to the drer'. On the outskirts of the place known as home he bellowed out with a seemingly joyous call. The wind making the spines holding his frills clatter together his eyes closed he stayed high enough that nothing would become a problem for his gliding path, he took in the smell of the high atmosphere before beginning to lower to the earth beneath him. Circling a few times, his decent was a kin to vultures, once landed he used his wings as a backwards force to bring himself to a full stop before planting them into the ground as extra support. He stayed a distance from the remainder of the group and observed them from afar. He flexed out his wings and sung his tail under his chest, dragging loose dirt to use as a sort of pillow and lazed delicately onto it before taking notice to the much younger Azreal, "Has fortune favored the young?" he seemed to have lightly grumbled before turning to place Aise into his view and watch her movements. He wants me to train a young-ling? Why me? That one was my only successful one. Why me?

He adjusted uncomfortably before giving in and planting his head down "What does travels bring? What does experience tell? Battles won? Lives lost? Summer run faster than either of us young one, and I enjoy a good story boy" one eye moved to Azrael with a soft light refracting off it
With the Zur's present and waiting for the initiates Rya had been busy. Though it is expected for fighting on multiple levels to occurs there were to be limits. As She strolled around the boundaries of the field it slowly melded from grassland to dense forest. Closing her eyes she crafted magic traps that are as she new it specific to her clan. However she in fact had only truly mastered setting up one type of trap. There were many ore advanced magic traps she could make but they could be volatile and prone to error due to lack of mastery. Stopping every few meters she would find a trio of small rocks that show promise. The spell required an object to hold around. Building magic around them Rya set them in a triangle formation. So if anyone misses the first two the possibility of missing the third is low. But possible nonetheless. Once primed the Gravity Trap would be ready. If anyone stepped below it or flew below it the small stone would feel like a massive boulder once hit. Knocking even Aireas out of the skies.

"Do you think traps will be needed?" She heard as the healer went from her mate to speak to her "They do not seem like cowards so i am not worried. But even in your trial i set these traps. When i saw one dragon wanting to join my old clan they didn't have these and a brute stumbled upon the trial. Blindsided him and killed him. It is more for us to not worry about outside threats and allows us peace of mind" The healer gave a soft smile "Alright. I will wait for Zandyr so we healers can prepare. I wish you luck Sa'Zur" Before the healer could get far Rya gave soft chuckle "I have lived this long Deidre. But luck i haven't seen with my eyes" The healer stopped to hear the words but continued and left the Sa'Zur to her work. Rya once done sat next to Aireas and closed her eyes. He however had his stoic look and eagerly looked over the horizon to see the incoming flight "I can nearly feel you twitching" Rya said calmly relaxing her mind in a meditation. The male looked over at her "Battle is glorious. And we get to see their true skills and abilities. Battle is what i was bred for" The pair chuckled at a joke unsaid yet understood. So soon after they paired there was a difference between them immediately noticed. Where Rya was calm of mind Aireas was stoic and strong. He reveled in battle and where Rya indeed loved fighting she was a warrior of thought where his was of body "If you want we can make a bet. Worst fighter hunts for the winner?" Taking a deep breath his rose kept relaxed keeping her breathing in pace "You would volunteer to hunt for me so soon would you?" She opened an eye ever so slightly to add with her grin.

"Ever so confident are we?" He responded moving his jaws closer to nuzzle her cheek. "Confident i can make you dance. Impress and you may earn a bit more than a hunt" Catching her meaning he nipped her neck then looked forward and gave a rumble "How could i say no to such a challenge. I will go easy on them then" With that the pair sat together as Deidre sat where the healers would and other flight members. The arena was set they only needed to arrive.
The Vak was waiting for quite a bit of time. Then out of the blue sky came a new face, one he hadn't seen in this pack previously, " sheesh this pack is getting bigger by the second, what else now an army start showing up ?" he joked inside his own mind. The little dragon glided rather expertly to the edge of the clearing where it landed. "Hello, hello, hello everyone!!! I hope everyone is having a wonderful morning! How are you?". Azrael eyed her with subtle suspicion. " um I'm good, but eh forgive me that I don't know you, but who are you?". Something much bigger suddenly came rustling from the sky. "Has fortune favored the young?", Azrael gaped a tiny bit as he saw Malok. " Earl, you are here ? It has been a long time." Azrael bowed his head at the wyvern. Malok was the reason Azrael was still alive, he had found Azrael wandering clueless across the land, starving, and dehydrated as a young-ling and had taken him under his wings. He is the only one who didn't try to kill Azrael when he found his abnormalities, instead he trained Azrael, and then admitted him to the alliance before leaving the land. Ever since he then he had wanted to see Malok again, to show him his works hadn't been in vain.

"What does travels bring? What does experience tell? Battles won? Lives lost? Summer run faster than either of us young one, and I enjoy a good story boy". Azrael smiled at the wyvern, he wanted to run up and give him a hug, he would've if he was young, but he stayed planted. " A lot of wars ended, a lot of life lost, a lot of travels made, and a lot of memories remain. I do have so much to tell you Earl." As he said this Azrael saw Airease fly over them to the field. " But now I have this battle to try, win or not I have absolutely no idea, I do hope i get the chance to sit down and talk to you some more after." Azrael held his head high now, high with pride that he can show Malok how he has changed from the little dragonet he taught. Azrael then looked at the little one who was sitting down, and smiled, " I hope I get the chance to get to know you, but i will have to stay alive, cross my claws on that one." With this Azrael lifted off casting a sideways glance at the pair on the floor before pushing down and blasting of into the sky following Airease.

Azrael was thinking of Airease now, his girth, his element, his fighting style, how he can outmaneuver him. From his body language Azrael would've thought Airease as more of a brawl style fighter, as was his approach yesterday when they met for the first time, but he could be wrong. He landed, still thinking about fighting at the foot of the field, his face no longer laced with smiles or softness but hardened, concentrated, and ready with confidence, although when he saw Deirdre a small smile loosened out of his mouth. Azrael studied the field, looking for strategic places or objects to use. He stayed in place as he surveyed before walking over to where Airease was standing. It was now time, Azrael was confident in his abilities, he knew he had the needed odds, at least he hoped so.

Now all they needed was the rest of the pack to start arriving and they can start.
As the golden morn broke through the darkened horizon with the early spears of sunlight piercing the veil of night that had wrapped around the Drer, the blind healer trailed after his sapphire storm with a relaxed grin gracing his features. Guided only by the gusts fluttering and dragging by her wings as well as her scent of distant oceans and hearths, Zendyr found it calming to, for once, not pay too much heed to the possible dangers of his blind flight of faith when he had someone who guided him gently to soar above the winds. Whenever he strayed too far from their course, a quick yet soft lash from the sapphire dragon's tail veered Zendyr back to the proper path, and, for a brief moment, the healer reflected on the notion that had Seluna guided him away from a warpath instead of encouraging it, perhaps, he could have averted the tragedy from ruining his flight.

The rest of their journey back to the location of the final trial proved rejuvenating and calming for Zendyr's state of mind, and hen he realized that they had arrived, he failed to suppress a small disappointed whimper from leaving his snout. Their joint descent was a fine spectacle, the breeze dancing in solemn vigil as gold and blue coalesced down from the clouds before landing softly on the clearing in the forest-covered area where the sycamores and cedars forked out to the heavens in their splendor. When Zendyr finally steadied himself on his legs with his wings folding on his back, the blind healer turned to Lith with a sigh before he offered a smile.

"This is it," Zendyr spoke with a twitch of his head as he angled his hearing orifice that lay hidden beneath one of his larger crests towards Lith. "Lord Arieas and Lady Rya did not take it easy on me during my trial, and I do not see them insulting you by offering anything less." The golden dragon stepped forward before glancing back at her. "Let the storm follow in your wake, Lith. Your final chapter before you start a new story in our dragonflight begins now. And, I can't wait to be a part of your new story." He let out a soft chuckle before he bounded out in haste before the instincts humming beneath his scales overtook him and he wrapped her once more in his wings he had wanted to do ever since he felt her own snout nuzzle against the column of his neck. As much as he wanted to avoid showing just how much he was enthralled by her presence, the crests on his head vibrated with visible excitement which soon stopped as the healer conked clumsily against a tree trunk in his haste.

He didn't stop, though. Afraid that if he did, he wouldn't be able to stop his wings from flying him towards her again.

The familiar scents began to waft around him, and the first presence he detected was that of Azrael who the healer approached when he had passed near the vak.

"Azrael, my brother," Zendyr greeted him as he approached. "I cannot wait for you to finally join us. We're your family now, brother. And, in this flight, we fly together," Then, the healer turned his glacial eyes in his general direction as wispy streams of mists coalesced around them. "You are strong, brother, but it doesn't mean that you need to carry the world on your shoulders alone. Once you pass the trial, I hope you trust me enough to share and lighten the load."

With a small nod, Zendyr bounded towards the scent of his lieges as he stopped in front of them. He offered a deep bow, his snout pressing into the loam before he raised his head.

"Lord Arieas, Lady Rya," Zendyr greeted the pair with a smile. "Another sun rises on you, and already, the power of your flight grows." Then, his snout turned in the direction of his fellow healer, Deirdre, as he grinned up at her. "Deirdre, allow me to handle the healing for today. You deserve your rest, my sister."

The golden healer took his place just beside Deirdre, folding his legs underneath him as he began his silent vigil in preparation for the incoming battle. Scales would shatter, bones would break, and blood would flow but with it, the power of their flight would finally grow and the darkness that loomed over them would become brighter for once.
The crisp wind invigorated her body as they flew to the arena. Syril'th closed her eyes as the wind carried her across the forests beneath her. Looking back, she observed her golden star following in her flight stream. Again he seemed to be deep in thought, but Syril'th took pleasure in observing his mind at work. For even being blind, he seemed to be an adept flyer. She could only imagine how much more graceful he was in the air when he could see. Although, she did not mind one bit guiding his way. As they approached the battle field, she fluttered her wings, disturbing the air behind her, signaling to Zendyr that a change in path was coming. Suddenly, her nose caught the scent of two strangers among the pack. As the pair descended in unison, the foliage and earth around them gave way to their mighty wings, their scales the embodiment of fire and storm, beauty and power, sun and moon. She kept her gaze sharp, unable to shake the feeling of danger. More dragons could mean more trouble. Turning her attention once more to Zendyr, she couldn't help but notice another bright, infectious smile across his face, birthing one across her own snout.

"This is it," he spoke. "Lord Arieas and Lady Rya did not take it easy on me during my trial, and I do not see them insulting you by offering anything less."

"I will give them my all. I am not one to hold back my power in battle if my life depends on it, even for the sake of an alpha." Syril'th's response was brief but concise. She meant every word. Never has she constrained her power for an enemy, and she would never start now. She was aware that some conflicts didn't always require her dragon magic to win, but in order to survive, she knew how to use it to its full extent. Her attempt to keep a serious tone was thwarted once again by the healer as he let out a light hearted chuckle.

"Let the storm follow in your wake, Lith...I can't wait to be a part of your new story." His words resonated in her mind and in her heart. Secretly, she enjoyed being called his storm, for that is what she was. She could be a soft rain on the morn, or she could be a torrential downpour with a flood in her wake. Having said his comment, Zendyr bounded off to join his alphas, but not before Syril'th noticed his body jolt every so slightly towards her, almost as if she had caused him an itch he couldn't quite scratch. She cocked her head to the side in curiosity once more at his quirky habits, and bit down her own laugh as he bounded into a tree and did not stop.

Whatever spell I have cast on this healer might be too strong for our own goods. She thought to herself, a chuckle still echoing in her throat.

With their remarks stated, she scanned the flight of dragons in front of her. The Lord and Lady took up next to each other as expected, a silent, intimate moment passing between them. The female healer was beside them, discretely attempting to ignore the affectionate pair. But as she looked to the side, she was taken aback. A large male almost similar in size to Arieas, stood near his liege. He was impressive to say the least. If Arieas was the Lord of Light in this flight, this dark male was a brute of shadows. Something about him made Syril'th keep her distance.

A wyvern? I haven't seen one in almost 800 years... How did he stumble across this group? Syril'th was intrigued and confused at the same time. This male was a strange addition in the pack. The air around him held a hint of danger and threat. She kept a sharp gaze as their eyes briefly met. I will have to keep an eye out for this one... She straightened her neck and back, head held high, assuming a regal posture, wings folded neatly across her body. Tentatively, she walked towards her fellow competitor. She sat on her haunches, front paws crossed one over the other. She greeted Azrael with a nod and kept her gaze straight. The male wyvern turned, occupied by whatever he was conversing about with the other dragons. Syril'th couldn't help but let out an audible gasp as she noticed a small white female clawing at his tail. The male was not impressed by this younglings antics. No longer was his demeanor intimidating. It was quite comical to watch, matter of fact. It reminded her of a Anrik being pestered by a Ka'lu while it slept. Syril'th eased the tension flowing throughout her body as she watched those two.

As the rest of the dragons gathered, anticipation consumed the flight. This was the last trial. Win, and she would be a part of this flight forever. Fail, and she would be cast out on her own again, or die. She could not lose what she had just found. Whoever stood between her golden guardian and her would have to face the wrath of a wild, untamable storm first. The alpha rose and so did they. Her curved horns hummed with increasing electricity. They acted as conduits, drawing in the static around her. Anyone close to her would feel the vibrations she gave off through the earth and in the air. With one solid huff of breath from her snout, she glanced at Zendyr once more, and steeled herself, ready to win.
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Valos felt his body tense as Mara approached. His scales raised and his lips had started to snarl until she nuzzled against him. And then, everything was just...weird. The sensation of it was what puzzled him the most. Up until now any contact that Valos had with other dragons had been violent. This....what was this? Better yet, why?

It wasn't until Mara had laid down and curled up that Valos finally turned to look at her. His scales had relaxed and smoothed out, yet he still had this strange feeling in his gut. Mara was right though. Morning came way to quickly, and tomorrow was important. He needed rest. Valos stretched out again before climbing up into the various beams and rafters. After finding a suitable place he wrapped his wings around himself and let exhaustion claim him.

Morning did, indeed, come way to early.

The warmth of the rising sun drew Valos out of his slumber and onto a perch. He spread his pale wings out to regulate before taking off into the chill morning sky. It didn't take long to find the others. Most of the flight was gathered and waiting for the trial to begin. Valos growled to himself in mild frustration. Yes, adding members to the flight was important, but he'd have much rather spent the morning lounging or sleeping. He blinked weary eyes as he landed a small distance away from the others. The last thing he wanted right after waking up was to be among other dragons. Especially Aise.

Malok, Aise, Deidre, Airease, Rya, Zendyr, the whole flight was assembled save for Mara and himself. And they can just stay over there for now, Valos reckoned as he started his morning grooming. Any old scales or quills, wings stretched out, blood flow moving to everything. And, finally, Valos made sure his glands and blast organ were working properly. Valos opened his jaws as a gaut of acid hissed forth and splattered against a nearby tree. The bark crackled and hissed in return, sending out acrid smoke as it dissolved and withered before falling into the melted waste that had once been a stable trunk.

Content that his body was functioning normally, Valos finally strolled over to the others. He filed in closer to Zendyr and as far away from Aise as possible.
"You're a welcomed sight, old one," Valos yawned as he drew up to Zendyr. "I have a feeling that your ministrations will be paramount today."
Valos was already up and gone by the time Marahuté awoke, as well as the pack. The golden female sighed and uncoiled herself, taking her time to stretch and ease the sleepiness from her body. She knew the pack was waiting on her and that she should probably hurry to meet up with them, but she still purposefully took her time.

She didn't like this part of the trials, though the golems closely tied with it. She wished there was a way to pass it without so much violence. But she knew it had its purpose, just as the golems had. It was sort of the dragon's version of a trial by fire. Those that made it through earned their right and place in the pack. She only hoped the Syril'th and Azazel would fight well today.

Finally emerging from the Drer, Marahuté took off in a slow glide towards the others. She chirped a soft apology to the Alphas as she landed. She moved to join the others, but kept silent as she tried to settle her nerves. That was until she spotted the familiar dark scaled wyvern among the others.

Malok was back! The jumbling in her stomach seemed to increase at the sight of the male, though she wasn't sure if it was from nerves or something else. Thank goodness she had decided not to eat anything yet.

"Hello, Malok," she said in a soft, somewhat shy greeting.
Aise groaned, dropping onto the ground and rolling onto her side, flopping her wings open to catch the sunlight. "Scales tooooo bright..." She trailed off, glancing around at those surrounding her Father, and those sitting off to the side. She didn't see anyone that looked too glum, the exception being Valos, or Melty as she called him, but he looked still half asleep and didn't want to get him mad while half asleep. The last time that had happened...bad stuffs. Aise shuddered just thinking about it, the spikes all along her back and tail clattering together. The Ice dragon sat up and strained her head around to get an itch under a spike and nearly fell over, catching herself in an awkward position. Her neck stretched around to her back and her front legs planted firmly in the ground, her back legs almost under her front legs.

After getting the itch out and untangling her body, she flexed her wings a few times before folding them in close to her body. Aise sat there bored for a few seconds before spotting a pretty stone on the ground. Grabbing it gently with her claws and somehow managing to walk into the shadows of the trees circling the arena on three legs, she pulled a vine off of a nearby tree and make a simple necklace. Testing the vine by tugging on it a few times with both of her front claws, she deemed it worthy enough of being a necklace. Now to decide who to give it too...Aise stared around at each dragon of the flight in turn before deciding that her adoptive mother would get yet another necklace.

Breathing in the cool air and exhaling an icy breath that she sprayed over her scales to cool them off, Aise gently grabbed the vine of the necklace and froze it slightly to ensure that it would stay fresh, before stepping out of the shadows and running towards the Sa'Zur's side. Nuzzling her adoptive mother's neck in a sign of a child's love and respect, she placed the necklace on the ground before settling herself beside Malok, her 'tutor' as the Ka'Sur had put it, and Marahuté. "Hello again Mister Malok! Did ya miss me?" She grinned playfully, already reaching out and nuzzling her Mother's other adopted daughter, Marahuté. "Hi little sister, I hope you're doing well? How's Melty been?" She nudged Mara with her wing and motioned to where the dragon with what seemed a permanent scowl on his face rested by the giant golden dragon whose name she couldn't ever remember.
Malok smiled to the small ice dragon as she approached, "As the moon misses the sun," his head still slumped to the ground he only lifted it when he finally noticed there was another dragon out of side view. The wyvern turned placing the younger male into his view with a knowing look air jutting from his nostrils. He brought his attention aback to his protege flicking his tail in anticipation "May my lessons not be for nothing, and may your spirit be as large as the one I found those seasons ago."

Malok brought his attention to Mara and nodded softly, These youngsters better have been taught something, I don't want to scrape them off the stone of the arena. Years? No decades? No..... Centuries have passed since he's seen Arieas in his fighting stance let alone a look of testing a young. Malok was well versed in his own and some of Arieas' fighting capabilities, but surely they were not the only ones to have taught this one his strategies. He turned his attention back to the smaller Aise, who seemed childish and untaught. Is this a ruse? Or is that deliberate? "So then what can those spines do?"

His eyes seeming to jump between her and Azrael with a light inability to choose what to observe
The Sa'Zur smiled and happily accepted the necklace from her daughter. Though the necklace would wither away as it's frost layer warmed the beauty of it she could admire. With help from her wing she fit the necklace around her horns and let it settle. The cold frost being a similar feeling to the morning breeze. Taking a breath Arieas stepped forward and spoke to the flight "It is now time for the final trial. Those who wish to enter the flight will be tested. And blood will be spilled this day. Let courage hold you steady and strength guide your claws. Approach and we shall begin" The Ka'Zur had been watching Azreal and Syril'th. Stepping away to observe which he would want to fight. Yet as he did so Rya remained still. Her eyes remained closed after putting the necklace on.

Azreal approached and though he spoke nothing his body said everything. His crouched form preparing for battle also wanting to test himself against the Ka'Zur. Both figures began circling sizing one another up. Where Arieas has greater size and strength this one had abilities that were still an enigma to him. Both stopped as they had their fifth cycle of the circle and were statues. Nothing was heard except for the wind and the grains of loose soil. As another gust of wind ran over them there was a twitch by either challenger or Zur and brutal roars sprung from their maws. Both launched themselves at one another. Though the battle was to test the initiates no lethal intent was planned. But blood would still occur. The need to make the other submit being the goal. The last trial being also a test of the Zur's themselves. To see if they are worthy to still rule.

Obtaining a grasp of Azreal's lower neck with one clawed paw he dragged him through the dirt and bit down into his left foreleg. Teeth sinking into scales then into flesh. Using his grip the Ka'Zur threw the initiate across the clearing where he landed in a heavy thudding sound as he slid on the loose dirt and grass. Azreal flexed his injured limb finding the wound not as severe but the flash of pain into his body ever present as he walked back. Arieas charged taking the initiative either gleeful at drawing first blood or the thrill of the fight it didn't matter now. The large dragon collided and they delved into a brutal clawing and slashing melee. The Ka'Zur felt as numerous slashes went across his chest and sides. In response he slashed his cheek with a claw but bit down on the back of his neck. With powerful wing beats he pulled the younger dragon off the ground and stopped when they reached a body length into the air and slammed him into the ground. Though biting the hardened scales would not injure Azreal as much, the slamming into the ground would do the damage for him.

Moving away Arieas waited for the initiate to rise. It took a moment but the look in his eyes he had plenty of fight in him. Opening his maw Arieas bellowed a volley of flames and with great speed found Azreal had side stepped just in time. A smile graced his face looking at the initiate getting ready to clash again "Keep it up Initiate. You have promise" He said as they charged and clashed once again.


Deidre watched her heartlight begin his trial. She was nervous, anxious and she was sure Zandyr could feel her body shake as Azreal endured another strike. Taking a deep breath she calmed herself slightly then spoke to Zandyr though her eyes never left the fight "I....I hope he will be okay" her voice sounding unsure or at the very least needing to say it to another in hopes that would make her words true. She shifted towards her fellow healer her eyes never leaving the battle that rages on.


Rya opened her eyes to observe the pair fighting. Though in part she held herself responsible for how brutal Arieas was being it was necessary. But she blinked and her eyes grew the same red magic flame about them. They then stopped to look at Syril'th
"Come initiate. Let the males fight and we can do the same. Maybe i can truly test you" Rising to her feet she did not approach the initiate. But instead kept at a distance. Almost immediately showing the different style she preferred to that of her mate. Opening her jaws just slightly she felt magic roll over her. Strands of red lightning arcing from tooth to tooth. Slowly she began letting the red electrical energy glide over her scales. Making them incredibly vibrant as if they had been polished. Her voice turning now to a more eager tone as magic filled her veins "Come, fight Syril'th. I am waiting" Her eyes speaking all the challenges needed. Hopefully inciting enough to get the initiate moving.
Azrael spat the blood out of his mouth, " I like the taste of blood, but not when its mine ", he said to Airease. They clashed again, Azrael clawed at Airease drawing blood from his chest, in return Airease slashed Azrael on his face, he then hooked Azrael with his hind legs and threw him over. Azrael landed with a thud, sliding over the gravel. He quickly sprung up again, getting back into his battle stance. "seems, I cant compete with you with raw strength Airease", Azrael closed his eyes, still focusing on his opponent, he tried to channel his woge, it didnt work. Airease charged at him again, this time Azrael lifted up above him, grabbing Airease's horn with his hind legs and yanking him to a side. Airease lost his balance, and fell, sliding over the dirt. Azrael quickly landed, facing his opponent once again. This time, Azrael charged first, his head lowered and his horns facing Airease. He crashed into Airease's stomach, not piercing his skin but knocking his breath off. Airease got back up quickly countering Azrael's slash that followed. Azrael was quickly met with another slash on his face.

He spat more blood out of his maw, his white scales now sprayed with open claw marks. " you know Airease, you are very much more harder than I thought, I may have to try really hard now." He gave a gleeful smile, his teeth gleamed red rather than white. They began circling eachother again, Azrael kept his eyes nailed on Airease, watching his every move. This fight didnt look like it was going to end anytime soon. Azrael concentrated again, trying to draw out his woge. He closed his eyes, concentrating on his anger, he began to feel warmer, he opened his eyes to see his scales beginning to shift, the corrupted magic running through his veins shifting his colors and hardening his scales. Azrael turned from his generic silvery white with blue, to a sharp black and harsh red. He looked everything like a demon, or better yet, like the real Azrael.

He smiled again at Airease. Then he roared, a brutal piercing bellow that came from the pit of his stomach. Azrael charged straight at Airease, his speed slightly heightened. Instead of meeting him face to face Azrael jumped up, grabbing his horns once again, he yanked it up, but this time Airease yanked back, sending Azrael crashing down again. Azrael wasted no time, he grabbed Airease's front left leg, using his other claw to dig into his front thighs. He ripped back at his front legs while pushing his girth down into the dirt. Azrael wasted no time and bit down on one of Airease's spines that lined his back. Airease used his wings push up, Azrael ripped of the spine. But he was met with a powerful kick from his hind legs, it hit Azrael on the side of his head temporarily stunning him.

Airease landed, Azrael shot a bolt of white electricity, Airease ducked, but the blast singed the tip of his horns. He looked at Airease, he was also showing damage, his chest dripping with blood, and his eyes showing pure rage, but with an edge of pain. Then again something told Azrael it was going to get a lot bloodier. " Still havent given up Zur, and I can see in your eyes that you can do this all day, so why don't we spice it up a bit."
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The loud echo of bodies colliding made the adrenaline surge through her veins. She knew now was the time to fight. One more glance to her golden warrior before the battle... Blood painted the ground as the males clawed their way into each other, kicking up dust and rock in the tussle. She witnessed the rest of the flight on edge, talons flexing with anticipation. Syril'th stood, facing Lady Rya as she peeled her eyes from the other dragons. Releasing a sharp exhale, she met her gaze.

"Come initiate. Let the males fight and we can do the same. Maybe I can truly test you."

As the alpha female displayed her magic, Syril'th did the same. She felt her own electricity build in her chest. Her spines became erect and sizzled with static. Her horns gave off an audible humming as her power grew. In unison the females began to stalk each other in a circle, neither of them getting close to the other. She did not fall for Rya's enticement. Releasing a low growl, Syril'th let her cerulean lightning jump across her body, from her crest down to her tail. Opening her wings, it raced across her scales, jetting out at her wing tips. She was a walking storm, leaving scorch marks upon the Earth. She lowered her head in challenge and spoke.

"Do not fret Lady Rya. I shall give you a fight."

And with that response, Syril'th lashed her tail violently on the ground and let out a deep, guttural roar towards her opponent.
The fighting began with little to no fanfare from the participants. Azrael and Airease were quickly in a heated scrap. Blood spattered the still night cool ground, sending up steam and heat waves into the air alongside the sharp, delicious tangy scent. Valos felt his tongue slide out from his lips to just taste at the flavors on the wind. He growled in morbid delight as the blood tinged air danced over his taste buds.
Soon enough the females would add their own spices to the mixture and the air around the Drer would taste of the lovely, tantalizing joy of combat.

Valos snorted in grim satisfaction as he strolled off from the group. If he could taste and smell the blood then others could as well. Anything could stumble into the fray from the outside world. It had happened before. Dragons had been killed by the wayward brute or another predator taking advantage of the combatants vulnerability. So, as was custom, someone would do their best to keep watch. Valos, without prompt nor request, decided he'd take this chance to do his flight a favor. With careless grace and more than a little brooding indignation, Valos turned and slithered away from the others, wandering until he found an elevated perch that provided a view of that area and combatants.

From there he contented himself to lay down and watch the fight. Watch, and wait.​