Fly With Me - A Story of Survival ((IC))

As the moon faded behind her eyelids, Syril'th heard a distant sound grow louder.


The cool water softly hit the sand at her feet with the rhythm of her breathing. The sky was starting to bloom, casting a red shadow on the sea, reminding her of blood. Syril'th held her gaze at the edge of the beach, her vision slightly unfocused, almost as if everything around her was moving in slow motion. She looked up at the sky and before her was a Drer made of coral and onyx. It was one she recognized all too well. It hung suspended above the waves, crumbled and broken. If she breathed too hard, she might blow the pieces away. Faint sounds of a flight echoed around her. The roars and grumbles were simultaneously near and far. Familiar voices taunted her.

"You are nothing to us outsider, your words mean nothing!"

"You have no place here!! You cannot come into my land and threaten me! My son is the only reason you stay. Let him go and leave!"

"The sea should swallow you back after spitting you out!"

The Drer shook with each sentence. Loose rock begun to crumble with the echoes of judgment. Heavy slabs fell into the water causing it to rise around her feet. Syril'th could not help but cower as she relived these moments.

"You and that magic of yours are just as dangerous as the monsters you claim to lurk in the dark. You bring nothing but a storm."

"You have put us all in danger, and you can't even see it."

Every word struck her heart and made her flinch. Is this what she deserves for failing them? She tried to convince them but they would not listen. Tears caught in her throat as she tried to breathe.

"I did nothing but try to protect you all!" She retaliated. "How can I save someone who doesn't want to be?!"

She roared in frustration, letting loose her electric magic and the sea answered. It swirled into a mighty typhoon underneath the Drer and began to move toward her with a deafening sound. The scent of iron filled the air. Syril'th tried to step away from the shore but the sand began to sink in. The bloody water turned into bloody hands that grabbed onto her tail first, then her legs, then wings. They started dragging her down and she fought, digging her claws into the sand but grabbing nothing. Syril'th let our a desperate cry. Lighting arced off her body as if it was trying to lash the water back. Thunder rang all around her. Now, only her neck was above the water as she clung for air. Water slapped her face as the tide of red grew. Her heart raced and she began to panic.

So this is how it ends...drowning in my failures...

"Don't give up my dear."

She snapped her head towards the voice and again, he was there.

"You aren't real Jyru!! You're not here!"

"I am always where you need me to be, Lith."

"Why come to me when you keep leaving?!"

"You simply miss me, and I you."

"It has to be more than that has to be..."

"You'll see why soon enough my friend."

He titled is head at her as if trying to comprehend her discomfort.

"Stay, please help me. They were so cruel to me."

"I know, but it made you strong."

"I didn't want to be strong. I wanted to be safe! I wanted everyone to be safe!"

"Fly with me, Lith. Let us leave this place. Let us save ourselves."

At that sentence, she did not imagine leaving with Jyru, she imagined leaving with someone else. She became speechless as the water finally overtook her. It pulled her under as the air escaped her lungs, muffling her cry. She reached out one last time as the red became black.

Suddenly, she felt like she was falling. Syril'th jerked awake, her heart pounding in her ribs. She looked down and saw lightning scars and claw marks on the rocks around her. How terrifying her dream must have been to release her power while she slept. She could feel their stares on her back. Without meeting their gazes she leapt into the night sky and cast herself onto the very top of the Drer. Still shaking. She sat on her haunches, tail wrapped tightly around her. Her head hung low and it throbbed at the spot where the golem made impact. She could not help but release a bolt of electricity at the moon, secretly hoping she would hit it out of anger. A deep drone of static only few could hear emanated off her body as it recovered from her mental terror. As the blue lightning faded she sunk lower into herself. Even with a potential home within her grasp, she never felt more alone. All she wanted was comfort, maybe love, maybe someone to wrap her up in their mighty wings and carry her away...

Save this emotion for the battle. She thought to herself. She sat and watched the darkness of night unfold around her. Nocturnal beings living their lives, unaware of the bounty of day. They had a harsh world. Pairs of small Fenz'i mingled together, searching for friends, families, and even mates. Maybe she should do the same. So much ran through her mind at once and she let it. Yet again a storm was brewing inside her. There would be no more sleep tonight.
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The glow of the moon was comforting in a way that Valos didn't fully comprehend. Comfort and compassion where not things he regularly experienced in life before the flight, and in that he never knew to associate those words with what he felt as he slipped through the night sky. Yet even still his inner most being knew what comfort was; It was here, in this moment, beneath the moon and above the world in perfect silence.

But...what was that sound? Like heavy leather, beating something...

Valos was rudely snapped out of his nocturnal nirvana, dipping out of pure reaction as Azrael flew past. Quills hackled and rattled irritably as Valos' eyes narrowed at the fleeing Vak. What madness was he playing at now? Then again.....if Syril'th had been truthful...had Azrael seen something and been trying to warn him? If that was the case, though, why hadn't Azrael just stuck around? Either way, Valos was going to have to catch up to find out.
With a low growl Valos broke from his calm glide and pulled hard against the sky. He tucked his limbs close to his body as he relaxed his quills. Anything to create less drag and speed up the process of catching up with the Vak. And the quicker he caught up and found out what was going on the quicker he could return to minding his own business.

Alone, and undisturbed.

For what it was worth, Azrael was a decent flyer. Valos growled quietly as he shot upwards and caught the current, using that to speed up tracking the Vak. He had all intention of not expending energy this evening, especially since he hadn't eaten anything. Now he was most certainly going to need to make a night time hunt to make up for whatever foolery Azrael had planned up. Or, again, maybe it wasn't foolery. Maybe the Vak had a legitimate reason for bothering him.
If not I'll give him a reason to think twice next time.

When he'd managed to get within range Valos tucked his wings and dove again, slicing quietly through the cloud above Azrael before unfurling his wings and coming alongside the Vak.
"What is it?" he growled as he looked to Azrael. "If it is one of the things Syril'th spoke of, why are we flying away from the others?"​
Everyone seemed to be settling in for the night. The Zu'rs still hadn't returned, though Marahuté suspected they were taking some private moments to themselves. Not that Marahuté didn't blame them after everything that had happened in such a short time. First with the failing of the clutch, then with the newcomers joining and the trials that soon followed. Even a Zur would need space to breath and relax after all that.

Marahuté's gaze followed Azrael as he flew off after Valos. For a moment, she wondered if she should warn Azrael away from Valos, knowing the darker male always seemed to be very grumpy around this time of evening. Especially in regards to someone he still thought a stranger. However, Marahuté shrugged. It would due the old grumpy puss to interact with others.

Bending her head to lazily chew at the carcass of her Horned Fen'zi, Marahuté listened quietly while Deirdre and Zendyr chatted amongst themselves. When the subject subtly turned to love and mates, Marahuté's gold eyes looked over to them before lifting skyward, following where Valos had gone. A soft crooning sound rose in her throat as she sighed and pushed away the remainder of her kill, no longer hungry.

Spreading her wings, Marahuté lifted herself into the air, flying up to an opening in the side of the Drer.
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The warmth of Rya made Ariéas's scales tremble in a goosebump fashion. It had been a long time since they had been out on a hunt together alone and an even longer time since she had curled up under him the way she had just done. He placed his head atop of hers and felt her breathing slow as she drifted into sleep, no doubt a dream-filled one. The alpha sighed quietly and gazed up a the stars. There were three he was most enamored with since he was a young kit, the Three Kings. He looked a them in all their twinkling glory looking down on the field where they lay in silence.

The story was that there had been three dragon kings of neighboring territories and all were worshipped for their beauty and power. They had been kind to their subjects, wise in all ways known to dragonkind and skilled combat hunters. They had lived for thousands of years back in the days of the Great Northern dragons, some even said they had fathered the Great Northerns, although it was never confirmed. The good kings ruled over the lands and took care of their flights, but they had fallen to the darkness of selfish pride over time. They began to steal from each other and give in to the worries of the world, focusing too much time on expanding their magic instead of protecting their people. Soon illness swept over the land in the form of greed and anger, dragons began killing each other over scraps of food or magic. A saving grace in the body of a brilliant female entity came and showed the greedy kings the price of their selfishness and in time they had corrected their ways, but too late. Hundreds of dragons died due to the plague of prideful darkness.

The kings were said to have been blessed with continuing to reign over the world after their deaths, but were cursed to do so in silence. Ariéas looked up at them all in a row frozen in the black sea of sky, their twinkling light reaching out towards the earth they could no longer speak influence over. It was a beautiful story told to young dragons to teach them about the dangers of pridefulness, but it made Ariéas think. All his dragons were strong and courageous, they all held great value in his heart and he knew that this was where he was meant to be. He may never lead a great nation but he would lead this flight with healthy pride and wisdom, as the kings of before. He closed his eyes and let the sinking feeling of sleep creep up into his mind. His final thought was something about Rya, as it usually was. His heart slowed and his breathing calmed, the dreams of a peaceful Drer full of his offspring found their way into his mind.

This war would push them, but hopefully, into something greater.
Rya stood on the grass that was painted the purest gold and seemed to wave as a constant breeze ran over it. She took a breath and identified the sweet aroma of a special flower she had enjoyed as a hatchling. The Sunset flower grew in an instant between her paws. Being a bright yellow and cascading into a blood red in the center. As she rested in the endless fields she leaned down and smelt it taking in more of the relaxing aroma "So do you find this relaxing? Spending time alone even if it is in your own mind" She sighed and looked ahead and saw a shadowed figure. Except the dragon shadow was all that was there. It had no features yet the voice she recognized "I like to relax and study in my mind as my body rests. Do you mind?" The figure vanished and she smiled no longer having to deal with another voice she hadn't planned on. She moved the horizon and made the image of Arieas appear. Her heart warmed seeing him and their moments together. Times of pleasure and remembering their time meeting.

She chuckled to herself seeing him do his displays and trying to impress her for days on end. Even falling on his face when he tried an extravagant display. He may not have a lot of grace but he was persistent. She then opened a new memory. Raising Mara and Asie along side one another. She loved the pair and often is very proud of them knowing they are raised how she envisioned. She saw the horizon changing to memories she would rather not see again. She instead banished the topic to the back of her mind. She took a breath and found her heartbeat finding balance again relaxing with the Sunset flower in front of her. There was soon a disturbance beside her and when she looked she saw her love. The gold dragon was laying beside her. His wing falling atop her to bring her into a loving embrace "I wondered how long it would take you to get here" She said with a smirk. She had tried to meld minds with others. But her love or maybe how good of a match Aireas made with her made bonding in sleep possible. It was a welcomed feeling. Knowing your partner is with you on the most intimate of levels.

The male thrummed deep in his chest and nuzzled her
"The stars were alluring tonight. I could not resist gazing before resting" She leaned into his affection and let out a huff and soon the field sprouted hundreds of Sunset flowers "I hope they weren't to alluring for you" She brought up a memory of him. The golden dragon had been doing a display for Rya and it had been almost comical. He very nearly pranced and it made Rya chuckle "When you were a bit younger you could move" He chuckled and Aireas brought up his own memory. The red dragoness had gone swimming and unknowingly a suction cup attribute sea creature and eight legs crawling on her she had screamed like a little hatchling. The creature had changed colors to her red as it held onto her "So do you when that thing was on your leg" He chuckled and she gave him a nip trying to hide a smirk "That was something i never expected. And it felt so unnerving" Aireas was smiling but she could feel his mind drifting to a topic. But before he spoke she shook her head "We don't need to worry about the outside world here. Rest, enjoy the lives we have lived. And we will face them tomorrow" She said calmly as she turned to pull up another memory resulting in them both laughing.


Deidre felt her scales flush the instant Zandyr called her meal her Heartlights meal. She chuckled nervously but she did not object at all. It was true. And as she watched him leave her gaze watched Azreal taking off with Valos close behind "Males being males" She said to nobody in particular. She huffed when she was done disposing of the body. Then she looked up at the sky where Zandyr had left. She had wanted to try healing his eyes but she was nowhere near the strength of Rya in magic. Even in healing there was power needed. She practiced when she could but the goal was to not have so many injured. So advancing her skills only happened in training exercises or combat which were not as plentiful.

The pain eater started to clean her scales and maw her eyes went up to Marahute "Hey Mara, want to rest down here? Maybe we can just chat while the males are.....well being males" She asked kindly. Holding a smile to her fellow flight mate. The daughter of choice to the Sa'Zur though not the only one but she was kind. And like herself....Marahute held her heart for someone in the flight. I guess it is desire or maybe something more. She had experienced affection but to truly want someone she had only now started to experience. She wanted to take it slow. And in time there may be an opening to establish her affections for her Heartlight.
Azrael slowed a bit recognizing that the rogue hadn't got the message, but with some mesmerizing skill, Valos caught up to him. The vak curiously studied his movements, his face held genuine appreciation to his skills. Which was very short lived as Valos caught up, he could see the invitation was not taken as he intended. " What is it?" he growled, "If it is one of the things Syril'th spoke of, why are we flying away from the others?". His voice held pure irritation, something which Azrael was not too new to. They were flying at the same pace now, " I don't know Valos, I just thought i might as well get some payback for the little stunt you pulled earlier today" he chuckled. " You know, of all the dragons I've seen in this pack you just seemed very familiar, the carelessness, the distrust, the brutality, he was now smiling. Sort of remind me of my brother, minus that awesome acid power of course, and you being alive and he being dead is also a difference i guess, he said a bit too loudly, a quick wave of sadness washed him, as quickly as it came it dissipated. I was thinking maybe i can interest you in a small race, seen as you are quite average in your flight, he said smiling. I would love to get to know you, if that sort of thing interests you."

After, Azrael flew back to his place on top of the cliff. He still had too much energy left, " I guess that woge did a bit too much" , so he decided he could practice some more, get some training in as tomorrow is going to be a tough day. He reckoned he would be fighting Airease, the thought did seem to send a shudder through him. His thoughts came back to his woge, he wanted to try it again, the sense that he could conquer it ran through like adrenaline in his veins. So he looked straight at the bones of the elder armored Fen'zi, then he closed his eyes, digging as deep as he can to try and get it out again. His mind suddenly drifted of to Deirdre once again, which felt like something else. He quickly opened his eyes to see that his scales had turned a soft shade of ruby. He felt his stomach churn, as if he had butterflies in it. " what the hell is happening here Azrael ?" The vak jumped around to see his grand master yet again, his expression a hybrid of confusion and awe, " are you falling in love my child ? he asked, his expression was now happy, " I am now a happy teacher my son, you have found this on your own, Azrael felt his grand-master accessing his memories, reading them, you are right Azrael, you need this family, they are going to be your power, don't fight this world alone child, let them guide you, I see great honor in these Alphas, I see great wisdom in this omega, I see great kindness in Valos, and Mara, great courage in Syril'th, and a flowering love in this Deirdre, is it ? His face flushed a deep crimson red. " remember, if by any chance you don't feel right here, you will always have a place beside me." Azrael wanted to ask him a lot of things, but after this he vanished. Azrael was now back in his normal scales, he thought of what his grand-master said, grasped it all in. He tried again, this time reaching deeper than his emotions, into his inner recces of magic, this time he felt different, he opened his eyes to see himself a mix of royal blue and midnight.

He felt his mind sharpening, he could hear, see, and think clearly, he reached inside to switch his blast organ and saw that there were more choices there, he quickly chose electricity. and bounded of the cliff again, looking for some Fen'zi's to track. He could see plumes of multicolored dust in the air now, as he flew in them he sensed them, "Anrik". He dropped to the ground without the sound of a leave rolling over, quickly got low, and sensed his surroundings, his heart rate slowed to a few pumps every minute. He stalked the tall grass, gliding through the grass, his eyes evermore alert, his claws slicing through the ground quietly, only the sound of crickets irritated the serene silence, then he heard a low purr, his eyes followed his ears to find the anrik, cleaning itself after a quite gruesome hunt. Azrael was sort of impressed at his own stealth. He waited 2 more seconds before pouncing, he glided trough the air smoothly to when the anrik sat, wrapping his claws around its neck. Azrael, watched as the feline predator struggled in his grip. Azrael said to the creature " You're lucky I am not hungry at the moment". He released the creature and watched as it skittered into the grass.

Azrael felt that he was loosing his connection, but before he could lift of from the ground, he fell to the side, curling up in the small clearing on the ground. He was fast asleep, dreaming about a grueling fight he was going to have with the alpha.
That's two fenzi for the night...

The soft steps of prowling anrik alerted the blind dragon as his crests twitched with the start of his own version of a hunt. Chasing prey was inefficient and dangerous for him and to rely on brute force would also prove a mistake in the nighttime where more dangerous fauna would be alerted to his presence. No. Just as every single creature had to adapt to survive, so did Zendyr push himself beyond his limits to defeat the obstacles that would have made other dragons throw themselves over the dagger cliffs with their wings clipped and tucked beneath them. Anrik were formidable prey and younger dragons avoided them in favor of just the simpler fenzi. However, in the nighttime, these were the creatures that Zendyr found he could only hunt. Blessed with thick hides and massive claws, these feline creatures should never be taken lightly lest one be reduced to bloodied strips of dragonscale when the sun rose on the morrow.

However, he was the Mistwalker, and he needed no claw nor fang to turn the hunter into the hunted.

With the sweet scent luring the feline in, Zendyr prepared himself for the onslaught of the anrik. He breathed in deep, letting the healing mists course through every scale and every limb as his prey dashed at him with terrifying speed. A hiss and then pain. Slashes upon slashes dug into his scales, letting his blood trickle down and mix with the stain from Deirdre earlier. As wounds opened up on his scales, the Mistwalker grunted in pain before every muscle tensed in anticipation of the feline's next audacious charge towards him. And, when the leaves and the branches crunched in his direction, Zendyr stomped his front legs and as his claws crashed into the ground, fatal black mists speared out from each of his wounds as the dark cloud coalesced in a blanketing fog around him.

The anrik choked on the noxious gas before dropping like a doll whose strings were cut, twitching on the forest floor in front of the dragon who towered above the creature as Zendyr stepped forward. The dragon snatched his prey in his great maw and with a quick bite of his teeth, the anrik's neck snapped and put it out of its misery. Having completed his hunt, Zendyr picked up his spoils in his jaws before he darted into the air, a trail of white fog bellowing in his wake as he headed back towards the Drer.

The winds stung against his wounds and his mind silently cursed fate at having lured an anrik to his catch of fenzi for the night. His mind went back to Deirdre, feeling a bit sheepish for leaving her alone. But having been wounded, he hesitated to return to her side, fully knowing well that the selfless healer would shoulder his own wounds of misfortune on her own scales. And, he would sooner choke on his own poison than to let his sister suffer his strokes of bad luck.

Perhaps, I'll just recuperate by the Drer's tallest tower. No one should be there.

Having decided on his course, Zendyr struggled to fly amidst the pain but soon, decades of rote memorization and instincts led him back to the tallest tower of the Drer where he stumbled upon his landing. The three preys in his mouth rolled on the stony tile as he himself hissed as the cuts dashed against the cold concrete. He took a moment to recover himself, letting the white mists flow through his scales as his wounds started to suture themselves shut.

"If Valos saw me hunting, I reckon he'd laugh his spines off," Zendyr mumbled to himself, trying to sooth the bloodied slashes with a roll of his slick forked tongue. "Then, again, I fear Mara would just do her best to hunt for me which is the last thing I would like. Being a blinded burden is hard enough."

Zendyr slicked his bloodied tongue over the line of his snout before he lowered his maw, snapping at thin air in a desperate attempt to find his dinner. His misfortunes refused to leave him yet though as he clocked his snout against the floor. The ensuing vibrations alerted the dragon who snapped his head upward at the foreign figure.

"Is someone there?" Zendyr spoke before he lifted his snout to smell at the intruder. A sudden realization caused his pearl-white eyes to beam open as he craned his neck backward in surprise. "Lith! It's you!"

Surprise turned to realization and realization to embarrassment as he began to piece together the fact that she had just seen him at his worst: talking to himself and failing at the very basic act of eating whilst the proof of a struggled hunt stained his being.

"I suppose you won't tell anyone about that," Zendyr chuckled. "Last thing I would want is for Lady Rya to feed me herself," The blind dragon cleared his throat as he tilted his head at Lith in curiosity. "Can't sleep?" He tried to smile at her direction before nudging one of the fallen fenzi towards her. "Would you like to eat with me, then? Uh, don't worry about the poison. At that level of concentration, it's harmless to dragons. Although, it does add a tangy taste to the meat."

Zendyr fell silent for a while before continuing as he looked up at her.

"I never really got the chance to fully thank you for warning us," He said with a bow. "I don't know much about the future, but if anything, I know we'll do our best not to let your efforts be in vain."

The dragon plopped down, wings folding as he tucked his legs under him whilst his head craned towards the heavens as if trying hard to remember what a star-studded sky looked like in a time before memory.

"You know, Lith," Zendyr suddenly spoke. "Sometimes I wonder if I'm awake or still asleep. And, the only way I can fully assure myself that I have woken up is to recite the names of my flightmates. My dreams always consist of a dark time, a time before this flight. And, when I remember all of their names from Arieas to Valos, I am reminded of why I need to rise every single day," He turned to the storm dragon with a grin. "You're about to become one of us now. And, that's why I am grateful to you. Yours will be another name I will speak in the morn, another reason as to why I need to awaken no matter how dark the dawn."

He took a bite of the anrik below him, letting the flesh slide down the column of his throat before he turned to Lith once more.

"Oh, yeah, if you still have injuries that have not fully healed, I can heal them for you while we're here," He spoke to her, left cheek bloated with the chewed meat. "Tomorrow's trial will be hard, and I would definitely want you to be back to your full potential."
The night crept on silently as the moon slowly swept across the sky. Syril'th stared at the starlight duet. She was washed in the white light of the moon on this cloudless night. The thought of how this sky has seen lifetimes come and go, empires rise and fall, love and hate conquer had passed through her. She was in a grim state of mind. Her tail twitched back and forth and a low hum of irritation vibrated over the rock. Everything was happening at once for her. The possibility of a new family, new friends, new love... and at that thought, she heard wingbeats approaching her. Syril'th craned her neck around to see the dragon in question and to her surprise, it was Zendyr. She noticed he was carrying two Fen'zi and an Anrik in his jaws. She was quite impressed and interested at how a blind dragon managed to catch this much prey. Without moving from her spot atop the Drer, she watched him with close eyes. She noticed him speaking to himself quite intently.

"If Valos saw me hunting, I reckon he'd laugh his spines off. Then, again, I fear Mara would just do her best to hunt for me which is the last thing I would like. Being a blinded burden is hard enough."

She chuckled in her throat, as to not interrupt his monologue. He whipped his head straight to her direction.

"Is someone there?" He asked.

With her position discovered, Lith stood up and slowly made her way towards the golden male.

"Good evening, Zendyr, or almost-morning I should say. Please do not let me disturb your meal."

She noticed the blood on chest and arms. The Anrik must have put up a fight. Her first instinct was to help him tend his wounds after a hunt. Leaning down, she stopped herself before she could lick them clean, realizing that was only an action mated pairs partake in. For a moment, she was suddenly thankful Zendyr could not see. At her embarrassment she decided to sit across from him, the moon hanging between them in the night. Even though she was sitting a distance away with enough room for the Fen'zi to lay in front them, Zendyr's size truly came into perspective. His tail almost reached around to her, even with him laying down. His neck was graceful and strong, reminding her of the giant trees that surrounded the Drer. His wings were mighty, almost covering the sky completely as he stretched then folded them against his body, and his crest sat atop his head as if it were a crown fit for a dragon king. As he nervously ranted about his entertaining display of huntsman-ship, she couldn't help but examine him more. His scales reminded her of the moments she would fly above the storms and be met with the golden sun of morning. The moonlight only intensified his glacial eyes, reminding her of the pearls she used to collect. She felt if she stared long enough into them, she would be lost in a trance. He spoke to her once more, thanking her for her efforts to get here.

"I never really got the chance to fully thank you for warning us. I don't know much about the future, but if anything, I know we'll do our best not to let your efforts be in vain...You're about to become one of us now. And, that's why I am grateful to you. Yours will be another name I will speak in the morn, another reason as to why I need to awaken no matter how dark the dawn."

Although he offered part of his kills to her, she was more interested his listening to him at the moment. Something about his speech kept her entranced.

"Oh, yeah, if you still have injuries that have not fully healed, I can heal them for you while we're here,"

As he begun his meal, she spoke.

"You do not have to worry, Zendyr. What happens here stays here under this moon tonight. Including your royal entry." She said with a chuckle. "And no need to thank me yet, you can thank me when we are all safe. As for my injuries, there is a cut under my wing I'm afraid I cannot reach, if you wouldn't mind... But some wounds go deeper, which I'm afraid you cannot heal." Syril'th intended for her last comment to half-hearted, hoping Zendyr took the joke lightly.

Syril'th sniffed the Fen'zi. Blood still warm and thick from the life that was once inside. Still hungry after her kill, she was eager to indulge. Before she ate, she was searching for an item in particular. Sticking her maw inside the Anrik's chest cavity, she grabbed its heart and ripped it out. Her face was slick and bright red under the moon, contrasting with her smooth, blue scales. In her past flight, it was tradition for the hunter who brought down the prey to eat the heart of the strongest Fen'zi killed. It was a sign of respect for the alphas to feed each other in this fashion as a way to strengthen the bond. By no means was she declaring herself to this male, but she felt it was needed, a sort of self comfort for the offer to be presented. She stepped towards Zendyr, heart in her mouth, until her muzzle brushed his ever so softly, setting her scales on fire. She could hear his mighty pulse, even without her magic. She closed her eyes and listened. It was one way she could get a glimpse of the world he experienced. A low croon escaped her throat as she waited for him to accept her gift. Her stomach was leaping inside her as she stepped away.

"You share your kill with me, Zendyr. It is only fair you enjoy the best part."

She took up a place next to the golden healer, shoulders almost touching, as she began to rip flesh off bone and swallow it whole. As she fed, she forgot the reason she isolated herself here in the first place. Syril'th rolled halfway onto her side, facing him as she lifted her wing and waited to be washed in his healing waves. She watched him, every head tilt, every snort, it made her smile. Syril'th realized that she was meant to be here in this moment, for reasons she may never understand. She would fight with all she had to protect this flight, to protect him, no matter the cost. She would not be run off again. She will stay. And she will not fail. She will keep them safe, even at the price of her life.
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Azrael made him fly all the way out here to catch him just for...a race? The Vak was definitely daft. Valos sighed heavily, the irritation and alertness fading to just mild annoyance.
"Listen," Valos growled. "You are a Vak, an outsider. What makes you think I trust you? The only reason I followed you out here was to make sure that there wasn't an emergency. For all I know you could be trying to lure me away to attempt and take me out."
Valos' quills rattled and acid dripped as he snarled.
"Which would be a mistake for you. Nonetheless, I am going back to the Drer, but I'll leave you with one small bit of information; Conserve your energy, Vak. You'll need all of it if you anticipate passing the final trial."

With no fanfare or further comment Valos stopped in mid air and turned sharply before heading back in the direction of the Drer. His stomach grumbled, reminding him that it needed filling. Valos growled at it in return. "That was a frivolous waste of energy and rest. He'd be better off sleeping."

Upon returning to the Drer Valos smelt the faint hints of many different kills, though he singled out one that looked mostly intact. With languid ease he scooped up the remainder of the fenzi before finding what he thought was an empty spot within the Drer. It wasn't until he'd laid down and committed to eating the corpse that he smelled another dragon. Quills stood erect and rattled in surprise as Valos spotted Mara.
"Oh," he sighed as his quills lay flat once more. "I didn't see you there."​
Marahuté stirred from her restvas she heard someone enter the Drer. At first Marahuté paid them no heed as it was probably one of the others looking for a spot to settle for the night. But then Marahuté caught the familiar male's scent. Valos. Marahuté lifted her head and admitted a soft humming from her throat in greeting.

"Well, I was being quiet," she said with a slight giggle. "How was your flight?"
Aiseith pushed her wings down again, her muscles tired from her long flight. After circling the Drer' grounds, she had missed what had been happening the last few sun rotation. The spikes in her tail clattered together as she landed in a clearing some way off from the border lines. Her shoulders ached from flying too much and she snorted out a cloud of ice crystals, accidentally covering a plant in ice. She winced, and quickly brushed it off best she could without crushing it. She failed at the latter and ended up ripping one of the leaves and squishing the rest of it. "Yikes. I am so not a plant dragon. Sorry little plant." Her blue eyes closed for a second then opened again and she glanced up at the moon. It stood proud and silver in the sky, just like it had that night. Aise shook her head to get out the bad thoughts and smiled, trying to cheer herself up. A loud snap in the woods behind her made her head dart up and stare at the offending dragon.
She tilted her head to the side and stared at him. This was a new dragon. Really big, kinda handsome-wait, what? She shook her head again and prowled towards him, trying to ignore how bright her scales were against the darkness of night. The dragon hadn't seemed to notice her yet, so something was going right that night. Her wings brushed against the foliage of the forest as she crept closer, her claws light on the leaves covering the ground. As she got closer, she started to notice different things about him, including three large talon scars on his back. She paused slightly before proceeding to jump out of the shadows and onto his back. She hooked her arms around his neck and clung to him. "Hi! I'm Aiseith! But call me Aise! Nice to meet you! What's your name? What's your rank in the flight? Why do you have scars on your back? Do they still hurt? Where'd they come from? Have you met the Sa'Zur yet? I saw her not that long ago, but it was from a distance, so I'm gonna see if I can find her sometime, and try to talk to her. Where do you live? Do you wanna live with me? But not in like a mate kind of way, cause we just met each other and that would be kinda weird. Anyways, how's your night so far? I should probably stop talking so loud cause some dragons might hear us and come to beat us up or something. M'kay, I'm gonna stop talking now and let you talk." Her arms loosened around his neck and she slipped off the mystery dragon's back and onto the ground, then pranced around to his front and tapped her snout to his in greeting. She grinned at him and darted off into the trees, slightly hoping he would follow. She jumped over and under hanging branches, her wings tucked in close to her back so they wouldn't get caught on anything.
A minute later, she skidded to a stop at her 'home' of sorts, for now. It wasn't that big, just a small ravine with a tree's roots covering it. She sniffed the around the outside and didn't smell any new scents, so she deemed that no dragons had been around her den. She sat down in front of the entrance to wait to see if the other dragon had followed her or not. Another cloud of ice crystals blew out of her nose and into the air. She idly picked one up and took some vines from the wall, and tied the two together in a necklace. She laughed to herself and let a rare moment pass when the sadness in her heart shone through to her eyes. She sighed and tossed the necklace away, closing away the bad feelings.
The ice is going to melt anyways. She stared at the moon again, and waited for something to happen. "I'm bored. I wish I could meet the Sa'Zur. She seemed nice. A little scary, but still nice. Roar. How much longer???"She rolled over onto her back, laying her bright wings out and stretching her legs into the air. The position she was in put a pleasurable weight on her shoulder muscles and she sighed in content, staring at the edge of the forest, her vision upside down but still working. The moonlight reflecting off her white scales lit up her surroundings, so she knew the other dragon couldn't miss her. Also meant that other dragon's could spot her easily, but whatever. She wanted to meet them anyways.
The sounds of a beasts quarrel was emitted into the day skies before night had over taken the area, an armored Fen'zi bloodied and in a rage gashes lined it's body as blood was dripping from his horns. Not of his own. Malok circling for his second strike, several cuts lined his legs and the oppositions crimson on his talons. The beast was too well guarded from the front, the back was the safest option. He dropped from the higher elevation, baiting out an attack from the large beast. Talons ready, he punctured into it's lower spine and began to lift "If I can keep it from using it's leverage on the...." The thought ran in his mind as a smirk formed. He pulled the beast forward and jammed it's tusks to the dirt while belting a near sonic blast at the back of its head. The beast's ears bled as the finishing bite found true to the column, it struggled for a few seconds before giving into the weight. He grew tired from the battle needing to feed, he began tearing into the carcass as the sun fell, he removed a horn from the beast as a price for his own pleasure.
In the night he wondered about, keeping low for the time being when he felt the suddenness of a creature on his back. "An attack?" His wings flared out for a moment before hearing the voice, a young dragon? As she spoke he couldn't figure out a word of what was being said "I... Who... That's" before the words could even form she was onto another question, then she darted into the forest, "Wait where are you... Ugh" he had to figure out what this little one was doing, as bright as she was certainly he wasn't the only one who had see her. However she had no issue going through the thick foliage, he was no so small, he took off into the sky doing his best to keep sight of her. There? No.... There, the bright scales. He found himself in deep into the ravine, and with little idea where the female had ran off to. "I am Malok. Youngest of Terok, and beta to Ariéas. Who are you?" he perch himself at the top of the ravine speaking quite loud. "I don't need another young one to teach" His mind trailed off as he looked around, his tail dangled as he looked about. "I must give Ariéas a warning in advanced of something here" A high pitch burst of sound ripped from his throat and lowered out to allow the sound to tremor out
In their comfortable embrace the loving Zurs enjoyed the mind they shared. The love they basked in. The night may be young but it already was a relaxing withdrawal from all the worries of the world. Only when they were going to visit another memory together did Arieas feel the disturbance first. Rya seconds after. He rumbled "Why now........when i am relaxed" His tone rumbling yet almost verging on hatchling complaining he only could smile as Rya nudged him holding a smile of her own "When we set out to be Zur's I never said we would have many relaxing nights. The cost of leadership and parenthood come at a price my dear" He sighed and chuckled "Maybe once i am as wise as you I can relax" The female playfully nudged him in the dream world they were in "Maybe so. Go on, i will get some rest at the Drer" Together the pair returned to their bodies and stood next to each other. Rya shook herself slightly trying to wake her body up enough to fly and after nuzzling her mate she headed towards the Drer. Starting off at a walk but eventually trading comfort for speed as she wanted to get some rest.

As Arieas watched his rose fly away he nearly forgot why he had been forced to wake from the happy dreaming. But he recognized the sound wave and who it was from. As the Ka'Zur deduced the general direction he then took off and went searching. It didn't take him long to spot the Wyvern. Malok as he was known is a fearsome warrior and a skilled one at that. He had given Arieas more than a few scars when he attempted to take his place as Ka'Zur. But he had some advatages thankfully. Landing near him the Zur put on the stoic face that he usually wore "What is it Malok? I hope it is pressing" He said as his yawn snapped shut. He then approached the Ravine he stood next to the Wyvern. He took a breath in rumbling deeply establishing his dominance. Though he had no reason to doubt Malok's loyalty his instinct told him to do so


As Deidre rested she had fallen asleep but awoke to flapping wings. She recognized the ruby red scales of her Sa'Zur and smiled "Welcome back my lady" She watched Rya return the smile partly "Have you recovered well enough Deidre?" The Pain Eater nodded "Indeed my lady. My injuries will heal long before dawn" The healer had the meal which was gifted to her by her Heartlight. She felt herself shiver as the word rang in her ears. It fit in a puzzle she hadn't known needed solving. Yet she was glad she did. Her attention was pulled back as Rya responded "That is good. Get some rest Deidre. But if Arieas does not get back soon it will be him you have to heal more" The ruby dragon chuckled softly before curling up in the spot her and Arieas built out of the Drer. The massive structure would have fallen over once or twice. But with magic and reinforcement to the structure it never even swayed in the wind. And on rare days you could see the magic glinting off the structure. Though it has been a bit since then.

She smiled at Rya's comment letting out her own giggle. Her leader never really showed excessive amounts of emotions. Except when it mattered. She was tested like the others brutally but she never was talked down to by them. They aimed to help her. Whether it was her just being tired or not she didn't know but she only was happy that Rya would hopefully get her sleep and be happy by morning. Laying her head down the healer tucked herself into the spot she liked most and returned to a calm sleep
The Anrik quietly stalked the tall grass, a dragon had chased him off of his usual resting place. "Rancid creatures" he said as he neared his clearing. He took a silent breath as to see if he could catch the dragon's stench. He could. He slowly peeked through the grass to see the big silvery dragon sound asleep. Now was the chance, he quietly crouched his way to the place where he buried his meal, he began to dig, to get the carcass out and leave as quickly as he can. The Anrik was nervous, and rightfully so, being this close to a dragon. He was digging frantically, as he saw the glimpse of a shadow dart across him. By then it was too late, a claw a struck his hind legs, tearing his muscles, searing pain shot through the Anrik as it struggles to stay upright. He tried to limp into the grass, but another claw grabbed him by his legs and dragged him back. He looked up to see the silvery white dragon looking down at him, "you know, I did give you a chance, I wasnt hungry yesterday, but now, I am very hungry" . The dragon raised his claws and swiped at his cheeks, and all went black.

Azrael looked to the side, he saw the tall grass swaying in the wind, the green and gold grass swayed as if chanting. The Vak slowly sat on his haunches and yawned. He backtracked to the previous days, the disasters, humiliation, and drama came back into his mind. "this is why you should start your day with your needed meditation." So he decided to start with that, but his stomach told him otherwise, so he quickly finished the anrik which foolishly returned here, then after he licked his claws, and face clean he closed his eyes slowing his heart pace, and focusing on its rhythm, calming his racing thoughts and feelings, and putting on his traditional shield of indifference. He sat there breathing deeply for exactly 30mins. Then he opened his eyes, smiled at the world and unfurled his wings blasting up into the sky.

Every ill feeling left him, embarrassment, fury, and more embarrassment from the night before. Valos had his reasons, an untrained dragon wouldn't know the importance of spending the needed energy, and also communicating in a disciplined manner. Azrael rose up scanning around to spot any abnormalities. Having spotted none, he decided to head towards the drer.

As he neared the drer, he quieted his flaps, he didnt want to wake anybody if they are still asleep. It was still very early, Azrael was used to getting up at this hour, as he often did back in the allaince. He spotted everyone peacefully sleeping, and decided not to go into their midst as to wake them up.

He hovered in the air for a few seconds, contemplating which direction to go.
"You get used to it after some time. So, when you do hear things go bumping in the night with sticks and stones flitting everywhere, try not to be alarmed. It's not some monster nor any tradu'r. Chances are, it's just me, bungling my way around to an early grave if I don't realize I'm heading over the edge of a cliff," Zendyr chuckled in response before he felt something brush against his muzzle; and when he realized just what it was when he caught a whiff of Lith's scent ever so close to him, his breathing jarred for the briefest of eternities. Pleasurable static jolted through his snout, spearing across his limbs to each muscle on his wings. "Indeed, there are wounds that no one else could ever bear or heal for us other than ourselves. But, I find that sometimes the pain becomes lighter when the load is shared, even for the slightest of moments."

There was just something... different about her. No. Lith did not remind her of Seluna. His moonlight mate from a thousand years ago was prideful and territorial. She suffered no weakness or cowardice, and her most notable feature was her great combat prowess as a dragon who could manipulate light and shadow to her will. She was a harsh mistress in the Mistwalker flight but Zendyr had been drawn to her strength and beauty like a moth pining for a far-flung crescent beam, not knowing that it would doom him to fall from the sky. And, to an extent, it was also because of Seluna that Zendyr continued his warmongering across the earth, the sea, and the skies. His former mate had wanted to expand their territory every single day, and Zendyr was only too happy to oblige, especially, since there was nothing more he enjoyed in the past than to subjugate other flights. Of course, the former golden alpha of the Mistwalkers had no intention to blame his mate for their downfall.

After all, Lady Rya had already counseled Zendyr through his regrets and self-hatred. A young dragon with a large flight at his back whilst wisdom was chained at the very back of his head was a prelude to disaster. It made him realize that while strength could inspire fear, it could never foster loyalty like kindness. While power bent the backs of other dragons, it could never grow love, unlike selflessness. And, while pride and confidence gave the appearance of invulnerability, it was just a flimsy shield for show from an insecure dragon.

Kindness. Selflessness. Humility.

Zendyr began to understand that perhaps the reason he was drawn to Lith was the fact that she embodied what he should have become in centuries past. But, of course, he knew Lith was more than that. She was strong yet she tempered her abilities with compassion. She was selfless but she struck a balance between logic and emotion. She was humble yet she also knew her worth. But, unlike a moth drawn to a distant moon, Zendyr felt that Lith was the warm, crackling fire in an endless abyss. No ruination, no destruction. Just a symbol that he was home despite the dark.

Upon sniffing that it was indeed the anrik's heart, he timidly bit his fangs into the sweet flesh, brushing both of their snouts together due to the apparent size difference between the golden healer and the storm rider. He had heard of such practices where the hunter would be entitled to the most delicious portions of the kill, but it warmed his heart to know that Lith had no obligation to do so for him. She could have just went on her merry way to devour the best parts since he would have no way of knowing. But, this effort of hers, though laced with some awkwardness between the two of them, was her own way of combating the world's evils with her brand of kindness. And, it made her effort perfect. So, the blind dragon enjoyed the heart (which seemed to taste better this time, was it because of Lith?), relishing the way it slid down the column of his throat.

Zendyr adjusted his posture as Lith took her place beside him, and he tried for normal, no matter how ridiculously comfortable it felt for her scales to lightly brush against his. Static vibrated where they were connected, and the healer could not help but let out a slight purr of appreciation as they continued with their meal.

"Thank you for helping me find the heart," Zendyr grinned down at her. "I cannot tell you how many butts I've eaten instead of the heart, and I believe it is already too late when the taste fills my tongue," The dragon laughed softly as he tore at the prey at his feet, using his claws to help him tear off the flesh. Slowly, his great wings unfolded, falling down on the female beside him as if cocooning her in his protection. And, before Zendyr could be conscious of it, he had already wrapped the lower length of his tail around hers. When he did become aware of it though, he considered immediately retracting such disrespect to a dragon who was not his mate. But, he reasoned with himself, stating that he did need to determine her location... or something along those lines which began to sound like excuses in his head. "I find my mists helpful in recuperating wounds. You see, it can reach even the smallest gash which is useful since I cannot see. Furthermore, it heals by rejuvenating the cells of those who are exposed to it using the chemicals I emit from myself-- they heal by building upon the very foundation of life. To an extent, I become a part of those I heal. A reminder to them that they are not alone, even when all lights go out. I am with them."

The mists of life spilled from him, blanketing the two in a ring of white smoke as pleasant fragrances of fruits, honey, and flowers filled the air. The white foggy tendrils floated up to the heavens as if trying to pluck honor from the pale-faced moon whilst the still hazy sun dangled upon the distant horizon, heralding the beginnings of a new day. They probably had a number of hours, at least.

"It's been a thousand years since I have last seen the sunrise," Zendyr sighed as he looked up at the blank heavens behind his eyes. As he continued eating, he paused and slowly turned in Lith's direction, a look of regret and amusement filling his snout and muzzle. "I am eating butt right now, aren't I? Yeah, I am eating butt." The golden male laughed 'til small tears formed at the corners of his eyes before he spat out the fenzi rear with a disgusted shiver. "Oh well, the blindness gives and it takes away. I don't have to bother with my appearance on the water's reflection but I run the risk of eating fenzi rear that was loaded with a surprise."

Shaking the disgust off before he continued eating, Zendyr let out a whoosh of air before he spoke once more.

"I fear I may have already forgotten the colors of a new day, but at least I still remember the feeling: hope. And, hope has come with you."
Zendyr lowered his face to level that of Lith's. "This may be an awkward and strange request but," A flustered expression overcame Zendyr as he stammered a bit as he spoke. "Would you mind describing the sunrise to me? I, uh," He tilted his head at her. "I just don't want to forget what hope looks like."
Syril'th felt warmth flow across her body as the healer tended her wounds. To her surprise, he wrapped a portion of his tail around her. She caught her breath, yet she did not pull away. The storm rider could not help but enjoy the electricity between them. Sweet scents of flora wafted around her in the dawn. The sun's reaching beams soaked the peaks in orange and red. To a stranger's eyes, it would appear that the two dragons were ablaze atop the Drer, smoke coiling around them. He explained to her how his magic worked, how essentially he becomes a part of the wounds he heals, and she was more than content with that revelation.

"It's been a thousand years since I've seen the sunrise," he confessed. Syril'th wondered what else this this famed dragon had seen before could no more. But she didn't not care to pry, in fear of tarnishing this moment they shared between them. He reached down for another bite of meat.

"Zendyr, wait, not that…" Instant regret swept over her face.

"I am eating butt right now, aren't I? Yeah, I am eating butt."
Amusement filled the air around them as she watched him devour the wrong end of his prey and pay for it. Dragon laughter to other species sounded like a mix between a stuttered growl and a high-pitched cough. It was a strange sight to creatures other than dragon. Syril'th was thankful to experience this side of her golden healer. It was unlike her to let her guard down around a dragon she knew fairly little of, yet at the same time it felt as if she knew him for her entire life. It was a peculiar feeling, one she let overtake her. As quick as the giddy came, it left. Zendyr, now more serious and solemn, spoke to her.

"I fear I may have already forgotten the colors of a new day, but at least I still remember the feeling: hope. And, hope has come with you. This may be an awkward and strange request but, would you mind describing the sunrise to me? I, uh, I just don't want to forget what hope looks like."

His request had taken her aback. The words lost in her throat, she turned to the horizon, then back to him. She clenched down, steeling herself.

"Zendyr, I would be honored to speak of the world as I see it, although I may not have a great way with words as you."

She glanced long at the rising sun. Syril'th did not want to disappoint. Inhaling deeply, she replied.

"Each day is born with a sunrise. The sun is the heart. It beats life into us all. It becomes every color of fire a dragon could imagine. Crimson, orange, white, yellow. When it rises, the sun sets the land aflame, yet it does not burn. The grass flows like a sea of gems as it soaks up the sun's light, thousands of tiny, glistening drops of dew shaking off the cold. The sky dances from the night's blues and blacks like the sea and the shore and mixes with her fire, painting the clouds with pink, purple, and gold. The stars fade and twinkle behind the curtain of day and shadows grow small. So much happens on the ground. Noises and motions of waking creatures fill the day. But Zendyr, up above the clouds it's a different story. There is no commotion of life, just silence, and peace. Up there…up there is where I want to take you one day. It is a sight one must see and feel in their lifetime. If only I could show you this in your mind… words don't do it justice. The cloud tops are motionless, far from the wind. Shadows grow tall in contrast to the blinding halos brought forth by the sun. Slowly, they dance together as the morning starts. I've flown across the flat cloudscape, dragging my talons across the tops as the earth awakens. The moisture spreads around my wings, sending coils behind me towards the fading night, casting the tiniest of rainbows after my path. It feels as if I myself am painting the sky. I could fly there for eternity… I am a sapphire flame traveling towards the horizon. Though, the sun would be jealous of your golden scales as they shine in her light. As long as I am next to you in this flight, Zendyr, my eyes are yours."
Valos' black eyes bored into Mara for a few quiet moments before he turned his attentions back to the fen'zi. "It was rather pleasant," he replied after a time. "Until that Vak interrupted it. By my eggshell, he wanted to just fly off and race or talk, as if he's not some outsider that we've been tolerating out of common courtesy."

Valos growled quietly as he looked over the fen'zi carcass. His tail curled, the quills along it's length rattled on in an almost tempo or beat. A slow drip slid down his lips and struck the floor, sizzling up in an acrid stench of burnt concrete. Valos opened his jaws and made a retching sound as acid, pure and concentrated, spewed out in a mist onto the carcass. The flesh hissed and spit and cast up smoke as it began to soften and dissolve. The floor around him pocked and marred in places where the spray touched it, all the while Valos watched the carcass dissolve to his desired extent before sticking his snout into the bubbling mess to slurp at the now softened, stewed meat.

"It's not that I don't think the Vak has potential," Valos continued, gore dripping down his teeth and muzzle. "I just don't trust him. He's proven to be capable in combat but he's unproven in loyalty. I don't care if he's down some kind of old ritual pledge. It all stinks like rancid shite to me until it's been put to the test."

His black eyes and gore stained snout drifted back to Mara's direction. Despite their differences Valos seemed far from hostile towards the healer. "I don't trust him to stand within a tail's length of any of you, let alone a clutch whenever one is laid."

Valos was quiet for several minutes after as he made his way through the remainder of the fen'zi. He'd left the skull and spine for last. As was his customary method, he swallowed it head first and whole. "Nevertheless, even after that Vak has become a part of this flight, if he ever strays out of line," Valos snarled and hissed, sending a cloud of viscera and acid out onto the floor. "I'll open his throat and burn out his insides. And then, as he's melting, I'll eat his spine while it's still twitching."​
Marahuté wrinkled her nose in disgust as she watched Valos used his acid to liquify the fen'zi before beginning to eat at it. She wished that he wouldn't be so cruel when it came to eating his kills. Or so messy. Her gaze narrowed at the black male as he spoke.

"That vak has a name Valos," she said. Marahuté's voice was soft, but it held a slight edge to it as a growl rumbled low in her throat. The barbed point of her tail twitched to reflect her growing anger at Valos' unfairness towards the new male. "And don't forget you were once a vak too." Marahuté's expression then softened as she watched him. She liked Valos, but sometimes he seemed just too stubborn and aggressive. It almost made one want to give up at any attempt to get closes to him.

"You know, trust works both ways Valos," she said after a moment of silence. "If you won't trust someone or at least give them a chance, then how do you expect us to trust you in return?"
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Aiseith jerked up at the deep voice that thundered from above the tree roots covering the ravine. She rolled over and folded in her wings, already standing up and making her way over to the wall. Hooking her class into the holes in the wall, she climbed up it and appeared in front of the two dragons sitting there. A graceful bow to the bigger of the two males, and a nod to the dragon from before, she grinned at them.
"Hello! What brings you two here?" Aise frowned. " Did I do something wrong? I hope I didn't do anything wrong..." Her eyes scanned the two dragons before a light bulb popped in her head. "Oh! Was I gone for too long? Sorry! I found this little creature. Most interesting, really. It looked like a small wolf, and it had less fur and a more high-pitched howl." Aise smiled to herself, casting her eyes to the ground.
She studied the ground for a second before looking back up.
"I hope I didn't cause any panic...I have absolutely no idea what is happening now." She smiled sheepishly, scratching her claws on the ground. "I smelled the odd dragon, but other then that, the borders look fine. No signs of any males or females that mean us or your land harm, Ka'Sur. And to your questions, Mr. Malok, I am called Aiseith, but to those in the flight, they know me as Aise, if they've met me and know of my existence."
She tilted her head to the side and stared at Malolk's twitching tail dangling, her mind somehow seeing it as something to catch, as if it were prey to her. Her eyes narrowed and she shook her head once, but her body was already moving. Her eyes were pinned on the male, staring at him, switching between his eyes and his tail as she prowled forward, her neck outstretched and her body low to the ground. Her tail spikes clattered once before tightening together and softening the noise they made. A small apologetic glance at him and she pounced on his tail. "Boo!" She grinned and laid down on his tail, keeping most of her body weight on her legs. She purred slightly, a soft grumble deep in her chest, proud of herself for catching his tail.
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Hearing the voice of one of the few dragons who would best him made his posture re position to a more royal appearance. He held himself to a side giving the birth that Arieas withheld as alpha, and didn't raise his head higher than his. However hearing the growl he shook his plates to expose the numerous cuts that had healed over from fights of old, "Please, I'm not a usurper" he shifted the plates back into their original places. "I was finishing up a bull, to press them away from where you were nesting. When I gained my strength I suppose Ms. Aise had noticed me, she is stealthy. Do we know this one?" A breeze from the morning air clipped through the ravine as they spoke. Malok felt it and allowed the winds to push into the lower half of his wings, casually inflating his already large size. He tossed the horn he had claimed to Arieas' feet "I was able to get a prize from the bea......" his eyes normally poised ready to strike went wide as he felt a tug on his tail, did she just? He swung round and his thumb claw on his wing to pin her paws. Eyes wide with nearly nothing but pupils filling them, he had to forcefully stop himself "That is my tail Aiseith. The back is fine but the tail may get you bitten next time" his eyes corrected as the pupils dilated once more.

It had been a while since he had time to enjoy a sunrise and wasn't out needing to go scout or hunt as the first light broke the night sky, and seen outside of the sudden jump why Aise should be moved so he twitched only the very end of his tail. Malok gave a look to Arieas that said enough that he didn't need to be another's mentor "Who is she with?" He faced his dorsal to the sun so his eyes were not burnt by the sun. "I know that beta was given to me not long ago but learning these dragons is as you know not my strongest suit"