TESTING flowers (ง'̀-'́)ง

Welcome to the first edition of the Wasteland Press!

It's been a little over four months since the end of WaRP and the creation of the realm. While extraneous info is still being worked on behind the scenes, almost all of the pertinent info has been published-- in addition to our first swathe of player created lore!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam scelerisque tincidunt fermentum. Nulla iaculis ipsum sed bibendum auctor. Integer non suscipit quam. Cras aliquet, elit vitae mattis scelerisque, metus purus fringilla tellus, et finibus nibh orci sit amet nulla. Nunc lacus ante, venenatis non nisl ac, elementum lacinia est. Vivamus nec felis ut ex porta luctus et nec mi. Proin venenatis urna quis mauris hendrerit, et imperdiet sapien tincidunt. Quisque eu cursus dolor. Sed vitae sapien quis turpis congue ultrices at et augue. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed imperdiet rutrum tortor vitae sollicitudin. Integer id urna vel nibh cursus lobortis sed vitae ex. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Aenean id tempor felis.

Fusce posuere vestibulum molestie. Quisque eu feugiat mauris. Sed facilisis facilisis metus, non pellentesque mauris consequat id. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nullam placerat libero id congue cursus. Quisque sed lectus porttitor, tincidunt lacus eu, eleifend dolor. Mauris accumsan convallis mattis. Suspendisse potenti. Vivamus nec luctus neque. Sed vitae pulvinar neque, eu rutrum sem. Ut nec risus arcu. Nullam vitae eleifend diam. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras vitae purus libero. Duis molestie, justo ut ornare tincidunt, quam sem lobortis quam, sed tincidunt lectus leo id lacus.

What's New

Pellentesque euismod malesuada nisi sit amet porta. Nulla et cursus leo. Phasellus quis risus vulputate, egestas risus sed, porttitor sapien. Sed fermentum cursus odio nec mattis. Praesent mollis quam felis, quis ultrices erat aliquet vel. In suscipit commodo hendrerit. Donec mauris mauris, dignissim id consequat id, faucibus vitae odio. Nunc mattis sodales diam, vitae laoreet nulla pulvinar condimentum. Aenean gravida eget ex at aliquet. In aliquam sem ut neque ornare efficitur.

Realm Goals

Nunc facilisis enim sed arcu mattis, vel pulvinar dolor cursus. Praesent nulla orci, pellentesque vel tortor quis, pulvinar porttitor lectus. Duis quis dolor sed risus rhoncus aliquam. Cras tortor lacus, posuere et accumsan ac, viverra vitae ante. Aenean lorem justo, porttitor sit amet ante sit amet, porta viverra urna. Nulla vitae pretium magna.

Things to look forward to

Duis eu lectus eu urna lacinia pellentesque nec non quam. Phasellus erat mi, commodo nec mauris quis, aliquam vehicula elit. Nullam leo purus, consequat et faucibus non, ultrices vitae libero. Nam bibendum ligula elit, sit amet mattis velit vehicula sit amet. Suspendisse venenatis urna ante, a malesuada sem dignissim vel. Vivamus in purus semper, porttitor elit a, posuere risus. Aliquam eget dignissim arcu. Integer dignissim dolor non consectetur sollicitudin. Integer tempor viverra turpis vitae ullamcorper. Vivamus ut nisi ac dui porta tempor aliquet sed lacus. Fusce tincidunt odio eros, eu volutpat justo dapibus eu.

Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Praesent aliquet libero sit amet nunc cursus, quis blandit sem dignissim. Sed at posuere elit. Sed eget justo tortor. Integer in laoreet libero. Duis iaculis, lacus non mattis scelerisque, massa ante blandit velit, in posuere diam nunc a arcu. In dignissim augue tristique semper mollis. Vestibulum vehicula sodales leo, in volutpat metus sodales et.

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  • This Gives Me Plot Bunnies
Reactions: Nemopedia

"Life is born from the seas, formed around the seas, and one day will be made undone by the seas."
— Provost Nosferatu

Provost. One word that everyone in Miskatonic knows.

Provost. One word that sends shivers down the spine of anyone who hears it.

To be ignored by the Provost ensures life. To be summoned by the Provost ensures death.

Miskatonic has been summoned. And death, it seems, has come for all.


I'M LOOKING FOR: Fun in this Lovecraftian horror inspired post-apoc setting!

NO CHARACTER SHEEETS NEEDED TO JOIN THE FUN! Just hop in and revel in the horror.

The Terror of Miskatonic is a blend of genres, primarily focused on horror in the post-apocalyptic landscape. Wake up without a clue as to how you got to Miskatonic or play as a character born to the terror, isolated in the middle of the irradiated ocean, accustomed to the acid rainstorms that blow through every afternoon. Ignore those poor fools who scream about the sun burning their skin and the madwomen threatening to curse you; ignore them or risk drawing the eye of the Provost.

Will you unlock the secrets of Miskatonic?

Or will you simply join the ranks of those suffering and in need?

Click here to enter the terror.

New arrivals always find themselves against the dock proper, groggy and wilted from their journey. Not that they remember it, of course, no one ever does. The dock proper is the second-worse place to be in Miskatonic, above or below. Open to the ocean's spray, it's a long and thin boardwalk that juts from the heart of the dock-city and ends in a particularly deep part of the ocean, where fins and frenzies are always seen.

Many new arrivals decide to take the leap into these waters, after realizing with dread that there's no way off and no way home.

There are three levels to the dock-city of Miskatonic, climbing ever upward in a vain attempt to get away from the harmful ocean spray and the clutches of the Provost. The first level or the dock-proper, is home to those addle-brained women who threaten to curse wombs and hearts and the ones endlessly screaming about the excruciating pain the sun causes them.

The second level is home to most of the people within the dock-city; homes that are mere shacks that've been piled atop and pitched against each other. The third level, being both the newest and the smallest is comfortable, after a fashion, though exposed the most to the acidic afternoon showers.

Survival in the dock-city is mostly keeping your eyes down, fishing up your breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and ignoring anything that'd get you summoned below.


Max Capacity: 100 (with heat racking 250)

Vault 220, in truth, exists out of two parts, though its blueprints and maps will only show the dock-city peeking above the ocean waves. As a smaller vault built off Florida's east coast, Vault 220 is an experimental base of which its primary function is to keep the sensitive instruments and volatile subjects it houses far away from the other vaults.

Yet, most of its life happens off-chart and out of the viewing eye. Needing a stable environment the innovative minds that run Vault 220 looked at the bottom of the deep waters surrounding the surface level. Beneath the dock of Vault 220 and beneath the waves of the ocean, there is more to the vault, named by its sparse inhabitants as 'Miskatonic', after the infamous setting by America's most beloved author of horror.

What happens in those vaults is a mystery, though the very top of society may occasionally receive a report on the progress of their 'investments'. However, reports are becoming scarce while the walls of Miskatonic slowly become covered in splotches of dried red. The ocean is coming to reclaim all that has been taken.

Miskatonic was created and collaborated with @Nemopedia - feel free to @ either of us if you have any questions.
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  • This Gives Me Plot Bunnies
Reactions: Nemopedia


Gliders: Those attuned to air are capable of levitation, gliding, and even unassisted flight. Levitation and gliding are more common and easier to master, but those who're able to fly are considered one of the deadliest manipulators in the realm.

Motion-sense: Air mages who specialize in this token are capable of knowing what is around them. This ability can overwhelm the mind and is capable of so much damage that those who do not feel inately connected to this token, rarely take the time to study it. When a mage is able to calm his or her mind, they can see a "blueprint" of their locale in their mind's eye. With mastery, they can enlarge their range and even hone in on movement within their field.


Air/Wind: Unlike the rest of the Natural Elements, the two air manipulations work in tandem, despite each caster specializing in one more than the other. With the generation and manipulation of wind and air, Air mages are a force to be reckoned with. This is a rare attunement in of itself, but focusing in this manipulation is even rarer. With this element the caster is capable of removing the air from an area, room, or a single person's lungs within their range. This element is convenient in a multitude of ways, and one being that it is not conventionally seen, making it a greatly versatile and unexpected.

Weather: With this manipulation, an Air Elemental's specialty is switched from creation and negation of air, to controlling what the realm creates naturally; weather. Air mages are able to mimic almost any air-based weather pattern, be it breezes, squalls, gusts, whirlwinds, zephyrs, gales, tempests, or hurricanes. They're also capable of quelling or fueling such weather patterns that are already in motion. Almost every kingdom throughout the Three Known Lands have a few air mages in case of natural disasters.

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  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Nemopedia

"Life is born from the seas, formed around the seas, and one day will be made undone by the seas."
— Provost Nosferatu

Provost. One word that everyone in Miskatonic knows.

Provost. One word that sends shivers down the spine of anyone who hears it.

To be ignored by the Provost ensures life. To be summoned by the Provost ensures death.

Miskatonic has been summoned. And death, it seems, has come for all.


"More and more just keep comin' ma, I think—"

"Well that's your problem, boy, you keep thinking." Her tone was harsh, panicked. "You ever think that all this—this investigatin' work will land you a one way ticket to hell one day soon?"

Andreux hung his head low, his breakfast roiling and toiling around in his stomach. If he hadn't eaten in three days he wouldn't be holding it down so hard. Still— every time he closed his eyes he saw them. Deep brown irises, staring back at him with confusion and fright. It hit him like a crashing wave, its tumultuous force enough to wash away all of his sins. Andreux realized that he was the first and last thing she ever saw on Miskatonic. More horrifyingly, since her memories were wiped like every other newcomer, Andreux was the first and last thing she ever saw.

"Do you want to die, Andreux?"

The question startled him out of his reverie and he looked up, mouth agape. "Of course not, ma', I—I want to get us off this stupid dock! There's gotta be a way. We just have to figure out h—"

"I was born on this dock. Like my ma' before her and her ma' before her. Listen to me now and listen to me good— you've a heart of gold and curiosity worse than an eelcat, just like your ruttin' father, but unless you want to be summoned downstairs to the Provost, you need to stop your meddlin'."

She held up a finger when Andreux's lips parted for a rebuttal, "No, no let me finish.

"Helpin' out a stranger or two ain't the problem, son. Most of the time that good act comes back around. I'd never ask ya to stop being a good person, Maker Above knows we need more of 'em… but the more you go round pokin' and proddin' and askin' questions to every diddlydoowad you meet, you're bound to wind up in hell."

His mother swallowed, her weathered and leathery cheeks wobbling as she held back tears. "I don't know how I'd handle that. How I'd survive without you too."


The sun woke her up. Or maybe it was the heat searing the raw flesh that laid against the dock. She wasn't quite sure and she wasn't quite sure if she cared, as the moment she opened her eyes she rolled over and emptied the entire contents of her stomach.

The young woman groaned, curling away from the mess. She rubbed her eyes but they were still sun-blind, little dark specks blocking out her full range of sight. It made her panic. But what made her panic even more was the long, long line of people lying on their backs, face to the sun, splayed out along a never-ending dock. There were maybe ten of them. Maybe more. All of them male except the two women she herself laid between.

They were all wearing the same thing; a pair of thick khaki trousers and a thick button-top to match. Each carried a small pouch affixed to their waist and when she opened hers, she found a plethora of goods that she didn't recognize. Water purification tablets. Three ration bars with a quote on the wrapper that promised a full belly in three bites, some kind of metallic wire with a reel attachment, and a set of what looked like metal hooks.

"A-A-A weeks worth of fish for one ration bar?"

The craggly, disembodied voice made her scream.

"It's-it's a g-good deal!"

She scrambled backwards and around, looking for the owner of the voice. Her palm went into the soft flesh of the woman's leg beside her and she made a sleepy grunt, coming to.

"G-good good deal!"

"Hey!" The young woman whispered loudly, shaking the woman beside her awake now that she was moving and adjusting to the rocking of the dock. "Wake up! Do you know where we are? Who we are?"


The last time Anya was on the dock was the last time she saw the sun. A time when she still had her eyes, clenched shut at the bright reflection cast from the waves after the last clouds made way for a stark blue sky. It was the black of the dock that wasn't painful to look at, though the colour soaked in the heat of the sun at such a speed that Anya clenched her arms around Provost Nosferatu, tugging at the dark robed and hooded figure to escape the burn underneath her as she hopped from foot to foot. Her wish was soon fulfilled, nimble arms lifting up the young girl to give her a better view of the square island in the ocean, appearing as cells of dark blue connected by black paths that seemed to weave into the waves of the ocean it seemed to ride on. The water didn't bring the relief needed, as even from a distance Anya could feel the heat radiate from the cells, blinking rapidly at the dry air that wafted past her eyes.

The ferry that had taken them to the island already turned around, the engine heard in the distance as the two of them were left on the flat surface with nothing but salt water surrounding them. "Is this home?" the girl asked, the pout audible in her voice at the idea of spending her days under the sun without a roof and on a surface that felt more like a furnace. Provost Nosferatu never answered her, instead pressing down one particular hexagon hidden within the mass of cells with his bare feet, the surface turning red in the area where his feet touched before gliding away, unveiling an opening underneath that descended down into an eerie grey darkness from which cool air escaped. A welcome sensation from the heat of the dock.

Feeling her weight shift and the arms of Provost Nosferatu loosen around her, Anya tightened her arms around the man instinctually. Words of supplication escaped her, words like: 'no' and 'please' and all the nice manners that she did remember flowed out, but the crash of the waves and the ocean itself were the only ones that carried her words with any weight.

The cold reached first her toes, arms still around the neck of Provost Nosferatu who lowered her further, hands now tugging at her arms before sinking her further into the cold depth, allowing the darkness to swallow her in like the sea tended to tug her victims to the bottom, with a terrifying slow speed and chilling grip, the blue of the sky the only thing that peeked past the dark figure of Provost Nosferatu bend over the hole.

"Get up," Provost Nosferatu tells Anya. The fall is not so much of a fall, nor a glide, but a drowning experience without the cut of oxygen that should have come with. The dimness takes a while to adjust to from the bright assault of the sun above, turning the darkness into an all-enveloping one before adjusting itself into dim long halls and higher walls lined with green lights as red dots at the end marks the end of one corner.

Taking her hand into his Provost Nosferatu guides Anya towards the side of the nearest wall that isn't a wall but rather a thick window of glass revealing the levels and layers below her. More halls running through each other like an intricate spider web and honeycomb combined, more green lights and red lights marking the paths and a dim purple pulse at the very depth of it all. "This is Miskatonic," she hears Provost Nosferatu tell her, answering her first question before she is guided down the halls, taking turns that she isn't confident in remembering, but Provost Nosferatu seems confident in taking. It takes her past tubes of fluid, walls of squares with mysteries hidden between, down the layers where each descent feels chillier than the first, the heat of the dock only a welcome memory now as Anya sees things she doesn't understand now, but will in time.

And with each descent the purple pulse becomes clearer, stronger, along with a ringing within her head that grows louder, alarming her, warning her instincts not to go on, her stomach queasy and her heart racing as she starts to pull back from the iron grip of Provost Nosferatu.

There is no escape for the girl, however, as she gets pulled deeper into the labyrinth of Miskatonic never to see the sun nor the dock again.


Hello everyone! Welcome to the second of many tales within Fallout: Requiem. Let's jump right into this one too! Our first #FANON story, The Terror of Miskatonic, is a true jump-in roleplay, no character sheets needed, no prep or plotting necessary-- that'll all come in time. At this moment, I need those juicy, juicy character introductions. Who will you play as? A new arrival? Or a weathered native?

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Cassady Cross


"Y'all sure are jumpy."

Cassady was thankful neither seemed to be jumpin' to shoot though. She holstered her hand gun, not that she was particularly comfortable with it in such close quarters, but she'd manage to pop off a round or two before ducking out and finding another room to bunker down in. She was just here to scavenge. Survive. Stimulate her brain in the endless waste. Suburban complexes like this were dangerous, for a plethora of reasons, but there were always goodies to find and salvage, to repurpose and make use of again. Sometimes you could drink those goodies or even eat them.

But the best ones were the ones you could smoke— like a carton of cigarettes.

It was a sad day when she realized she was only stirring from her comfy foxhole because she was running out of Grey Tortoises.

CHA: 8 | STR: 7 | LCK: 6

CHA: 7 | PER: 6 | LCK: 7

STAT: 1 | STAT: 2 | STAT: 3
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  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Nemopedia


Inherent Ability: There is no known inherent ability other than that of extreme intelligence.

Alchemy is a rare attunement and one that while sought after, is oft done clandestinely. The largest concentration of alchemists is that of the Peygawi elves, and Kingsport has no shame in their esoteric connection to them. It is still unknown why there is no inherent ability for alchemists, though being incredibly intelligent seems to make up for the lack of one.


Golems: Alchemists are able to create golems out of natural materials. Golems are conscious (if to a point) creations that are oft used as laborers, slaves, or spies. They feel nothing, think nothing but of what they were created to do, and abide all orders without complaint. They vary in size and appearance, due in part to why they were created.

Imbue: Alchemists are able to create magical items that straddle the line of science and magic. Almost anything can be imbued – except things that live and breathe. Most mechanical parts that are created nowadays are imbued, and Kingsport, by way of the Peygawi elves, is the biggest supplier of said parts.



Inherent Ability: The ability to animate non-living things.

Animancers have the ability to see souls, or the energy residing in every living thing. In addition to this ability, animancers are capable of reading a soul's connection to the Tetrad. Masters are known to have been able to harness this energy and either stop it's flow or "heal" it by restoring/replenishing what isn't there.

Animation, however, is what they're known for. By being able to manipulate living energy, animancers are capable of essentially giving "life" to an inanimate object. And while they cannot resurrect, animating a dead body is something they're able to do.

Animancy is a powerful ability, one that goes hand in hand with its counter element. Animancy and Necromancy, though always thought of separately, often work together in a unique way to bring about potent and otherworldly outcomes.

They often crave solitude as the mental strain of sorting through so much energy can take a great toll.



Inherent Ability: The ability to interpret the future.

Divination is oft misunderstood as the end-all-be-all of soothsaying. The truth is much different. As futures change with the choices we make, so too does the future for one's eventual fate. There is, however, the ability to see what will happen and what must happen in one's lifetime. People seem to confuse fate and future, and for RoNaan's Realm, I will clarify the difference between the two: the future is what can happen, your fate is what must. Those with this ability are able to not only differentiate between the two, but are capable of searching an individual's lifeline and interpret what may happen from what must.

Those with this ability are simultaneously respected and feared, though each may win out over the other in certain cultures. Regardless of the cultural differences throughout the Three Known Lands, Diviners are oft elevated in status once legitimized by their respective customs.

There are many ways for Diviners to interpret the future, listed below are only the most common forms:

Elemental Divination: Those who are doubly attuned often find comfort in divining through their attuned element. Be it flames, smoke, or coals; the whispering of the wind, cloud formations, or the ballad of rain, thunder, and lightning; unlocking secrets of that past from monoliths or seeing the present in calm water, divination is not a gift to take lightly.

Oneiric Divination: Often times those who are attuned to Divination received dream-visions when they were young and eventually… usually, it was their prophetic dreams that announced their attunement to those around them. Although every Diviner is capable of oneiric divination, it does not make a person and their abilities weak.

All Diviners are naturally doubly attuned and the second attunement is always an element that can be used offensively.



Inherent Ability: The ability to enchant beings and objects.

With enchantment, unlike transmutation, those attuned to this element are capable of altering living, breathing beings along with nonentities. The main difference between them, besides the obvious, is that enchantments were not made to last, and those that do, are paid in blood and sacrifice. Those attuned to this element are known for their glamours and body alterations, but are also highly sought after for charms, hexes, and jinxes. Small objects of multitude shapes and shapes that are "programmed" for some effect or the other.



Inherent Ability: The ability to create, shape, and manipulate illusions.

The ability to fool the mind, Illusionism is one of the most potent abilities the tetrad has to offer. Not only must the caster be of solid mind and strong of will, but theirs must overpower those they wish to cast illusions on. This ability is powerful and is known to be easy to lose control of. If Illusionist aren't cautious or know entirely what they're doing, they can fall into one of their own illusions, fed by the fears of its caster. They live in a vegetative state until finally their mind can take no more and they suffer the consequences.



Inherent Ability: The ability to connect to deceased spirits.

Necromancy, in its simplest form, is the ability to cross the Divide. Though they cannot stay for long, Necros are capable of transporting their incorporeal form to the Staarsgarden where they're capable of transcending the Divide and coming back with otherworldly secrets. If they stay for too long, the Staarsgarden with forcibly remove them. This is known to cause death as the shock to the body during its return is incredible. Necros are capable of seeing when a person's lifeline ends, though it is considered taboo to speak of it. When Animancers and Necromancers work together, they are capable of resurrecting a person's soul for a limited amount of time. Usually this takes place after someone was murdered, to relay information, but it has been known for the two to come together and perform the Ritual for someone who's been dead hundreds of years. As such, their body is unusable and a newer body, one recently deceased is needed.



Inherent Ability: The ability to alter/transform inanimate objects.

Transmutation is one of the Doorways and used more often than not, in "mundane" ways and alongside its sibling Doorway, alchemy. The alteration/transformation of objects can be temporary or permanent and depending on which, takes more energy and application. There are many Mutationists that work in factories, in fact, the majority of RoNaan's Realm "middle class" is centered on this caste of magic. They're the backbone of the industrial-like factories that produce a lengthy variety of goods. Mutationists are incredibly useful for doing such work, because in essence, their magic works like the phrase: 'one man's garbage is another man's treasure.' As long as the material is roughly the same for what is needed to be able to transform, the alteration will stick and last for a certain amount of time.

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  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Nemopedia

Evan Llewellyn Wyrwood

Personnel Files
An unsettling grace ripples off Evan Wyrwood, a perfectionist cursed with imperfection. The drops of feyblood that course through his veins, in addition to centuries worth of familial integration and absorption of the magic emanating from Crossroad's leylines, create a toxic, hypnotic pull to creatures beyond the Clover Crossing— and this unseen allure defined his existence at a very young age.

Evan is almost 27 years old, his birthday is August 31stx{ Virgo }

The Wyrwood family is well known within Crossroads, if a bit reclusive. They regularly donate to places around town, in addition to funding scholarships for a handful of students every year. Evan lives on his own, however, in a beige townhouse only a few minutes away from the station.
Miscellaneous Tidbits
When he was 7 years old, a demon possessed his older sister, syphoning, surviving, and sustaining itself on her innate and latent psychic powers.
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Lemmy's Post Nuclear Bestiary

To GMs & #fanon Authors:

All of the locations and factions listed are free to use in your own works as long as they take place within the realm. You're free to create your own cities and settlements, as well- I'd like to imagine Fallout: Requiem could become a hub for all apocalyptic and post-apocalyptic stories on Iwaku!

To explorers of the Realm:

In the coming days/weeks I'll be adding additional settlements, locations, and some general culture bits about the places therein, but the foundation of the realm is in place, and characters are more than welcome to start flowing in.

Foraging Ants

To GMs & #fanon Authors:

All of the locations and factions listed are free to use in your own works as long as they take place within the realm. You're free to create your own cities and settlements, as well- I'd like to imagine Fallout: Requiem could become a hub for all apocalyptic and post-apocalyptic stories on Iwaku!

To explorers of the Realm:

In the coming days/weeks I'll be adding additional settlements, locations, and some general culture bits about the places therein, but the foundation of the realm is in place, and characters are more than welcome to start flowing in.


To GMs & #fanon Authors:

All of the locations and factions listed are free to use in your own works as long as they take place within the realm. You're free to create your own cities and settlements, as well- I'd like to imagine Fallout: Requiem could become a hub for all apocalyptic and post-apocalyptic stories on Iwaku!

To explorers of the Realm:

In the coming days/weeks I'll be adding additional settlements, locations, and some general culture bits about the places therein, but the foundation of the realm is in place, and characters are more than welcome to start flowing in.


To GMs & #fanon Authors:

All of the locations and factions listed are free to use in your own works as long as they take place within the realm. You're free to create your own cities and settlements, as well- I'd like to imagine Fallout: Requiem could become a hub for all apocalyptic and post-apocalyptic stories on Iwaku!

To explorers of the Realm:

In the coming days/weeks I'll be adding additional settlements, locations, and some general culture bits about the places therein, but the foundation of the realm is in place, and characters are more than welcome to start flowing in.


To GMs & #fanon Authors:

All of the locations and factions listed are free to use in your own works as long as they take place within the realm. You're free to create your own cities and settlements, as well- I'd like to imagine Fallout: Requiem could become a hub for all apocalyptic and post-apocalyptic stories on Iwaku!

To explorers of the Realm:

In the coming days/weeks I'll be adding additional settlements, locations, and some general culture bits about the places therein, but the foundation of the realm is in place, and characters are more than welcome to start flowing in.

DM Note

To GMs & #fanon Authors:

All of the locations and factions listed are free to use in your own works as long as they take place within the realm. You're free to create your own cities and settlements, as well- I'd like to imagine Fallout: Requiem could become a hub for all apocalyptic and post-apocalyptic stories on Iwaku!

To explorers of the Realm:

In the coming days/weeks I'll be adding additional settlements, locations, and some general culture bits about the places therein, but the foundation of the realm is in place, and characters are more than welcome to start flowing in.

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  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Nemopedia
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent id quam condimentum, ullamcorper justo vitae, euismod mi. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Phasellus interdum, lorem a dictum porttitor, elit nulla varius libero, ut lobortis nunc mi sit amet ipsum. Morbi efficitur faucibus tincidunt. Nunc egestas egestas lorem, et pharetra nisi venenatis sit amet. Nunc elementum commodo arcu, quis tincidunt orci vestibulum sed. Aliquam quis dui id nunc iaculis vestibulum non et purus. Cras feugiat molestie ligula sed hendrerit.

Vivamus vel iaculis erat, at blandit erat. Donec placerat dui est. Praesent congue tellus et elit rutrum rutrum. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nunc a pellentesque ligula. Vivamus ligula turpis, interdum eu eros consectetur, egestas dictum elit. Pellentesque pulvinar in nulla vel tempor.

Aenean imperdiet pretium nibh, tincidunt porta ante euismod sit amet. Aenean congue, elit at facilisis porta, mi tellus laoreet ligula, in ornare orci dui id nunc. Mauris sed libero a velit fringilla feugiat. Donec auctor placerat eros sit amet pretium. Quisque molestie ut enim ac egestas. Suspendisse potenti. Suspendisse tempor ultricies enim, nec fermentum lorem condimentum in.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent id quam condimentum, ullamcorper justo vitae, euismod mi. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Phasellus interdum, lorem a dictum porttitor, elit nulla varius libero, ut lobortis nunc mi sit amet ipsum. Morbi efficitur faucibus tincidunt. Nunc egestas egestas lorem, et pharetra nisi venenatis sit amet. Nunc elementum commodo arcu, quis tincidunt orci vestibulum sed. Aliquam quis dui id nunc iaculis vestibulum non et purus. Cras feugiat molestie ligula sed hendrerit.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent id quam condimentum, ullamcorper justo vitae, euismod mi. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Phasellus interdum, lorem a dictum porttitor, elit nulla varius libero, ut lobortis nunc mi sit amet ipsum. Morbi efficitur faucibus tincidunt. Nunc egestas egestas lorem, et pharetra nisi venenatis sit amet. Nunc elementum commodo arcu, quis tincidunt orci vestibulum sed. Aliquam quis dui id nunc iaculis vestibulum non et purus. Cras feugiat molestie ligula sed hendrerit.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent id quam condimentum, ullamcorper justo vitae, euismod mi. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Phasellus interdum, lorem a dictum porttitor, elit nulla varius libero, ut lobortis nunc mi sit amet ipsum. Morbi efficitur faucibus tincidunt. Nunc egestas egestas lorem, et pharetra nisi venenatis sit amet. Nunc elementum commodo arcu, quis tincidunt orci vestibulum sed. Aliquam quis dui id nunc iaculis vestibulum non et purus. Cras feugiat molestie ligula sed hendrerit.

₮ⱧɆ Ʉ₦ĐɎł₦₲ ⱧɄ₦₮ ฿Ɇ₲ł₦₴

Pirn has been chosen.

It's residents have been marked.

Participation is now the only course of action.

Until the Lord of the Undying Hunt is satisfied, their souls belong to him.

—the city of pirn
is located in wolfpine county oregon, nestled deep in the valley of mount pirn. unbeknownst to most, pirn was founded upon a place of power, positioned between three ley lines, whose rivers of energy coalesce and condense. due to this tremendous build up, many an unveiled have made the sleepy city their home.

unlike other cities, the unveiled who live here needn't worry about humans; ancient protections run deep, and only watchers are capable of breaking through them. still— pirn is harmonious in its chaotic ways, and the council of elders sees to it that everything runs smoothly.

pirn is large but sprawling, it's heart nearest mount pirn, but stretches all the way to the coast along the ash river. it's downtown area is full of restaurants, shops, and bars, with tourism an important factor to its local economy. nature walks, rock climbing, kayaking, themed gardens, and a 180 acre park that wraps around downtown also play a factor to pirn's tourism. pirn hosts two elementary schools, four middle schools, and three high schools. two colleges; one public and one private. a small but profitable mine is the only reason the old railroads haven't been decommissioned.

pirn is a sleepy city, where humans play by day, and powers that tremble reality play by night. but the false little facade is about to be shattered,

as the undying lord has once again sounded his horn.

there is no sleeping now.

₮ⱧɆ Ʉ₦ĐɎł₦₲ ⱧɄ₦₮ ฿Ɇ₲ł₦₴ ł₦ ₮ⱧɆ ₵ł₮Ɏ Ø₣ ₱łⱤ₦

The horn sounds, the ground trembles, and energy surges.

Someone powerful has arrived.

Powerful enough to mark nine souls.

Those nine now bear the Mark of Cernunnos:

a golden eye, a brand around their wrist, visions of feyhounds corralling them into the woods.

There is no sleep now, only duty; only the ancient accord of man.

° if the premise is a lil too mysterious: essentially, a small band of people in a sleepy mountain city have been marked by a powerful entity, finding themselves slowly being compelled to fulfill his desires in his hunt to destroy evil. more details to come if this gets interest, but suffice to say your characters will be a part of this phenomena, fighting and/or defending with their lives.

° this lil verse is an amalgamation of a few different influences, chiefly charmed (1998), dresden files, and dungeons and dragons. you def don't need to know these sources to understand the world!! if this gets any traction i'll upload any prerequisite lore that you'll need know!

° i'm hoping to find intermediate to advanced writers who are comfortable with a relatively slow paced, character/pc-driven narrative. gm posts would come once a month, with collabs and/or npc responses sprinkled throughout. players must be comfortable with ooc discussions, collaborative writing, and discord, where most ooc & brainstorming will take place.

° this isnt first come first serve and there are no character roles for players to fill

° while any paranormal/supernatural creature (known as the unveiled in this verse) will be considered, there is a certain vibe they'll need to fall into due to the lore surrounding the undying hunt. by default, however, players are able to choose between witches, vampires, guides, hybrids, and shifters, (info on them will be in the lore section if this garners any attention!!)

happy roleplayin :p


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  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Nemopedia
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc at sodales elit, non tempor metus. Donec convallis enim pellentesque finibus lobortis. Proin pellentesque lorem at ligula mollis, vitae auctor nunc hendrerit. Aliquam eget ex libero. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Morbi in maximus tellus. Maecenas volutpat scelerisque nunc vitae aliquam. Proin est mauris, gravida et congue cursus, aliquet a arcu. Etiam sed sollicitudin nulla, id scelerisque justo. Donec sed mi id nibh congue bibendum. Pellentesque egestas felis vitae ipsum venenatis consequat. Donec feugiat odio eu metus malesuada, at posuere nunc suscipit. Nullam est nisi, fermentum vel maximus vitae, porta at purus. Proin mollis, velit vitae ornare laoreet, neque lectus finibus nibh, eu aliquet elit velit ut odio.
Sed condimentum nibh dui, pretium dapibus velit hendrerit nec. Curabitur non maximus felis, in congue urna. Cras quis lacus nec orci porta vulputate quis vehicula nisi. Sed sapien mi, iaculis sed elementum at, scelerisque quis elit. Curabitur quam neque, varius pulvinar risus vitae, laoreet convallis est. Ut gravida felis eu sem facilisis, id ornare tellus congue. Sed et sem maximus, fermentum diam bibendum, placerat mi. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Cras vulputate orci a pretium mollis. Aenean pharetra id leo eu porttitor. Fusce nec dictum nisi.
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  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Nemopedia

New Miami

While largely traversable, the Wasteland is full of dangers, hidden and in plain sight and for everyone who chooses to stay in their compounds and shelters, tucked away every night, there are a few who make their living walking these dilapidated roads.

code by nemo
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Gulf Parkway

Zigzagging across the western half of Florid, the Gulf Parkway is the preferred method of travel for many Barons of Trade. While slower, nearly doubling the amount of time to reach the faraway raider metropolis of Dreamland, it is far safer than the bandit-riddled i95. The Gulf Parkway is a wandering route; confusing as paths shift and merge within the Creeping Mounds of the Paradise Coast.

Banished Fen Children and natural hazards are the main source of worry along this route, and while there's no such thing as guaranteed safety, the Gulf Parkway is a much safer bet when traveling north. The most interesting destination along the Gulf Parkway is perhaps the Sunset Golf Resort, a lavish destination to gamble and lounge- if you can make it there.

Related Locations:
  1. TBR

code by nemo
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"Chem (a truncation of "chemical") is wasteland slang for drugs. Chems are ubiquitous in the post-war world, ranging from pre-war pharmaceutical aids to homebrewed narcotics, and generally provide temporary performance- or mood-enhancing effects to their users. These benefits often come at the cost of long-term health issues, the most common being addiction." — Fallout Wiki








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Character Sheet



Origin: (Refer to the Origin of Life section for reference; what type of person are you playing? Human? Ghoul? Synth?)

Age: (Include a perceived age if playing an Origin with an extended lifespan.)

Appearance: (A brief description of what they look like and any other distinguishable features they may have.)

Faction: (Where does your character's allegiance lie? Give a brief description on how they joined their faction (and/or how they fled it) and what kind of choices and actions they made during their tenure.)

Character Audit: (A 1-2 paragraph character pitch that enlightens us on who they are, what they do, their drives, motives, and fears, how they protect themselves in the Wasteland (if they're out there), personality quirks, and key moments in their past that's made them who they are today.)


*At creation you'll have 21 points to distribute between the seven traits that make you special.*

With that being said, however, all A Requiem for Spring players may add an additional 15 points to their character sheets, as I want them to be established within the surrounding world before we begin.​

Feel free to put as much or as little thought into this as you'd like! Not only are they visual at-a-glance descriptors for your character and what makes them unique, but also a way for me (and other GMs) to balance, craft, and gauge the difficulty of encounters we're planning.

Strength: 1
Perception: 1
Endurance: 1
Charisma: 1
Intelligence: 1
Agility: 1
Luck: 1

[ 21 + 15 + the six 1s already there = 42 total points ]

[ Stats max out at 10 ]

[ 5 = a little more than average ]

A Note to GMs: While free to alter the number of points one can distribute at character creation for your own games and plots therein, I recommend you stick close to the number 21 unless you're looking for an extra gritty feel for your narrative.

Fun (But Optional!) Additions //

While I would love to see these bits filled out, I realize character creation is not for everyone. What's below can be briefly mentioned in the character audit if it inspires you, but don't feel obligated to elaborate if it's sapping your creativity.

Caps: (You have two options for starting wealth: F:R default of 850 caps OR roll 10d100s. Big risk, big rewards.)

Inventory, including Weapons & Armor: (Vault 120 dwellers will receive a specific array of equipment, but they're free to grab any additional items from around the vault they have access to. Players from different factions may have different equipment — Only the strongest of Raiders have access to Power Armor, while almost every member of the Defiant Sisters do. Likewise, the Children of the Fen downright refuse to use ballistic weapons and instead focus on an overwhelming offensive assault in cleverly laid traps, all while the Sons of the Machine use laser weapons exclusively.)

Fighting Style: (Guns or blades? Ballistics or lasers? Plasma? Machetes and daggers? Baseball bats?)

Companion: (Vault 120 dwellers will not have access to a companion at character creation (though the option to persuade or purchase one's service will be on the table at a later date), but those who've grown up in the Wasteland are free to create such a character— with the understanding that they're "side-characters" first and foremost, meant to aid the forward momentum in the characters and narrative. Their Origin of Life may be any of the ones listed, as well as an animal* or perhaps one of General Atomics' line of multipurpose Mister Handy robots.)

Miscellaneous: (Optional. Anything else that doesn't fit into the above.)

*Typically a canine, but I'm open to other suggestions 👀

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Survival, Sneak, Speech

Toughness, lead belly, built to destroy, wild wasteland

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Gabriela Elariel
Nicknames: Gaby and Ela
Titles: Lady, Mistborn
House: Elariel
Age: 19
Sex: Female
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 138 lbs
Eye Color: Dark blue
Hair Color: Dark red
Physical Description: Standing a little above average height, Gabriela is tall, extraordinarily in shape due to her Mistborn status and training, and looks older than she really is. Long, dark red hair is usually left down, despite the current fashion trend in Luthadel. Due to her noble parentage, she has a frivolous wardrobe consisting of the latest fashions. The only good thing about the poofy dresses, is that her physique is usually well hidden.
Snapping Age: 11
Preferred Weapons: Hardwood staves, glass daggers, anything metal really.
As one who has kept her Mistborn status a secret her entire life, copper is one of her most used metals. She never burns anything without first having her copper turned on. Besides copper, Gaby almost constantly burns brass, pewter, and tin. She Soothes people, ever so slightly, almost unconsciously. Her weakest point in her Allomantic ability is burning iron and steel. With the death of her Mistborn trainer three years ago, her Coinshot and Lurching abilities are mainly self-taught and therefore rather vague and a bit sloppy.

By: @rissa
Word Count: 1860
Chosen Theme(s): Hubris, and a bit of déjà vu
Chosen Format: A short epistolary piece

Title: "The Pale Mother"

Holotape Data: Log 1
Date: [ 7/13 ]
Location: [jed's mirelurk farm]

Stupid fucking crone.

Stupid fucking rules.

If Doreah doesn't hurry up and get into the pale light of the Mother's embrace, I'm quitting. I'm burning this whole fucking place down. Nearly a hundred-and-seven and still telling us what to do. The audacity to not die already when the Pale Mother has stripped away both sight and smell. What's next? Death or deafness?

What's the point of becoming a Mother if the Dowagers are the ones pulling the strings? What was all that training for? To turn us into good little rule-abiding girls so we'll tell the Children of the Fen what they want done? Fuck that. I gave my vows to the Pale Mother, not to that puce-faced bitch.

But still, I'm making headway. Jed's farm is on the edge of the Expanse. After I leave, I'll be out in the black.

If I can make it to the Babel, maybe I can prove the Mother's Plight.

My eye hurts and my boots are soggy, but Old Jed did give me two big servings of mirelurk stew and even a bunch of dried jerky for the trip onwards. If I die out here, at least it won't be from hunger.

Holotape Data: Log 2
Date: [ 7/15 ]
Location: [the expanse]

That old coot tried to kill me! Not two hours past that farm and my raft was swarming with bloodbugs and leeches the size of two-headed Bessie back home! I can't believe it. That motherfucker could have warned me that fire dilutes the scent of food! Dilutes the scent of you.

I've been burning and paddling ever since. He's lucky. Pull that on anyone else and they'd be dead.

What's worse is I'm hungry.

Most of Jed's jerky ended up in the water the day I paddled out and if it wasn't fish food, it was ash from the flames that burned away those bugs. I'm still so pissed about that. What the hell was he thinking, ladening me down with all that food and not giving me some kind of warning?

Bah. Dumb old man.

Holotape Data: Log 3
Date: [ 7/17 ]
Location: [the expanse]

Mother save me I am so fucking bored. I don't want to record too many of these and get repetitive, but damn, it's nice to hear something, even if it's the sound of my own voice. It's weird, you know, there's wildlife everywhere. I can see them, hear them, smell them, but sometimes, even in the dead of night, everything'll go silent. Even the fucking bugs! It's creepy because that silence will last for hours.

At first I thought it was a snapjaw hunting me, but there's no hissing or bellowing to let me know I'm getting too close. Maybe it just gets quiet up here. Maybe all that paddling was worth it-- Jed did say the heart of the swamp wasn't but a week out. Guess I'm closer than I think.

I hope so.

Holotape Data: Log 4
Date: [ 7/18 ]
Location: [the expanse]

. . . . . . . . .

It's beautiful here. Oh, ow--ouch. Beautiful, but deadly, I think.

It's like a glade. Or a moor, maybe. The ground's soft but walkable and almost every square inch is rooted with thick blue veins and sprouting the tender and slim tartary petals. It's crazy looking! It's a tartary plant, obviously, but… it's not like any of the ones we grow back home. The leaves and petals are so vibrant and the largest seed has got to be as big around as my thigh.

Wow-- I just.

Praise the Pale Mother.

The petals are giving off some kind of… mist? No, well, yeah, kind of-- it's cold to the touch but maybe "spore" is the right word, cause it's not really wet.

It's so fragrant too.

I think I'll take a flower back with me and show it to the others.

. . . . . . . . .

Holotape Data: Log 5
Date: [ 7/20 ]
Location: [the expanse]

There's not much out here. Bunch of trees. Bunch of water between them. Just like home. Little islands barely afloat, top heavy with draping foliage. They bloom under the Pale Mother's moon. It's kind of pretty, actually, in it's own little way, I found tha—

. . . . . . . . .

There's a bunch of wildlife out here too. Caught a deerjack this morning, so at least I'm not hungry, but I can see eyes following me day and night. Following the fire and waiting for it to go out.

Decided the other night to make a little room on the back of the raft. Doesn't rain everyday here, but it does rain longer and harder and burns right through my robes. So I put a little roof and some stick walls plugged with moss and palm thatch. Isn't much, but it's better than burning.

The bloodbugs are the worst though, stirring up trouble—

What the fuck— Why's the raft moving like tha—

Holotape Data: Log 6
Date: [ 7/23 ]
Location: [just outside fort leftbend]

She told me her name was Bathsheba, the woman who overturned my raft.

Made it right by sheltering me for the night. Fed me too. I appreciated that. The whole thing was weird though. She didn't seem at all surprised to find me in her tin bath out back with water hot to the touch. Even if she didn't leave me anything to burn and I know I didn't make a flame when the raft was overturned, so I-- Eugh.

I don't know.

If anything, the old woman seemed happy about it. Honestly, so was I though. A nice hot bath was just what I needed. This blue flower can't be the only thing I return home with.

She called the place Fort Leftbend, by the way. It was just a house though, her house, in the middle of a random clearing out here in the Expanse. No bends or other forts to speak of. She asked me not to record anything until I left the grounds too… Which spooked me a bit, I won't lie. Guess she heard me talking to it before she capsized me. And even that was weird! I have no idea how she managed to pull that off.

Well, I have a theory-- kind of.

I think she's like me.

. . . . . . . . .

You know how many Children of the Fen are kissed by the Pale Mother and granted a share of her power? Those gifts primarily bless the individual in some manner; be it strength or intelligence or speed, or even folks like Arcadey whose eyes pierce through flesh and blood and bone to pinpoint injuries. But for some, a rare few-- their gifts affect the world around them. Other people and other things. Me, though?

The Pale Mother's Kiss gave me the ability to realize her almighty flames into this reality.

Maybe the Pale Mother gave her something… similar. All I know is she gave that woman something.

I could feel it. Sense it. I can't stop dreaming of her either. Every time I close my eyes I see her… and Mother Mora. The priestess that raised me and probably the creepiest and loneliest woman ever. It's weird too, Mora's the reason I worked so hard to become a Mother-- why I believed in them so strongly. Bathsheba gave off the same kind of reverence in a way, even if she did scoff and laugh when I introduced myself as a Micco Priestess.

Mother save me. She was a fine host, but my arm hair's still on edge. Bah.

Holotape Data: Log 7
Date: [ 7/29 ]
Location: [the expanse]

. . . . . . . . .

,uoy evig i stfig eht yned uoy
,yhtrow flah ylno era ohw wef tceles a ot rewop ym timil
!em esaeppa ton od taht sniag rof rewop ym esu dna


I-I can't! I don't know what you're saying!



I'm s-sorry, I'll tell them. I'll cha--


I-- what? Leave the haven or the Fen? I-I can--


. . . . . . . . .

Holotape Data: Log 8
Date: [ 7/11 ]
Location: [micco haven]

I'm so hungry. It's all I can think about for some reason. I wish that mirelurk jerky had lasted a bit longer. Maybe I should have asked Jed for more stew after all.

Only one of the power-cells worked when I tried turning the holotape recorder on, so I guess the documentation will come to an end here soon. Wish I had gotten more than just a little blue flower.

My eye hurts something fierce, too. The fumes from that moor must've burned them.


. . . . . . . . .

"Hello? Who—"

. . . . . . . . .

"Mearle? Mearle is that you? . . . Sisters, please! Stop whispering and go fetch Healer Arcadey!"

. . . . . . . . .

"Mearle? Hey, yeah, hey there Mearle, it's me-- Imela-- do you… Hey-- Are you okay?"

. . . . . . . . .

Holotape Data: Log 9
Date: [ 7/11 ]
Location: [outside the micco haven]

They say it's been a year.

An entire fucking year since I left for the Mother's Babel.

I don't remember passing back through Jed's mirelurk farm or the ever-expanding acreage of tartary that encircles the micco haven. I don't remember much, honestly. I don't even remember half of what's on here, but I damn well don't remember a whole fucking year passing. It was only a few days. I only have a few of these memories. If what they say is true, I'm missing an entire year's worth of memories. An entire year!

I don't believe it. I-I can't.

. . . . . . . . .

I-I don't know. Maybe it's true though. When I bathed off all that muck, there was a silver streak left behind that wasn't there before. That's when I noticed my eye— and that kind of degradation couldn't have happened in a few days. It just couldn't have. Before I left, Sister Arcadey said I'd have another year or two before it'd get that bad. Before it got this bad. Before I stopped being able to see out of it.

Maybe the fumes from that moor exacerbated it. Maybe it had been an entire year. Either way, it didn't really matter much when I plucked it out and lit it aflame. Hurt like hell, honestly, but Arcadey fixed me up quick. Disappointed Doreah fled at the lick of flame-- dusty ass bitch would have lit up right then and there too.

Oh well, I guess. Their banishment came moments after my declaration to leave. What's done is done.

I have a new life outside of the Fen to begin-- one with a new vow.

Not as a mother, sister, or dowager, but a Child of the Fen.

. . . . . . . . .

Anyways, I don't think anyone will ever hear this, but if you do, pray for the Mother's.

Pray for the Micco.

For the Pale Mother is not pleased.

// If reading is easier in gdocs, dw: i gotchu a link for yer viewing pleasure

went ahead and made it easy to c/p for you with how i wrote it bold/italicized etcetc, but if thats not allowed i did the spoiliii up there

thanks for hostin sucha cool challenge<3 this took me forever and im just barely submitting in time lMAOOOO

[font=Barlow][spoiler=The Pale Mother][b]By:[/b] [USER=21857]@rissa[/USER]
[b]Word Count:[/b] 1860
[b]Chosen Theme(s):[/b] Hubris, and a bit of déjà vu
[b]Chosen Format:[/b] A short epistolary piece

[b]Title:[/b] "The Pale Mother"

[b]Holotape Data:[/b] Log 1
[b]Date:[/b] [ 7/13 ]
[b]Location:[/b] [jed's mirelurk farm]

Stupid fucking crone.
Stupid fucking rules. 

If Doreah doesn't hurry up and get into the pale light of the Mother's embrace, I'm quitting. I'm burning this whole fucking place down. Nearly a hundred-and-seven and still telling us what to do. The audacity to not die already when the Pale Mother has stripped away both sight and smell. What's next? Death or deafness? 

What's the point of becoming a Mother if the Dowagers are the ones pulling the strings? What was all that training for? To turn us into good little rule-abiding girls so we'll tell the Children of the Fen what they want done? Fuck that. I gave my vows to the Pale Mother, not to that puce-faced bitch.  

But still, I'm making headway. Jed's farm is on the edge of the Expanse. After I leave, I'll be out in the black. 

If I can make it to the Babel, maybe I can prove the Mother's Plight. 

My eye hurts and my boots are soggy, but Old Jed did give me two big servings of mirelurk stew and even a bunch of dried jerky for the trip onwards. If I die out here, at least it won't be from hunger. 

[b]Holotape Data:[/b] Log 2
[b]Date:[/b] [ 7/15 ]
[b]Location:[/b] [the expanse]

That old coot tried to kill me! Not two hours past that farm and my raft was swarming with bloodbugs and leeches the size of two-headed Bessie back home! I can't believe it. That motherfucker could have warned me that fire dilutes the scent of food! Dilutes the scent of [i]you.[/i] 

I've been burning and paddling ever since. He's lucky. Pull that on anyone else and they'd be dead.  

What's worse is I'm hungry. 

Most of Jed's jerky ended up in the water the day I paddled out and if it wasn't fish food, it was ash from the flames that burned away those bugs. I'm still so pissed about that. What the hell was he thinking, ladening me down with all that food and not giving me some kind of warning?

Bah. Dumb old man.

[b]Holotape Data:[/b] Log 3
[b]Date:[/b] [ 7/17 ]
[b]Location:[/b] [the expanse]

[i]Mother save me[/i] I am so fucking bored. I don't want to record too many of these and get repetitive, but damn, it's nice to hear something, even if it's the sound of my own voice. It's weird, you know, there's wildlife everywhere. I can see them, hear them, smell them, but sometimes, even in the dead of night, everything'll go silent. Even the fucking bugs! It's creepy because that silence will last for hours. 

At first I thought it was a snapjaw hunting me, but there's no hissing or bellowing to let me know I'm getting too close. Maybe it just gets quiet up here. Maybe all that paddling was worth it-- Jed did say the heart of the swamp wasn't but a week out. Guess I'm closer than I think. 

I hope so.

[b]Holotape Data:[/b] Log 4
[b]Date:[/b] [ 7/18 ]
[b]Location:[/b] [the expanse]

.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .

[i]It's beautiful here. Oh, ow--ouch. Beautiful, but deadly, I think. 

It's like a glade. Or a moor, maybe. The ground's soft but walkable and almost every square inch is rooted with thick blue veins and sprouting the tender and slim tartary petals. It's crazy looking! It's a tartary plant,  obviously, but… it's not like any of the ones we grow back home. The leaves and petals are so vibrant and the largest seed has got to be as big around as my thigh. 

Wow-- I just.[/i]

Praise the Pale Mother. 

[i]The petals are giving off some kind of… mist? No, well, yeah, kind of-- it's cold to the touch but maybe "spore" is the right word, cause it's not really wet. 

It's so fragrant too. 

I think I'll take a flower back with me and show it to the others.[/i]

.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .

[b]Holotape Data:[/b] Log 5
[b]Date:[/b] [ 7/20 ]
[b]Location:[/b] [the expanse]

There's not much out here. Bunch of trees. Bunch of water between them. Just like home. Little islands barely afloat, top heavy with draping foliage. They bloom under the Pale Mother's moon. It's kind of pretty, actually, in it's own little way, I found tha—

.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .

There's a bunch of wildlife out here too. Caught a deerjack this morning, so at least I'm not hungry, but I can see eyes following me day and night. Following the [i]fire[/i] and waiting for it to go out. 

Decided the other night to make a little room on the back of the raft. Doesn't rain everyday here, but it does rain longer and harder and burns right through my robes. So I put a little roof and some stick walls plugged with moss and palm thatch. Isn't much, but it's better than burning. 

The bloodbugs are the worst though, stirring up trouble—  

What the [i]fuck[/i]— Why's the raft moving like tha—

[b]Holotape Data:[/b] Log 6
[b]Date:[/b] [ 7/23 ]
[b]Location:[/b] [just outside fort leftbend]

She told me her name was Bathsheba, the woman who overturned my raft. 

Made it right by sheltering me for the night. Fed me too. I appreciated that. The whole thing was weird though. She didn't seem at all surprised to find me in her tin bath out back with water hot to the touch. Even if she didn't leave me anything to burn and I know I didn't make a flame when the raft was overturned, so I-- Eugh. 

I don't know. 

If anything, the old woman seemed happy about it. Honestly, so was I though. A nice hot bath was just what I needed. This blue flower can't be the only thing I return home with.  

She called the place Fort Leftbend, by the way. It was just a house though, [i]her[/i] house, in the middle of a random clearing out here in the Expanse. No bends or other forts to speak of. She asked me not to record anything until I left the grounds too… Which spooked me a bit, I won't lie. Guess she heard me talking to it before she capsized me. And even that was weird! I have no idea how she managed to pull that off.

Well, I have a theory-- kind of. 

I think she's like me.  

.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  

You know how many Children of the Fen are kissed by the Pale Mother and granted a share of her power? Those gifts primarily bless the individual in some manner; be it strength or intelligence or speed, or even folks like Arcadey whose eyes pierce through flesh and blood and bone to pinpoint injuries. But for some, a rare few-- their gifts affect the world around them. Other people and other things. Me, though? 

The Pale Mother's Kiss gave me the ability to realize her almighty flames into this reality.  

Maybe the Pale Mother gave her something… similar. All I know is she gave that woman [i]something[/i]. 

I could feel it. Sense it. I can't stop dreaming of her either. Every time I close my eyes I see her… and Mother Mora. The priestess that raised me and probably the creepiest and loneliest woman ever. It's weird too, Mora's the reason I worked so hard to become a Mother-- why I believed in them so strongly. Bathsheba gave off the same kind of reverence in a way, even if she did scoff and laugh when I introduced myself as a Micco Priestess. 

[i]Mother save me.[/i] She was a fine host, but my arm hair's still on edge. Bah. 

[b]Holotape Data:[/b] Log 7
[b]Date:[/b] [ 7/29 ]
[b]Location:[/b] [the expanse]

.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .

[i][b],uoy evig i stfig eht yned uoy[/b]
,yhtrow flah ylno era ohw wef tceles a ot rewop ym timil
!em esaeppa ton od taht sniag rof rewop ym esu dna


I-I can't! I don't know what you're saying!



I'm s-sorry, I'll tell them. I'll cha--


I-- what? Leave the haven or the Fen? I-I can--


.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .

[b]Holotape Data:[/b] Log 8
[b]Date:[/b] [ 7/11 ]
[b]Location:[/b] [micco haven]

I'm so hungry. It's all I can think about for some reason. I wish that mirelurk jerky had lasted a bit longer. Maybe I should have asked Jed for more stew after all.

Only one of the power-cells worked when I tried turning the holotape recorder on, so I guess the documentation will come to an end here soon. Wish I had gotten more than just a little blue flower.

My eye hurts something fierce, too. The fumes from that moor must've burned them.


.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  

[i]"Hello? Who—"

.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  

"Mearle? Mearle is that you? . . . Sisters, please! Stop whispering and go fetch Healer Arcadey!" 

.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  

"Mearle? Hey, yeah, hey there Mearle, it's me-- Imela-- do you… Hey-- Are you okay?"[/i]

.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  

[b]Holotape Data:[/b] Log 9
[b]Date:[/b] [ 7/11 ]
[b]Location:[/b] [outside the micco haven]

They say it's been a year. 

An entire fucking year since I left for the Mother's Babel.  

I don't remember passing back through Jed's mirelurk farm or the ever-expanding acreage of tartary that encircles the micco haven. I don't remember much, honestly. I don't even remember half of what's on here, but I damn well don't remember a whole fucking year passing. It was only a few days. I only have a few of these memories. If what they say is true, [i]I'm missing an entire year's worth of memories[/i]. An entire year! 

I don't believe it. I-I can't. 

.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  

I-I don't know. Maybe it's true though. When I bathed off all that muck, there was a silver streak left behind that wasn't there before. That's when I noticed my eye— and that kind of degradation couldn't have happened in a few days. It just couldn't have. Before I left, Sister Arcadey said I'd have another year or two before it'd get that bad. Before it got this bad. Before I stopped being able to see out of it. 

Maybe the fumes from that moor exacerbated it. Maybe it had been an entire year. Either way, it didn't really matter much when I plucked it out and lit it aflame. Hurt like hell, honestly, but Arcadey fixed me up quick. Disappointed Doreah fled at the lick of flame-- dusty ass bitch would have lit up right then and there too. 

[i]Oh well, I guess.[/i] Their banishment came moments after my declaration to leave. [i]What's done is done.[/i] 

I have a new life outside of the Fen to begin-- one with a new vow. 

Not as a mother, sister, or dowager, but a Child of the Fen. 

.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .

Anyways, I don't think anyone will ever hear this, but if you do, pray for the Mother's.

Pray for the Micco.  

For the Pale Mother is not pleased. 
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Holotape Data
- Lorem ipsum dolor amet

Welcome to Fallout: Requiem— where life begins after total atomic annihilation.

#CANON: Guidelines and Expectations

All in-character threads associated with Fallout: Requiem and its debut roleplay, A Requiem for Spring are welcome here in the #canon subforum. By associated, I mean past, present, or future stories that will affect the world, lore, and characters of the realm. While not every story, character, and plot thread need be "accepted" or "approved", this means that there's an inherent understanding to embody the realm-provided lore or at the very least, respect the effort put into curating it. I highly encourage creative freedom and the creation of new lore and will do my best to integrate player-created lore into the realm where I can.

I will also be periodically poking into threads within the #canon subforum to compile juicy DEETS for the quarterly Wasteland Press, a mock-journal publish wherein realm announcements, highlights, and roleplay sparkles will be on display.

As long as the IC (alternatively, character indexes and partner searches) are housed within the realm, all locations, major npcs, and concepts for Fallout: Requiem are free to use and reference in any and all stories within the #canon subforum, provided they don't break any already established lore.

TO NOTE: A rare sex scene hidden in spoilers or written as fade-to-black between people in the same age group is completely acceptable here, just as it is in Group Stories. Anything beyond that, however, and the thread will need to be moved to Red/Bluestar. If your thread needs moved, please feel free to reach out to me, the F:R mods, or Iwaku's Move-Thread form!


Thread prefixes are colorful tags displayed before a thread's title. They can be chosen when creating a thread or afterwards, by selecting "edit thread" from the 'more options' menu above the very first post. More than one prefix can be applied as well! These prefixes show what a thread is for and you can easily filter through them by selecting a prefix within the forum.

The prefixes within Fallout: Requiem were chosen and curated to be multipurpose, due to the Realm limitation of 10. Some are recognizable and some are completely new to the site! Described below are the ones intended to be used for in-character threads:

- This prefix is used to designate any and all roleplays, regardless of whether they're run by me, fellow GMs, or are 1x1 creations.

- Threads which have the prefix Open indicate that the roleplay, interest check, or partner search is currently open and accepting new players and/or partners.

- The Closed prefix displays at-a-glance knowledge that roleplays, interest checks, or partner searches are not accepting new players or partners at this time. Alternating between Open and Closed prefixes is a good way to grab attention and avoid unneeded inquiries.

- This is another multipurpose prefix, meant to be a catch-all for the following types of events: sandbox events including both prose and charp styles, first response roleplays (typically 1x1s), important announcements regarding the realm as a whole or new and upcoming roleplays.

If you ever have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out, otherwise...

Happy Roleplaying in the Wasteland!

Cache Logs

After 120 days of inactivity all IC threads will be recorded, archived, and linked here for ease of reference. Additionally, supplementary threads such as character indexes, plot discussions, and interest checks will also be recorded and archived with its in-character thread.

If you would like your thread(s) revived, you can tag me or one of Fallout: Requiem's three mods in the Discord server for help. Please allow a few days of courtesy, as we all have busy, busy lives. If you do not have access to Discord, you can use the Thread Moderation Form or message me here on Iwaku with your request!

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Welcome to the Wasteland!

The bombs fell. The world burned. Humanity… survived. 227 years after the Great War, mankind, splintered by radiation, thrives in remote settlements across the post-nuclear landscape.

Welcome to the Wasteland— where everything and its mother wants you dead.

A Requiem for Spring

The Last President of the United States has issued an emergency decree.

Vault 120 will be unsealing its doors for the first time in 227 years.

"Without a new power conduit, our home will grow dark, cold, and unlivable. We will be forced to abandon our home for what has become of the surface world or worse— we wait too long and find ourselves trapped in our blessed haven, gasping for air as it slowly runs out. I do not wish to see this holy ground tainted by that possibility.

Fellow Americans, citizens of Vault 120, in anticipation of that catastrophe, I, Frank Scotte, request the voluntary service of six incredibly brave individuals.

I do not know what the world above will have in store for you, but I can guarantee it will be nothing like our beautiful existence here in Vault 120. Every second may be a fight for your survival and every minute may be a battle needing to be won, but you will be armed with the finest pre-War weaponry as well as the respect and admiration of your fellow citizens.

Neither your names nor your contribution to the vault will ever be forgotten."

For three arduous months, volunteers trained— physically, with weapons and armor, studied pre-War survival techniques and memorized the effects of radiation. At the end, they were given two weeks of basic medical knowledge before the six Volunteers were chosen.

It's 2304 and the world is little more than a crisp husk of its former self. A beckoning, veritable wasteland waiting to be rediscovered and explored. Treasures hide beneath the rubble as often as disturbing revelations do, but welcome to the Wasteland- where everything and its mother wants you dead. Here, in the aftermath of total atomic annihilation, every choice has a consequence and every consequence a revelation.

Fallout: Requiem is an open-world post-nuclear landscape where players and GMs weave together compelling character-driven narratives where plot beats, side quests, and unexpected encounters force the characters to make a choice and then live by those choices.

Whether you play one of the six Volunteers tasked with retrieving a new power conduit or a survivor struggling to endure the Wasteland, Fallout: Requiem and its debut roleplay, A Requiem for Spring, will focus on what it means to survive and live with the choices we're often forced to make, despite the impossible circumstances.

Fallout: Requiem (A Realm Concept)

Fallout: Requiem would be open to all players and GMs. A collaborative setting that evolves over time with the creation of new characters, locations, and premises. Even if it doesn't line up with the creative vision I have in place, a #fanon subforum would allow anyone interested in the Fallout setting to explore the Wasteland and revel in post-apocalyptic shenanigans.

A long term goal for the in-game narrative of Fallout: Requiem is to have several large groups spanning the Wasteland. Meetups might lead to war, the combining of resources, or the rebuilding of this great nation. I have a premise for Fallout: New York that I may run next summer, depending on the ongoings of A Requiem for Spring, but there are several canon locations that GMs can add to Fallout: Requiem (Capital Wasteland, Boston, New Vegas, NCR, or your very own creation!).

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