TESTING flowers (ง'̀-'́)ง

Other NPC's​

[dscroll][spacer]Also Known As: [/spacer]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur aliquam turpis ac convallis scelerisque. Nullam faucibus, dui a suscipit sodales, lacus urna euismod nibh, sed tincidunt nisi neque ac erat. Nullam a fringilla ante. Nullam molestie id libero in efficitur. Pellentesque arcu dui, ornare et ipsum sit amet, rutrum tristique ipsum. Etiam quis risus id mauris dignissim venenatis quis vitae nisi. Vestibulum ac neque ante. Quisque efficitur elementum efficitur. Proin vestibulum felis quis condimentum bibendum. Aliquam imperdiet eros quis velit bibendum euismod. Nunc quis velit metus. Nulla congue magna pulvinar, auctor tortor in, aliquet augue. In posuere ante ac dui rhoncus, eget dignissim massa suscipit. In luctus, justo ac placerat feugiat, arcu eros pellentesque ligula, quis facilisis risus urna ac tellus. Donec sed tellus sit amet nisi eleifend lobortis. Nullam ut blandit ex. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur aliquam turpis ac convallis scelerisque. Nullam faucibus, dui a suscipit sodales, lacus urna euismod nibh, sed tincidunt nisi neque ac erat. Nullam a fringilla ante. Nullam molestie id libero in efficitur. Pellentesque arcu dui, ornare et ipsum sit amet, rutrum tristique ipsum. Etiam quis risus id mauris dignissim venenatis quis vitae nisi. Vestibulum ac neque ante. Quisque efficitur elementum efficitur. Proin vestibulum felis quis condimentum bibendum. Aliquam imperdiet eros quis velit bibendum euismod. Nunc quis velit metus. Nulla congue magna pulvinar, auctor tortor in, aliquet augue. In posuere ante ac dui rhoncus, eget dignissim massa suscipit. In luctus, justo ac placerat feugiat, arcu eros pellentesque ligula, quis facilisis risus urna ac tellus. Donec sed tellus sit amet nisi eleifend lobortis. Nullam ut blandit ex.[/dscroll]

[dscroll][spacer]Also Known As: [/spacer]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur aliquam turpis ac convallis scelerisque. Nullam faucibus, dui a suscipit sodales, lacus urna euismod nibh, sed tincidunt nisi neque ac erat. Nullam a fringilla ante. Nullam molestie id libero in efficitur. Pellentesque arcu dui, ornare et ipsum sit amet, rutrum tristique ipsum. Etiam quis risus id mauris dignissim venenatis quis vitae nisi. Vestibulum ac neque ante. Quisque efficitur elementum efficitur. Proin vestibulum felis quis condimentum bibendum. Aliquam imperdiet eros quis velit bibendum euismod. Nunc quis velit metus. Nulla congue magna pulvinar, auctor tortor in, aliquet augue. In posuere ante ac dui rhoncus, eget dignissim massa suscipit. In luctus, justo ac placerat feugiat, arcu eros pellentesque ligula, quis facilisis risus urna ac tellus. Donec sed tellus sit amet nisi eleifend lobortis. Nullam ut blandit ex. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur aliquam turpis ac convallis scelerisque. Nullam faucibus, dui a suscipit sodales, lacus urna euismod nibh, sed tincidunt nisi neque ac erat. Nullam a fringilla ante. Nullam molestie id libero in efficitur. Pellentesque arcu dui, ornare et ipsum sit amet, rutrum tristique ipsum. Etiam quis risus id mauris dignissim venenatis quis vitae nisi. Vestibulum ac neque ante. Quisque efficitur elementum efficitur. Proin vestibulum felis quis condimentum bibendum. Aliquam imperdiet eros quis velit bibendum euismod. Nunc quis velit metus. Nulla congue magna pulvinar, auctor tortor in, aliquet augue. In posuere ante ac dui rhoncus, eget dignissim massa suscipit. In luctus, justo ac placerat feugiat, arcu eros pellentesque ligula, quis facilisis risus urna ac tellus. Donec sed tellus sit amet nisi eleifend lobortis. Nullam ut blandit ex.[/dscroll]

[dscroll][spacer]Also Known as: [/spacer]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur aliquam turpis ac convallis scelerisque. Nullam faucibus, dui a suscipit sodales, lacus urna euismod nibh, sed tincidunt nisi neque ac erat. Nullam a fringilla ante. Nullam molestie id libero in efficitur. Pellentesque arcu dui, ornare et ipsum sit amet, rutrum tristique ipsum. Etiam quis risus id mauris dignissim venenatis quis vitae nisi. Vestibulum ac neque ante. Quisque efficitur elementum efficitur. Proin vestibulum felis quis condimentum bibendum. Aliquam imperdiet eros quis velit bibendum euismod. Nunc quis velit metus. Nulla congue magna pulvinar, auctor tortor in, aliquet augue. In posuere ante ac dui rhoncus, eget dignissim massa suscipit. In luctus, justo ac placerat feugiat, arcu eros pellentesque ligula, quis facilisis risus urna ac tellus. Donec sed tellus sit amet nisi eleifend lobortis. Nullam ut blandit ex. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur aliquam turpis ac convallis scelerisque. Nullam faucibus, dui a suscipit sodales, lacus urna euismod nibh, sed tincidunt nisi neque ac erat. Nullam a fringilla ante. Nullam molestie id libero in efficitur. Pellentesque arcu dui, ornare et ipsum sit amet, rutrum tristique ipsum. Etiam quis risus id mauris dignissim venenatis quis vitae nisi. Vestibulum ac neque ante. Quisque efficitur elementum efficitur. Proin vestibulum felis quis condimentum bibendum. Aliquam imperdiet eros quis velit bibendum euismod. Nunc quis velit metus. Nulla congue magna pulvinar, auctor tortor in, aliquet augue. In posuere ante ac dui rhoncus, eget dignissim massa suscipit. In luctus, justo ac placerat feugiat, arcu eros pellentesque ligula, quis facilisis risus urna ac tellus. Donec sed tellus sit amet nisi eleifend lobortis. Nullam ut blandit ex.[/dscroll]

[dscroll][spacer]Also Known As: AJ[/spacer]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur aliquam turpis ac convallis scelerisque. Nullam faucibus, dui a suscipit sodales, lacus urna euismod nibh, sed tincidunt nisi neque ac erat. Nullam a fringilla ante. Nullam molestie id libero in efficitur. Pellentesque arcu dui, ornare et ipsum sit amet, rutrum tristique ipsum. Etiam quis risus id mauris dignissim venenatis quis vitae nisi. Vestibulum ac neque ante. Quisque efficitur elementum efficitur. Proin vestibulum felis quis condimentum bibendum. Aliquam imperdiet eros quis velit bibendum euismod. Nunc quis velit metus. Nulla congue magna pulvinar, auctor tortor in, aliquet augue. In posuere ante ac dui rhoncus, eget dignissim massa suscipit. In luctus, justo ac placerat feugiat, arcu eros pellentesque ligula, quis facilisis risus urna ac tellus. Donec sed tellus sit amet nisi eleifend lobortis. Nullam ut blandit ex. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur aliquam turpis ac convallis scelerisque. Nullam faucibus, dui a suscipit sodales, lacus urna euismod nibh, sed tincidunt nisi neque ac erat. Nullam a fringilla ante. Nullam molestie id libero in efficitur. Pellentesque arcu dui, ornare et ipsum sit amet, rutrum tristique ipsum. Etiam quis risus id mauris dignissim venenatis quis vitae nisi. Vestibulum ac neque ante. Quisque efficitur elementum efficitur. Proin vestibulum felis quis condimentum bibendum. Aliquam imperdiet eros quis velit bibendum euismod. Nunc quis velit metus. Nulla congue magna pulvinar, auctor tortor in, aliquet augue. In posuere ante ac dui rhoncus, eget dignissim massa suscipit. In luctus, justo ac placerat feugiat, arcu eros pellentesque ligula, quis facilisis risus urna ac tellus. Donec sed tellus sit amet nisi eleifend lobortis. Nullam ut blandit ex.[/dscroll]

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Fjalla One Playfair Display Inconsolata

sebastian kissinger

sometimes you win, sometimes you learn

Name: Sebastian Reid Kissinger
Nicknames: baz, sk, kiss
Date of Birth: October 29th || 17
Sex: Male
Ethnicity: Romani
Species: Wizard
Blood Status: Muggleborn
House and Year: 7th year || Ravenclaw


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  • Like
Reactions: Red Thunder
lorem 2
the low elements
lorem 3
lorem 4
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Fjalla One Playfair Display Inconsolata

ivy kissinger

general information

Name: Ivy Louise Kissinger
Nicknames: Ives
Date of Birth: February 27th || 15
Sex: Female
Ethnicity: English
Species: Witch
Blood Status: Pureblood
House and Year: 5th year || Slytherin

Height: 5'5"
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Silvery-blonde
Description: Thin and willowy, Ivy does not hold an intimidating physical presence, and yet, she manages to garner respect from fellow classmates nonetheless. Though her wand is quick to action, so is her sharp tongue, and the icy demeanor she often carries herself in can be seen from a mile away. She prefers to keep her wavy hair on the shorter side, often seen sporting a shoulder length bob with fringed bangs.

personality and biography

Spirited - Blunt - Shrewd - Haughty - Dependable

Ivy is an enigma held together with a sour-sweet attitude problem. To those she knows and cares for, a softer, less edge-filled side is revealed... But not many get to see that vulnerable side of her. Entirely too much like both of her parents (the stern, judgmental aspect of her father's personality, and the


Length: 10 ¾"
Core: Dragon heartstring
Wood: Aspen
Flexibility: Rigid

From Pottermore: Wand-quality aspen wood is white and fine-grained, and highly prized by all wand-makers for its stylish resemblance to ivory and its usually outstanding charmwork. The proper owner of the aspen wand is often an accomplished duellist, or destined to be so, for the aspen wand is one of those particularly suited to martial magic. An infamous and secretive eighteenth-century duelling club, which called itself The Silver Spears, was reputed to admit only those who owned aspen wands. In my experience, aspen wand owners are generally strong-minded and determined, more likely than most to be attracted by quests and new orders; this is a wand for revolutionaries.

Pet: Three years prior, she and her father visited Diagon Alley where she was allowed one gift of her choosing. To her father's dismay, she headed straight for the Magical Menagerie, where she chose an orange and yellow tabby cat. She named him Lux and he loves Hogwarts nearly as much as she does.
Patronus: Hummingbird
Amortentia: The smell of rain, roses, and the scent of freshly baked bread.

shed your mediocrity​
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  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Nemopedia
Fjalla One Playfair Display Inconsolata

magnolia plum

general information

Name: Magnolia Elaine Plum
Nicknames: Maggie
Date of Birth: July 21st || 17
Sex: Female
Ethnicity: English
Species: Witch | Metamorphmagus
Blood Status: Halfblood
House and Year: 7th year || Hufflepuff

Height: 5'7"
Eye Color: Green, though they often change color with her moods.
Hair Color: Light brown, though again, changes often with her mood.
Description: Magnolia is rather average in appearance as nothing really stands out. And deep down, she wishes that were true. Her eye and hair color have a tendency to change color with her moods, against her will, despite the fact that she's spent her entire life trying to keep her metamorphmagi abilities under control. Her hair color changes to teal when she's upset, be it stressed, overwhelmed, angry, or nervous. When her anger peaks, however, it turns a vibrant red-orange and when she hits her lows, it darkens significantly, often lengthening to uncontrollable proportions.

personality and biography

Inquisitive - Reserved - Witty - Loyal - Determined


Length: 12 ¾"
Core: Unicorn
Wood: Willow
Flexibility: Supple

Willow is an uncommon wand wood with healing power, and I have noted that the ideal owner for a willow wand often has some (usually unwarranted) insecurity, however well they may try and hide it. While many confident customers insist on trying a willow wand (attracted by their handsome appearance and well-founded reputation for enabling advanced, non-verbal magic) my willow wands have consistently selected those of greatest potential, rather than those who feel they have little to learn. It has always been a proverb in my family that he who has furthest to travel will go fastest with willow.




Oliver Plum - Cras commodo neque id dui cursus pharetra eget non lectus. Donec ac mi dapibus, iaculis magna ut, porta est. Nam ultrices gravida justo, quis egestas eros vehicula nec. Aliquam sollicitudin at quam et imperdiet. Vivamus et augue sollicitudin, rhoncus libero ut, consequat augue.

Gwendolyn Plum (nee Carter) - Mother - Cras commodo neque id dui cursus pharetra eget non lectus. Donec ac mi dapibus, iaculis magna ut, porta est. Nam ultrices gravida justo, quis egestas eros vehicula nec. Aliquam sollicitudin at quam et imperdiet. Vivamus et augue sollicitudin, rhoncus libero ut, consequat augue.


tba - Cras commodo neque id dui cursus pharetra eget non lectus. Donec ac mi dapibus, iaculis magna ut, porta est. Nam ultrices gravida justo, quis egestas eros vehicula nec. Aliquam sollicitudin at quam et imperdiet. Vivamus et augue sollicitudin, rhoncus libero ut, consequat augue.

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Fjalla One Playfair Display Inconsolata

anastasyia lafleur

general information

Name: Anastasyia Rose Lafleur
Nicknames: Stasyia, Stasy
Date of Birth: December 22nd || 16
Sex: Female
Ethnicity: Scottish
Species: Witch
Blood Status: Pureblood
House and Year: 6th year || Gryffindor

Height: 5'6"
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Chestnut brown

personality and biography

Inquisitive - Reserved - Sarcastic - Loyal - Determined


Length: 13"
Core: Dragon heartstring
Wood: Dogwood
Flexibility: Swishy

From Pottermore: Dogwood is one of my own personal favourites, and I have found that matching a dogwood wand with its ideal owner is always entertaining. Dogwood wands are quirky and mischievous; they have playful natures and insist upon partners who can provide them with scope for excitement and fun. It would be quite wrong, however, to deduce from this that dogwood wands are not capable of serious magic when called upon to do so; they have been known to perform outstanding spells under difficult conditions, and when paired with a suitably clever and ingenious witch or wizard, can produce dazzling enchantments. An interesting foible of many dogwood wands is that they refuse to perform non-verbal spells and they are often rather noisy.


turn your face to the sun and the shadows will fall behind you



Charles Lafleur -- Father -

Charlotte "Lottie" Lafleur -- Aunt -


tba - Cras commodo neque id dui cursus pharetra eget non lectus. Donec ac mi dapibus, iaculis magna ut, porta est. Nam ultrices gravida justo, quis egestas eros vehicula nec. Aliquam sollicitudin at quam et imperdiet. Vivamus et augue sollicitudin, rhoncus libero ut, consequat augue.

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  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Nemopedia


The art of worldbuilding is near and dear to my heart. As is writing and crafting characters and the relationships that form between them. Writing and worldbuilding are similar— symbiotic —but are two different mediums entirely. I could argue that you cannot have one without the other though, as every bit of narrative written by an individual has traces of passive or active worldbuilding— be it the author's interpretation of events, the design of one's magic system, or the inherent logic of the world.

Though I will concede that my definition of worldbuilding is quite broad.

I like keeping things vague though, as it allows room for twists and turns and interpretations I may not have initially thought of. In truth, those little idiosyncrasies are what makes worldbuilding so fun for me. Especially in collaborative settings like Dungeons and Dragons, thread-based roleplay, other ttrpg's, etc. The magic of worldbuilding, like any endeavor, is elevated by those around you. By design, no one will ever think the same way we do. How we were raised, how we've survived— what makes us laugh and what makes us cry —all of these variables influence what we do and how we do them.

Worldbuilding is no different.

This thread isn't an exhaustive breakdown of worldbuilding and all that it entails, but rather a specific lens in which to focus your worldbuilding. That lens is WARP or the Worldbuilding and Roleplaying Game Master Challenge, to be released sometime in January 2024. In anticipation, I come to thee as a 2 time winner with some #shower-thoughts that may be useful. 🌞

Remember that there is no right or wrong way to worldbuild and this "guide" is simply what I do during my process of creation— which to be clear, is not one-size-fits-all. These steps, this process of creation and thoughts is just what works for me. And even if it fits your creative process, I encourage you to experiment with different methods to find what feels most natural to you!

Above all, have fun while you worldbuild— don't feel bad for getting giddy over the details— relish in it.

— rissa

Before we go any further, let's look at what the judges take into consideration when deliberating:

Locations ☆ Characters ☆ Worldbuilding ☆ Staying Power ☆ Hype Factor

☆ Can this roleplay last in the long term to make having a forum worth it?
☆ Does this setting have interesting places characters can explore and interact in?
☆ Does this setting have a variety of character potential and is it easy to create a character?
☆ Does this setting have a plot and story that helps connect characters, places, elements all together?
☆ Does this setting spark our imaginations, excite us? Is it unique enough from currently active Realms?

I tend to break this all down into three categories: Worldbuilding, Staying Power, & Hype Factor.

Due to my brain insisting I should, I used to give an imaginary range of "stars" to be applied to each category. Sort of like a grading rubric, you know? I don't know what the judges do, but I self-critique pretty harshly and like to quantify what's "good" and "bad". It works for me, though it does create a lot of unnecessary anxiety about not living up to my own standards.

The first time around I created an almost impossible standard for myself (not just for the competition entry, but to running the realm itself*) and burned out pretty quickly. This second time around, I redefined the "rubric" into an accomplishable checklist.

My WARP Checklist

  • Interest Check (Applies to: Worldbuilding, Staying Power, & Hype Factor)
  • Character Creation (Applies to: Worldbuilding, Staying Power, & Hype Factor)
  • Lore and Legends (Applies to: Worldbuilding & Staying Power)
  • Realm Concept (Applies to: Staying Power & Hype Factor)

Your interest check should cover all of the basic information: your world's identity, roleplay concept, and what you expect from the narrative and your player base.

Everyone's character creation will be different, of course, but they should all contain the necessary information your players will need to craft their characters. More than just a character sheet, this should include the different species, magic, factions, and/or regions they can choose from.

While lore and legends seems like the most "optional" of the four categories, this is where you can let your artistic side flourish. I always try to create lore that will entice shenanigans and spark plot hooks that players can intertwine in their character concepts.

Your realm concept isn't something you necessarily have to submit to the judges, but it's something I like to create to ground* myself (no more unrealistic standards!), sort of like the foundation of my submission or the reason why I'd like to turn this roleplay into a realm. You can read Fallout: Requiem's realm concept here for an idea of what I mean.

Let's also reread @Diana 's Pro Tips from the teaser thread:

☆ We are looking for large-scale roleplays that feature rich worldbuilding, cultures, environments and peoples.
☆ Roleplays need to sound welcoming, inviting, friendly!
☆ Your roleplay should have a feeling that is more than just "Generic Fantasy #9278" or "Wizard School but Gayer".
☆ Give choices and options that are genuinely unique from each other to create diversity and storytelling opportunities - not just a visual palette swap!
☆ Don't slack off on the information if you have a Fandom setting by assuming players "already know what it is".
☆ It's okay to use outside information sources - but make sure you credit them!
☆ Proofread and organize your content as neatly as possible.
☆ Don't wait until the last minute to post your entries or get things set up. Use the full month to work on it!
☆ Pretty graphics and coding do not matter. DO THAT LAST.
☆ About that pretty bbcode and text color and font sizes... WE CAN'T ALWAYS READ IT.
☆ Existing Roleplays have an advantage in WaRP as they're already completed and successfully running - but make sure your roleplay has easy to find "New Players Information".

Based on what's given to us and my own experience, here's a few basic tips, tricks, and truths to take into consideration right off the bat:

Are you submitting a new or existing roleplay?

The answer to this serves as your foundation moving forward. Pick fast and stick to it.

Have you gone over and proofread your submission? Your existing rp information? Organized the info therein in a way that makes sense or flows naturally? Presentation is key.

This is basically Editing 101, but don't skimp out on it. Your submission should be bright-eyed and bushy-tailed and have a natural flow that the judges (and your future players) can easily grasp. Go over the most important info you have and read it aloud— if you find something your mouth stumbles over, rewrite it to be more concise.

A truth that may be hard to read: A roleplay is nothing without players. It's simply an idea.

Yes, you must entice potential players into your finely crafted world, but there must also be room for them to exist. For them to create and expand upon. Your world should be alive, yes, but that life should be affected by the distillation of the characters your players create and the ideas and actions they incorporate into the world.

Aesthetics is important, but being able to read your submission is crucial.

Terrible grammar. Inaccessible code. Eye-bleeding patterns. Nothing kills engagement and interest quicker than the three things I just listed. If your entry is hard or impossible to read, you're not going to get your desired outcome. To be safe, K.I.S.S. (Keep it stupid simple.)

While Existing Roleplays have an advantage in WARP, they suffer significantly when expanding their player base. Be sure to use your entry submission as free ad real estate.

Even non-realm roleplays suffer from this little quirk. Oftentimes an established story, especially one with massive amounts of characters or pages where the narrative has elapsed significantly can be intimidating for new players. Be sure to give a summary or mission statement about the current state of the narrative and leave cues and entryways for new players.

Part One: Where to begin?

I like to begin by envisioning the landscape of the future realm. I like to work with what I know, so I define the layout of what I can have and brainstorm what it can be. What do I mean by this?

When you win a realm, you receive a forum with 2 subforums and the option to create 10-15 prefixes. By default, one of these subforums is used as an "Archive", (Peep @Wade Von Doom 's forum The Evrensel Conflict to see it in action!) but their uses are many and varied. You can use a subforum to store all of your lore like @Kuno does in Pearls of Persia or define where your in-character roleplaying takes place like @MaryGold and @wren. 's The Circle. Additionally, you have the "main forum" page, where you can host all rp details and OOC, like @Kanma 's The Regency Index or even decide that's where you'll keep all your IC threads, like my first forum RoNaan's Realm.

There's also another very important thing you "receive" when you win a realm— a lil blurb on the main page of Iwaku, one little blurb that will define your roleplay in the mind of whoever reads it. In part two we'll talk about how I define and create roleplay concepts and my world identity, but this blurb should contain both, packaged in a neat little bow, in less than a 100 words, though ideally no more than 60.

So what do you do with this information? Brainstorm and begin writing! Perhaps you already have a roleplay concept— good, elevate and envision the concept spanning an entire forum. Figure out what you want and what you need and distill it down even further.

This process goes hand in hand with the next, so without further ado…

Part Two: Concept and Identity

Roleplay Concept and World Identity— two similar but different things. Symbiotic. 😎

A roleplay concept is the plot hook you snag your players with. Think of the roleplay concept not only as your overarching plot of the narrative, but also the way in which you engage your players and your world. It should be broad, as your forum will be as well, but not so much that you stray from the heart of your concept.

Your world identity is the spark of muse you enthrall yourself with. It's what initially captures your interest, drives you crazy thinking about in the dead of night or during a long car ride. Not only does it frame your world, but gives you a focus— a lens in which to continue viewing. Here's a couple examples of what I mean:

What if the stars plummeted to the earth every few thousand years, causing a never-ending loop of fertile growth and sudden, cataclysmic desolation?

Ghosts are real in this comedic dark fantasy, set in a world similar to our own, where ectoplasm is all the rage and exorcisms are preformed daily.

Your world's identity and roleplay concept should come together to create your realm blurb. Let's break down a couple of the Realm blurbs to get a feel for them:

GMed by @Kanma

At the turn of the 19th century, Britain's fashionable elite dance in their balls and look for the best marriage partners, while the dark areas of London teem with the poor in their slums. Craft your own private stories or join larger events in this historical setting of glitz, glamor, and maybe even intrigue.

In just two sentences, Kanma manages to define her setting, set up player expectations, as well as the overall "vibe" of The Regency Index. She also manages to include a morsel of tension and dismay at the end of the second sentence, and it doubles as a hook for players to latch on to.

"At the turn of the 19th century, Britain" gives us our setting.

"... fashionable elite dance in their balls and look for the best marriage partners, while the dark areas of London teem with the poor in their slums." outlines choices, tensions, and player hooks.

"Craft your own private stories or join larger events" gives us a snapshot of the realms interior and her expectations for creation.

GMed by @Wade Von Doom

The Multiverse is open! That which separates the realities between living beings across realms, galaxies, and the cosmos has been drilled opened. Roads between them have been formed, and chaos is spewing all over as conflicts arise from the confusion of how this is all possible. While the main culprit, an AI and her machine army, manipulates it all from the darkness of space. Explore these new worlds, both familiar and new, and see what awaits you in... The Evrensel Conflict!

Wade does a couple unique things here, in addition to defining his setting and player expectations— he deliberately provides the "identity" of the ultimate culprit —allowing his players to grasp the whole picture upfront and granting conscious character creation decisions upon that. He also begins with an invitation or call to action for new players, one that flows naturally with the flow of the piece, but lodges itself into our minds nonetheless.

"The Multiverse is open! / Explore these new worlds, both familiar and new, and see what awaits you in... The Evrensel Conflict!" lets us know the realm itself is open and your invitation has been offered.

"That which separates the realities between living beings across the realms, galaxies, and the cosmos has been drilled open." gives us a glimpse at setting, character creation potentials, as well as an innate and instant player hook.

"Roads have formed, chaos spews, and conflicts arise…" tells us that shit is going down and the players will be at the heart of it.

"... manipulates it all from the darkness…" tells us more is at play than our characters can ever imagine. It also gives some instant potential character hooks as well as an inevitable showdown.

While difficult to encapsulate your concept and identity into a 3-4 sentence blurb, doing so will give you a huge advantage moving forward. If you get stuck on an idea or concept you'll have your blurb right there and accessible to realign and reinspire your muse! The idea is to create 3-4 sentences that completely encapsulates your setting, your roleplay concept, your world's identity, and a hook that draws in potential players.

Part Three: Generating Madness within the Bird's Eye

Now that you have your realm blurb, roleplay concept, and world identity, it's time for further shenanigans! I tend to paste my realm blurb at the top of my doc to keep myself focused and on point or create a moodboard to hone in on the vibe I want to portray. Believe it or not, creating too much lore and information for your players to read through is just as detrimental as not writing enough/not finishing your entry. I always struggle with this, honestly. How much is too much? How much is not enough? Where is that invisible line that dictates just how much you need to elaborate on?

Different concepts will dictate different quantities, but it's a good rule of thumb to be as concise as possible. Write everything out to your heart's content and then edit, edit, edit! Kill those darlings. Rework that poetic prose. Shine and polish and then put it away for a few days. Don't touch it— don't look at it.

(Another reason why working on your submission as routinely as possible is beneficial: if you have 4 weeks to work on your submission, the first 2 weeks should be your research, planning, and drafting phase. Week 3 rest, relaxation, and perhaps image-sourcing. Week 4 would be final editing and presentation refinement. If you want a fancy code, don't start working on it until your final edits are complete— otherwise you're just wasting precious time.)

Now, what exactly do I mean by generating madness within the bird's eye?

Top down worldbuilding works the best for me— I like seeing the large swathes of color and then diving deeper to make them pop and contrast with one another. For me, this typically looks like this:


There's a lot to distill here, so I'm going to wrap up this "guide" with a few of my favorite worldbuilding tools to hopefully send y'all on your way to a completed WARP entry!

Rissa's Favorite Worldbuilding Tools:

Map Making:
Watabou's Procgen Arcana
Vintage Star Maps

There's also the Freemium options Inkarnate and DungeonFog but I find the UI's difficult to navigate.

If you're interested in mapmaking in general, I would HIGHLY recommend Megasploot's Wonderdraft, but if you just need something to help encapsulate the world you're building, the free options above are more than enough.

Fantasy Name Generators
Seventh Sanctum
The Story Shack
Procedural Name Generator

Misc. Generators
Iron Arachne
Last Gasp

Other Tools:
Token Stamp 2
A brief look @ natural resources

this was not quick, but it is rather dirty, alas! au revoir and good luck folks
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  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: monopoisoner

Welcome to hell or what I "lovingly" refer to as the love of coding.
Learning to code is like learning anything else--It will take time and practice. Don't get (too) frustrated when code breaks, images don't line up, or perhaps feel as though progression isn't happening. It is! Each time you code, you're practicing, and that's the only way you're going to get better at it. Remember that!

[ Please note that this guide is a reflection of how I code, it may not be helpful for everyone. ]

So where are we going to start?
I'm going to show you how I build a basic div container and use it as a foundation for the rest of my code.

But first off…

If you're serious about learning how to div code, I suggest turning off the RTE, which can be found in your preferences. The Rich Text Editor has a tendency to bork coding and I can't stress enough how important it is to turn it off.


There are two major "rules" of div coding: always close your divs and always end your properties with a semicolon. While the latter won't cause your codes to bork (it just won't display the property), if you forget to close a div, Iwaku's editor will, and the probability of your code exploding is high.


[bg=red][div= width: 300px;] [/div] || width: 300px; ] [/bg]

Useful Links

Table of Contents

Part One: Building a basic div container
Part Two: Backgrounds, Fonts, and Text, oh my!
Part Three: The Versatility (And Mobile friendliness) of Flex boxes

If you have any questions or concerns or requests for this guide, please PM me. Do not post in this thread.
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  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Nemopedia

RobCo PIP-Boy
(Personal Information Processor)​

Character Creation





Fallout: Miami

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus vitae nulla sit amet ex commodo pharetra. Sed bibendum vestibulum diam, eget venenatis nisl ornare eget. Maecenas ut ultricies metus. Cras et egestas lacus. Fusce accumsan porta scelerisque. Aenean et quam diam. Phasellus ut fermentum odio. Mauris pulvinar a lorem eu pharetra. Nulla dignissim feugiat libero, id cursus arcu feugiat a. Duis iaculis nulla odio, sit amet finibus erat finibus quis. In nec enim velit. Praesent vehicula, neque et interdum faucibus, velit sem tempus turpis, id dapibus velit risus id mi. Etiam ut arcu scelerisque, ornare purus at, maximus sem. Sed hendrerit vehicula metus sed facilisis.
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[div= max-width: 755px!important; height: auto; margin: 0 auto;]
Mauris at tempor augue, maximus cursus magna. Duis vestibulum hendrerit metus quis ornare. Vestibulum luctus, leo nec efficitur pulvinar, nulla justo fringilla tellus, non aliquam mauris tellus a ligula. Donec felis mauris, maximus non aliquet vitae, sollicitudin eu odio.

Go ahead and c/p that into your test thread, we'll be building onto this code for the rest of the guide!

Before I go any farther I'm going to break down what each property means...

max-width: ?00px!important;
  • Sets the width of the div and all further divs nested within.

height: auto;
  • Declares the div to be as long as it's content. In other words it will stretch to match it's content and nothing will be cut off.

margin: 0 auto;
  • I suppose you don't really need the 0, but it's habit for me now. This property declaration centers the div in the middle of the post. Since this will be our foundation div, everything else will aligned within it's borders.
So what does this do?
It basically creates a "shell" for whatever you're trying to create. Since using these three codes, I've found that most of my creations are easier to make mobile friendly.
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  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Nemopedia

Merialeth strives to be the epitome of elegance and grace. Copper colored hair is rarely ever seen loose or unkempt, preferably twisted and plaited away from her face. Tall and rather willowy, Merialeth can still be quite intimidating when she wishes to be. The verdant hue of her eyes have a tendency to burn when she gets angered, while the haughtiness of her station comes to life in her facial features and body language. She wears a small circlet, embellished with a citrine crystal, which she says helps focus her light-based abilities. Merialeth can often be seen wearing autumn colored gowns, robes, and dresses.

Refined and cultured, it's obvious that Merialeth is that of royal blood by not only her appearance and posture, but by her speech, calculative mindset, and a surprising drive to care and protect her people. She is, however, rather judgmental, a trait that she'd say was ingrained into her as a child. Slightly xenophobic, Merialeth will nonetheless do whatever she must to ensure the safety of her people.

[History can be put here or not, depending on how much you want people to know!]

Merialeth has the ability to cast light-based spells, be it offensive or defensive. However, outside of her inherent elven abilities, she cannot cast any spells that haven't revealed themselves in her grimoire.

General Weaknesses: Due to her abilities being rooted in magic, users with magic negation and or magical deflection abilities will render her spells useless. Darkness based abilities as well as mirror-based abilities are somewhat cardinal opposites of her own, and would make it very difficult for her to fight.

Her most used and most proficient spells:

Aura of Light || Merialeth can conjure an aura of light around herself. This does three things:

Projection || Similar to holographic projection, Merialeth has the ability to project light into three-dimensional images. There are a few caveats to this ability, however, as all images must come from memory. This means that anything she projects, she must have also previously seen. This ability takes an extreme amount of concentration and is not often used prior to battling.

Healing Light || One of the first spells that she found in her grimoire, this spell allows Merialeth to heal injuries of any variety by way of her light magic. Over the years, Merialeth has honed and finessed this ability and has overcome the overpowering exhaustion it once brought upon it. However that doesn't mean she can use this power endlessly -- Once she reaches a certain point, exhaustion will come and completely render her unconscious.

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Coding by @rissa
Age: 17
Location: Ely, Nevada
Powers: Pathfinding
Age: 16
Location: Ely, Nevada
Powers: Personal Energy Manipulation
Age: 20
Location: Millennium City, New York
Powers: Transmutation
Age: 19
Location: Ely, Nevada
Powers: Ink Manipulation
Age: 16
Location: Ely, Nevada
Powers: Invulnerability & Energy Transferal
Age: 19
Location: Millennium City, New York
Powers: Intangibility
Age: 17
Location: San Antonio, Texas
Powers: Ghost Physiology
Age: 17
Location: Millennium City, New York
Powers: Gates
Age: 21
Location: Millennium City, New York
Power: Hydrokinesis
Age: 20
Location: San Antonio, Texas
Power: Typhokinesis
Age: 20
Location: San Antonio, Texas
Power: Biomanipulation
Age: 20
Location: San Antonio, Texas
Power: Gold Manipulation
Age: 20
Location: Millennium City, New York
Powers: Wound Transferal
Age: 19
Location: San Antonio, Texas
Power: Plant Manipulation
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[div=background-color: #fdfdfd;][div=float: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 15px;]
[size=2]AGE: Lorem || AFFILIATION: Lorem || SEXUALITY: Lorem || OCCUPATION: Lorem[/size][/right][div=width:45%; float: left; display: inline-block;][img]https://placeholdit.imgix.net/~text?txtsize=24&txt=260%C3%97365&w=260&h=365[/img][/div]

[div=width:50%; border: 2px solid black; float: left; display: inline-block;][div=z-index: 2;
float: right; right: 15px; background-color: #4B6191; width: 15px; height: 250px;][/div][div=height: 250px;overflow-y: scroll;][div=padding-right: 5px;
padding-left: 25px;][div=font-family: Garamond; color: #172025; text-align: justify;][div=font-family: Garamond; font-size: 18px; color: #4B6191; text-align: justify;][center][b]PERSONALITY[/b][/center][/div]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, lacinia morbi vestibulum aliquam eu. Risus aenean nam vitae elit elit fringilla, etiam eros sociosqu, metus risus nam eu leo laoreet. Ac euismod class, lacus cras suspendisse risus, erat praesent nullam a quisquam diam, nunc mi, per id. Amet non. At nisl tincidunt id. Ullamcorper dolore vitae, dolor in aliquet risus ligula ante est, at ipsum integer imperdiet. Turpis eget sit pede amet veritatis, mattis dis iaculis proin sed pellentesque tellus. Felis cum ac curabitur mauris quam, nonummy condimentum elit, ipsum nam. Nulla massa eros ornare ultrices, eu wisi scelerisque pede erat, id malesuada, ut pellentesque maecenas erat. Et praesent, mi scelerisque eleifend.

Rutrum volutpat dis odit imperdiet ac lectus, orci lectus quis fusce phasellus posuere, aenean mattis non phasellus nec, mi eget, sit amet mauris amet eu volutpat. Tortor quam lacus neque praesent nulla. Tempus felis nisl tempus ultrices, laoreet mus, velit elementum morbi. Curabitur volutpat imperdiet ante enim. In sed in est donec natoque, vehicula rhoncus sem a, massa sapien ut curabitur tristique, nec pharetra, hendrerit suspendisse facilisis. Habitasse id. Urna non morbi ut, vitae proin quis vivamus mi, nec pretium felis vivamus pede consequat. Vitae felis sapien inceptos tellus quis, torquent lobortis mauris cras pellentesque, venenatis quam fermentum. Suscipit quam cras lectus, wisi dolor montes.[/div][/div][/div][/div][/div]

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In north Florida, somewhere along the Gulf Coast, lies an entire wizarding community, commonly known as Siren Cove. Every square inch of the town has been spelled with anti-no-maj enchantments and made unplottable by MACUSA. No-Maj's are unable to enter unless escorted by a witch or wizard and if they were to happen upon the location, would only see a dilapidated boardwalk succumbing to the sea and small, crumbling buildings that seem willing to fall apart with the next salty breeze.

Siren Cove is the American equivalent of Diagon Alley, though much larger. Below are a few of the shops, restaurants and other attractions that can be found within Siren Cove.

› Wiley's Magical Mishap Animal Clinic
› Jessamine's Eclectic Emporium
› The Boardwalk
› Aloysius' Dive Shop

A one of a kind wizarding attraction that takes you under the sea to experience the local siren and merfolk community in the coastal Gulf waters. Not far from shore, sirens and saltwater mermaids come together to form a community unlike any other. The founders of Siren Cove - who Aloysius and Aphrodite Jones descend from - made a pact with the local siren pod. In return for magical gifts, the siren community will sing their haunting songs elsewhere and let the witches and wizards shop without the anxiety of being lured to their watery deaths.

Aloysius has taken it a step further by having developed a bond - and another magical pact - with the mer-chieftain. For a price (which is still to this day unknown) the mer-chieftain allows Aloysius and a merfolk escort and groups of people to tour the underwater community they call home. All divers receive a beautiful shell necklace enchanted to sing whenever placed in water. The beautiful, but thankfully not deadly voices of the mermaids are sure to warm homes with their melodies. Dives come with a hefty price, but are sure to amaze.

› 505 Eastbound Bus Stop
› Siren Cove Resort
› The Botanical Gardens
› The Sweet Shoppe Quick Stop
› Bexley's Boutique
› Crager's Quidditch Supplies
› The Apothecary

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  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Nemopedia


"The universe seems neither benign nor hostile, merely indifferent."
— Carl Sagan

"Trust your heart if the seas catch fire, live by love though the stars walk backwards."
— E.E. Cummings

"I'm the vestal priestess of a secret I've forgotten."
— Clarice Lispector

"I am a cemetery by the moon unblessed."
— Charles Baudelaire

"You cannot read loss, only feel it."
— Arthur Golden

"A thousand years ago five minutes were
Equal to forty ounces of fine sand.
Outstare the stars. Infinite foretime and
Infinite aftertime: above your head
They close like giant wings, and you are dead."
— Vladimir Nabakov

"The probability of separate worlds meeting is very small. The lure of it is immense. We send starships. We fall in love."
— Jeanette Winterson

"I said I'll make you smile for the simple fact I'm good at it. I'll make you smile just so I can sit and look at it."
— Slug (Atmosphere), Modern Man's Hustle

"I don't just want to take your breath away. I want to rip it from your mouth and keep it locked away between my teeth. You can only have it back if you kiss me again."
— Meggie Royer, Literary Sexts

"Writing is the painting of the voice."
— Voltaire

"The salvation of this human world lies nowhere else than in the human heart, in the human power to reflect, in human meekness and human responsibility."
— Václav Havel

"Books are mirrors: you only see in them what you already have inside you."
— Carlos Ruiz Zafón

"Moonlight is sculpture; sunlight is painting."
— Nathaniel Hawthorne

"Within yourself is a stillness, a sanctuary to which you can retreat at any time and be yourself."
— Hermann Hesse

"In the hearts of witches, love and hate lie close together and often tumble over each other."
— George MacDonald

"Our hands are light and blue and gentle.
Our eyes are full of terrible confessions."
— Anne Sexton "The Black Art"

"I promise you, no one judges me more harshly than I do myself; I caused a brilliant wreckage. Some say I fell from grace; they're being kind. I didn't fall – I dove."
— Sue Monk Kidd, The Mermaid Chair

"…you know love when you see it,
you can feel its lunar strength, its brutal pull."
— Dorianne Laux

"You don't need water to feel like you're drowning, do you?"
— Jodi Picoult

"Look at the rain long enough, with no thoughts in your head, and you gradually feel your body falling loose, shaking free of the world of reality. Rain has the power to hypnotize."
— Haruki Murakami

"I like fairy tales, and I like dreaming. I try to weave the reality into the dream."
— Grace Coddington

"When you start liking pain things start to get interesting."
— Jenny Holzer

"One day you'll get used to the mud in your lungs and your veins and your eyes, and you'll feel fine."
— Chelsea Wolfe

All she wanted
was find a place to stretch her bones
A place to lengthen her smiles
and spread her hair
A place where her legs could walk
without cutting and bruising
A place unchained
She was born out of ocean breath.
I reminded her;
'Stop pouring so much of yourself
into hearts that have no room for themselves
Do not thin yourself
Be vast
You do not bring the ocean to a river'

— you are oceanic, Tapiwa Mugabe

"Sad people have the gift of time, while the world dizzies everyone else; they remain stagnant, their bodies refusing to follow pace with the universe. With these kind of people everything aches for too long, everything moves without rush, wounds are always wet."
— Warsan Shire

"If you're really listening, if you're awake to the poignant beauty of the world, your heart breaks regularly. In fact, your heart is made to break; its purpose is to burst open again and again so that it can hold evermore wonders."
— Andrew Harvey

"She tastes like nectar and salt. Nectar and salt and apples. Pollen and stars and hinges. She tastes like fairy tales. Swan maiden at midnight. Cream on the tip of a fox's tongue. She tastes like hope."
— Laini Taylor

"You're either the Artist or the muse. Each comes with its own set of complications; each with its own unwavering power."
— Unknown

"They've promised us that dreams come true - but forgot that nightmares are dreams too."
— Oscar Wilde

"There was a time when mapmakers named the places they travelled through with the names of lovers rather than their own."
— Michael Ondaatje

"I'm neurotic, perverted, destructive, fiery, dangerous - lava, inflammable, unrestrained."
— Anaïs Nin

"Writing is utter solitude, the descent into the cold abyss of oneself."
— Franz Kafka

"Crows were garlanding the old tower like a flight of lost souls."
— Georges Rodenbach: Hans Cadzand's Vocation

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They should have waited until the sun had finished kissing the sky goodnight and the stars had graced the world with their presence.

Hunger made them reckless; their aching bellies whispering that it was worth the risk to investigate the wisp of smoke rising from the lone cabin high in the mountain valley. Theft hadn't been their first option, but needs were dire. Goats and mountain hare were becoming scarce as the snow and ice settled into the region. Neither had eaten in days.

Hesitantly, Coley slid into a defensive stance, her mace resting easy in her left hand. She didn't want to hurt anyone… but after what happened at Haven she couldn't be too sure on who meant her harm. Her free hand tugged the hood of her cloak down lower. Red hair flowed halfway down her back, graciously hidden with dirt and leaves and the windswept cloak she wore over her riding leathers. The hinges creaked as the door was pushed open. Coley clenched her fist around the handle of her mace and behind her, in a small clearing where herbs might be grown in the spring, Briseis perched, talons slicing through the frozen ground.

In the threshold of the small cabin stood a giant of a man, wrapped in a thick fur-lined coat, his beard and nose rivaling each other in size. Coley glanced above his head to where a star had been painted above the door. Unease filtered through her. Life was not worth half a goat, no matter how delicious it may have smelled. In her left peripheral she could see the small fire pit. Only moments before she had been eyeing the hunk of meat roasting over open flame until the door creaked open.

She turned half her body, poising herself to run. A gust of wind caught her cloak as she did. There was an audible gasp from the cabin and biting back a curse, Coley ran to Briseis.


She kept running.

"Please, wait! I can help you!"

She slowed but didn't stop entirely.

"I'm a Guide!" The man said from across the small, snowy field. "The star above my door, it means we show Wardens the way through this dark time! There are things you must know!"

Coley stopped three feet from Briseis. She reached out to him and he bent his serpentine neck down to shoulder height. His horns were made of ice and framed his face with sharp as steel icicles. Coley turned around slowly, her heart beating fast and her paranoia mingled with Briseis'.

"What happened at the Haven?" She asked hoarsely.

The man nodded solemnly and stepped out into the cold. Coley's fist tightened around the handle but he only closed the door and rotated the spitted goat roasting on the fire. Dragon and Warden stared at it hungrily. The Guide, wrapped in his winter coat, cut off a humble slice of meat, sat on a log near the fire and began to eat.

"You and your dragon are more than welcome to the rest of that."

Briseis pawed the ground beneath them, his hunger apparent. It took less than a heartbeat for Coley to reach the pit, rip off hunk of meat for herself and toss the rest to Briseis. He caught it mid air and tore at the meat with reverence. She took her time, gnawing and chewing and savoring each bite. Coleite crouched near the fire, eyes toward the Guide. He spoke when he was finished eating, after wiping his greasy hands against his leathers.

It didn't take long to tell the horrors and truths behind the attack on the Haven, but for Coley it seemed like an eternity. She crouched there in the melted snow near the fire, watching the flames dance in front of her like the ones that danced across her home. Silence rang in her ears. Briseis moaned low in his throat, his own sad lament, worse than the one he screeched as they flew away from the Haven.

"There's been talk," The grizzled man said, his voice low though not a soul except the three of them were around. "Of Dragon Wardens such as yourself congregating at an Orc Camp within the Valnahar Woods." He scratched at his beard in thought. "I don't get many visitors, but I had one from another Guide not a fortnight ago. Reliable, that woman is, and if you don't have anywhere else to be I'd head there. You'd be surrounded by kin and there's always strength in numbers youngin'."

He stole a glance at Briseis and then at her. "Seems as though you two have taken care of yourselves well enough… still, they might need another Dragon Warden for whatever they're planning down there with the elves and the orcs."

Coley nodded, absorbing all the information that had just been dumped in her lap. From what she had gathered not many Wardens had survived the attack. So few remained… Coley looked back at her beloved friend, thankful that they were still alive, still together…

"I have supplies and food. Dried meats and goat cheese for you and that dragon of yours can help itself to the other half of that goat." The bearded Guide nodded to a small ice chest she hadn't noticed before. "Get it out and let him eat before you fly."

And Coley did. Heavy as a boulder was the frozen goat and it took her almost the entire time the Guide was inside his cabin gathering supplies to get it for Briseis. He walked out with a bulging satchel and a black scarf that rippled in the wind. He handed them both over.

"Good luck." He said softly, his eyes sad and uncertain. "The scarf will hide your hair better than your cloak."

"Thank you." Coley said as she stuffed the satchel in Briseis' saddle pouch. Only then did it dawned on her that the man had probably sacrificed half his winter ration. "Thank you so much. You don't know how much it means to us… and not just the food. To be able to see another Dragon Warden is all we've been hoping for."

Coley jumped back into her saddle, rubbing Briseis' feathered neck for comfort. He let out a soft, gravelly moan, somewhere between a growl and a squawk.

"We both give our deepest of thanks."

The Guide bowed and waved as Briseis flapped his wings and reared. Dragon and Warden glanced up into the night sky where stars blossomed before their very eyes. The man hollered out a goodbye as they took flight. The cabin disappeared as they rose higher into the sky, masked by the cover of darkness.

They flew south, towards the Valnahar Woods. A pang of guilt ate at her heart as she remembered, not for the first time, of the Wardens who had been travelling that way in the autumn season. What had happened to them? Would they reunite with their Emasari? They flew ever south, not stopping once. It was risky once the sun rose but onward they flew, hope bouncing between them. Time had slowed and when they caught sight of the orc camp, neither were aware of how long they'd been flying. There were even other dragons in the air as they approached. Briseis cawed in caution but Coleite's heart jolted in happiness. Her dragon gave them a wide berth as they approached, banking far to the left before tucking his wings to land in a small clearing.

Not too far away, huddled in a group that encompassed an elf, were other red-haired Wardens, some she might have even recognized. Coley leapt from her saddle, a wide grin plastered upon her face as she tore the gifted scarf from around her head.

"Damn," she said excitedly, "it's nice to see some other redheads like me."

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