flower dump


the clairvoyant pterodactyl
Original poster

shc dump
dun take w/o permission pls
have fun lookin at my disaster love child *finger guns*

the silverheart circle was spawned while reading jk rowling's writing on pottermore almost two years ago
while not everything is strictly canon, the shc'verse tries to stay as lore-worthy as possible

og ic ||| og csxx
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Darkness flourishes in America and the melting pot of No-Maj and wizarding folk can feel it. Terrible things are happening; to witches, wizards, and No-Majs alike. Dementors breed openly, ripening the anger and depression that haunts the fifty states. Reports of Giant activity continue to escalate in Appalachia and the Rockies. MACUSA warns of imminent attack, but the Statute of Secrecy forbids them to inform the No-Majs. Aurors work overtime to eliminate the magical threat, while police try to subdue the non-magical ones. Circa 2019: Society is on the brink of collapse after a sudden and devastating stock market crash which caused unemployment to rise over forty-three percent. The decline of the U.S. economy over the past few years has certainly played a factor in today's society. They say we're on the heels of the Second Great Depression, but government officials refuse to admit such things.

There are of course, hidden agendas behind the fall of American power. The Red Serpent, a wizard-folk terror group that has steadily gained power over the past seventeen years, has begun their long-promised reign of terror. It took them longer than expected, but with enough followers the Red Serpent is now able to collect its dues. A ring of unsolved murders has taken place inside the wizarding community and is quickly spilling into the No-Maj one. In the southern states, No-Maj authorities have warned citizens a serial killer walks among them after four seemingly unexplainable murders rocked the newscast.

In magical communities, you can never be too sure on whom to trust. Is your neighbor a member of the vicious Red Serpent? Has the batty old lady down the road been acting extra strange lately? Maybe she's under the Imperius Curse. Maybe your neighbor is too. Paranoia is strife within the wizarding community, worried to speak against the Red Serpents in fear of retribution. We all know what happened to the Coppertree family after Ian Coppertree dueled the Serpent Twins and managed to injure one. They let him escape, bloodied and close to death himself; only to return in the dead of night, breaking through powerful protection spells to slaughter the entire family. Ian and Amelia Coppertree had twelve year old twin daughters, who also lost their lives that night.

With fear growing in the hearts of witches, wizards, and No-Majs alike -- there has been talk of a prophecy uttered by an enlightened shaman centuries ago. Thus Silver Heart comes into play. The Silver Heart Circle is secret organization, akin to the Order of the Phoenix that has patrolled the streets of wizard-folk America for almost a century. This RP will follow the trial and errors of the newest members of the Silver Heart Circle as they raise their wands to protect themselves, the ones they love, and their country against the forces of darkness.

Effie said:
I saw you mention you were going to bring back SHC and I wanted to run an idea by you I've been sitting on since SHC died. WOTC is a really cool concept and I enjoy the big scale aspect of it all and how the players work together with their own plots in conjunction with a main plot. What if SHC was like that too? Ava is part of the Van Helsings which presents a huuuge canvas for plots and stories that could go well alongside something like the Red Serpents and the Silver Heart Circle. So imagine building upon that with even more from other players where we have NPCs and our main characters and things happening around the globe. Would you be interested in something like that?

And then... said:
Elle Joyner

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rewrite/expand premise
build upon the sheet outlines effie created
code everything (LOL)
- interest check
- network sheet
- npc sheet
- mc sheet
- lore pages (?)
- location pages (??)
- etc (???)
- network flow chart (dunno how ima do this r i p)
update and polish established lore
transfer canon lore from pottermore/wikis
- info on macusa
- info on ilvermorny and the four houses
- info on american wand makers
- brief info on the wizarding history of north america
- spell index
- no-maj vs muggle
timeline (mebbe?) nah
memento mori
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list of known networks
bold = canon, * = gm owned, ** = potentially up for grabs by pc's

- the daily prophet**
- gringotts wizarding bank**
- international confederation of wizards

- macusa
- m.o.m.
- the people's society
- the red serpent*
- saint mary's magical medical center (in massachusetts)*
- the silverheart circle*
- siren cove*
- the triad*
- the van helsing family
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ilvermorny: the north american wizarding school. houses include the horned serpent, wampus, thunderbird, and pukwudgie

macusa: stands for the magical congress of the united states of america

muggle: a human with no magical abilities

network: can be a family, organization, or group of people with some sort of notoriety that are connected and work together. must fit in with the overall plot

no-maj: the american version of the term "muggle"

squib: a human born in the wizarding world who displays no magical abilities
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base codes

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut finibus, ligula a bibendum convallis, dolor ex tempus turpis, id luctus ante lectus vitae velit. Nullam vel risus id diam sodales varius condimentum ac nisl. Sed consequat, libero at finibus ullamcorper, sem odio ullamcorper lorem, nec tempus ex libero id nisi. Integer elementum, magna eget mattis eleifend, lorem neque dapibus tortor, eget tincidunt ex lorem eget enim. Suspendisse potenti. Nullam mattis scelerisque maximus. Suspendisse ultricies dolor sit amet purus varius faucibus. Vestibulum sollicitudin ligula eu orci posuere egestas. Duis sit amet ultricies lectus. Sed tempor at nulla ultricies elementum. Praesent nisl ipsum, volutpat a egestas eu, imperdiet vitae ante. Etiam id auctor lorem, nec luctus nibh.

Praesent non ultrices dui. Sed gravida nulla eu ex pretium, eget viverra velit pulvinar. Pellentesque in metus dignissim, accumsan massa eu, vulputate metus. Mauris hendrerit quam sed ex tincidunt, et interdum felis convallis. Curabitur sed neque non lectus ultricies fringilla ac vitae ligula. Aenean non quam ultrices, consectetur tellus vitae, fermentum felis. Nam quis ultricies diam. Phasellus in congue elit.

Phasellus a tincidunt velit. Aliquam elementum et arcu non pellentesque. Curabitur id purus congue, venenatis tellus et, tristique lacus. Phasellus tincidunt tempus sapien, quis ornare justo convallis sit amet. Vivamus non posuere felis. Maecenas at mauris et urna maximus pretium eu eu ante. Curabitur ut tempus ante, condimentum placerat est. Vivamus sagittis nec dui at malesuada. Duis fringilla finibus turpis a efficitur. Nulla pretium aliquet nibh at blandit. Suspendisse quis pellentesque diam, at ultricies sapien. Maecenas blandit tortor vitae velit placerat bibendum. Donec et accumsan justo. Quisque in placerat ex, vitae faucibus ipsum. Suspendisse tincidunt dolor dolor, at scelerisque ante tempor vel. Duis iaculis vestibulum odio, id porta purus molestie sit amet.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut finibus, ligula a bibendum convallis, dolor ex tempus turpis, id luctus ante lectus vitae velit. Nullam vel risus id diam sodales varius condimentum ac nisl. Nullam mattis scelerisque maximus. Suspendisse ultricies dolor sit amet purus varius faucibus. Vestibulum sollicitudin ligula eu orci posuere egestas. Duis sit amet ultricies lectus. Etiam semper, leo ut vehicula porttitor, enim enim volutpat tortor, id fermentum risus est nec metus. Phasellus nisi sem, venenatis non enim a, dignissim ultrices tortor. Sed ipsum quam, pharetra et accumsan vel, maximus nec magna. Sed tempor at nulla ultricies elementum. Praesent nisl ipsum, volutpat a egestas eu, imperdiet vitae ante. Etiam id auctor lorem, nec luctus nibh.

Praesent non ultrices dui. Sed gravida nulla eu ex pretium, eget viverra velit pulvinar. Pellentesque in metus dignissim, accumsan massa eu, vulputate metus. Mauris hendrerit quam sed ex tincidunt, et interdum felis convallis. Curabitur sed neque non lectus ultricies fringilla ac vitae ligula. Aenean non quam ultrices, consectetur tellus vitae, fermentum felis. Nam quis ultricies diam. Phasellus in congue elit.

Phasellus a tincidunt velit. Aliquam elementum et arcu non pellentesque. Curabitur id purus congue, venenatis tellus et, tristique lacus. Phasellus tincidunt tempus sapien, quis ornare justo convallis sit amet. Vivamus non posuere felis. Maecenas at mauris et urna maximus pretium eu eu ante. Suspendisse tincidunt dolor dolor, at scelerisque ante tempor vel. Duis iaculis vestibulum odio, id porta purus molestie sit amet. #D2BFA8

Praesent consequat ut nunc vel tincidunt. Vestibulum et orci odio. Donec tincidunt elit elit, in porttitor eros mattis id. Donec enim lorem, pellentesque non tincidunt vel, placerat at nunc. Duis volutpat, velit eu suscipit dictum, nibh massa aliquet metus, et ultrices ex orci pharetra sem. Integer ac euismod nulla, quis varius eros. Sed enim ipsum, condimentum et tortor a, porta posuere orci. Morbi ac mauris in ligula tincidunt tristique a id lectus.

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Network: Each player will create a Network in which their MC and NPCs will derive. This Network can be a family, an organization, or a group of people with some sort of notoriety that are connected and work together. They need to fit in with the overall plot, so roleplaying a school is ill advised. If someone wishes to RP a canon organization, they will need to discuss it first with the main GM. 6/7 Networks max, no reservations, must have Network Sheet completed before approved.

Network Sheet
-Name of Network
-Network Plot (at least 1)
-Political standing
-Internal Conflicts/Affairs
-Network Hierarchy
-Network Origin
-Goals of Network (why do they even exist)
-Affiliations (connections to other Player Networks)

-Must be a member of own Network
-Can have affiliations with other Networks after approval from other player
-Brief History
-Standing/Position in Network
-Basic Info

-Must be member of own Network
-Must be or become member of SHC
-More thorough CS
-Probs should be Magic
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network name

A brief description of your network goes here. Praesent consequat ut nunc vel tincidunt. Vestibulum et orci odio. Donec tincidunt elit elit, in porttitor eros mattis id. Donec enim lorem, pellentesque non tincidunt vel, placerat at nunc. Duis volutpat, velit eu suscipit dictum, nibh massa aliquet metus, et ultrices ex orci pharetra sem. Integer ac euismod nulla, quis varius eros. Sed enim ipsum, condimentum et tortor a, porta posuere orci. Morbi ac mauris in ligula tincidunt tristique a id lectus.


Base of Operations: Brief description. Please state location(s) as this roleplay will take place across the globe. In situations of multiple locations, list only those of most importance.

Network Goals: Why does this network exist? What is their purpose? What do they wish to accomplish?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque laoreet bibendum fringilla. Suspendisse quis dictum enim. Nunc mollis aliquam sem, id cursus metus facilisis in. Maecenas non eros est. Etiam elementum tempor elit ac sollicitudin. Maecenas maximus tempus mollis. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nunc sollicitudin congue ipsum, at mattis mi. Duis posuere tortor eros, id feugiat eros lacinia quis. Suspendisse sed tristique nisi. Pellentesque sodales sollicitudin erat ut auctor. Morbi a purus in neque laoreet convallis.

Morbi ut viverra tellus, ac consectetur ligula. Aliquam efficitur tortor in ligula blandit cursus. Morbi et justo vitae enim malesuada pretium sit amet et lorem. Mauris dignissim risus neque, quis ultricies nulla bibendum ac. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Fusce pharetra placerat scelerisque. Sed tempor metus et pellentesque convallis. Donec in urna non nisl tempor euismod. Phasellus vulputate metus eu porttitor mollis.

Quisque egestas, tellus sit amet viverra posuere, urna sapien euismod mi, scelerisque sodales neque augue et arcu. Sed porttitor ultrices lacus, vel tincidunt sapien varius id. Sed id arcu fermentum, ullamcorper metus sit amet, sollicitudin ex. Praesent rhoncus dui lorem, quis pharetra dolor venenatis non. Etiam feugiat sapien in tristique condimentum. Proin vulputate odio justo, non facilisis tortor tincidunt a. Vestibulum pellentesque lectus et dignissim pulvinar. Aenean semper porta tristique. Integer condimentum lorem ac metus feugiat vestibulum. Phasellus efficitur iaculis turpis nec convallis. In quis mollis enim, consequat congue mi. Vivamus hendrerit mi nec maximus porttitor. Aenean suscipit, ligula et aliquet iaculis, tortor ipsum fringilla urna, sit amet feugiat enim tortor eget turpis.


Network Origin: How did your network come to be? Who created it? When? Why? Keep other players in mind while you're writing this and if you start feelin' schwifty, ask others for collaborative plots!

Network Hierarchy: Who's at the top?


character name

"Quisque egestas, tellus sit amet viverra posuere, urna sapien euismod mi, scelerisque sodales neque augue et arcu." - unknown

Full Name:

Place of Birth:

Written Appearance: Along with your faceclaim, please describe your character.

Rank within Network:


Brief History: Etiam feugiat sapien in tristique condimentum. Proin vulputate odio justo, non facilisis tortor tincidunt a. Vestibulum pellentesque lectus et dignissim pulvinar. Aenean semper porta tristique. Integer condimentum lorem ac metus feugiat vestibulum. Phasellus efficitur iaculis turpis nec convallis. In quis mollis enim, consequat congue mi. Vivamus hendrerit mi nec maximus porttitor. Aenean suscipit, ligula et aliquet iaculis, tortor ipsum fringilla urna, sit amet feugiat enim tortor eget turpis.

Please address any miscellaneous abilities (animagi, metamorphmagi, etc) here.

[Optional] [spoili]
Alumni: (What wizarding school did they graduate from?)
Favorite Spells:
Boggart Form: [/spoili]

character name

"Quisque egestas, tellus sit amet viverra posuere, urna sapien euismod mi, scelerisque sodales neque augue et arcu." - unknown

Full Name:

Place of Birth:

Written Appearance: Along with your faceclaim, please describe your character.

Rank within Network:


Brief History: Etiam feugiat sapien in tristique condimentum. Proin vulputate odio justo, non facilisis tortor tincidunt a. Vestibulum pellentesque lectus et dignissim pulvinar. Aenean semper porta tristique. Integer condimentum lorem ac metus feugiat vestibulum. Phasellus efficitur iaculis turpis nec convallis. In quis mollis enim, consequat congue mi. Vivamus hendrerit mi nec maximus porttitor. Aenean suscipit, ligula et aliquet iaculis, tortor ipsum fringilla urna, sit amet feugiat enim tortor eget turpis.

Please address any miscellaneous abilities (animagi, metamorphmagi, etc) here.

[Optional] [spoili]
Alumni: (What wizarding school did they graduate from?)
Favorite Spells:
Boggart Form: [/spoili]

character name

"Quisque egestas, tellus sit amet viverra posuere, urna sapien euismod mi, scelerisque sodales neque augue et arcu." - unknown

Full Name:

Place of Birth:

Written Appearance: Along with your faceclaim, please describe your character.

Rank within Network:


Brief History: Etiam feugiat sapien in tristique condimentum. Proin vulputate odio justo, non facilisis tortor tincidunt a. Vestibulum pellentesque lectus et dignissim pulvinar. Aenean semper porta tristique. Integer condimentum lorem ac metus feugiat vestibulum. Phasellus efficitur iaculis turpis nec convallis. In quis mollis enim, consequat congue mi. Vivamus hendrerit mi nec maximus porttitor. Aenean suscipit, ligula et aliquet iaculis, tortor ipsum fringilla urna, sit amet feugiat enim tortor eget turpis.

Please address any miscellaneous abilities (animagi, metamorphmagi, etc) here.

[Optional] [spoili]
Alumni: (What wizarding school did they graduate from?)
Favorite Spells:
Boggart Form: [/spoili]

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the silverheart circle


2019, New York City, New York

Darkness flourishes in America and the melting pot of No-Maj and wizarding folk can feel it. Terrible things are happening; to witches, wizards, and No-Majs alike. Dementors breed openly, ripening the anger and depression that haunts the fifty states. Reports of Giant activity continue to escalate in Appalachia and the Rockies. MACUSA warns of imminent attack, but the Statute of Secrecy forbids them to inform the No-Majs. Aurors work overtime to eliminate the magical threat, while police try to subdue the non-magical ones. Meanwhile society is on the brink of collapse after a sudden and devastating stock market crash which caused unemployment to rise over forty-three percent.

On the heels of the Second Great Depression, the Red Serpent, a wizard-terrorist group, that has steadily gained power over the past seventeen years, has begun their long-promised reign. A ring of unsolved murders has taken place inside the wizarding community and is quickly spilling over, effecting even the No-Maj.

But all is not lost. A secret network exists within the wizarding world, and select members within this network have been called together to form a protective squad, destined by prophecy to abolish the threat of the Red Serpent. With fear growing in the hearts of witches, wizards, and No-Majs alike, the Silverheart Circle may be the last hope the world has… and they're recruiting.

  • Love
Reactions: rissa
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siren cove

Somewhere along the Gulf Coast of Florida, lies an entire wizarding community, commonly known as Siren Cove. Every square inch of the town has been spelled with anti-no-maj enchantments (inspected regularly) and made unplottable by MACUSA. The American equivalent to Diagon Alley, the town is a hub of activity from witches and wizards across the country and beyond.

If a no-maj were to happen upon the location all they would see is a dilapidated boardwalk succumbing to the sea and small, crumbling buildings that seem willing to fall apart with the next salty breeze.

desota drive

  • 505 Eastbound Bus stop
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

  • The Sweet Shoppe Quick Stop
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

cassel street

  • 505 Eastbound Bus stop
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

  • 505 Eastbound Bus stop
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

  • 505 Eastbound Bus stop
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

babel road

  • 505 Eastbound Bus stop
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

  • 505 Eastbound Bus stop
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

  • 505 Eastbound Bus stop
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

  • 505 Eastbound Bus stop
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
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