Flight Of The Brightsmile


We gots 5 more days till it's All-You-Can-Eat at teh Lava Buffet! And Boo ain't hungry
I also haven't gotten alerts for a while D: They started again a couple days ago. Anyway, I'll throw in a post today.
Hello Hello!

Is this still actively wanting new people?

I mean it does say Always Open

But does that mean it's Actually open???
Bruh. Dunno if the RP is still open. But what Boo does know is...

We gots only 3 more days til we are doing our best impression of burning cheeze melts in the lava wave pool~!!
Ok, I'll wait for a firmer answer before I think of a character.

but I don't think that lava will wait!
I firmly attest that this is open.

*goes to check who died in the lava*

EDIT: Okay, it looks like our escape plan depends on @littlekreen , whereas @Azzy and @Mglo will be assumed as tragic lavees.

In 2 days, the spider and his mushroom thingy will valiantly give their lives to save everyone while one of the cats holds off the orcs and Entei dies for the second time.
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In 1 day, the spider and his mushroom thingy will valiantly give their lives to save everyone while one of the cats holds off the orcs and Entei dies for the second time.
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Oh, I didnt get any alerts that there were things posted, and I have both threads watched. Oof, i'll try to get something out.
Actually, nvm. Murder me thats fine lol. Work is a bitch and ill likely forget this exists in themidst of the stress.

Well, so much for the spider-silk escape plan...

I guess... Entei can toss us a modified disgrontificator rifle which bisects the gront count of the lava?
D: I went on birthweek celebration. It was unplanned but fun. If not dead by the time I wake up I'll post something. For now I gots ta sleep
*dribbles lava slowly towards Entei*
Posted! Survival is still questionable tho D:
Gotta make a move to a town that's right for me
Town to keep me movin', keep me groovin' with some energy
Well, there's Orcs inside it, Orcs inside it, Orcs inside it, Orcs inside it!
K soooooo... like wut sorcery is this?! I don't understand how he got the spore for the Deus Ex Mushrooma?! But I'll take it!!
Spores were mentioned in his he's-alive-after-all post. He managed to make three before meeting up with the crew again and now he's down to two. He likes fine dining so uh he developed his magic around making things edible. Mushrooms just happen to be his favorite. Now he finds himself having to use his skills for survival rather than luxury. Hence the grotesque Deus Ex Mushrooma he totally hated.

Originally, he bought a ticket to the Birghtsmile hoping to eat a part of the Koberax fossil. BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY D: why is he still in the Deceased list?! >:[
He's been a ghost all along
I was on the fence about it.

And yes - we have two mushroom-themed characters, and two cat-themed characters, and two characters who are immune to swords. The original writing team had a lot of disputes, and there was studio interference from Day 1.