Original poster
3 years ago NASA made an announcement to the world that something had collided with our Sun and it has sent out a massive Solar Flare, the largest ever recorded, so large in fact that it would reach the earth within a week. Sure enough that thing hit hard and fast and it literally rocked our world. As it turned out the flare wasn't so much the threat, our earth's reaction was what nearly caused humanities' extinction. The Flare caused Nature to go on a schizophrenic rampage sending out every natural disaster known to man to happen all at once all over the world. Tokyo, New York, Amsterdam, Chicago, Hong Kong, Los Angeles, Miami and all other major cities were leveled in mere minutes by tornadoes, hurricanes, volcanic eruptions, landslides, tsunamis, earthquakes, electrical storms, blizzards, sand storms and so on. That was just the immediate effect of the Flare, all the sci-fi stuff happened afterwards when the radiation kicked in. Most if not all agriculture was screwed. Lush forests and fields of grass turned into desert wastelands. The blue sky was a vicious shade of red and gray. And any city that had any buildings left standing you could barely walk through let alone live in. Then the other changes started happening. For some plants, animals and even humans, if the radiation didn't kill you instantly, it gave you "the sickness" or mutated you; the kind of mutations you'd see come out of a Hollywood basement. Some of us got off easy, with a little extra. For some the radiation caused an anomaly, granting these fortunate few the ability to control the elements of nature. We've been labeled as "Conduits". <o:p></o:p>
Now, 3 years later society has just barely begun to get back on its feet. Pockets of rusty looking towns and villages inhabiting a couple hundred each at least began to pop up over the country;, however, none so large and seemingly prosperous as "Haven". That might be due to the fact that it's being run by the "Council", which essentially is our government whittled down to a small group of people who sit in a room at the top of the largest standing skyscraper in the Former U.S. Haven is still just as much a dump as anywhere else, it's just a bigger than them. The Council tries to make it seem like they're going to help the population by gathering groups of "volunteers" to travel the wastelands in search of fertile soil and sources of abundant food. No one ever comes back. That's mostly because the wastelands are riddled with Mutants and bandits groups. One such group that seems to be the most organized and ruthless is known as the "Hellbound"; a group of mutants, humans, and conduits working together in harmony to kill and steal from other mutants, humans, and conduits. They're led by someone named "Wraith". Supposedly a mutant with conduit abilities, which has never been heard of in the 3 years the world has been in this hellish state. Either way he's powerful and not nice. Lately though the Hellbound have changed tactics. Now they abduct people and take them off into the wastelands instead of just killing everyone in sight. Surely "something wicked this way comes" and it doesn't look good for anyone.
So there's the synopsis of what this thread is about. I need 5 other players to be a part of the main "Hero Group" one person for each element (which will be listed below). Basically the group manages to meet on random circumstances and decide to start helping and protecting the inhabitants of Haven since the Council is doing a cracker-jack job of it. Eventually the group decides to investigate the abductions soon after they start happening and take their fight out to the wastelands. <o:p></o:p>
Here are the playable races:
Conduits: Humans who have been enhanced by the radiation of the Solar Flare. When the flare hit the earth 3 years ago it triggered an anomaly between the Person and an element of nature, i.e: fire, water, wind, earth and lightning. This merge grants the affected person complete control over one of these elements. Although not mutated a conduit displays one physical difference from a normal human, a natural glowing of the eyes. The glowing color in the eyes of a Conduit corresponds to what element it is they control: red for Fire, dark blue for Water, light yellow for Wind, green for Earth, and the rare white/light blue of Lightning. Other differences a Conduit can display is the 20% increase in strength, speed and endurance compared to a normal human. They're natural healing is also accelerated but only when injured, it is never a constant effect (we can't all be Wolverine). No Conduit is "Invincible". They live and breathe just like normal human beings and they can die just the same, although it may take a little more "umph" to do so. Conduits also have natural weaknesses, namely from using their abilities too much, exerting their energy and making the Conduit fatigued and exhausted, sometimes to the point of passing out. Some have experienced weaknesses to their opposite element. <o:p></o:p>
Mutants:Humans who have been horrifically mutated by the radiation of the Solar Flare. This effect was almost instantaneous upon the amount of exposure to the radiation. Some humans went through a full mutation, becoming unearthly creatures only thought to exist in Hollywood. These mutations retain nothing of their former selves, no memories, no traces of humanity left. They are extremely feral and animal-like in their behavior. Others experienced only a partial mutation, enough to deform the body in obvious ways but the host still retains all of their former self, be it speech, memories, and personality. Although granted no "powers" like those of a Conduit, Mutants developed a much more different set of abilities. Depending on the mutation depends on the ability. Most mutant abilities are manly physical; horns, claws, fangs, tentacles, acidic vomit ect, ect. They also possess 30% more strength, speed and endurance than a normal human. Like Conduits, Mutants are not "invincible". Most mutants have only been killed by a Conduit and rarely by a normal human but that isn't completely unheard of. This may depend on the ability of the mutant and human involved. Mutants have no natural weaknesses. <o:p></o:p>
Humans: Those who survived the flare and remained normal (not enhanced, sickened, or mutated by the radiation) struggle even more so than anything else to survive. Most people just try to stay alive; others seize the opportunity to ensure survival by terrorizing everyone else. Humans have the access to weaponry in comparison to their Enhanced and Mutated counterparts roaming the lands. Although Guns are few and far between, a generally well organized group of human survivors more than likely has a few firearms amongst the group. Very few mutants have been seen using firearms as well. There are no records of a Conduit using a firearm as there really isn't a need for them to. <o:p></o:p>
Character Sheet:<o:p></o:p>
Race: (Conduit, Mutant, Human) [[Cannot be any combinations of mutants and conduits. If your mutant is a Humanoid Mutation, explain in the "Appearance" Description]]
Element/Abilities: [Conduits only] (What element your Conduit controls and the special abilities of your element. 1 element and 5 abilities per Conduit)
Mutation: [Mutants only] (Explain what mutation occurred and what ability it grants you. Limit of 5 abilities per Mutant)
Weapons: (Conduits limited to 1 weapon [no guns]. Possibly something that relates to their ability? Get creative. Mutants limited to 2 weapons [guns allowed]. Humans limited to 3 weapons [guns allowed])
Appearance: (Picture or detailed description on what your Character Looks like)
Brief Bio: (Explain briefly how your character became a Conduit, or Mutant. And how your character came to be at Haven (or badlands for some of you mutants))<o:p></o:p>
Conduit Group:<o:p></o:p>
1: Lightning-Feedback
2: Fire-
3: Water-
4: Earth-
5: Wind-<o:p></o:p>
[Note] I will also be playing Wraith throughout the story. This is an open RP so everyone is welcome to join as whoever they want and start anywhere they want, they can aid the group, or the Hellbound. It's up to you.<o:p></o:p>
Also I am completely open to ideas for this and I'm thinking about expanding this world if all goes well. My initial thought to the hidden plot of the story and as to why the people are abducted is a "conspiracy". An underground facility housing a small group of the Council's scientists experimenting on people, mutants, and conduits in attempts to extract their abilities to be used to enhance the Council members. Wraith and his Hellbound are a cover-up for collecting subjects. The deal for Wraith, presented by the council, is for him to own and control his own part of haven. Any thoughts and theories on this are welcome.<o:p></o:p>
Forum Rules Apply:
-No controlling another player's character
-Try not to curse a lot
-Do not Speed post, wait until everyone catches up at least
-Be Descriptive, at least write 2 paragraphs
-Be mindful of spelling and grammar[/FONT]
Now, 3 years later society has just barely begun to get back on its feet. Pockets of rusty looking towns and villages inhabiting a couple hundred each at least began to pop up over the country;, however, none so large and seemingly prosperous as "Haven". That might be due to the fact that it's being run by the "Council", which essentially is our government whittled down to a small group of people who sit in a room at the top of the largest standing skyscraper in the Former U.S. Haven is still just as much a dump as anywhere else, it's just a bigger than them. The Council tries to make it seem like they're going to help the population by gathering groups of "volunteers" to travel the wastelands in search of fertile soil and sources of abundant food. No one ever comes back. That's mostly because the wastelands are riddled with Mutants and bandits groups. One such group that seems to be the most organized and ruthless is known as the "Hellbound"; a group of mutants, humans, and conduits working together in harmony to kill and steal from other mutants, humans, and conduits. They're led by someone named "Wraith". Supposedly a mutant with conduit abilities, which has never been heard of in the 3 years the world has been in this hellish state. Either way he's powerful and not nice. Lately though the Hellbound have changed tactics. Now they abduct people and take them off into the wastelands instead of just killing everyone in sight. Surely "something wicked this way comes" and it doesn't look good for anyone.
So there's the synopsis of what this thread is about. I need 5 other players to be a part of the main "Hero Group" one person for each element (which will be listed below). Basically the group manages to meet on random circumstances and decide to start helping and protecting the inhabitants of Haven since the Council is doing a cracker-jack job of it. Eventually the group decides to investigate the abductions soon after they start happening and take their fight out to the wastelands. <o:p></o:p>
Here are the playable races:
Conduits: Humans who have been enhanced by the radiation of the Solar Flare. When the flare hit the earth 3 years ago it triggered an anomaly between the Person and an element of nature, i.e: fire, water, wind, earth and lightning. This merge grants the affected person complete control over one of these elements. Although not mutated a conduit displays one physical difference from a normal human, a natural glowing of the eyes. The glowing color in the eyes of a Conduit corresponds to what element it is they control: red for Fire, dark blue for Water, light yellow for Wind, green for Earth, and the rare white/light blue of Lightning. Other differences a Conduit can display is the 20% increase in strength, speed and endurance compared to a normal human. They're natural healing is also accelerated but only when injured, it is never a constant effect (we can't all be Wolverine). No Conduit is "Invincible". They live and breathe just like normal human beings and they can die just the same, although it may take a little more "umph" to do so. Conduits also have natural weaknesses, namely from using their abilities too much, exerting their energy and making the Conduit fatigued and exhausted, sometimes to the point of passing out. Some have experienced weaknesses to their opposite element. <o:p></o:p>
Mutants:Humans who have been horrifically mutated by the radiation of the Solar Flare. This effect was almost instantaneous upon the amount of exposure to the radiation. Some humans went through a full mutation, becoming unearthly creatures only thought to exist in Hollywood. These mutations retain nothing of their former selves, no memories, no traces of humanity left. They are extremely feral and animal-like in their behavior. Others experienced only a partial mutation, enough to deform the body in obvious ways but the host still retains all of their former self, be it speech, memories, and personality. Although granted no "powers" like those of a Conduit, Mutants developed a much more different set of abilities. Depending on the mutation depends on the ability. Most mutant abilities are manly physical; horns, claws, fangs, tentacles, acidic vomit ect, ect. They also possess 30% more strength, speed and endurance than a normal human. Like Conduits, Mutants are not "invincible". Most mutants have only been killed by a Conduit and rarely by a normal human but that isn't completely unheard of. This may depend on the ability of the mutant and human involved. Mutants have no natural weaknesses. <o:p></o:p>
Humans: Those who survived the flare and remained normal (not enhanced, sickened, or mutated by the radiation) struggle even more so than anything else to survive. Most people just try to stay alive; others seize the opportunity to ensure survival by terrorizing everyone else. Humans have the access to weaponry in comparison to their Enhanced and Mutated counterparts roaming the lands. Although Guns are few and far between, a generally well organized group of human survivors more than likely has a few firearms amongst the group. Very few mutants have been seen using firearms as well. There are no records of a Conduit using a firearm as there really isn't a need for them to. <o:p></o:p>
Character Sheet:<o:p></o:p>
Race: (Conduit, Mutant, Human) [[Cannot be any combinations of mutants and conduits. If your mutant is a Humanoid Mutation, explain in the "Appearance" Description]]
Element/Abilities: [Conduits only] (What element your Conduit controls and the special abilities of your element. 1 element and 5 abilities per Conduit)
Mutation: [Mutants only] (Explain what mutation occurred and what ability it grants you. Limit of 5 abilities per Mutant)
Weapons: (Conduits limited to 1 weapon [no guns]. Possibly something that relates to their ability? Get creative. Mutants limited to 2 weapons [guns allowed]. Humans limited to 3 weapons [guns allowed])
Appearance: (Picture or detailed description on what your Character Looks like)
Brief Bio: (Explain briefly how your character became a Conduit, or Mutant. And how your character came to be at Haven (or badlands for some of you mutants))<o:p></o:p>
Conduit Group:<o:p></o:p>
1: Lightning-Feedback
2: Fire-
3: Water-
4: Earth-
5: Wind-<o:p></o:p>
[Note] I will also be playing Wraith throughout the story. This is an open RP so everyone is welcome to join as whoever they want and start anywhere they want, they can aid the group, or the Hellbound. It's up to you.<o:p></o:p>
Also I am completely open to ideas for this and I'm thinking about expanding this world if all goes well. My initial thought to the hidden plot of the story and as to why the people are abducted is a "conspiracy". An underground facility housing a small group of the Council's scientists experimenting on people, mutants, and conduits in attempts to extract their abilities to be used to enhance the Council members. Wraith and his Hellbound are a cover-up for collecting subjects. The deal for Wraith, presented by the council, is for him to own and control his own part of haven. Any thoughts and theories on this are welcome.<o:p></o:p>
Forum Rules Apply:
-No controlling another player's character
-Try not to curse a lot
-Do not Speed post, wait until everyone catches up at least
-Be Descriptive, at least write 2 paragraphs
-Be mindful of spelling and grammar[/FONT]