Original poster
Hello! I've only roleplayed with my friend before-I don't know why I haven't tried to find groups and stuff to get involved in, so I'm looking forward to ..typing with you?
*awkward silence*
Yeah, I'll just fill out the survey.
What nicknames do you like to be called?
Shamy? Just 'Shaman's fine, too.
Are you a boy or a girl, and how old are ya?
16.Belt lashes cookies if you can guess my gender
What's your favorite genres to roleplay?
I think.. it depends on the plot. If the roleplay has an interesting plot, then the genre doesn't matter. Random stuff's fun, too.
..I'm not trying to hide the fact that I can't choose ono.
What kind of characters do you usually play?
OBNOXIOUS CHARACTERS!?!! I'd say 'just kidding', but I'm not haha. That and 'hard working' or serious characters.
Would you prefer Zombie Fox Plushes, Bread Priests, Space Marines, or Wolf Packs?
No debate. Bread priests.
Give us your favorite song of the moment and SING IT LOUD AND PROUD~!
Chicken wing, chicken wing-hot dogs and baloney, cheese and macaroni...
*awkward silence*
Yeah, I'll just fill out the survey.
What nicknames do you like to be called?
Shamy? Just 'Shaman's fine, too.
Are you a boy or a girl, and how old are ya?
What's your favorite genres to roleplay?
I think.. it depends on the plot. If the roleplay has an interesting plot, then the genre doesn't matter. Random stuff's fun, too.
..I'm not trying to hide the fact that I can't choose ono.
What kind of characters do you usually play?
OBNOXIOUS CHARACTERS!?!! I'd say 'just kidding', but I'm not haha. That and 'hard working' or serious characters.
Would you prefer Zombie Fox Plushes, Bread Priests, Space Marines, or Wolf Packs?
No debate. Bread priests.
Give us your favorite song of the moment and SING IT LOUD AND PROUD~!
Chicken wing, chicken wing-hot dogs and baloney, cheese and macaroni...