Original poster
Based on the book: "First Things First" by Stephen R. Covey
What are the most important things in your life?
Do they get as much care, emphasis, and time as you'd like to give them?
Take a look at this organizing process from Covey's book.
First you divide tasks into these quadrants:
1-Important and Urgent (crises, deadline-driven projects)
2-Important, Not Urgent (preparation, prevention, planning, relationships)
3-Urgent, Not Important (interruptions, many pressing matters)
4-Not Urgent, Not Important (trivia, time wasters)
[Imagine it like a box with 4 quadrants]
Most people spend most of their time in quadrants 1 and 3, while quadrant 2 is where quality happens. "Doing more things faster is no substitute for doing the right things," says Covey. He points you toward the real human needs--"to live, to love, to learn, to leave a legacy"--and how to balance your time to achieve a meaningful life, not just get things done.
How do YOU measure up ?
What do you think of Covey's technique ? Is it worth it ?
Do you think Time Management is an important part of life ?