Fire and Water

A hulking figure raised his fist in the air, placing a wall of fire between him and his opponent, laughing. "Come and dance with the hot flames of your death." Beirul crowed. He rounded his hammer through the wall, striking his target into stillness. "Next time, get yer thieving hands away from my horse." He said as he took another swig from his flask before calling off the fire and stumbling away from the battle, horse in tow.

Beirul was tired of the war…no, it wasn't the death count, the senseless murder. No, it was the lack of excitement. The war had become too predictable. His enemies, thought often tried to put up enough fight, often only left him to clean his hammer from their messy corpses. Child's play. Children playing soldiers, he thought. The giant grunted his disapproval. He was a man. He was a fire giant. He was no mere child, no mortal. He wanted a challenge, not these kids barely weaned from their mothers.

He shook his head as he walked loudly through the woods, stomping on fallen branches like twigs, as he searched for meaning in this lackluster afternoon in the bottom of a flask.
"A," Hasira repeated. "Human/rabbit hybrid? Well that's new. Oh, and, thank you. I got a LITTLE too eager just out of the Training center. Do you know why they let me out early? I don't recall it happening before... Maybe those stupid Gods are running low on soldiers..." Hasira stopped herself. Despite the amount of hatred she had for the Gods, she shouldn't tell the whole world.
Vesi arrived at the battlefield after quite a bit of walking. He observed the chaos around, and the different species using their powers. Vesi then saw the fire giant take out a soldier like it was nothing. No way he was gonna fight THAT thing. Daring, Vesi walked up and SPOKE to the giant, a rare occurence between clans. "Y-you took outs him like it wasses nothing. You strong. Me no fight you, heh heh. GRABBLE-NOK-TOH! So, you looks bored of fightings. Whys you bored?"
Mask patted Raven's neck gently, hearing the nightmare whinny in return before easing itself higher in the sky to get a better view. If this place was as grand and great as the gods had thought the earth to be, they were lacking. This place was stained red and left dead lying in the fields. There was no difference here. Raven and Mask were far to used to the horrors here; and their own story was little less than that. There was more than one reason they'd been banished from the Vanduo clan; far more than one.
Riven rolled his shoulder, thinking back to the old days he'd spent in the training center. Least there he could actually kill, and couldn't die himself. Out here, it was a kill or be killed situation. "Criota lastemas..." The water in his hand formed a small figure, cloaked and shrouded in mist. Pawn looked at in curiostiy, making Riven smirk slightly. "You remember him, don't you?" Pawn chirped, diving back down into the water and forming water wings, prancing around all proud like. Riven actually gave a small chuckle. "That's right..."
Beirul halted, pausing long enough to see where the voice was coming from, and continued tromping along. A bug in size compared to him, the creature's green skin and rounded, yellow eyes looked odd amongst the darkened woods. The fire giant was amused by this creature. "Wise choice, small being." He growled, though his lips twitched upward. "War leaves no challenge. No brazen beat for glory or honor." Beirul ranted, his words slurring slightly together as he turned around to face Vesi again. "Just mewling creatures of placid tempers, no passion in their quaking bones." He snarled.

The giant put the flask to his lips only to find it empty. "No good liquor either." Beirul flung the flask to the ground before squatting down against a tree.

Mina bit down on her lip, not knowing what to say to the young girl. So many questions had risen about the gods, about the war on this day – it made her heart heavy and her blood chill. Maybe it was the change of weather or the underlying worrying of more and more soldiers visiting the center, but the wheel of fate was turning, her gut churning, and the genasi knew a choice would have to be made soon…

She placed her hand upon the wound, cupping the light, as she revealed the pink tone of new skin. "How does that feel?" Mina asked, trying to cover her worry with a cheerful smile.
Hasira immediately felt relief when Mina's hand was placed upon her wound. Responding to her question, she said with a sigh, "Amazing... That's a cool power, you know. Have you always stayed in the Resting Center?" Her curiosity grew and grew as Hasira went places outside of the Training Center, never realizing how much you missed in there.
Vesi was disappointed that the Giant wasn't very cheerful, but what would you expect in this place? "Wells, we're not giantsss like yous. Yous are lucky. And, I'm not sures why there would be good liquor heres. The Godssss are terribles. They should not make us fights so muches. Wells, thanks for not killing mees. I'm gonna goes somewhere elses more exciting." Vesi waved and headed off, the battlefield slightly fewer in numbers than before. He also realized that his speaking was getting better.
Selenia chuckled at Hasira's excitement at everything and her constant questions. It was so refreshing to see someone this… happy. She had been out in the battlefield for years now and she hadn't seen someone truly happy since her first month out there in the battlefield and all the newbies who finally experienced the pain of battle lost the spark in their eyes because on just those first days, they all saw either a loved one, a friend or just some random other ally but whoever it was, it affected them all. So seeing this new girl being so excited and energized automatically brought a smile to her face.
Evelyn was griping onto her right shoulder and grimaced. One second was all she needed to get severely hurt. Figures. She released a sigh and walked around and tried to find a healer or else she wouldn't be able to get back to the field. She heard people talking and headed over to where they were. She called out lightly as to not scare anyone, "Hello?"
Mina giggled. What a strange question; she suppose, though, that she was as unfamiliar to them as they were to her. The genasi nodded, the smile never fading. "As soon as I turned of age, yes. Growing up in the training center was hard. I wasn't a fighter. I had no majestic powers of wind or fire. My mentors all thought I was hopeless." She thought on those moments and how much it had hurt her then. She didn't have a magic or strength, not the kind that was admired and in need. "They sent me to a woman; she was my last chance. If I failed her, I would have been stuck at the training center as maid or, worse, entertainment for the soldiers." She shuddered. How different life would have been..."But this woman, Kay, taught me what I know. I had a gift for healing, a lighter gift compared to those that wield brazen fire. From there, I was taken to the Resting Center, to hone my skills and be of use. I've been here for, oh, thirteen years almosts." It was then a voice jumped in.

The genasi glanced over at the injured woman in the entrance of the tent. "For all the days for the injured." Mina joked, her manner warm and friendly as she gathered the newcomer to sit on the other side human-rabbit female. "Now let's take a look." Peeling back the cloth, Mina took a look at the injury. "Oh my. Nasty little thing." She took a damp cloth, cleaning the blood away, before letting her gift travel to her palms, a new layer of skin healing over the wound.
Beirul had let the strange creature leave, watching it disappear into the trees with an eerie silence. The giant stumbled out of the woods soon after, charming only the dead with his drunken battle songs. When he finally found the edge of battle again, the giant stretched, his obnoxious notes getting far worse as he watched the onslaught. It was only then, as Beirul looked out at the horizon, that he noticed a black speck in the clouds. There weren't many, he knew, with flying shadow-beasts and none were part of his clan. The giant, whose train of thought was more than a little foggy, searched for the nearest chunk of rock he could find and, like a olympian, shot put the heavy thing straight ahead, to the black horse in the sky.
Selenia looks at the new girl with a small smile as she was led to sit beside her but her face soon became concerned at her injury, "Oh my gods… are you ok?" She looked at her injury worriedly. The wound seemed pretty bad and the girl appeared to be in pain, even if she hid it.
Evelyn looked at the girl she was seated next to and smiled slightly, "No worries. It isn't actually that bad if I think about other times I have had to come here. I will be fine soon. This is...for lack of better words...just a flesh wound." She chuckled slightly and then returned her gaze to the healer. "Thank you by the way. I really appreciate it."
Mask had been looking the other way, but Raven had been mindful of things happening all over. The Nightmare screamed, twisting in the air as Mask's hands lached on to the creatures mane. The boulder literally missed them by inches, Raven's hooves only being spared because the nightmare pulled them up. Raven snorted in anger, casting about quickly as Mask did, spotting their prey with anger filled gazes. Giants. Mask had a specific dislike for giants. Not a hate, but a dislike.

Raven screamed again, folding it's wings and diving swiftly. Mask waited before placing his feet on the creatures back and standing in a half-crouch, waiting. They'd done this before, to many times. Mask held on with one hand to the mane, twisting one of his blades in his free hand. He waited, the ground and the giant coming closer. It had been mere seconds since the boulder flew passed, but the giant was only fifty feet below him now. Mask waited a moment more, then his foot twisted and he shoved off while Raven spread his wings just before the giants face.

Mask's gift kicked in the instant he called it, a gift that even he would admit to having. As his dagger shot out, aimed for the giant's shoulder, the giants blood and muscles would be suddenly cut off from the giant's control. Literally paralyzed, the giant's movements would at least be slowed if not stopped entirely. That was Mask's secret; he had been a Drow of Poseidon, a water controller, wielder. Then, he changed, and with that change, his gift changed. Blood was not like water to him, and fairly easy to control.
Staggering backwards, the dagger hit the fire giant squarely in the shoulder, sinking into flesh. As he went to raise a wall, the enemy approaching, his muscles stuttered and froze, lagging behind his intended actions. At a great disadvantage, Beirul had little options. His body twitched. The hot, magma lines dancing across his body in a burning glow soon consumed the giant in flames. The fire expanded and convulsed, slithered and hissed, as it cooled into gleaming black rock-type armor. Glowering at the dark elf, a guttural growled escaped from between the giant's snarl, a signal to a rather large hawk, swooping into the battle.
Mask could have easily flipped away when the giant caught on fire, but he didn't. He just flipped himself up to the giants shoulder, mentally shaking his head at the glower. He didn't laugh. He didn't taunt. He didn't say a single word. He'd landed on the opposite shoulder of the one he'd hit, and used that to his advantage. Ignoring the hawk for some unknown reason, he leapt down behind the giant, pulling the chain taunt in an effort to make him fall. The chain would have pulled up against the giants nick, and with his blood and muscles still technically frozen, he wouldn't have been very able to stop the inevitable.

Mask finally looked up at the hawk as he landed, but behind the mask he wore, he smirked. Raven left out a shrill scream, diving at the hawk and attempting to take a bite out of it's wing, fangs glinting and stained red. Let the nightmare fight the giant bird. Mask ran to the right, toward the injured side of the giant and pulling the chain even tighter. What? If the thing fell, he did not want to be under it.
"You're welcome." Mina began putting the supplies away, letting the girls chatter for awhile before interrupting. "Does anyone need anything? Food, water?" The genasi wondered, with all the luck, how nice it was to finally meet, maybe even friends, other races…other women. She bit her lip in excitement again, trying to keep her hopes at a minimal. In war, things change quickly, and no one knew how constant things would ever be.


The hawk shrieked. Its talons sunk into fleshy tissue as its wings beat against the ground, trying to lift itself into the skies. The nightmare made it hard, its fangs had snapped down on the hawk's wing. A cry of pain and, then the beak pounding into the jaw, attempted to get out of the creature's locked grasp.

The sound of rock grinding against the chain was nearly too much for the giant's ears. The way his body, his movement were not in his control made his anger heave and quake; the rigid walls of rational thought slowly crumbled away, leaving only a hot broken trail of his arrogance. As the giant began to tumble towards the ground, something boiled to the surface. A muscle twitched; the giant's fingers, strained against its bonds, gradually curled into fist. It wasn't over; it was just beginning.
Raven! The thought was in Mask mind almost as soon as the first blow struck his mount. He never spoke, never so much as let it be known that he was worried, but his concentration did falter. His mount was all he had left to him; lose that, and he was lost to himself. Raven, release! Fly! His mind was strong and sure, the blood connection between the two was strong and sure, something only a blood wielder could do. Connect himself, physically and mentally, to another creature. Raven had been his choice of a creature, a mount. It was no surprise that his attention was drawn when his mount was threatened. Raven screamed, releasing the hawk and taking flight, taunting the beast to keep it away from Mask.

When the giant's hand moved, without Mask's release, he knew he was in trouble. He'd angered the creature, and he knew it. There wasn't any rational thought for Mask to grab hold on and keep bound; he could bind blood for so long, but a thought he could bind for a while. Long as he was first linked by blood. Everything he did was based in blood. Without thinking, he rolled forward, yanking hard on the chain and ripping the dagger from the giants shoulder. It landed in his palm, blood soaked; a good thing. He drew in strength from that small amount of liquid crimson gold. He didn't waited for the giant, he backed off a good ten feet, doing his best to keep control, but waiting while twisting the blade in his hand, for the losing streak of it that was bound to come. He'd never controlled a giant this long before.
Violet was starting to wonder where they where. Having never been outside the gates before, she wanted to know. Making sure Cadmar was still in sight, she leaned back slightly, signaling Jay to rise, and he did. The view was breathtaking. It was barren, war ravaged land. Then and there she knew one thing, and that was she would stop this. She didn't know what started it, but she was going to stop it.
Cadmar watches as Violet raises into the air, it may have been a dangerous move considering she could be spotted much quicker up there than down towards the ground but they were still in a repetitively safe area. "I wouldn't stay up there for too long." He said seeing a spark in her eye. She was either blood thirsty and wanted to add to the barren land or stop the fighting now that she has witnessed it. "So whats your opinion?" Seeing as she had no idea what he was talking about he continued. "On the war? Each newbie has their own opinion after their first good glimpse."
(Leaving Hasira for the moment... I'll do something more exciting later. Now, I'm interrupting your fight! :D)
Vesi was slightly on his way into the woods when he heard the sounds of battle and the screeching of some kind of creatures. "FUN," he yelled happily, and went back towards the spot the giant last was. Vesi observed the fighting and didn't like it. "Heys," he said angrily. "Aren't you guyssss tired of fightings? Why cant's we be friendses? Looks, you are hurting theses animals. Stop its!" Vesi found that he had made his point, and called in his (nameless) Byakko to his side just in case of emergency. "Good Byakko," he said, stroking his pet's fur. "You always came."
She nodded and dropped back down, level with him. "Well, I want to know why it started. I don't think it's right to force people to fight against eachother for so many years if there is no reason to." Jay twisted in the air to show he agreed, Violet pat his neck.