Finding Paradise: Street Rats

Serento Smiled but he had an awful feeling, he was not trusting the new girl. "Lets get him outta here cops should be here soon." Serento put his arms under Reagan's back and legs lifting him completely. " I am going to carry him, don't try to stop me. Lets go!"
Leona nodded and took up his torso. "He's right Reagan, you shouldn't try to walk on it," she told him. Reagan didn't look at all happy with being carried like this. "Just let me down...I'll be fine walking!" he was mad at all of his people right now. What was the point of leading if everyone didn't listen to him? He would wait for everyone to sleep then slip away to be alone for a few days. He was more then capable of taking care of himself even with an injury like this.
"Sir, no offense but I am not letting it get infected. I am carrying you that is that weather you like it or not. We are family we stick together, even if it means not following orders." Serento was tierd and in pain but he didn't show it. He wasn't letting anybody see weakness not now. Serento walked toward there home as fast as he could.
"Let me down now," Reagan's voice sounded more serious then it ever had before. People had seen him mad, but nobody had ever seen him this mad. the fact that he was actually galring should have been the first sign to back off. His patience was being tried, and wearing thin.
Serento sighed "Fine!" Serento knew he was going to regret his next decision but he didn't care. He was tired of Reagan although he was the groups choosen leader he wasn't gonna be treated badly for trying to help. "As you wish." Serento straight up dropped Reagan.
Reagan winced a little but got to his feet. He looked his crew straight in the eye. "Listen, I ask you one task and you disobey it! Yes, we are family but family should learn to listen to one another! There was a reason I went alone, and all of you blew up my chance of doing it! We could have found out who was behind the mass kidnappings! That man back there...was nothing more then a pawn! I was trying to get to the bottom of it but now they are in hiding again!" he snarled.
"Dude. you got shot before any of us got there. She was the only one there with you. She couldn't have held you down alone while getting the bullet out. We didn't listen that is right, but you sir would still be bleeding and possibly dead." Serento was pissed he turned and started walking back toward there house.
Koinu's hands clenched into fists. Oooh, he had a lot to say to that. He shoved Serento aside and got right up in Reagan's face, snarling. "What the hell is your problem? We heard gunshots. So we came running to save your ass. What would you have done if someone ran off, told you not to follow, and then got shot in the fucking leg? If we hadn't come, there would still be a bullet in your leg, and you might've bled out on the streets with no one here to even say goodbye! You should be down on your knees thanking us, you ungrateful bastard!" His eyes never left Reagan's, and to anyone watching, it was as though flames had been ignited in his gaze. Sure, Koinu could be hotheaded at times, but it was rare that he got this angry. And in fact, his pause didn't last for more than a few moments, and anything Reagan was about to say was cut off. "In fact," Koinu continued, "if you care more about your stupid mission than your life, you might as well abandon all of us right this second." He continued to stare into Reagan's eyes, challenging him.
Flame burned within Reagan's eyes. "What the hell would I do if something happened to any of you?! I told you to stay for a fucking reason! As for going on my knees thanking you, the only time I'd do that is if I had no shins left! I've led you guys for years and yet none of you are intelligent enough to listen to orders! Like last year when I asked all of you to go out and find that kid that was lost...none of you went. I've had it, honestly I have! I have treated you all better then I've trwated anybody! I come up with these rules for a reason I haven't grown street smart by living on silver spoons! so yes, I left the gang for a second!" he could hear sirens going but he didn't seem to care. His eyes stared back in Konu's, meeting his challenge. Anger flared through him. "I went on my own because the more there are the more chance we are to be ambushed. Just like now, we are being watched thanks to everyone's foolishness! Yes, I was shot in the leg, but bleeding to death would have been better then seeing you guys picked off one by one and never having the chance to save you! So yeah, go ahead and jeer at me! I knew what I was doing. As for the gang, maybe you can figure it out then, because you guys clearly don't need my help." He turned and looked around. they were everywhere. 'Damn it! If these idiots had just stayed at home and left me, they would all be safe now! How am I supposed to save them now?' he brainstormed for a bit. Then he came up with a plan; the flares and smoke bombs he'd stolen a couple weeks ago would provide smoke long enough to save his little gang. "Get into a cluster quickly, I'm going too create some cover smoke. You guys can retreat back to the ally from there." Anger still pulsed through every living part of his being but he pushed it aside to help his comrades. Words were spoken in anger, he wasn't about to take any back.
Serento was angry but mostly caught off guard when he was pushed. Koinu was a good friend of his and he wasn't gonna stop him until the cops showed. "Koinu we need to do as he says, look we are all mad at each other. We may all split up but right now we need to get out of this." Serento grabbed Koinu on the shoulder, and nodded "Together."
After hearing Serethro, it stung. He'd done what he saw was best for his group, but obviously it wasn't enough. Pain filled through him as he set off the bombs and clouded everything. Leona looked at the group before it went up in smoke. "You guys are ungrateful gits, you know that? Yeah, Reagan made a mistake but he's only humans. What the hell do you guys think you are, gods?! You are nothing but a bunch of spoiled children!" she snarled and turned to reagan. "I may have shot you, but I think you know I am on your side even when your so called family aren't. If they choose to ditch you for making a mistake then fine, they are not your real family. But I'll stay with you," she told him gently. Reagan looked at her, his eyes said thank you. He knew he'd made a mistake, but he found it hard to tell his gang because of how they were.
Unexpected rage grew in Ivory's body. Ungrateful? Spoilt? She clenched her fist. They were anything but! Each and every one of them had their stories to tell, and everyone had been through so much, and someone...who they hardly even knew thought they could judge them? It struck a nerve. Trembling as the smoke rose around her- Ivory's anger burned white hot.
​How dare she.
Serento face boiled with anger but Serento looked down as a single tear fell. "Until you know us or even Reagan then this dosen't concern you." Serento knew one thing everyone was in the wrong he hoped he didn't have to admit it first. Serento looked up locking eyes with Reagan, "Whats the plan, Sir?"
"You tell that yourself. I obviously don't know anymore. But I suggest you run so these jackasses don't catch you," he snarled and turned on him. He'd had it. He'd done all he could for these people, and all they did was disconcern his orders and let things blow through. What was the point of leading a group that wouldn't listen in the first place? maybe someone else was fit to lead. Reagan would always look out for this group, but he had to stay away fro a while. The group of kidnappers gave up and left, figuring these kids were not worth it. leona walked alongside reagan. "Reagan, are you really going to leave? But they are your family," she said. He looked at her. "I never said i wouldn't return. If they ban me for leaving then fine," he said as he walked on. "Figure out who's going to be top dog while I'm gone. See if you fair well on your own for a while," he growled at the group as he walked on, leona, not wanting to be alone with people that were so angry with reagan, ran after him.
"Leave then, it's what you're good at!" Serento turned and started leaving "I am not going back to are alley. I am not going home. So if you wanna come with me then lets go if not I hope to see ya later." Serento headed no where in particular. Just getting away from here. Far away.
Reagan sighed and looked back. "Serento, I will be back. I was giving the group a chance to cool off, and myself. If you feel the need to leave then fine. and I've always came back, always," he replied, his voice tone changed. Pain worse then before throbbed within Reagan as he saw his family break apart and all because of words spoken. It hurt worse then he could ever imagne but he knew it would happen. It always did. When the group first began, they'd listened to reagan and things went well. But he was unsure of what happened now. He turned and started off, knowing that his family was probrably gone for good. Leona just walked silently alongside Reagan.
Serento took off dead sprint toward home, he went and climbed the access ladder to the roof before anyone one ever saw him. He left everyone, but he lied to Reagan he was never truly leaving. He had no place to go. He would get punished when the time came, he would accepted but mainly he would apologize.
Reagan assumed that this goodbye was forever and kept on. Leona tugged on his arm and looked like she were about to burst into tears. "But they are your family Reagan, why are you just going to leave?" she asked. Reagan looked at her but continued on. "You heard em, they don't want me there. they'd rather lead it themselves, better off without me. There's no family back there, just a bunch of scared kids that have their own ways to live. I'm going to leave New York tonight, you are welcome to join me. But I heard of a place quite some time ago, not even sure if it's real. But I want to see it if it is. In any case it'll get me out of this place," he told her. Leona stopped for a second and looked around. Leave New York? How would could she...leave a place she'd known all her life? Then she realized that she had nothing here. "Well, I have nothing better to do. I'll join you," she said catching up with him. For having a limp Reagan was fast. "But there's one thing I don't understand; why would you say that you were coming back if you are heading to the train station now? and what money do we have to board the train?" she asked. he looked at her. "Look, I just explained it to you. They do not want me there anymore. And we don't need money if we are careful," he told her as they neared the station. Leona grabbed his shirt. "But you as a leader have a responsibility to look after your gang, even when they act like this!" leona growled. Reagan stopped and looked at her, looking about to say something but shut his mouth. "Your right," he said with a sigh and headed back.

When he got back to the ally he found he was the first back. "I don't know if any of them are returning but I will stay for at least two days to see if any return," Reagan said sitting down painfully.
As soon as they were safe, Koinu's heated glare turned right back to Reagan. All sorts of insults and comebacks were flying through his head too fast for him to properly parse them. In the end, he decided on flipping Reagan a double deuce and hissing two simple words: "Fuck you." This was the last straw. He was done. He was so done. Reagan didn't know how to lead a group, all he could do was act like he was the fucking king of everything and ignore the people around him who were genuinely trying to help. It was like Reagan saw them all as obstacles instead of allies. Well, screw that. Koinu was out of there.

He stormed after Serento, with no intentions of ever returning. He didn't care where they were headed, he just wanted to get away and start a new family, one that actually knew how to stick together.
Koinu's last insult didn't hurt him much. True, Koinu was a close friend but the harshness was by far an over reaction. Reagan was only human and made mistakes, he didn't see Koinu owning up to wrongs that he did. It angered reagan each time he thought of him and the gang as he realized that there was no such thing as family. he got up once more. "Leona, they are not going to come back. They put themselves on pedistol all the time, and I'm sick of it. They want a family, then fine. They can stay together. If they'd given me the chance, I would have apologized," he told Leona, getting up to leave. he didn't think himself higher then anyone like this Koniu character thought. he did things for the better of his gang. as he walked, Leona sighed. "I see your point though," she said as she walked alongside him. "so, what was this place you talked about?" she asked.