Finding Our Way: Pray4me x Izurich

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Lucius eyes snapped open as he leaned forward in his bed.

"What the...?" Lucius groggily looked through his window that was next to his bed to see the swirling spirits spinning up the tower. "..what is this?"

The entire tower was filled with screams, cries, gun shots, clashing blades, and falling debris. A stampede of footsteps could be heard on every floor, sounding like an avalanche of rocks, as families that lived near the top of the tower tried their best to escape to the lower levels. It wasn't clear if these spirits were only attacking the guards or any civilians, but no one near the top of the tower were going to take any chances of that.

As Lucius stood out his bed, a guard burst his way through the door, a very panic look on his face. Before Lucius could answer, a tiny hand shot through the guard's chest, the heart squeezing in it's palm, before sliding back out. The guard, with his face stuck in a twisted expression, fell forward to reveal El.

"...YOU!" Lucius pointed, gritting his teeth as his finger waved. "I knew there was something about you!"

His face paled at the unknown language El spoke. Without hesitation, El flew forward to grab at Lucius's chest. Lucius rolled away at the last moment, grabbing a gun he always kept by his bedside. Lucius, being very high up in command, was much more trained and capable in fights.

"I'll kill you!!" Lucius screamed, pointing the gun at El. "I'll kill you demon!"

As his finger began to press against the trigger, a low, booming wail erupted throughout the area of the tower. The tower jerked forward, the frame of it creaking and cracking, as trickles of fallen debris began to fall in Lucius room. His room fell to darkness as a large obstacle covered the window, it slithering as it climbed up the tower.

"EL!!" Usar shot his arm through the window, clawing at the bed as he revealed his snarling face. "EL!!!"

The bed broke in half as Usar pulled himself through the window, his heavy body splitting the windowsill. He showed his fangs, widening his mouth as his black eyes pinned on El. His white plumage stood on it's end, making Usar look even more terrifying and deadly.

They could feel their spiritual bond to each other. Usar, fighting back his urges of protecting his tower from El, fighting back from wanting to kill the little girl for attacking his people. Usar let out another chilling howl as he propelled his body through the window, landing in the center of the room.

"What are you doing?!" Usar spoke in the language El used to summon her spirits. "Don't make me kill you!"

He settled inside the room, taking in giant breaths, exhaling through his flared nostrils, as he stood in a ready stance in case he had to attack. He tucked in his wings, drool dripping from his open mouth, as he stared at El.

"Get rid of these now!" he demanded. "You don't know what you're even doing!"

Lucius hid himself in a corner, cowering as his gun bounced from El to Usar.
"Ehehehe... Ahahahahahaha!" Amidst the plague of spectres storming Horizon, El's high-pitched cackle violently echoed in Lucius' bedroom and beyond, reverberating through the walls. She turned her head slowly at Lucius after the head guard dodged her pounce, staring right into his eyes with her wide glowing eyes, there was little trace of the gentle girl and in her place, was a malevolent eldritch abomination taking the shape of a child. "Ensh izh Arkosh, fol." ("Know your place, weakling.") She screeched, staring fearlessly into the barrel of Lucius' gun, these mere mortals and their obsolete weapons, they were no match for her. El was determined to end this wretch's existence, right then and there, two wraiths even joined her as they phased through the solid walls, staring hungrily at the guard. El pointed her right index finger forward at Lucius, the two wraiths wailing in obedience like two lions given a fresh prey by their caretaker. "Izhai icha gluth izh sol!" ("They will devour your soul!")

Lucius would surely be dead if not for the Guardian's arrival, Usar's sheer presence alone repelled the wraiths as they scrammed away even before he forced his arm through the window. "!?" The tranced little girl shuddered, feeling her connection with the beast weighing down her wrathful soul. She momentarily forgot about Lucius, turning around to find the majestic beast starting right at her with his solid onyxes. "Izh... " ("You...") She was taken aback by fear, her body floating away from him until her back made contact with the wall. The guardian calling out to her certainly had its effect, El's pulsating arcane aura gradually dimmed down, both of her hands went to grab her head as El shook, massive headache wracking her, "N-nh... no... no! Ahah, t-this is... no... I..." She was fighting with herself, her true self, not her wrath and anger personified. When Usar spoke to El in the very same ancient tongue, conveying his dilemma between protecting the tower and refraining from killing his new friend, the girl lost her levitation as gravity took hold of her, she fell on her rump, still holding her head, her eyes closed shut.

"A-...aaaaaaaaaah!" With a deafening shrill scream, El's form exploded in a blast of red arcane wave. She went limp as her head drooped, her arms laying at her sides. Without the summoner's guidance, the spirits lost their way as they abruptly stopped their attack, finding no reason to kill as the one who fueled their vengeance was no more. They wandered aimlessly for a few moments before one-by-one returning to the afterlife, leaving Horizon in a state of decay and death. Empty soulless bodies of guards were strewn here and there, true to El's will, not one civilian was harmed by the wraiths, those who sustained injuries were from accidents and misfires due to the panic. "N-nnnh..." The little girl shook her head then rubbed her eyes, no longer glowing, everything terrible about her rampaging persona vanished without a trace.

"W-what happened?" She turned left and right, utterly confused by the destruction around her. "B-beasty?" She blinked twice as if not believing he was really there, then her pupils dilated in fear when she found a gun barrel was aimed straight at her, courtesy of Lucius, "W-why... why are you doing that?" She stuttered, scampering to a stand, instinctively trying to find the safest spot, which was Usar of course. The little girl ran to the beast as she used his massive body to hide herself, "No! W-why... what happened?! I... w-what... Beasty, d-did you do this?" Through the connection in their souls, Usar could sense the girl was truly confused, no masquerade or facade, El honestly didn't remember what she just did.

"S-sir!" A guard entered the broken bedroom, cold sweat pouring from his pores, "T-the spectres are gone, but we sustained heavy casualti- By the Gods, what is that?!!" He frantically reached for his rifle, fumbling with it due to sheer shock, he aimed his weapon to Usar, poorly judging by his trembling body and quivering lips. "I-is this... t-thing r-responsible?!" He shouted, fear and anger mixed into one.
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Usar stood guard over El, wrapping a wing gently over her. He relaxed his attack stance, stretching out his body to give a shake to fly away any anger or anxiety he had. He turned his head, looking down at El with a compassionate look, before snapping his eyes at the guard that suddenly arrived at the door. He huffed loudly, steam shooting out of nostrils like a bull's, as he rose his body to peer down at the guard.

Lucius crawled his way from the corner, his gun pointing at Usar as he shook his head.

"No! It was that THING there! The little girl!" Lucius yelled, slowly standing. "I have no idea what that monster is! Kill them! Kill them both!"

Lucius fired off a single shot, the bullet lodging itself into Usar's forearm. He didn't even wince and barely gave any attention to the bullet that only gave a superficial wound. His thoughts were of El and what she had done to his tower. And, what he should do with her now. Usar turned to Lucius, knowing that all of El's rage was because of this man. If there was one way to keep peace with the tower and El, it was to get rid of that man.

Guards began to run up the staircase to Lucius room, each guard loading their guns as they do. Usar plucked up El at the back collar of her dress with his teeth, and wrapped a large clawed hand around Lucius. As he screamed, Usar backed out the window just in time to avoid the barrage of bullets that stormed the room. He uncurled his tail that held him up, free-falling him a couple of stories before he opened his wings to catch the wind to soar away.

With a large flap of wings, Usar flew high into the red lit sky. A loud of explosion came from the top of the tower, a cannon sailing just past Usar's body, nearly brushing against the hanging El in his mouth. With a grunt, he flapped his wings harder, ascending himself higher into the air and through the foggy clouds to a clear red moon sky.

"AHHHH!! AHHHH!!!" Lucius flailed in Usar's grasp, his entire face in pure terror. "I don't want to die! Please! PLEASE!"

Usar held up his free hand, catching El in it before placing the child on his back. There was plenty of room for her and enough of him to grasp to keep herself from falling. Usar headed them to the far mountain valley right at the edge of his territory, far from the tower and the people to successful find them.

And with Lucius? Seeing him being extra weight he didn't need, Usar promptly let go of Lucius, enjoying hearing his fading screams as he plummeted to the ground.
"W... w-what?" The small girl couldn't believe what she just heard, Lucius was accusing her for... for whatever happened her that she didn't even know. Her last vivid memory of her going to a restless sleep in her room and now, she found herself hiding behind Usar in another room, being labeled as a 'thing' and a target for extermination. The child shook her head slowly in horror as she hid herself more behind Usar, her small body trembling in utter fear, "N-no, p-please, I didn't... I didn't do anything..." She mumbled to herself, her tears streaming down as she closed her eyes shut, wanting to pass everything off as one horrible nightmare. She was cruelly pulled back to reality when for the first time in her life, someone tried to shoot her with live firearms. Whether Lucius' real target was El or Usar, it made no difference for the child, she was deemed a big enough threat to warrant death. More and more guards poured into the room, all cocking their weapons at El and her beastly friend.

El whimpered, tightly hugging Usar as she fully acted on self-preservation instinct. "M-mama... P-papa, H-help... help meeeeeeeeeee!" She screeched with her high-pitched distinctive voice, unnaturally loud for a child so small as a visible blast of reddish arcane energy launched from her form. The blast managed to throw the aiming guards unbalanced, they wobbled as they tried to make a stand. When they had restored their bearings, Usar was already picking the child up with his mouth and snatching their captain with his massive claw. "Open fire!! Shoot them!!" A guard lieutenant frantically goaded the troops to attack. Bullets were fired, but too late, most of the metal pebbles hit nothing but air as they flew out from the gaping hole which used to be a window, the rest hit the walls. "Tch! Find them! Get every able-bodied men out there! That t-thing have our captain!" The lieutenant scrambled his troops, without Lucius, he would have to take charge of what remained of the guards.


"Kyah?!" El curled up her body in reflex as a large round metal ball nearly missed her small form, an inch closer and she'd be no more. Her heart thumping in her chest as the child tried to take everything in. From what she could see during their escape, the tower was damaged - likely because of Usar - and there were... dead guards littering all around the tower, obviously Horizon was under attack, but by whom? Usar was the most plausible suspect at a first glance, but... Lucius said otherwise and her gut told her the beast was trying to protect Horizon instead, evident by this feeling she got from their connected souls. Furthermore, El recalled what she just did before Usar picked her up, "W-what did I...?" the child brought her pale hands before her eyes, never in her short life she'd have thought of performing such a feat. Kou and Usar sure, but she was a mere human, blasting a wave of arcane energy was something out of her grasp... or should be since she clearly remembered she was the one who did it, not Usar.

"B-beasty?" El looked up to him, biting her lips as she tried to make out words, so many questions to ask him, she grunted as he released her to his hand then put her on his back, she tightly grabbed his body like vices, holding onto him for life. "Eh...?" Lucius' frantic screams shifted her attention as she turned her gaze to him, "W-why is he here?" She asked, not really sure what to feel. On one hand, she felt pity for him, he looked so scared, she wanted to Usar to put him down, but on the other hand... this monster of a man had just condemned Orchid and the orphans for life, smirking while he did it, he deserved nothing. "..." In the end, the latter won, "Kill him..." El covered her own lips with her hands as soon as she said it, how could she be so cruel and heartless? Deciding someone's life so easily like that, well... not just anyone though, this particular person was Lucius the Cruel. The Beast seemed to agree with her as he released the man from his grip, handing him over to Mistress Gravity who was more than glad to take him into her embrace, his last words were delicious screams before he was out of earshot.

With Lucius gone, El rested easier, the girl nuzzled herself to her giant friend, using his warmth to calm herself down. "Beasty, I..." El conveyed her confusion and concern through their link. With her display of magical power earlier, she found the late Lucius' accusation not so far-fetched after all, "W-what did I do? D-did I just..." She didn't know exactly what she did, but she was sure it's something horrible, "What is happening to me?" Her hands gripped into fists as she shook, she just told Usar to kill a man and she was likely responsible for all those dead guards back at Horizon, this realization put her conscience under intense pressure, enough to break her, "No... no!! I didn't... H-he lied, right? Lucius was lying, right?! You are the one who... you..." She went silent, her head dropped before it suddenly raised, El then snarled as she pounced Usar's back, directing her frustration at him, "You! Ever since I met you, all of these things happened to me!! T-the cave almost crushed me... M-me being punished, O-orchid and the orphans, a-and... and... t-those... YOU!!! It's all YOU!!! Why?! WHY?!!" She kept pounding at him, crying all the while, until what's left of her energy was spent, "I... I'm a..." she sobbed, her body lay limp on his back, "Monster..." then her tired eyes fluttered to a close, sending her into a restless sleep.
Usar closed his eyes, letting the small child beat and pound on his back. He could feel her confusion, her despair, her guilt, nearly all emotions wrapped up in one young girl. He extended his wings, letting himself glide with the wind as he struggled to take in all the emotions El was giving off. They were confusing to him as Usar wasn't the most emotional creature. All he knew was the difference between good and bad. And, that anything needed to be done to keep the good and fight against the bad.

He slowly opened his eyes, the connection between them feeling less strong as El finally fell asleep. Usar slowly descended, being careful to not speed his way down and cause El to fly off his back. Just beyond was the small cave and ledge that they would be staying indefinitely. Even Usar knew that El would be never welcomed back at Horizon Tower. She was hereby exiled from her home and most likely wanted for execution.

Landing softly on the ledge, tucking his wings in as he slithered inside the cave. It was too small to fit all of him as the last bit of his tail was forced to stick out. Grabbing El gently, he lowered the girl, leaning her body against the side of his chest as he laid himself flat on the ground. He used his arms as pillows, snuggling into them as he began to slowly fall into a deep meditation.

At the first hit of morning light, Usar lifted his head. He let out a huge yawn, his tongue licking over his lips as he stretched out his arms. Looking back, he could see El still sleeping. The connection between them was stable at this time and he hoped it stayed that way.

He stayed in the same position, not daring to move until El woke up on her own. He began to wonder what was next with them. What will happen now that El is most likely to never to return to the tower? What should he do with her? The thought of taking El to another village crossed his mind. She needed humans to take care of her. Not a large beast who couldn't even understand her language.

Another thought crossed his mind. Why was he so tied to El? Why was he here? Usar scratched the side of his head as he thought.​
Late night, the full moon reigning over the starlit sky. In what appeared to be Horizon Tower in its early days, with ancient architectures similar to the cave Usar resided in for millenias, people were gathering around in the tower's massive farmland. Bakers, masons, tailors, all manner of citizens looked eagre, their jolly footsteps matching with the soldiers patrolling around, the latter making sure that this very important ceremony was conducted properly without hindrance. A temple, one of the first buildings constructed when the nomadic tribes first settled in the land, stood near the tower. A massive altar was set up in front of it, surrounded by the gathering populace. The ritual was about to begin.

A woman - the head priestess - stood on top of the altar, she wore white ceremonial robes as she opened her hands to the sky, chanting a sacred prayer to the night sky. The priestess was a beautiful woman who carried a presence of mysterious elegance about her, she had long waist-length white hair, very pale skin, and a pair of ruby irises adorning her eyes. The people soon joined her in their solemn chant, in tune with the priestess as they knelt down then respectfully bowed to the altar. In time, it became clear that twas not the priestess they were worshipping for the woman herself also bowed in the same position. The priestess went into a trance as her eyes glowed in a deep red color, her body emitting soft reddish light. "Izh domosh sek!" ("Your reign come!") She bowed deeply, then slowly raised back up, arching her back and craning her head upwards, "Bel-Sarra-Usar!"

"Bel-Sarra-Usar!" The people followed in unison.

A pillar of light came crashing down from the heavens, illuminating the altar in its shining white light, brightening the whole central square like a miniature star. A majestic roar echoed from within as the figure of a half-man, half-dragon creature with angelic wings emerged from the light. The people all bowed in respect, while the Priestess stood, slowly approaching him as her pale right hand reached out to caress his face, brushing his dark bangs so she could gaze into his onyxes with her rubies, "Ozh Arkosh," ("Our Guardian,") she smiled softly at him, "Ozh, sav Eidolon, groth Izh." ("I, 7th Eidolon, welcome you.")


"*Gasp?!*" El gasped awake, right hand clutching near her chest, "W-where...?" It took a few seconds for her mind to be fully conscious. "Ah..." Then everything came crashing back to her as she remembered the night before. "*Hic*..." The child began to cry again, barely stopping herself due to the warm comfortable feeling on her back, the girl scooted herself forward as she looked behind. There he was, her newest friend, in all of his majestic bestial glory. The beast was awkwardly fitting himself in what appeared to be a small cave on the mountains, "I'm..." El wiped the tear forming in her right eye as she fidgeted with her dress, looking down at the ground, "I'm sorry..." She remembered the baseless accusations she said to him before she fell asleep, it wasn't right, Usar had done nothing wrong and in fact, he was the one who saved her from Lucius and the guards.

There where these hazy spots in her memory, two to be exact, one after she discovered Usar's statue and the other just yesterday night. Something must have happened, that was for sure. As the pair spent more time with each other, El found the mental fog slowly lifting, she could place bits and pieces of what happened, but nothing exact as of yet. Still, the thought that she was the one who almost brought total destruction to Horizon terrified her, terrified of herself, terrified what she could become. "B-beasty, uhm..." El hugged his human torso, seeking comfort, "I... I know I'm not like the other children, b-but I didn't think that I... I..." She gulped, the dam broke as she cried softly, "k-killed t-them... I... I didn't want..." She pressed herself to him, burying her face on his toned torso, "I just... I just want Lucius to die!! N-not the others, no... I..." She was being completely honest with herself, she still couldn't believe her wish came true, by her own hands to boot. "W-whoever I truly am," She clenched her right hand, "I must know, I... I don't want to hurt anyone again!" She screamed between her sobs and gasps, her voice echoing within the cave.

"I... I was the one who uhm..." She tried to find the right word, "summoned you, right?" El tilted her head. "I think so, cause you see..." El sat down in front of him, one finger absently circling on the cavern floor, "I h-had a dream just now, t-there was..." Usually a person would forget about their dreams a few moments after waking up, but this particular dream was so vivid, she could remember most of it, "There was a priestess on an altar, she looked like..." El gasped, putting one hand to her mouth before it slowly trailed down to her chest, "M-me... she looked like me if I'm an adult!" El stood up, "A-and then, there were lots of people, they all were praying and then there was a bright light..." She winced, she really didn't like extremely bright lights, they scared her, "From the light, you... YOU!" She pointed her finger at Usar, "You appeared! They called your name! Y-your name..." She paused, trying her best to pronounce the ancient tongue, "Bel-Sarra-Usar..." She felt a prickle in her link with him, she was right, there was no doubt, Beasty's real name was Bel-Sarra-Usar.

To make matters even more perplexing, El could understand the words spoken by the priestess, "They were... worshipping you, like a god, she said you are their guardian and she's the 7th Ei... Eidomon, Eidomemon..." She fumbled the difficult word for a bit, "Eidolon." The word meant 'Summoner' in ancient tongue, most likely Usar could understand it, "Am I... am I an Eidolon, Beasty?" El took a step back, shaking her head slowly in disbelief, "Am I a bad person? I hurt people, w-what I did... what should I do now?" She drooped her head, "What about Mama, Papa, and Orchid? Can I come home? Please! Let me come home!" She tried to wipe away her tears, but they wouldn't stop, "I want to see them! I want to see if they're alright!"
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Usar glanced from the corner of his eyes as El woke up. He simply stared at her as El talked, the beast rubbing his body against the ground to scratch himself. He flipped onto his back, staring at El upside down, tilting his head as his friend sobbed all her emotions and thoughts to him. He winched slightly at her sudden scream as her voice echoed in the small cave. Seeing her tears trickle down her cheeks, Usar carefully extended a claw, letting a single tear drop roll on it. Usar blinked as he focused his eye on the tear drop, smearing it into his palm.

As El talked about the dream, Usar narrowed his eyes. The connection between them forced Usar to have pockets of memories of the past play in his mind. He slept for so long that most of his memories when his reign was strong were muffled, shoved into the back of his mind as new eras played out in Horizon Tower. Like the belief of him, his memories were slowly being forgotten. All Usar could do was watch as El's face displayed her feeling, confusion, and concerns about the intense dream she had.

When his name was said aloud, Usar flipped back onto his stomach and pushed himself up with his hands. His black hair fell over his onyx eyes as, very quickly and slyly, a tiny smile appeared on his face.

"Bel-Sarra-Usar," he repeated, the tip of his tail outside the entrance of the cave wagging slightly.

It made his heart skip a beat hearing his name. The mountains thousands of years ago always echoed his name, filling Usar's pride as he watched over his land and people. But, like himself and his memories, his name soon faded to nearly out of existence, only being kept alive by the few documents of him kept secretly at Horizon. He wanted El to keep saying his name over and over just so he could feel the importance he had during the times when he truly meant something to his people.

"...Eidolon..." the word struck a chord with Usar. "...Eidolon..."

His mouth gently dropped open as a flash of the women who summoned him those past years appeared. No, El couldn't be her...but everything was right. The appearance of El, El's personality, everything that Usar knew of the priestess seemed to be right in front of him bunched up into a small child. It was confirmed to Usar that he was indeed summoned again for some sort of purpose. Unfortunately for the both of them, El's powers were too new to give him an exact reason and direction and Usar lost a lot of his glory and abilities as he slept.

Usar crawled over to El and she backed away slowly, wincing again at the burst of emotion between their connection. Usar could feel that El wanted to return home, but he knew it was impossible now. She most likely would never return to the tower.

In an attempt to comfort her, Usar rubbed his head gently against the girl's shoulders. He used his hand to guide her outside for some fresh air, keeping her safe from the ledge by using his tail as a guard. A part of him wanted to take El back to the tower to show her that she was most likely forever not welcomed. The best way to show someone the truth is to have them discover it themselves. At the same time, Usar wasn't sure if that was the right approach for someone as sensitive as El.

With the connection urging him on, Usar placed El onto his back and took flight towards Horizon. Horizon wasn't his destination, but they had to fly near it to take El to a very special place that may answer some of her questions.
After her emotions unleashed and the echoing voice died down, what remained was a sobbing little girl as she knelt on the ground, both hands positioned just below her eyes. Gradually, she began to calm down, Usar's warm presence through their close proximity and soul link certainly helped her case. The child hiccupped for a bit as she raised her head just in time with the beast rubbing his head on her shoulder. "Eh?" El's eyes widened for a tick, rather confused by gesture at first but very soon understood his goal, slowly, a small smile curled at her lips as she raised one hand to rub Usar's head. "Ehehe~" She softly giggled, really appreciating the company she had. The girl's mental state was stable enough for her to notice Usar's peculiar reactions to the two ancient words she spoke.

"Uhm... I'm right, am I?" El asked rhetorically as she examined the Guardian's human torso, "You were the one summoned in my dream, your name is Bel-Sarra Usar," He could speak this word clearly, El figured maybe Usar understood this old language and not the current one she used, "I think I'll call you 'Usar', will that be okay?" She asked while swaying her body sheepishly, the delight she felt from their connection signalled he liked - no, loved - being called by his true name. "Usar, Usar, Usar~" She teased, a big grin on her childish face. For the moment, the child forgot about the disaster she brought upon Horizon. Just for this brief moment, she returned to her cheerful self, free of all worries and happy like how all children should be. Of course, with great power comes great responsibility, El couldn't be so carefree now knowing she held the abilities of an Eidolon.

"Mhm~" The girl nodded, "Eidolon, I think she's me... right? Or, uhm, me in the past, she sure looks a lot like me, maybe she's my mother?" El tilted her head slightly in curiosity, if what she saw was true, then it explained a lot about the awakening in her otherwise unknown arcane powers. "If... if those things I did are my... my powers then," She inhaled deeply, then exhaled as she brought her hands before her eyes, "I want to know more, I don't want to hurt people, well, everyone except..." There was a glint in her ruby eyes, a streak of vindictive gaze, "People like Lucius, I think..." She steeled herself, gritting her teeth, "They should die." Wow, it felt good, El felt as if a heavy weight lifted from her soul, "People who hurt others so easily, bad people, they don't deserve to live." Knowing she held power, actual power to make changes in the world, slowly but surely had its effect on her. It seemed Usar agreed with her, being the Guardian he was.

The girl scratched the back of her head as she mumbled, "They must hate me now, aren't they? The people at Horizon I mean..." She sighed, no tears came this time, just a tired sigh of someone who tire mingling with her fellow humans, "They always disliked me, except Papa, Mama, and Orchid, but now... I think Orchid hates me, I hope Papa and Mama do not," She wasn't so sure now, "I don't care, I still want to see them, they will understand that those guards I killed are bad men!!" She didn't hesitate so much with the 'kill' word this time, firmly convinced that Lucius and his cronies were villains.

"Let's go back." With his help, El hopped herself to Usar's back, clinging firmly to him as she set her gaze to Horizon Tower. She didn't know he wasn't taking her exactly to Horizon... yet, though she'd find out soon enough.
Usar used the cover of the morning clouds to fly over the lands toward Horizon. The wind was against him, making Usar use more energy for flight than normal. He closed his eyes to stop the wind from stinging his sensitive eyes as he lowered himself to fly in the clouds. The morning sun wasn't shining as bright. Instead, it gave out a dull flash as if not wanting to be there.

They soon approached the tower with guards already searching out into the lands for El. They were formed into two giant groups that splintered into smaller ones as they approached the forest line. All carried guns, ropes and chains while some carried large body bags in case they had to shoot to kill.

Through the wind, the shouts of higher ranked military officers instructed the groups on where to go and how to obtain El. They wanted her alive, but willing to take her in dead if she put up a struggle. Telo, Lucius's superior, was taking over Lucius's role. Beside him were his personal military unit, all consisting of soldiers who climbed up the ranks of skill.

The tower was in grave shape from last night. The construction crew was up and working, patching up any damage that were caused by El's spirits. The orphan boys were positioned in Lucius's room with their instructor to fix the wide hole where the window was suppose to be.

Usar grunted and turned slightly as he continued to hide in the clouds. Slowly, they were drifting away from the tower and towards the cave where all this drama started. The guards hadn't come this far in their search for El yet.

He landed gently, plucking El from his back and placing her on the ground. For a moment, Usar stared at his former home all destroyed and unlivable. There was feeling of disappoint in their connection as Usar thought about how much things have changed during the time he slept.

Usar motioned his head for El to follow him. Leading, he slithered along the ground and into a thicket of bushes. Using his massive body, Usar was able to push a large granite rock out the way to reveal another cave that held a spiral staircase that went down. Holding his breath to make himself a bit smaller, Usar squeezed into the cave and slithered down, making sure to not cause any damage into the fragile stairwell.

At the bottom, it opened to another long hallway that was very similar to the one that led to Usar's dome. It was pitched dark and smelled of dust and mold. Usar opened his mouth and forming was an orb of pure white aura. He led them down the hall, the aura as light, his tail pushing him forward.

At the end, Usar held up his wing as much as he could for El to crawl under. It was a door and behind it was a forgotten underground library that was built during the first settlers of Horizon. It was forgotten as Horizon aged and evolved, but all the books, documents and files of ancient Horizon were kept in tact and preserved.

"Eidolon..." Usar said softly, tapping a claw to the door.
"Kh..." The pale girl shielded her eyes as she held on firmly on Usar's back, latching herself as to not accidentally be swept away by the passing wind. She didn't really notice it, but if she was, she'd thank Usar for using the clouds to block out the morning sun's ray. Even if he didn't, the soft morning heat wasn't as punishing to El's skin compared to later in the day. Today in particular, the sun itself was rather odd, it gave off a weaker light, dull and somber, much to the delight of El who hated the thing. "Usar..." She took the time to hug him close, focusing herself on their soul-link, the girl sighed in comfort as her petite body shone in reddish light, the power healing whatever physical wounds she might have and restoring her body to healthy condition. She unknowingly did this magic earlier in the forest during their second meeting, but now... she found herself more in control of her powers. "I'm fine now," El nuzzled her head on his back, "I'm sorry I said those things to you..." She repeated her apology, in her childish mind, once wasn't enough for the grave error of condemning one's savior. "U-sa-r~" She nuzzled her cheek on his back, rubbing it, "I think you and I are meant for each other, ehehe~" The child giggled in mirth, finding herself attached more and more to the mythical beast, their bond strengthening with each passing moment.

Ellie narrowed her eyes in silence as they approached Horizon, the aftermath of her attack noticeable on the structure, "I did those, huh..." El mumbled as she examined the tower, more of curiosity and awe - at what she did - than horror now, she was coming to terms with her powers, it was clear she wasn't like the others, she shouldn't act nor pretend like she was. The dream and Usar certainly helped her moving forward. She perked up when the voices of various officers rang in her ears, they were rather far below, she shouldn't be able to hear them... but she found her senses augmented through her powers, evident by soft glow emitting from her body. "There are more of those scums, they are looking for me, well I'll show them, we will show them. Do you know they are horrible men who happily hurts children, Usar?" El shot her vindictive anger at her friend, she wasn't the the quiet girl in the past anymore, after what had transpired, the girl gradually broke out of her mold, no more would she wonder why she was left to be adopted, why her body was like that, and why she could talk to beings like Usar and Kou. Speaking about Kou, she hadn't seen the Fae since the cave incident... but she had no time to ponder about it now.

Her ruby eyes scanned the tower from the top to bottom, stopping at one particular spot. "There they are," She looked at the orphans through the hole in Lucius' room, "Even with Lucius gone, they aren't free?" El tilted her head in confusion, "We must do something about that..." She muttered under her breath, her tone completely serious, though a rather mischievous smirk grew on her lips, "I think I have an idea, Usar, ehehe~" She put one hand to coyly cover her lips, "But perhaps later." She understood his desire through their link so the girl wasn't surprised when Usar flew away from the tower, landing in front of the cave that used to be his home.

"What are we looking for here?" El asked curiously as her dainty feet touched the ground. Straightening her dress, El gingerly followed Usar, but his massive body covered too much ground with each slither for her to keep up. "Ehn..." The girl stopped for a moment as she went into deep thought, she brought her hands in front of her eyes, "Maybe, I could... Wait a minute, Usar!" She signalled for him to stop as she closed her eyes, focusing on her newly-awakened powers. The familiar reddish glow spawned from her once more, the arcane aura enveloped her body as, slowly but surely, El's hair floated upwards like it was underwater followed by her feet leaving the ground, inch by inch. "Ah?" The floating girl examined herself as she spun on the air, "Ahahaha~ It worked!" She twirled a few times, "Woah?!" Almost stumbling and hitting a tree before regaining balance, "Ha, okay, I'll need to practice more, but I think it's good for now, ehehe~ Let's go!" She urged him to continue, now conveniently floating beside the beast.

"Oh?" El the Floater perked with widened eyes shining with excitement as her friend revealed the spiral staircase, what kind of wonders would he show her? She couldn't wait, "Let's go, let's go!" She flew inside, her aura helping to illuminate the dark cavern. Inside, she didn't bother to use the stairs of course, the girl simply floated down along the steps, the massive beast wasn't so lucky as the constricting cave didn't allow his angelic wings to be much of use. At the bottom, El's glowing form became obsolete as Usar exhumed a bright orb of white light, "Nmmh..." The girl was intimidated by the light for a moment, but knowing Usar wouldn't hurt her, she didn't mind it. Her peculiar fear of light stretched back ever since she was but a babe, her adoptive mother noticed the pale baby cried every time morning comes or she was exposed to direct sunlight, Doctor Ryan deducted the main factor was her sensitive eyes and skin, however this little perk might be more than meets the eye.

"Omph~" El defused her powers as she landed on the ground, her aura dimming down. The girl understood Usar's gesture by going on all fours then crawled under his feathery wings, "A door?" She asked to herself, wasting no time to approach it, curiosity driving her actions. "Eidolon..." She repeated Usar's words.


"Eh?" El's voice seemed to activate a mechanism as glyphs drawn in shimmering red ink drew itself on and around the door, forming various magical circles which slowly spun. The arcane lock dissolved as the door slid to the side, opening itself, revealing a massive cavern specifically made to be an archive. "Woah...!" El gawked as she went inside, her head craning upwards, taking every spectacle from this ancient library. Rows upon rows of bookshelves, cubes similar to Usar's resting place on the walls, tables and chairs for reading, it was an architectural masterpiece. "Books! Look, Usar, b-books! I-it's a... it's a library!!" El jumped up and down as she quickly dashed between the bookshelves, skimming her eyes on the perfectly preserved works. There were so many books to read, she didn't know where to start, she could live here forever. "Thank you, Usar!" She went back to the beast, hugging him tight, "You're the best!" Horizon library pales in comparison, very very much so.

Over the next half hour, El would be going here and there in the library, using her levitation power to reach the upper shelves, she gathered a few books she found interesting then placed them on one reading desk. With a happy giggle, she sat herself down as she grabbed her first book, "The Universe, Arkosh, and Eidolon by Immanuel Ilium" She read the title and author out loud, "Eh...?" That was when she noticed that the letters written on the cover - and all of the books around her - were not the Common tongue, they were... different, she never seen them before, but she could understand them. "How?" Then it clicked, the priestess in her dream spoke in the same language used here, she could understand her, furthermore, Usar didn't understand the common tongue, he apparently spoke this foreign language. "Ozh Eidolon..." ("I'm Eidolon...") El whispered to herself as she turned to Usar.

OOC: Since the Ozkavosh dictionary is limited in vocabulary, from now on, I will use Red Violet color pallete for any lines in Ancient Tongue. If it's somehow hard to read or any concerns, just tell me, Pray. ;)

"I speak language, Usar. Understand me?" She spoke in broken Ancient Tongue, not accustomed to it, chopping bits and pieces from her dream and fuzzy spots in her memories, El was confident she'd learn more about this language through the books, quite easily as she could already understand the words, she just didn't know the equivalent words between Common and Ancient, she needed to expand the latter's vocabulary. El went back to her book, motioning Usar to come, "Read, you read, I read, together." She said with a happy grin. The girl perused the book carefully, many new words swimming in her brain as she brought her eyes closer, very focused and eagre like a child with her new favorite toy, she absorbed the knowledge from the book. After some time, the girl began reading the words out loud, as written by Historian Immanuel, the author.

"In the beginning, there was nothing but emptiness, no earth, no wind, no fire, no thunder, not even light and darkness. No one know where they come from, no one is even sure of their existence, but the most popular and accepted theory regarding the Universe's birth is this..."

El inhaled for a breath, getting more and more excited as she turned the pages with deft efficiency.

"Sol and Luna, the Primordial Forces which filled the Void with their presence, marking the beginning of the Universe. Sol represents Light, Order, Preservation, and Masculinity, while Luna represents Darkness, Chaos, Change, and Feminity. Both were opposites, yet one, each cannot exist without the other.

Sol and Luna extended their reach, first creating Light and Dark, these two are known as 'Fundamental Elements', it was here when the first stars shone in the sky. Along the way, aspects of them branched off to form other Forces, these are known as 'Primal Elements'. Fire, Water, Earth, Wind, and Lighting; our earth was formed after all of the Primals were created, then... life, plants, animals, and sentient beings, like us humans."

El gulped, this was getting interesting, she learned so much new words too, some of them she struggled a bit to read, but being an intelligent girl who loved art and literature, she was driven by passion. She flipped to the next page.

"I know not the exact reason, some say Sol, Luna, and the Elements are alive, some say it's the will of the Gods, but one thing for sure, the Forces and Elements manifest themselves here on earth represented by powerful beings known as 'Arkosh'." El looked at Usar, tilted her head as she examined him then back to reading the book, "The Arkoshs varies in form, shape, and size; from humanoid to beast-like, from palm-sized to towering giants. All of them are powerful and awe-inspiring, but... two in particular reaches God-like powers, they are Sol and Luna's Arkosh. I am confident as the former is my people's Guardian, the mighty Bel-Sarra-Usar." El dropped the book gently as her body trembled.

"Y-you are t-their... s-so the dream..." Shaking her head, El continued to read, she must know.

"The two Arkosh also have one other significant trait that differs them from the others, Eidolons, mortal link and vessel of the Arkosh. Due to their Divine powers, their true forms alone could shake our world asunder, so they must tether themselves to a sentient being in order to safely manifest here. Those chosen are called 'Eidolon'. Horizon, my people, have its own Eidolon over the generations, the current one is High Priestess Ru'mia Delzare, 4th Eidolon, a very wise woman, not to mention beautiful and elegant, like her predecessors.

Arkosh Bel-Sarra-Usar's Eidolon is noticeable by her being always female, very pale - porcelain-like - skin, alabaster hair, ruby red eyes, and possessing powers greatly surpassing every wizards, mages, and witches I've ever known. Each time an Eidolon dies, Arkosh Usar would go into a slumber as his corporeal form turns into stone until the next girl chosen as his Eidolon physically touches the statue.

Little is known about Luna's Arkosh or Eidolon, but from what little information I've researched, he'll most likely be opposite of Sol's in both aspects.

Ah, the author notes that Eidolons represent the opposite Force from their Arkosh, this means High Priestess Ru'mia possesses Luna's essence as Arkosh Usar represents Sol, surely Luna's Eidolon possesses Sol's essence. Why? I know not for sure, there are so many things we mere mortals haven't comprehend." El took in a sharp breath as she panted a bit, the girl dropped the book again, her expression in deep thought. "Usar..." She stood up then turned back to face him.

"Am I... really..." She mumbled for a bit, fidgeting, before smiling in confidence, "I am your Eidolon, and you are my Arkosh, I'm sure." She felt pride, she was chosen. El wanted to continue exploring this library, learn everything about Usar and herself, though there was one thing she was really curious about, "What about Luna, have you ever met here? And her Eidolon?"
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Usar wiggled his way through the doorway, needing to fold his wings as tightly against his body possible. Once through, he let out a huge sigh of relief and shook his body. He was surprised how well kept the library was after being unused for years. Though, only those special and educated enough was allowed to use the library back then.

Finding an open spot, Usar laid his body on the cool flooring. His tail wrapped around most of the room, but it was great to finally stretch out after being cramped up in that small cave. He rested his chin on the flooring, watching El run between the bookshelves and settling herself at a table with a large, old bound book. Usar shifted his position to be right behind El, closing his eyes as the girl read aloud.

"Good," Usar answered when El spoke his ancient language. He wasn't that big of a talker, always preferring to keep his words short and to the point.

He licked his lips, listening to El read about the first creation of the world. All Usar knew was his existence and that of Luna's. He wasn't familiar with the primal elements as all the elements lived separately, but mostly in harmony with one another. They all fed off each other, gaining power and losing it, keeping each other balanced.

It was surprising how much the historian knew about the beginnings of the world and its creation. Usar couldn't remember the man or the Eidolon he spoke of. With each new Eidolon summoning him, Usar would slowly lose the memories of the previous one. Bringing El here not only benefited her, but Usar as well. He hoped there would be a book somewhere in the library that spoke of his deeds with his Eidolon's and what exactly was his purpose back then to be summoned.

As El continued to read, Usar leaned him to hover his head just over El's, astonished by what was documented in the book. Even if it was all speculation, it sounded like the absolute truth of the world.

"Yes you are, El," Usar answered in a breathy voice. "I think you may be the youngest who have summoned me. I do not remember any other who were younger than you..."

He closed his eyes, trying his best to remember. But, all he could come up with was the last Eidolon that summoned him. Opening his eyes, he couldn't hold back a low hiss, pulling himself away from El and fluffing up his plumage.

"Luna is a vile creature who should always be kept in stone!" Usar hissed. "I know nothing of her Eidolon. But, if I did I would focus my life on killing him over and over until time ends."

Usar hated Luna, but never truly got a chance to meet the Arkosh. Like the others, they lived a separate life, but Usar was created with a deep hatred of his opposite.

"We can only hope she is still in stone somewhere lost," Usar rested back on the ground after calming down. "We do not want her loose."
"Youngest, huh?" El quipped innocently as she craned her head upwards so she could look up to Usar who was looming above her, "The priestess I saw in my dream was older than me, but am I really the youngest?" El giggled, finding the little fact rather amusing, "Then~ I am the luckiest, right? I meet you since I'm young so I can be with you longer." Her childish mind, still pure and innocent, granted with powers but lacking in guidance and responsibilities in using them, one might argue if El's meeting with Usar at such a young age was a recipe for disaster, proven by the child already tainting her hands with human blood, both literally and figuratively. Usar's unexpected strong reaction took El off guard as she took a step back in surprise, her waist bumping with the desk behind her. "So, she's a bad person then?" She could feel deep hatred oozing from her beastly friend through their link, so strong and potent, El herself was affected. Her face contorted into a scowl as she shouted back at the hissing Arkosh, "We should find and kill her then!".

She panted after her outburst, blinking in realization as she sat back down, how easily she could say the word 'kill' now where just days earlier, she wouldn't even hurt a fly... well, a fly or mosquito maybe, but certainly not other sentient beings. Also, there was a fallacy in her agreement, "Usar, the book said an Arkosh's Eidolon represents the opposite Force so... that means I represent Luna, does that mean I'm a bad person?" El tilted her head, her eyes drooping in sadness, "I'm not, aren't I?" El sat back down, shuffling her legs back and forth, "Maybe the Arkosh and Eidolon are bad, but Luna itself it's not bad, I mean... you don't hate me, but I have Luna inside me." El said confidently, "Now, what should I read next~?" The girl giggled as she stood up, pursing her lips, "Mmmm, I wonder if there's something about-" The girl abruptly stopped herself as her arcane senses prickled, some other being was approaching and likely Usar could feel it as well, but there was no hostility, in fact, this particular being was very familiar to El, "Kou?!"

True enough, a blob of light appeared next to El's shoulder as it floated to the desk. Before any of them could speak, Kou's orb-shaped form shifted for the very first time since El met it, revealing the miniature figure of a woman with a one-piece dress and icy butterfly wings, "An honor to meet you, Arkosh Bel-Sarra-Usar," Kou, now clearly female in both voice and form, bowed deeply to the Arkosh, raising herself as she smiled at El, "Nice to see you again, Ellie." The Faerie gave her old friend a quick hug on her cheek before drawing away.

"K-kou? Y-you are... er, but... but how? Ehm..." El blinked repeatedly, in disbelief that her blob friend was actually a woman, looking like a stereotypical fairies from storybooks to boot.

"I understand you must have a lot of questions and not to worry, I will explain to you everything, this includes you too, Arkosh Usar." Kou spoke in Ancient Tongue, knowing they both could understand it, she cleared her throat as she sat down on a book, using it as her chair, "Since time immemorial, long before Horizon's early days, when Arkosh Usar manifest himself in this realm, tethering himself to the first Eidolon, our people - The Ice Faeries - had always have a close bond with her and her successors. This is a pact made by Her Majesty Shiva, Queen of the Ice Faeries, as a form of gratitude to the Eidolon for saving her from certain death in the hands of vile sorcerers. Long story short, the Queen promised to choose one of us to watch over each Eidolon." Kou elaborated, no amount of jesting in her voice, she was telling what she believed was true, "However, at some point in time... as human civilization advanced, their faith in Arkosh Usar waned and finally, seeing himself no longer needed as a Guardian, he sealed himself away. Your Eidolon's line ceased. Do you remember this, Arkosh Usar? Perhaps not..." Kou sighed, a sad smile on her icy face. "Be that as it may, our pact with your Eidolon still stood, we waited and waited, clinging to the hope that one day... one day the chosen girl will grace our presence once more." Her frown curled into a soft motherly smile as she gazed lovingly at El, "It appears the wait is over, my dear El. I am sorry for not telling you this earlier, we weren't sure if you are truly Usar's Eidolon reborn, forgive me for being so foolish as to prevent you from entering Arkosh Usar's chamber, I didn't know it was him and I was worried for your safety. I had to leave to report to Queen Shiva, I was actually going to return as soon as possible, but she prevented me, it appeared she knew you were about to reunite with your Arkosh, El."

"I see... It's alright, Kou, I understand." El listened carefully to each and every word Kou spoke, it only made her curiosity grew, "You said the Eidolon ceased, but... I am here, that mean the line continues, but why, Kou?"

"Because..." Kou stood up as she looked away, her face trying her best to stay calm, but it was clear something of great concern was weighing down her shoulders, "The Balance is gravely disturbed and in response, Sol took action, calling upon its Arkosh and his Eidolon once more."

"What do you mean, Kou?" El asked, slightly backing up so she could take solace in Usar's presence, the conversation was getting direly serious.

"The world is in a state of turmoil, El, your people are too comfortably closed in your tower to notice." Kou took out a small faerie-sized scroll from pocket, but it grew to a humanely acceptable size once she opened it, revealing it to be a map of the world, all five continents along with outlying islands, "This is Bumi, the name of our planet in Fae language, each continent represent the five Primal elements and in each one houses the corresponding Arkosh. Gainai continent is fire, Jalaya is water, Baima is earth, Saujarh is wind, Akau is lightning-"

"What about the Fundamental Elements, Light and Dark?" El suddenly interrupted, drawing an annoyed sigh from Kou "Ow!" as she scolded the rude child by tapping her head with more force than her diminutive form might suggest. "I'm sorry..."

"The Fundamental Elements have no continents, their Arkosh roams constantly," Kou said as she wagged her index finger like a teacher disciplining her student, "Now, Ahem, as I was saying, the Arkosh's lived in harmony, minding each others' business, but since a few centuries back..." The Fae leaned forward for effect, "They are getting restless, causing unnatural disasters all over the world, earthquakes, volcano eruptions, storms, floods, sudden shifts in the length of day and night, among other things." Kou leaned back, crossing her arms as she put one hand to caress her chin, "The first signs appeared a century after you sealed yourself, Arkosh Usar." She eyed the massive Arkosh for a moment, a tinge of anger in her icy eyes, "Also, there's one other thing, without you to support Sol here on Bumi, Luna's influence grew without restraint, as its nature suggest, Chaos and Change, this may be the main factor of these disasters. We wanted to find Luna's Arkosh and her Eidolon but as always, she is very elusive and even our best scouts couldn't find her... no one ever personally saw her, we are not even sure she physically exists... or that Luna even have an Arkosh..."

"But the book said-" El tried to interrupt again.

"Mere speculation by the human who wrote it, El," Kou didn't scold her this time, "The author thought if Sol have an Arkosh in physical form along with an Eidolon, Luna would be as well, but it is unproven, but one thing for sure, her influence is growing and with each passing year, the disasters only got worse. You are here for a reason, El, you and Arkosh Usar are called to stop this madness, find the one responsible, and restore balance to Bumi... or doom will be soon upon us."

"..." El went silent as she took everything in, taking her time to process the information dump Kou just shoved into her head, the situation must be very dire indeed. "Usar..." El hugged him, "I believe her, I believe I was chosen for something, I don't want the world to end, if it ends, we will all die, Papa, Mama, Orchid, Kou, and me... you don't want that, right?" The girl turned back to Kou, "Alright, we will do it."

"Thank you, El and Arkosh Usar, now first-"

"But, there's something I must do first." El interrupted the faerie for the third time, but she was perfectly aware this time, "We must save Horizon from the bad men, I want the people there to be happy before we leave." El spoke with burning determination, it dawned on Kou that no matter what she said, El wouldn't back down. "We are going back there to settle things, then we will save the world."

"Alright..." Kou relented, "But remember, El, your power can easily destroy if not used wisely... I think you know what I mean." The Fae then made a magic circle in the air with her right hand, "I will always watch you, El, but I am no God, I can't be with you all the time, so I will grant you a gift." With sparkling trails of faerie light, El's body was enveloped as new clothes were created for her, a purple winter coat with a white scarf along with a matching purple winter hat knitted themselves on top of her white dress by Kou's faerie magic, "As a Luna Eidolon, you are naturally sensitive to light and heat, so I am giving you this. The clothes are enchanted, it will protect your whole body from sunlight's heat. It is self-cleaning and quite durable too, but not indestructible, though you can repair it yourself with your own magic, rather convenient, don't you think?" The fae said with a playful wink, then slowly dispersed away, "Once you are finished with your business, call me again and I shall be there. You too Arkosh Usar, don't hesitate to call me, we care for the same person after all." Her voice echoed before any trace of her presence was gone.

"Wow..." El twirled as she examined her new clothes, it looked pretty and comfortable, just perfect for her, "Thank you, Kou! Thank you!" The excited girl quickly turned back to her Arkosh, "Come on, let's go back to Horizon! I want to meet Mama, Papa, and Orchid! The bad men too, I want to make them change their ways! What they are doing is not right!" El gripped Usar's claw with both of her hands, "I am not going to change my mind, Usar, you have to take me back, even if they attack me... you will protect me, right?" She noticed his massive tail coiling around most of the cavern, "Ehm... could you uh... change shape so you are more... ehm... human?" She asked curiously, "I bet you look kinda scary to other people, we don't want them to be scared again."
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Usar settled back onto the ground, crossing his arms to rest his chin against it. He made sure to look away from Kou, feeling her crossness and slight disappointment in his disappearance. She didn't understand how much it hurt to have his own people lose their faith him. To have them forget about him. There was no motivation to stick around, especially with the lack of an Eidolon.

The consequences of his disappearance was something he couldn't ever imagine. Usar felt this heavy feeling during the few days of being released from his tomb. It weighed down his chest, his stomach that something was off. Being the glorious beast he is, Usar hid that fact as best he could, figuring that awful feeling was explained by how different the world was to when he was around. He had no idea it was the elements running around freely. Without him, they had no authority, no fear. Without him, his other half had the strength to pursue herself to her full potential.

Letting out a sigh, Usar closed his eyes as he continued to listen to Kou. His wings drooped low, feathers resting against his body, tail as stiff as wood. It was hard to listen to all this bad news with all the cause onto him.

There was a glimmer of hope. With El, Usar had a fighting chance to fix what he let go to ruins. He owed not only his people, but to the people of the other countries. Even if they never believed in Usar, he owed his life to save them from what he had done. Usar pushed himself up, nodding confidently at El and Kou.

"We will fix what I have done. I promise," Usar said.

He said his goodbyes to Kou and looked over El's new outfit. Another smile appeared on his face.

"That fits you well, El," he said.

Blinking, Usar tilted his head. Transform into human? His face scrunched at the request. Never before has he needed or wanted to turn into human. Usar wasn't too sure if he had a human form. But, seeing how El was determined to help Horizon, Usar nodded and gave it a try. Closing his eyes, Usar summoned his inner powers, feeling it swirl in his gut, as a white, blinding light flashed out his mouth. It enveloped the room, blinding anyone there.

As the light faded, a normal human man appeared wearing a simple white tunic and black pants. Everything about him had Usar's signature appearance, the long black hair with the bangs over his onyx eyes, his pearl white skin, and a deep sense of importance. Usar stood at an average height for a human male, a lean muscular body, and long limbs.

With such the ideal appearance for a man, it was a shame that Usar fell hard onto the ground. He wasn't familiar with being on two legs, his balance completely off.

"Is this what you wanted, El?" Usar asked as he sat feline-like, beginning to brain his hair into a long tail. "Am I less scary to you humans?"
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"Ehehe~" El stepped back with few backward hops as she felt her Arkosh channeling his power through their link, she was excited to see what his human form would look like, well maybe like his current human-half with the addition of lower body and five-fingered hands instead of dragon claws. The bright light filling the room triggered El's inherent fear, but know that she knew why - being a Luna Eidolon - the little girl knew how to handle it better. She suppressed the fear, but still closing her eyes and looking away. The light was blinding even for other normal people, not just her. "Nnn?" When she slowly opened her eyes, "Wow..." The hulking chimera Arkosh was gone, replaced by a man with dark hair with equally dark eyes, his signature pale skin, all in all, he appeared close to how El imagined him. Slowly, a wide grin curled at El's small lips as she examined him from head to toe, pacing back and forth to peruse him from every angle. His face was still mostly the same, with that sharp snarling look, but El didn't mind, some people also looked like that, like Old Coot Tomas.

"Amazing! I knew you could do it!" She was about to hug him, but stopped herself when the human-formed Arkosh almost fell. "Hey, don't push yourself~" She put her hands behind her back as she leaned forward, he looked kinda cute sitting like that, "You act like a cat," El cooed as she put both of her hands beside her head, mimicking a cat's paws with her hands, "Me-ow~" looking rather adorable along the way. "Yep! You look less scary to other people now, I'm sure." El nodded, "Though... I think I need to teach you to walk like a human..." She murmured, ruby eyes scanning Usar's long limbs, "Right! Mimic Miss El as she teaches you how to stand, walk, and run!" The girl wagged her index finger like Kou did to her a few moments earlier, "First, you stand with your feet like this, see?" El motioned to her legs, doing her best to teach with her zero experience as an educator, though they would find it easier as El also transferred the information through their link, giving him her muscle memory like no other teacher could. The girl would keep repeating her lesson until Usar could stand properly.

"Next, walking," She was clearly enjoying this, evident by the proud grin perpetually plastered to her pale face, "Right foot first, then left foot, right foot, left foot, hop hop!" She walked with rather exaggerated slow-mo movements, then made a few light jumps in the end. As before, she'd watch him closely until he could properly walk, "The next lesson is running!" She excitedly jump once, landing with a trail of long alabaster hair, "This one will be hard, but Usar can do anything right?" She put both hands behind her head, winking at him, "It's like walking only... uhm, faster, yeah!" The active girl ran a lap around one row of bookshelves, returning to Usar with a skidding halt, "There, now you try!"

The lessons would continue, until El noticed a tome, enchanted apparently as it gave off an aura similar to El when she's using her powers, "Luna...?" Yes, it was imbued with Luna's essence, the albino floated up to grab the book, floating back down as she opened the ancient book. "Ah..." It was a spellbook, written in it were various spells and magic used by her predecessors over the centuries, each Luna Eidolon contributed, making the particular book a collection of spells exclusive to Arkosh Usar's summoner. "Woaaaaah~" El's eyes figuratively shone as she twirled around with the book held with both hands, "Gonna take this one with me!" She sat down at her previous chair, grinning at Usar, "You continue with the lessons, I'm gonna see this book for a bit, then we can go, okay?" She flipped through the pages, there were healing spells, charms, curses, destructive, but true to her Eidolon nature, one particular section dominated the tome, "Summoning..." She muttered in ancient tongue. There were all sorts of creatures and beings she could summon, ranging from Faeries, Spirits, Demons, Divine beings, even lesser mythical beasts such as Nether Dragons, for good or ill. "..." El recalled what she did back at Horizon and Kou's words, even her childish mind knew the obvious extent to her powers, she really could cause untold devastations should she wish to, "Usar," Closing the book, El took it with her as she went to her Arkosh, "Let's go back to Horizon, we'll make them understand." It'd be daylight by the time they went out, but El didn't have to worry, Kou's gift would do her well.
Usar used the table to help him stand, trying to find his balance as he watched El begin to teach him how to walk. He stuck out his foot and took a delicate step. The other foot followed and with the help of the table, Usar was able to walk all the way to the end of it. On his way back to her, he let go of the table and found himself wobbling back to her. At some points he nearly fell back down, but recovered.

"Yes...I think I have this walking down," Usar said in time to see El running around the bookshelf and back to him.

As El went to explore the tome she found, Usar practiced his running. A deep blush appeared on his cheeks as he ran around like a baby, crashing into the bookshelves and taking extra long strides. His walking was starting to be faster than his running as it took him twice as long to complete one lap than El.

"This will not work for me," he said to himself.

He crouched down and sprinted forward, running like a jaguar. He extended all his limbs with each stride, his nails digging into the ground to give him more lift as he completed the lap in half the time of El. Usar continued to practice his walking and running, wanting them to feel as natural to him in this form as possible. It was a hard adjustment as he felt less powerful. Though, he wasn't too sure. This was the first time he was in this human form. Who knows what powers he holds while in human?

Usar stood behind El and nodded. It was time for them to leave.

"Yes El, we will make my people understand again," he said to her, holding out his hand to hold hers.

He led them out the same way, down the hall and up the spiral staircase to the land above. Once above, the door to the library closed and locked, waiting again in silence for the next visitor to discover it.

The mid-morning sun was able to break through the wall of clouds, cascading over the rocky terrain of Horizon. By now, the search team expanded to the outer lands, to parts they never explored before in a desperate attempt to find El. Some were making their way to the collapse cave and into the forest that hid El, Usar and the entrance to the ancient library.

Usar narrowed his eyes, keeping El close to him as he began to walk them in the opposite direction of the soldiers that were approaching.

"Do you have a plan, El?" he asked in a hushed voice. "I will follow anything you have."

A whistle was blown as the soldiers marched deeper into the forest, swatting away low branches with their arms and huffing loudly. Low mumbles and grunts were heard, the soldiers swearing under their breaths. They were tired, hungry, thirsty, and believed that El was dead from the elements during the night.

El and Usar could see the treeline of the forest and out in the flat plains of Horizon. From a distance, a tent station was created as the main hub of the search efforts. Telo and his men occupied it, the maps of Horizon laid out on long tables, a barrel of water was provided for any thirsty soldiers as well as a few baked goods.

Tel rubbed his chin, discussing the whereabouts of El with one of his men, as he pointed at the map.
The little Eidolon gave her Arkosh a happy smile as he agreed to her plan, her small left hand reached out to hold his, subtle arcane waves of both Luna and Sol's weaved together on contact. "Mhm~ The bad men are the problem, but since we don't want to kill them, we'll find some other way!" She gingerly took her hopping steps alongside him. The walk through the corridor was mostly in solemn silence as El's attention was occupied by the Eidolon Tome she was holding, her ruby eyes scanning the numerous Summoning spells written on its ancient, but carefully preserved, pages. El read as she walked, she wasn't afraid of stumbling or accidentally crashing since Usar was guiding her, she felt safe and warm beside him.

The silence was temporarily broken when they reached the spiral steps, "Hmmm~?" A glint of mischievousness twinkled from her eyes while her pale lips grew into a rather naughty grin, quite childish befitting her age and appearance, but there was a tinge of malevolence in them. "Oh, it's nothing big, Usar." El shook her head slowly in an obvious lie, "I just found something interesting, I'll show you later, ehehe~" There was it again, her signature haunting giggle, there was no doubt that the child truly embodied Luna's nature, particularly Chaos and Femininity in this particular gesture of El. Perhaps the Arkosh could remember that there was a reason his nature contrasted with the Eidolon, it was nature's way of maintaining balance.

Approaching the cavern's mouth, sunlight began to hit her eyes, but this time El felt no discomfort at all. Like any other people, she found the light blinding if she tried looking at the sun directly and she could feel its heat on her skin, but... that was it. She became like any other normal child, like Orchid and her friends, obviously it was the work of Kou's enchanted fabric. "Aaah~" El opened her arms as she basked in the light, stretching her arms and shoulders, "Wow, I'm fine now, these clothes are awesome!" She was about to twirl around in delight, but abruptly stopped herself when she felt Usar's caution through their link. Focusing her senses, she heard the footsteps and idle grumbling chatters of soldiers, on a mission to capture her no doubt. El kept silent as she followed Usar, she answered with a firm nod - complete with her signature naughty giggle - to his question.

They arrived at the forest's edge, leading to the plains so familiar to El, "Oh~" El walked a few steps passing Usar, putting her left hand to her hip as she held the opened tome with her right, "I think that tent is where the leader lives, ehehe~" The Eidolon went back to the treeline as she took solace beneath a large tree. Closing her eyes, El concentrated her powers, both her and the tome softly glowed with her distinct reddish aura, the book released itself from her hand then floated in front of her, already opened to one particular page.

"Stray, Stray, Fay,
In slumber, you lay,
Pray, Play, Prey,
Come forth and Obey..."

As she spoke those ominous poem-like spell, the air around her grew heavier. Misty crimson tendrils launched from her aura, their thin tips acting as pens, drawing a magic circle on the ground. The little girl flowed more of her power as she proceeded to the next step, transforming the circle into a one-way portal from the other side. Transparent ethereal beings came forth from the portal, vaguely humanoid in shape but lacking face and feet, they immediately gathered around El, staying passive as they awaited the Mistress' orders. El opened her eyes, smiling like a proud child as she examined each spirit with glee, "My friends~" El giggled, rather sinister for someone so young, "Your Mistress commands you to..." She paused for a bit, searching for the right word, she had to be careful as these spirits were bound to their summoner and obeyed without question, the wrong command could lead to unnecessary... consequences, "Beguile the guards in the forest, make them tired and sleepy sleepy, won't you?" Without delay, the spirits dispersed away from her, disappearing into the treelines with their haunting wails.

Her aura dimmed and the portal vanished into thin air as El broke her spell, grabbing the floating Tome, she giggled at Usar, "They should keep them busy, now, let's go to that tent, shall we?" The girl floated upwards until she was sitting on Usar's left shoulder, "Go go g- Ungh..." Her excitement was interrupted as the girl felt a sudden ache assaulting her head, she held her skull with one hand, shaking her head in order to focus her blurring vision. After a few moments, she recovered, but her body felt drained, "W-what... what happened?" The child asked no one in particular, not realizing that even with her immense magical potential, she was still a mortal, she had her limits and Summoning spells were particularly taxing on her very soul, "I-I'm fine, Usar, don't worry... just go." She urged the Arkosh, but through their link, Usar could feel that El wasn't fine, her body was healthy without any wounds, but her soul was clearly exhausted.
Usar watched as El summoned her spirits, a low growl churning in his throat. He was a bit jealous, believing that all El needed was him to deal with any problems they came across. But, he saw the uses of those other spirits. With them, he could focus on the main objective, getting El to the tent safely and quickly.

With El resting on his shoulders, Usar marched forward. He felt exhausted as well through their link.

"El, you have to be careful. However you feel, I feel," he told her, wrapping his arm around her calves to hold her securely. "Do not push yourself. You are still learning."

As Usar walked, he was approached by a small group of eight soldiers. All looked like new cadets with one leader who hid himself behind the group. They stopped only a few ways ahead of Usar and El, cautiously holding up their guns in the sunlight. Their eyes bounced from Usar to El and back to Usar. Their leader, a man with blonde hair and the tip of his nose missing, pushed his way through the group.

"...that's her! Who's that with her? We didn't get any word of someone else?" the leader questioned himself and his group. "You there! State your name and your business with the monster!"

Usar continued to walk forward. His goal was reaching the tent as quickly and smoothly as possible. His long braid whipped behind him, a growl rising to his lips as his eyes narrowed at the group. They all gulped together, cradling their guns against their chest. The leader timidly stepped forward and pointed to Usar.

"Stop I say! Or I'll be forced to fire!" he commanded with hesitation. "Men! Arm your guns!"

While they readied themselves, Usar let out his growl and charged forward with incredible speed. In a whirl, Usar knocked through the group, flinging those in the way high into the air with loud yelps. Guns were fired in all directions, some hitting the soldiers. Their leader, on the ground, brought a whistle to his lips and blew as hard as he could.

Telo and his guards looked up at the sound of the whistle. They cupped their hands over their eyes, trying their best to see what was the problem. All they could see were a few men on the ground and another man rushing forward to them with something on his shoulders. Telo, concerned, rubbed his chin, stepping through his guards who were ready with their guns and blades.

With his foot dug into the ground, Usar leaped into the air, using his strength to launch them across the distance and to land near the tent. The guards had no reaction, proving that these men at the tent were the best of the best, the top men of the Horizon Army. Telo placed a hand on one of his guards and whispered in his ear who then hurried off towards the tower.

"You, we've been searching for you all night and morning," Telo said to El. He sported a deep red knights armor mixed with a few pieces of hard light leather. Attached to him was a single blade and around his waist a musket. "Who's that man? I doubt he is friend...I bet more of a foe like yourself."

His guards, who wore a matching set of armor as Telo, lined up horizontally. They wore a leather helmet with a chain-mail guard covering their faces, eye slits cut out for them to see.

"You have been charged with an act of homeland terrorism and treason, Ellie, and sentenced to death by firing squad. Your adopted parents have been charged with the same crimes and await execution. However, I'm willing to let them go with life in hard labor if you turn yourself in," Telo stated. "Your crimes cannot go unpunished as you and your demons murdered dozens of our finest soldiers."
"Alright..." The little Eidolon nodded at her Arkosh, right hand clenching at her chest to calm herself down. The message was clear as day, her soul was scolding her for stretching herself too much. In a way, it was a good thing as El was starting to get drunk with power leading to grave consequences. She steadied herself on his shoulder as the human-formed Arkosh charged at the camp, a group of bad men standing between them. "Uhuhu~" The mischievous girl might not explicitly realize it, but she was enjoying the hesitation, the fear, the doubt in those eyes. A grin gradually widened in her lips as she deliberately ignored their orders, gleefully watching Usar tossing them like rag dolls, "Sorry~!" She said between thrilled giggles, covering herself from the guns. The sounds of firearms intimidated her but all was snuffed with Usar's presence, she knew he would keep her safe.

They arrived at the camp with a soaring jump, El gritted her teeth from the shock before she slowly opened her eyes, giving the knights a smirk, her eyes matching the color of their armor. "Well, I come to you know, you don't have to search anymore." El said as her body softly glowed, floating down from Usar's shoulders to land on the ground, both hands clasping her grimoire. "This is Bel-Sarra-Usar, Guardian of Horizon Tower." She said plainly with all her childish honesty, "Not that any of you would remember him, Horizon abandoned him many, many years ago." She stated with a hint of sadness and anger, how dare these people forgot about the being that protected them since time immemorial? The nerves of these humans, "I am his Eidolon, his mortal link to this world. We are not your enemies, in fact, we are protecting Horizon... from bad, evil, people like you!" She took one step forward, her hair slightly rising as if it was underwater.

Their accusations were not surprising, even for a child like her. She killed them so surely they wanted revenge, but when they brought her parents into the equation, that was when El's eyes widened in disbelief then quickly sharpened in extreme, unadulterated, rage. "WHAT?!" She bare her fangs as her body intense glowed, her ruby eyes glinting with murderous bloodrage, "What did they ever do to you, bastards?!" Logic and reason be damned, these people were not human, they were monsters, the true monsters, unlike Usar. "Did you know what that scum Lucius did to the children?!" Her hands clenched into fists as angry wails of spirits began reverberating from the forests around them, some clearly launching from the treelines, heading to the camp and tower, they felt their Mistress' anger. "He made the orphans into construction workers!! He forced Orchid to join the military!! And... and he... he condemned me to death working in the fields!! All.. all for what? For just exploring outside the tower at night! T-that's..." She quaked with fury, "THAT'S CRUEL! He did it all! Did it all with a SMILE on his face!" El panted, "No one... not one of the 'guards' even helped us, they all supported him... even you... and now you, you try to kill my parents too?! YOU! You are the problem! Horizon will be better without you!"

Driven by her emotions, El's wrath took form as she rose a few inches above the ground, "Izh sol fek, Vo'sol izh!!" ("Your day is over, there is no hope for you!!"). Usar could feel Luna's chaotic nature oozing from his Eidolon as El slowly craned her head at him, the child replaced by the malevolent witch that almost wiped out Horizon's guards mere a day ago, "KILL THEM, ARKOSH! KILL THEM ALL!" She commanded him, commanded, not asking.
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Telo remained calm, his eyes following El's soft floating to the ground. His hands clutched the handle of his sword, nodding along as El spoke. If there was one person who was somewhat familiar with Horizon's history and former religious practices, it was Telo. As one of the highest positions in the army, he had to go through both military and academic ranks to achieve his position. He sat through countless hours of classes on the history of Horizon, but the old religion was lost during the era of progressive movements. Telo was faintly familiar with the religion, but the name Bel-Sarra-Usar did strike a cord.

" really want me to believe that the man beside you is indeed Bel-Sarra-Usar you witch? Bel-Sarra-Usar was nothing but an imaginative being. An idol they worshiped to give them some sort of hope..."

He pressed his lips tightly, feeling his heart skip as El bared her fangs. Telo tried to keep face, letting El unleash her screaming on him, screaming everything on her mind and what bothered her. Once her tirade was over, Telo spoke with a stone cold face.

"Listen witch, your parents are fully responsible for a child like you. Everything you do reflects on them as your guardian. If you would have listened to the warning given to them, if you would have kept those ungodly powers hidden, none of this would have happened. But, no. Lucius was an awful man. Even I disliked him, but he went by the laws of Horizon based on your actions. You give me a lesson about Bel-Sarra-Usar, and yet you don't or forgot about why leaving Horizon is a major crime. We are exiled people, punished by the original society of these lands to never be seen again for our beliefs. We are forced into that tower for the ends of time for believing in a Bel-Sarra-Usar. Ellie, you have killed hundreds of soldiers and destroyed families. You have caused major damage to our tower. You are the biggest problem here. And, as a servant to Horizon, I will end you and all those involved."

He unsheathed his sword, bending slightly in a defensive stance as his knights did the same. Around the plains, the groups of soldiers began to run towards them, hundreds of footsteps echoing throughout the plains, as El summoned her spirits with a demonic voice.

Usar let out a low wail, grabbing his hair as he fell to his knees. The connection between them felt burning hot, erupting throughout his body, making his outer limbs feel like needles digging under his nails. Through pain, he glanced up at El, shaking his head slowly as he gritted his teeth.

"El...stop..." Usar managed to say between shots of pain. "...I...can't..."

His instinct of protecting Horizon tower and its people was washed away with the extreme angry and hatred that filled El. A red glow surrounded him as he gave in to El's command. A deep roar escaped his mouth as his mighty wings burst out his back, wrapping around him as his original form took shape.

The knights charged forward, swords aimed toward El, but Usar covered her with his tail. The swords bounced off his scales, and with a powerful shove, Usar pushed them all back. He reached towards them, claws swiping, drool dripping down the corners of his mouth as he hissed at them.

"I will not let you destroy Horizon with your ghoulish creatures!" Telo called out. "Horizon will win!"

He ran forward, swinging his sword horizontally at Usar's claw. The very tip of the sword made contact, a long line of flesh splitting slightly open. Usar hissed, not minding the injury, as he lunged himself forward with mouth agape. He bit onto the sword Telo had guarded up, the corners of his mouth slicing open, as Telo swung his sword and rolled to the side to miss the crushing bite.

Around, the sounds of bullets and screams were heard as the other spirits attacked the soldiers. Those that avoided the spirits headed to El, Usar and Telo, guns drawn.
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After Usar returned to his original form then blocked the knight's blades, El's form exploded with a wave of scarlet energy, sending the knights even further back. Her small form floated up Usar's back, standing on it as she bore her hate-filled gaze at the red-clad elite guards. She locked her glowing eyes at one knight "Eyik vo'hollom!" ("Behold oblivion!") She marked him for death as Lunarian tendrils shot out from the ground beneath his feet. For the first time in his life, the particular knight felt fear like no other. He was just a mere mortal facing against a primordial force, his eyes widened as the tendrils stabbed through his body and eyes. Not long after, his body exploded from the inside-out, turning him into a mess of flesh and blood, his armor and clothes left intact. The gruesome death certainly had its effect on the other knights, whether they consciously realized it or not.

Like a possessed girl, El turned her attention at Telo, her lips widening to a wide toothy grin. "Ahahahahahahaha~!" Her high-pitched demonic giggles shook the air with fierceful abandon, this was who she really is, protector of Horizon, she would cleanse the tower from diseases like Lucius and Telo. "You know nothing, Insect! You know NOTHING at all!!" She shot back at Telo with a soul-shattering voice, "Lies! Deceptions! Trickery! We were great once, great people reduced to pitiful wretches because of laws... laws enforced by YOU and your kin!" Her rage was firmly driven by her belief that these guards were upholding tyrannical laws that held no benefit to the people, exiled? What a bunch of nonsense, Bel-Sarra-Usar was no Arkosh of the disgraced, his people was the mighty Horizon clan, not this meek shadow of its former self.

More and more spirits poured in from the forest as they joined the battle, civilians who were outside immediately went for shelter in the tower, chaos ruled. With her position still on Usar's back, providing her with a mobile cover against bullets and made her unreachable by blades, El kept unleashing her wrath at the red-clad knights. One by one, they fell, body completely destroyed beyond recognition, only a few of them left now. However, so caught up in her spree, El didn't notice the waves of soldiers surrounding the tent. She also didn't notice a glowing blue orb appearing just beside her right shoulder.

A marksman aimed his rifle at El, he aligned his shot at El and fired, the bullet spiralling towards the Eidolon in blazing speed. Alas, El's fate was most likely sealed... if not for an arcane azure barrier summoned around her form. "!?" Her eyes widened, she didn't create the barrier, so... who? Ah, she knew who, "Kou..."

"Eidolon of Luna." Kou appeared in front of El's eyes, clad in armor, wielding a rapier as she respectfully bowed to the girl, like a subject to her empress. As she did, numerous other ice fairies appeared around El, both male and female, all of them warriors, "Queen Shiva sent us. We are here to fulfill the prophecy of Seer Ta'rinea." Explanations would come later, standing up, Kou turned around as the Fae warriors followed suit, "Faes!! Assist the Eidolon! Purge Horizon from these deluded fools! Attaaaack!" With a booming - even for her size - voice, her warriors joined in on the fray together with the spirits. Like icy swarms of angry wasps, the Ice Fairies bursted out, zip-zapping in the air as they used both might and magic to wage war with the guards, targeting their eyes, ears, the weakpoints on the human body, also trapping their limbs on ice.
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