Original poster
In The Final Five, you will play as one of (you guessed it) five gifted individuals who have been selected to be the vanguard of Shanhu's heroic sentinels. In the middle of a city filled with the supernatural dealings of an unknown phenomenon beneath the waves and an ever-growing scientific war machine, they will have no trouble finding something to aid with.
I am looking for five dedicated and literarily (this is apparently a word!) capable players to walk this journey with me. Due to the limited spots, entrance into the roleplay will be by audition, so to speak. There is no first-come first-served here. A date will be set in which CS submissions must be entered by, after which I will collectively review and select those I like (to put it plainly).
This roleplay will be sci-fi fantasy, and have A LOT of anime themes, inspired mainly by the recently-aired series Kekkai Sensen. If you don't like anime in any sense, don't bother joining. Posting expectations will be fast (approximately 2 day intervals) and require effort (Adept posting expectations).
There will also be a large amount of dice being used behind the scenes, and subsequently a bit of stat-based manipulation at character creation. Unlike my other roleplay, however, abilities and the like will be a lot more open in Final Five. I mean it when I say there will be a lot of "powerful" individuals, and that your characters themselves will also be quite exceptional. While I won't try to kill your characters, death is absolutely possible, so do not join with the expectation that you've got plot armor.
The Setting
A hundred years ago, astronomers caught sight of an approaching, initially inexplicable conglomeration of objects headed for Earth, far out in the solar system. The objects' paths were a blistering 10% light speed and destined to impact the planet within ten years. Since the day they were spotted, it was clear to governments around the globe that what was coming... was not a welcome sight.
The myriad of alien ships they spotted sported clear-cut indications of weaponry, and all attempts at communicating with them were outright ignored. Earth prepared for the worst, quite literally. For ten years the Earth governments worked together to prepare for the oncoming alien onslaught. Drafts were instated again, and the military industrial complex was revved into full gear. Countless vehicles, weapons, and defense arrays were produced as countless new programs were started to counter the likely technologically superior threat.
When the day had finally arrived, they were ready and waiting. The immediate attack by the ships was met with an immediate response. What could have been a tremendous disaster carried out by the invaders had become a pitched, global battle using every power humanity could muster. As the days ticked on, even the superior technology of the alien menace could not stand up against the combined might of a prepared and unified civilization.
The invasion was utterly decimated by humanity before it could create any significant wounds. It was a miracle to some, and a somber warning to most. The answer of, "Are we alone?" had been answered, and the answer did not come with a pleasant tag. Earth remained vigilant, terrified of what they now knew lingered out in space.
The captured invaders were interrogated, but eventually they died out. Humanity, while left to its own devices again, was not inclined to calm their minds. A vicious, bloodthirsty goal was instilled into mankind's psyche after the invasion; a desire to progress, to dominate, to understand. Humanity was propelled into a golden age of scientific progress, with most of its intents being directed towards defense.
A generation of new weaponry, technology, and science had dawned on Earth, all aimed towards the securing of a simple peace of mind. Nothing was ever enough. The guns could always be bigger, faster, more powerful, and more frightening. Entire cities were built around singular military projects, with a majority of Earth's cities now situated around an "Anti-Space" cannon of some sort in modern times. The sheer volume of weaponry had gotten out of hand eventually, and soon they found their way into the public in mass amounts. The mundane citizen could get their hands on a tank-busting laser cannon if they so desired.
The world had become a strange place, with a sense of shifting governments and a globalized, mixed culture that made up for its chaos with a common sense of peace and community. In the heart of the Pacific Ocean, and city of metal sits above the oceanic waters, stretching across its width from Japan to the United States. Shanhu, the city is called. A joint operation between China, Japan,Russia, and the US, Shanhu serves as the pinnacle of human cooperation, and the capital of the Pacific Federation. Now the most populated city on Earth, it is also a focal point of continued scientific progress for humanity.
Unfortunately, due to unforeseen developments, Shanhu has also become the supernatural capital of the world. Mere years ago, an undersea phenomenon struck it from below, unleashing an army of abyssal entities that wreaked havoc until an enigmatic group of people rose to the occasion and quelled the otherworldly enemies. While the Abyssals have vanished (for the most part), the seeping of strange energies from below has not. It brings with it a host of supernatural effects that have in no small part affected the very characteristics of many humans living on the sea-borne city.
Those humans who had returned the city to relative peace have disappeared, but in their vacuum, they left an organization to carry on the weight of Shanhu's safety.
The Final Five.

The Final Five is a much talked-about organization hidden within Shanhu, containing a number of strange and powerful individuals. At odds with the collective federal police force within the city, the Final Five act as the defense against what modern-day society is less equipped to deal with. They are by no means Shanhu's saviors; the police are capable of handling supernatural (as well as scientific) incidents. The Final Five, on the other hand, are there to ensure that when they can't, there is someone out there to clean up messes.
Though the Final Five's "faces" are but a mere five individuals, they contain a number of other members who help with other tasks including information brokering, political dealings, even cleaning. These individuals are the support of Final Five, ensuring that their public warriors are equipped, ready, and comfortable day to day.
The main missions of the Final Five include, but are not limited to:
-Elimination of Abyssals
-Removal of possessive spirits from both people and locations
-Chaos energy clean-up
-Interception of demonic cult activity
-Retrieval of sunken research materials after lab disasters
-Neutralizing rogue mecha
-Returning individual's consciousness from nightmare realms
-Removing supernatural drugs from the market
...among others.
Being a member of the Final Five means being subjected to the weird and dark underbelly of Shanhu's shadier side. Anything can happen.
Each character will have a number of basic stats to them which will determine their ability in a variety of combat aspects. These will be used to roll dice behind the scenes against other individuals or entities. These will be mainly used to determine successes against other characters, though may sometimes be used to determine the outcome of non-combat events (especially in the case of Perception).
You have 36 points to spend as you choose across these stats. A 1 in any stat corresponds to mundane prowess. 2 is peak human.Might - Used to determine your physical ability when it comes to feats of pure strength; punching, lifting, and swinging weapons with a hefty weight, etc.
Finesse - Used to determine physical ability when it comes to feats of dexterity and precision; aiming, hitting with fast weapons, balancing, etc.
Fortitude - Used to determine your ability to resist damage, be it poison, physical, mental, or magical.
Health - How much life force you have, in a general sense; how much actual damage you can take before dying.
Speed - Used to determine how fast you are; running speed, striking speed, or otherwise.
Perception - How well you can detect worldly (or unworldly) effects; 5 senses and beyond.
Arcane - The damage output of supernatural abilities.
Spirit - The ability of your character to resist death effects, such as 1HKO's, dying at 0 health, going unconscious, etc...
Heroism - The likelihood of your character to "power up" spontaneously during combat. The higher the value, the more likely you will get a permanent stat boost.
In addition to determine your character stats, you will also be given free reign over developing up to four "Abilities" your character has. These can be feats of skill, magic, etc... Use your imagination! Note that because these are so open to freedom, there is potential for being quite powerful; I will be heavily analyzing them as you might expect, but don't be afraid to think big at first.
Just use common sense, really. Don't worry about how your abilities will utilize dice; once I've accepted the ability, I'll be figuring out how to integrate it with the dice rolling system. NOTE that I have every right to nerf (or buff) abilities any time during the IC.
Character Sheet
- Age doesn't matter here. If you want to be a child prodigy or an old badass, go right ahead.
- With abilities, it is best to have at least one or two powers that are 'broad' and allow for a number of useful applications.
- You may make 4 unique abilities.
- Don't make someone who is questionably moral. Please no anti-heroes.
- For your character history, you have all been with the Final Five for at least a year (unless you specifically want to come in as a new member). Those who are accepted should probably discuss with one another a few character relationships they have with one another, significant or not.
- Science/Technology is well advanced enough now that it can take on most supernatural phenomenon without being completely ineffective. Don't be afraid to be on either side of the power type, though magic and technology have begun to see integration with one another in Shanhu.
Appearance:[/b] (As a description or at the top as an image, or both)
[i]Might[/i] -
[i]Finesse[/i] -
[i]Fortitude[/i] -
[i]Health[/i] -
[i]Speed[/i] -
[i]Perception[/i] -
[i]Arcane[/i] -
[i]Spirit[/i] -
[i]Heroism[/i] -
[b]Theme Song(s):[/b]
The Cast
Character Ability Mechanics
Stats and Statuses
Final Five supporting NPCs
The Original Five
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