Fighting for Survival (Faye x Windsong)

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Her words didn't really ring true in his head for the time being, surely they'd find something useful to fit into later on in his memories. Either way he felt wholly optimistic about the whole idea, perhaps knowledge of his ancestry would be the key to his success in life and living happily and comfortably for the rest of it.

Or rapid onset of death, that idea didn't stick nearly as well.

"Yes, let's." He responded before he stood up and made for the door. No one shouted, no one screamed, a few people murmured about the traveling healer acting so selflessly towards someone who looked as if like he'd never known a proper barber of bath.

"Hope nobody mistakes this for a kidnapping." Daen jested, chuckling light heartedly despite the terrible joke. His plan to guide her out of the town by going beneath a market wharf and walking along the beach until cutting through some cliffs to his secluded fishing spot would hopefully go without a hitch.

It was the hour or so walk where most would find common conversation that bothered him. "So why are we here? And not living back in sea if were supposed to?"
Fay chuckled with him as he mentioned a kidnapping. That would be interesting. Aside from a few odd looks though, they were able to head out of town. She admired the view of the ocean and tasted the salt air. Ah, when was the last time she had been so close to this water? She looked back toward the man in front of her. "Well, I would assume that had something to do with the war between our kind and the ru'mans....they killed most of the Aquarians several years ago. Both of us are lucky to have survived this long...." Yes, she'd heard of people simply disappearing after someone had claimed they were Aquarian. It had been hard to hear at first, and even harder to keep quiet. But those that didn't blend in were taken away for questioning. "The ru'mans decided to take the sea as their own, even when our people tried to make peace. They didn't want to share the waters, so they took them. I'm not sure how we ended up on land, but I'm sure it would be for our protection."

She looked up at the sky. They were alive at least...that was something to be grateful for. But what should they do now? Returning to the ocean would be ideal, but also dangerous. If they could find someplace to exist without interfering with the ru'mans, then she'd be more willing. She picked up her pace a little, not wanting to be left behind. "As for what you are, you are a Sang'ell...they are a race of eel like Aquarians. I am Sca'lee, we are more fish like. So...we don't get the pointed teeth or attack methods that you and Shar'un have. Shar'un are shark like Aquarians. Make sense?"
He had to pause a few times to point out a slick ledge or the occasional loose rock while she spoke, no sense in letting a person die mid-sentence, that'd be just as frustrating as not getting anymore information from them first. It helped keep the hike interesting at least, especially considering it was still warm out and some of the path was a little bit hotter on his bare feet than he'd been comfortable with.

"So they killed most of them but some got away? I guess that works when you're trying to avoid being wiped out.. Kinda.. Off-putting." He admitted, scowling briefly, though not angry, still more confused to the whole idea of being destroyed simply for existing.

"What's it matter to them if we live below the waves? Ru'man's are atrocious at swimming, most are considered dead if they even fall off a boat in port."

He stopped to make sure they were getting closer, the dark blue of the underwater sinkhole just visible near the edges of the shallower waters nearby beyond the next ridge.

"Shark-folk, my kind, and yours, and we couldn't even put up a good fight?" He queried, placing a protective hand over his knife, it had long since been broken in, but it wasn't often he had to use it.
"I think there was some sort of misunderstanding then...I'm not sure what sparked the argument. They accused us of killing their sailors and taking the good fishing spots...." She had to stop for a breath and make sure her footing was steady. His warnings helped a lot, and made her even more curious as to why his race had been shunned. It didn't make sense. "Maybe it was because we were such skilled swimmers that we struck a blow to their pride..." Now she was just guessing. Whatever started the war had started it. She stepped up beside him when he paused, and inwardly cringed. She had initially planned to skip over how his race had been treated. There wasn't really a way to explain this without it coming out.

A small sigh escaped her lips as she glanced warily at him. How would he react? "It was only the Sca'lee and Shar'un against the Ru'mans. The Sang'ell had been shunned because of their appearance and natural dark talents..." She felt disgusted when she said that. If the three races had worked together, peace would have likely been instigated. "Out of revenge, it's told that some of the Sang'ell sided with the Ru'mans. The two other races were drawn into a trap by these Sang'ell....In the end, the Sang'ell were betrayed by the Ru'mans after that last massacre." She looked out over the calm water. It's blue color and slow movements seemed to calm her a little. Now she would see if the man were a threat to her. In deep water he would have the advantage...even in shallow water he'd likely beat her in a fight.
His yellow eyes studied her she spoke, hanging on her every word as it came form her lips. The idea that his people were the bad guys in it all didn't make much sense, but how could it if he had no idea about his people's past or even his future. Thoughts bubbled around in his mind like a pot of boiling sea water, some staying while most evaporated from the heat. His mouth opened to speak but quickly went shut one more time as he turned to look at the massive sinkhole beneath the shallow waves, even from the height it was difficult to judge its depth.

"Sounds like we were all kinda screwed in the end of it all." He finally stated with a dry smile as he turned to face her, hopping down the ledge with practiced ease and offering her his hand to keep her from meeting an untimely and splattered demise. "Still, I can't hold it against anyone that I didn't know or anyone that I'll never know.."
Fay had prepared herself for the worst, just being cut down here. She prepared for his anger, but that didn't come. Instead he just processed the information and replied as calmly as ever. Her eyes searched his face and eyes for any sign of deception. A relieved smile lifted her lips as she accepted his hand and carefully jumping down as well. "That's what I was thinking as well! I'm sure it was just a stupid decision to separate the races...I don't see you like're too nice."

Now that the past had been spoken and understood without any vice, she felt lighter. It felt normal now, they both knew each race had made some poor choices, and they were both willing to forget past grudges. She followed him down, taking his hand when it was offered, and only managing to get a couple small scrapes when she tried on her own. It was easy enough to heal those before they bled too much.
The beach by the hole was an odd color, a distinct black sand compared to the normal white along the beaches on either side of the thick ridges, owing perhaps to a volcanic past. Still it was warm on his constant bare feet, and was always welcoming to lay on when wearing little more than what he was born in. The ideas of being enemies didn't help, but just being in his favorite spot helped alleviate the stress of being with someone who maybe wanted him dead, at least if he'd died it'd be in his favorite spot.

"I don't know about being too nice.. I'm the saltiest ass you'll meet in that town." The idea made him chuckle, he'd even tried to be rude to the woman and found it a little too difficult, which would've made him look all the more foolish.
The black sand was strangely inviting, it made her want to bask in the sun. Hmm, but she had come here to shed a bit of light on what their species was. With a small shrug, Fay walked over to a rock that was nearby and set both her packs down in the sand there. Her staff was placed across them. "How far down have you explored?" She was honestly nervous about going into the strange water. It could all be a trap, but at least she'd pass with the knowledge that she hadn't been alone. She paused for several moments as she debated about ditching her clothes or not. As a Sca'lee, she had a natural scaled covering to keep her top half decent, and her bottom half would be a fish tail, so that wasn't a concern. But in this form, she had no such covering. And while soaking her clothes was not an inviting idea, she didn't see any other choice. Daen was a man, after all, and she was definitely not a whore in any way.

She leaned against the rock wall to remove her worn leather shoes. They had served her well for several years, and she was glad to have bought them. These were set aside with her packs. Fay walked to the waters edge, savoring the burning sand beneath her feet. "It feels like years since I've been able to swim...." Swim freely anyway. Again she hesitated, really wondering what lurked in those depths.
Daen paused as he watched her unpack her belongings, pausing to ponder on something for a moment before responding to the question. "All the way to the bottom. It's white sand down there, something about the currents keeps the black on the sides." He added a shrug afterwards and a slight laugh. "I'm no noble to figure out how it all works. I just swim after all."

The idea of nudity apparently hadn't occurred to him, especially his own as quickly as he dropped his clothing and dove in with a running leap, skimming the sandy bottom before it bottomed out. He didn't surface, he never surfaced like this. His skin had gone slick and his legs combining to form a long serpent-like tail that undulated rhythmically to keep him stable in the water while he acclimated to it so he could float evenly without moving. Luckily his face had kept most of its human shape, his hair had seemed to fold down and lay flat against his skull, giving the impression it was a fin of some sort. The long fin down his back also helped keep him moving in the water as he stretched himself a bit, looking up at the reflective and shimmering surface, curiosity running through his mind as to what another looked like.
His statement of having explored the entire cavern did ease her fear a little bit. He'd tell her what to watch out for right? Out of the corner of her eye she noted quick movements and bits of clothing being left where they landed. She made sure to avert her gaze after his intent of stripping seemed quite clear. Really, did he have no manners? Not a word of warning either. Well, at least he was gone, or out of sight. That was enough reason for her to take her own clothes and pitch them to the side. Without eyes to peer at her, she could care less what she did or didn't wear. Her first steps into the water were slow and timid. She crossed her arms over her bare chest and looked over the edge of the sudden drop. She thought she saw a figure there, but what the figure was escaped her. A small breath was taken as she lept from her perch and plunged into the deeper water.

Her arms were outstretched as she allowed herself to sink beneath the surface. Her form almost instantly morphing into a picture of what sailors often described. A tapered tail began at her hips and ended in a split fin just beyond where her toes should have been. The scales of her tail were a vibrant blue that faded into a soft tan as they approached her stomach. The scales faded back into a deep blue as they reached her breasts, effectively hiding certain details from view. Patches of blueish scales dotted her arms while her hands became webbed. Her hair flowed loose around her, adding to the deadly beauty often described of mermaids. Her eyes must have changed the most though. Rather than the light blue they had been, her irises were a blank white, as if all the color had been drained from them to add a hue to her tail. Her ears seemed to grow their own light blue fins that splayed out in a flashy display. At least her gill slits were hidden by the shear amount of decorative fin that framed her face. A ridge of fin ran down along her back and melted into her tail.

She looked around her surroundings, finding her vision much clearer than what she had seen from above the water. The salty liquid felt wonderfully cool against her scaly skin. Her eyes soon met with a pair of black irises. Daenlynn's water form was both beautiful and terrifying. She knew that now would be the time to discover if he really wanted her dead or not. It would be decided in these next few moments. Fay allowed her tail to sink lower beneath her as she slowly swished it forward and backward to keep herself at this level. Her hands joined together in front of her as she waited for him to pass judgement on her form. She definitely wasn't threatening in any way. So this was how they looked in their original was nice to see another Aquarian for once.
It seemed to take an eternity for her to join him in the water, only vaguely able to see her form past the gentle waves in the cove from beneath the surface. Not that he'd complain at her undressing, though it was nothing new that bothered him, he was far more curious just to see if she was different. Above water he found little difference, everything seemed in place for the most part so he simply did a few slow circles in the water, it'd been so long that that he wanted to remember what it was like to nearly double his length as he waited.

At first he saw only feet, and he yawned, within his mouth the second set of retractable jaws spread wide as well leading into his throat before snapping shut, giving him the general appearance of normality for a humanoid. When he'd turned around to do another slow circle he had to pause when Fay had finally joined him in the water, though her mannerism reminded him of a wounded fish floating along waiting to bob to the surface.

Still, her form was vastly different than his, and his smile showed elation that she was at least somewhat like him in how she moved in the water, a burst of bubbles from his mouth proved to be about all he managed in terms of sounds for the time being. Could he talk to her? How did aquarians talk to each other?

It was all so new and exciting! One could imagine this is how a sentient puppy felt upon seeing another puppy for the first time. He slowly circled her, looking her over from head to toe at the different scales, completely opposite to his simply smooth scale-less skin. Daen's lengthy tail trailing along slowly, though he tried his best to avoid brushing over her while his eyes did the studying it was inevitable that it bumped, causing the end to twitch and draw back.
Hearing about the Sang'ell's appearance, and seeing one up close were very different things. She could see why they were portrayed as monsters, but at the same time, she felt sorrowful. They didn't get to choose what they looked like, just like any other thing born into the world...well, minus a few species. He took a moment to just stare, but afterward Daen started circling her, viewing her finned form from all angles. Fay alternated from observing his upper body and the long tail that trailed behind him like a rope. After her initial fear died away, the myths about Sang'ell seemed to be just that, myths based on terrifying appearances rather than any behavior. He was certainly not be threatening in any way as he observed her. But, he stayed quiet. What was going on in his mind? Was he not able to speak in this form? Hmm, was that normal for a Sang'ell? Or...did he possibly not know if he could or not?

Something brushed against the side of her tail, causing her to stiffen just slightly and look in that direction. What she found was the end of his tail now further away than what it had been. Ah, she understood. With such a long tail, and limited time to get used to it, that made sense for him to not be fully aware of where it was at all times until it bumped into something. Hmmm, just how well could he control his tail? Was it serpentine like, and able to curl around a body to starve it of oxygen? Was it so long for a reason? Did it ever get in the way? That one made her giggle, a bubbly sound here under the water. She could imagine that. Him getting all tangled up and tying himself in knots after first discovering this form. Well, he had plenty of time to just look at her....she wanted to get a better look at him as well.

"You can speak while we're underwater....I'm sure you've already figured out that it's impossible to drown." A small trail of bubbles seeped from her mouth, though her voice stayed relatively clear. The sound was a little different though. It resembled the clear sound of many pearls being dropped in a continuous stream into water, or possibly a small waterfall. It was a little higher in pitch than her sound above the water, and softer, giving some realistic image to the idea of beautiful mermaids drowning poor sailors by luring them off the boat with their sweet voices. Not that Sca'lee ever did that.
((Coworkers at lunch keeping me busy making them laugh instead of replying! -fist shake-))

His examination was thorough, though not intrusive, and he was well aware to keep all fins and tails to himself as best he could, no sense in being awkward or rude by poking her fishy bum. Still he circled her though, finishing at the tip of her tail before curving back up the other side, his own stream of bubbles leaving his mouth, the remainder of any air in his body being forced out through lungs that no longer had a function while he was beneath the waves.

The twitching of his own tail continued each time it bumped her, whether simple lack of direct control or his own form of testing boundaries even he wasn't entire sure, maybe it was just the lack of shining scales that made him feel so naked compared to her, despite lacking any apparent sexual organs in this state. Before long he drew back when she giggled, his arms floating limply at his side in their innocence, for a moment he thought he was being teased or made fun of. His dorsal fin bristling and the tip of his lengthy tail twitching and wiggling with mild irritation.

It wasn't until she spoke that he attempted it, Daen's voice coming off as one might expect from the kin of an eel, cousin to fish, but definitely not a close one. It sounded like smooth stones against one another, almost abrasive in its faint echo from the still shallow sides of the deep blue hole. "Never had anyone to talk to." He admitted, smiling, if for but a moment when he remembered the last look smiling had earned him.

"Not for lack of trying.." He added in admittance to the drowning comment, reaching fruitlessly behind his back to sate an itch on the dorsal fin that ran the length of his spine. As if to answer her thought he spun around and formed a loop with his body and tail, slipping effortlessly between until one might think if they tugged his head and tail he'd be stuck! Luckily he was not, and it came to a snug fit as one part of his tail met his back and he looked quite pleased that the itch was gone, bursting into a childish fit of laughter when he could see the tip of his own tail wiggling in his face.
This was so strange being examined this close. She couldn't blame him though, she honestly wanted to circle him with the same eager curiosity. The light taps of his tail didn't bother her at all, she simply figured he may not be able to fully control his tail. He could be like she was, living on land and only submerging one's self in water when absolutely necessary and safe. He stopped when she had giggled, oh, she laughed without him knowing why. Of course he may take offence to that. This time she was fully prepared for his smile, having already seen his set of deadly teeth. Even so, it still made her nervous, just as one would be when viewing a large predator at close range. They may be wonderfully curious to look at, but at close range they still made one careful. She smiled back warmly, knowing that he didn't need her fear. If anything, he needed someone who would accept the way he looked without cringing at the sight of his teeth.

His comment must have either gone unheard, or she chose to ignore it. She had been about to swim closer to have a look at him, but he swam round until his tail had come full circle a couple times around him. Her pale eyes widened as she saw exactly what she'd imagined earlier. It did look as if he were going to tie himself in knots! Another fit of giggles expelled the last few bubbles of air out of her mouth. This time though, she chose to explain her laughing fit now and earlier. "I had just been wondering if you've ever gotten tangled up in your own tail.....I guess you can." She held an arm over her stomach as she continued to giggle at the strange sight. "Now, can you get yourself out of it?" It looked as if he were stuck, but she didn't make a move to help. Not unless he needed it. Besides, the way he looked right now, wrapped in his own length of tail, was something she had to wonder at a little more. Her own tail wasn't nearly flexible enough to do more than help her swim. It was interesting to see Daen have so much freedom with his own.
His own laughter lifted his spirits, if he were shy or ashamed of how he looked it was well hidden behind the sudden laughter and amusement he seemed to bring. Making someone laugh, the idea was so absurd in its simplicity with how much joy it made him feel as well. Is this how one felt when falling in love? Was this how friends treated one another? He'd heard sailors laugh and guffaw far louder and more boisterous than this, he'd heard wives giggle and laugh at children and drunken husbands. It all seemed similar and so much more common now with his own tail right in front of his face, the sudden realization that he'd never known such laughter with another living being before, sure maybe a crab on its back or a fish flopping from a net, but never someone who would laugh with him.

"Who ties a knot they can't untie?" He challenged. "That'd be.. Funny." He added with a quick laugh, simply relaxing as everything from his chest down seemed to relax and come unfurled like a ribbon let loose. Once his tail had gone straight it tensed and coiled back to keep him from simply sinking to the white sandy bottom of the deep pit. A large wave overhead brought something to his underwater nostrils, looking around futilely to find it and quickly ignoring it.

"Can you do none of this?" He asked with a simple and slight tilt of his head, tail moving idly to keep him adrift. It seemed he was submitting to examination now, how could one not be curious of something as strange as he?
Fay found herself continuing to laugh lightly as their comments went back and forth. He did unravel himself, as is it were the simplest thing in the world. Any fear she may have held on to was pushed to the back of her mind. Now that he was straightened out, she could get closer to examine him. "My tail isn't very's strong but only moves so far." As if to prove this, she flexed her tail to each side and to the front and back. Side to side her tail could only move a few inches, but front to back she could almost curl it to a 'u' shape.

Her body tipped forward as her tail pushed the water up and down to propel herself forward, similar to the movement of a dolphin. To stop she simply angled her body up and ceased the movement of her tail. She stopped in front of him first, only a foot away. Her white eyes made a detailed search of his face. It was strange to her that he had no fins or scales. She tipped herself to the side and slowly circled him. Her eyes took in everything, the shape and structure of his tail and the build of his torso. Probably the most puzzling thing to her was his smooth skin. She wanted to touch see if it was coated in oil like it appeared. Her hands drifted limply at her sides though. He hadn't been touching her on purpose, that she knew of. It would be rude to touch without permission. The final bit of her examination was a slow swim down the length of his tail. Could he control all of its movements? Or was it just something that had a mind of its own? Did he have feeling even at the tip? She watched as it undulated close to her...did he have to think about moving it like that? Or did that just happen? Satisfied for the moment, she swam back up to him. She hovered in the water considerably closer and more relaxed than before.

"We're so different..." She mused, knowing she was stating the obvious. "We're part of the same water realm, but look nothing alike." Even as she was looking at him, she couldn't bring herself to the same place of fear that she'd been in when she first discovered what he was. It was as if the closer look at him had helped her see him in a different light...a good light...where the old myths about Sang'ell couldn't cast unwanted shadows.
He couldn't help but laugh with her and smile as he was examined, it was only polite, though he was grateful she refrained from touching as he did. All of his senses were feeling overly sensitive, and was quite sure any brush would have him chuckling like a school boy told a naughty joke for the first time. It was especially hard when he felt the currents of her movements near his tail, it was almost ticklish, it rarely was so it was such an odd feeling that she instilled in him. Her presence was enough to calm him even despite such odd interactions between the pair, even given their apparent violent ancestry that would've left a gulf had he known of it.

"Crabs and fish are different but still live here. And the things from the abyss too.. They're the most different compared to even me." He replied, his tail giving a strong undulation to give him a bit more height in the water before finally being able to float without its motion, fully acclimated now that he'd been in for a few minutes.

"You're probably far faster than me with those fins though.. Most fish already out pace me in open water." He added with a slightly bashful smile.
"True...true..." She had to agree with how he described the other creatures. They all called the ocean home, but were all far different. And she wouldn't doubt there were stranger creatures than Daen around. She gave a couple gently strokes of her tail against the water to stay level with the Sang'ell. Her eyes searched around them, fully taking in her surroundings. She had been a little on edge to do this before. The sand below them was a bright white, while the rock and sand around the edges of the sinkhole were a stark black. The sunlight that filtered down seemed to be absorbed into the black walls. She didn't mind it too much though, her eyes may not be able to see well after dark, but she could be out of the water by that time, or at least in a safe cove. Daenlynn probably didn't mind the light or lack there of, she assumed he'd most likely have better night vision than day vision. Hmm, yes, he was definitely built for stealth and evening hunts, creeping up on whatever prey he chose. A small smile grew on her lips at that thought. The hunter Daen...why did that image seem enticing? Did she really not have any fear of being the one hunted? No, she couldn't bring herself to believe he'd kill her. It would have been far too easy for him to attempt that while they were in a confined space. She didn't have the advantage in these surroundings.

His comment brought her out of her thoughts. "Hmm? Ah, yes. I probably could, but not here. I do believe this environment is better suited to your form." Her eyes returned to his face, his bashful smile. Did he always look that way? Had she always admired him like this? An affirmative answer was in her mind. Since he'd entered her room the previous night without her being aware of his presence. She'd admired his skill and boldness....and his strength, for carrying his infected wound so well. Speaking of which, those bandages could come off now. Fay wouldn't be surprised if the wound was nearly non-existent now. It probably still hurt, but if anything were to open, she could take care of that. Now that they were out of eyesight, and in the water, she could finish what she had started last night. "Your bandages can come off Daenlynn....I can...go ahead...and heal it the rest of the way." Now would be the time to reveal why she was a healer in the first place.
The feeling of protection he got from this natural anomaly was one of the few reasons he'd decided to bring her here, if not for his comfort than hers as well, a direct avenue to the sea through a small tunnel at the bottom kept this water clear during each changing if the tides. "You'd still beat me up and out." He replied to her unabated, with a wry chuckle, he'd even left his belt with the coral blade in the shore with the rest of his clothes as a show if good faith after all.

Her comment on the bandages made him look to his side, his entire length curling slightly in mock over compensation of his motions. "Oh, right.. I didn't feel them at all.." Which was a lie, he'd been wanting to itch them like mad since he got in the water, even the soft wet cloth felt like sand and grit against his smooth sang'ell skin right now.

He managed to remove them without fuss, wrapping the cloth around his palm so it didn't drift off. There was slight irritation against his skin, giving it a slightly paler hue, but save for the did colored veins that ran up to near his armpits the wound was nearly closed. In his excitement he moved about a bit, coiling over to stretch that part of his body. The movement caused the tiniest of spots left on his wound to reopen, letting a small trail of crimson trail his minor movements.

"Ouch." He said reflexively, more from surprise than pain. "I forgot how the water burns a cut.." He let slip a soft sigh, tail and body going limo briefly before he turned eyes to her with a grin. "Are you better in the water than when dry? He teased.
She hadn't thought of up and out...hmm in that case she could easily beat him to land or open ocean. She was still fairly certain he'd win if a fight ensued. Fay looked only a little worried as the bandage came off, what if she hadn't been able to heal it entirely? Or if something had gone wrong while it was wrapped. Her worries proved to be figments of her imagination. However new worries took form as soon as he started moving. "Oh, you should wait..." She sighed as a trail of red tainted the water around him. Perhaps she should have mentioned something sooner. "I said to wait, silly." She giggled a little bit, knowing that he at least felt better. That was always a good sign.

A proud smile lit her face as he questioned her. "It's much easier when I'm in the water, yes." She swam closer stopping just before she collided with him. Now she had an excuse to touch him. Honestly that question of if his skin was just smooth or if it were oily had been driving her a little crazy. She reached a hand toward him but stopped before actually touching him. He didn't exactly give her permission to touch...even if she thought he had invited her would be rude to not ask. Her tail pushed her backward, the tip of her fin flicking against his tail as she did. "I'm sorry...did you want me to go ahead and fix it? I that we're in the water." Her face was flushed slightly, mostly from embarrassment. The other part could have been the fact she felt comfortable enough with him to not even think about asking permission until just now.
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