
Mifune grunted as the boy brought his boot down onto his knee. He reached out quickly, snagging the boy by the boot, tripping him. He pulled the boy toward him, raising his sword over his head, bringing it down for a downward stab at the boy's vital organs that lay somewhere in the vicinity of his ribcage.
Reylof shifted his weight onto his rite sholde, flicking the left side of his chest up and narrowly missing the downward stab of his oponents sword. He reached up and gripped the blade with his already mutilated hand to keep the old mans hands in place as he slashed at the swordsmans wrists, not to make him blead out but to cut through the seft tendens controling his hands, in an attempt to level the playing field.
As the boy reached up to grab the blade, Mifune stood, slashing his hand to the bone, the other bladed wrist feebly lashing out, strinking nought but the air. Mifune brought a sandled foot down on the boy's chest, pinning him in place, the tip of the katana hovering inches above his throat. "Now, boy, you will die like a man!" he said, raising the sword up again to bring it down on the insolent adolecant's throat.
Reylofs breath stopped as his opponent brought down his blade. There was only one option left if he was to survive and keep fighting, play dirty. He lifted his leg and drove it into the spine of the man above him giving him the chance he needed to escape from certain death. Reylof raised his torso and swung his body around knocking the swordsman off balence with the leg used to delay the strike of his blade. He scrambled to his feet and brought his shin up at his opponents head.
The sword impaled a soft piece of dirt as his balance was thrown askew. He fell on one knee as his leg was swept out from under him. He caught the shin hurtling toward his face , blocking it with one palm. He knocked the leg aside with the other hand and brought the blocking hand up sending it sailing into the boy's stomach, sending him back a few feet. He got to his feet, withdrew his sword from the dirt between the pavers and stared his opponent down. "Let's finish this!" he said, giving him a cold stare.
Reylof readied himself while he had the chance and cleared his mind. "Age before beauty Old Man" he taunted, signaling the old man to attack with his destroyed left hand, almost as if he was waking a red flag at a bull. However it had much the same effect on the swordsman.
Mifune readied his stance. He looked the young man over... He would not be taunted by some brat in a cape. "You know not what you stir, fool... You will die here. Your blood will flow in these streets." He held his swort tight to his body, the blade facing backwards in a horizontal manner. The muscles in his legs tensed as he prepared to rush forward to perform his finishing blow.
Reylof kept his stance until the man was in striking distance and waited for the blade to be swung at him. As the edge came close to his side he used the flat side of one blade to block the strike and sliced at the old mans face knowing he would hit nothing but wishing only to disrupt his thoughts and try to find an opening.
Mifune's face bled as the youth struck him with the blade, scarring his face severely. In a brief moment of perfect opportunity, Mifune brought the sword up and around, slashing the boy's spine. Blood dripped off the end of his sword, running a scarlet river between the paveings. He wiped the blood off his katana and resheathed it, the hilt making a click as it reconected with it's housing.
Reylof fell to his knees, blood spilling from his hand and back. He tried to struggle to his feet but it was no use, his leg no longer worked. Through splutters of blood he dragged himself to a nearby stall and faced the old man, "That was fun, we should do it again some time" he choked out the words optomisticly even though he knew it was the end. "Why did I bother challenging you?" he said with his last few breaths, "Maybe I'll fight you again in the next life." He fell on his back and let out the last of his breath leaving a river of crimson in the street.
Mifune walked over to the boy's fallen corpse, a gentle smile frozen on his face. He knelt down and closed the boy's eyes. "In the next life..." he said. He hefted the corpse up onto his shoulders. He would be given a warrior's buryal. "It's just a shame that you had to die on me, boy..." he said smiling. That night, a pyre was lit and the body was burned at dawn, the young man's weapons layed proudly across his chest. His journey had come to an end, and Mifune had lived to continue his legend. Such was the fortune of the Warrior...