Feudal Era

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Inuyasha's thoughts were racing but he made himself focus on the battle in front of him, it was better that way. He knew what thoughts were passing through his mind but he didn't want to acknowledge them, didn't want to dwell on them.

His golden eyes grew intense as his focus on Nakida strengthened. He growled and pushed harder against her, lifting his sword.

The push faltered Nakida's balance and her scythe slipped from her hands and away from her, stabbing the ground with one of it's blades. Flames engulfed it and the scythe returned to a sword.

Nakida growled back at Inuyasha, her eyes ablaze. She kicked up with one of her legs, hitting the dog's hands and knocking his sword from his grasp. She jumped up and spun, kicking out her other leg to aim for his face. The tetsusaiga pierced into the ground as well and return to its rusty state.
Motoko and Hideki watched with worry as their little crushes battled each other. The twins were scared that one would kill the other--they weren't sure how many times they'd fought in the past, but this looked rather serious. Someone could die here.

Hideki wrapped an arm around his sister's shoulder as the battle ensued. Motoko was never scared of a fight, but she had to shut her eyes during the close calls of the battle before her. She didn't want either of them to kill the other one. She was terrified that death would own the night before dawn had a chance to break the tension.

"I don't like this..." Motoko whispered into Hideki's shoulder, knowing he'd understand exactly what she meant.

"Me either," he said, wishing an end to the purposeless fight.
Inuyasha stumbled to the side as Nakida's foot made contact with his face. He spit out blood with a snarl and lunged at Nakida, grabbing her wrists and pinning her to the ground.

"You may be fast and you may be a full demon, but I'm stronger than you." The dog growled at the wolf girl with a bit of a smirk on his face, knowing his statement to be true.

Nakida struggled and squirmed under Inuyasha, snarling the whole time. She knew his statement to be true as well and absolutely hated it. Her skin heated up more with her anger as she lifted her legs and wrapped them around Inuyasha's arms, between his head and her own. She clenched her thighs and pushed back against Inuyasha, willing him to get off her.

Sisumi landed gracefully beside the twin dogs. Looking at Inuyasha and Nakida's precarious position with disapproval. The cat turned to the twins seeing the expressions on their faces.

"They're play fighting. It may look serious but I assure you, this isn't what either of them are like when they are truly trying to kill." She stated reassuringly and tilted her head with a smile on her face.

"Now, time to eat~" She gleefully grinned, the end of her tail flicking back and forth.
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Hideki and Motoko stared at the "playfighting" a little longer before heading inside to eat. It'd been so long since they had real, hot food in front of them. At just the thought of good food, their stomachs growled as if they were angry.

Before they got the chance to walk through the door of the inn back inside, Motoko turned.

"Hey!" she shouted to Nakida and Inuyasha.

They kept fighting--not even looking up. Motoko shouted at them again, trying to get their attention but her efforts were for naught. The third time, Motoko wasn't playing. She stomped hard on the ground with her wedged boot. The ground beneath her cracked slightly and the cloudless, starry night sky boomed with thunder that sounded like it originated from just above. It got their attention quick.

"If you're done playing around, there's food to be eaten."
Motoko walked inside, leaving Hideki to wonder why she'd unleash her little gift over such a simple thing.

Hideki took a second glance at Nakida, giving her a sympathetic smile before following his sister.
Nakida continued clenching her thighs till Inuyasha's arms gave and she flipped them over, her ankle now pressing into Inuyasha's throat. Her tail stood straight out as she continued to growl.

Inuyasha snarled, not letting go of her wrists. He lifted his legs and hopped up till he was standing, Nakida still in his grasp.

Sisumi stayed, waiting for Inuyasha and Nakida to calm before she informed them as well.

The all three of them jumped at the thunder, blinked and looked up, seeing no clouds.

The K-9's anger slowly dissipated as their curiosity piqued. They finally took notice of their little audience.

Inuyasha's grip loosened and Nakida pushed off him, flipped then landed crouched on the ground. Inuyasha walked over to his sword, picked it up and sheathed it. He grabbed Nakida's sword and tossed it to her.

The she-wolf stood up and caught her sword, sheathing it as well. She walked over to Sisumi, her own stomach growled. "What's this I hear about food?"
The morning sun came with the screams of the locals. Women and children cried and the men stood talking, whispering about what happened.

The screams woke the twins and everyone else in the inn. Before long, Motoko and Hideki were outside ready to fight. Inuyasha, Nakida, Sisumi, Miroku, and Shippo soon followed. The road outside was smeared with fresh human blood. Various body parts and organs of multiple victims littered the ground in front of them. The head of a small child rested just a few feet from an adult-sized leg. It was a massacre. The bloodbath trailed back to the doors of the inn where the mostly demon-blooded group stood with weapons and claws out for battle. The humans around looked at them, noticing the blood trail leading to where they stood.

"It was those demons!" one man shouted.

"Murderers!" a woman cried.

"Get them!"

The local men drew their weapons on the group wanting revenge. Wanting blood.

"Hey, listen we didn't do anything, okay?" Hideki tried to reason with them.

They charged anyway. Motoko backed up and looked around--there were too many of them to fight off and survive. They had to run. She turned her head, scanning the group. Kina wasn't there.

"Hideki!" she said, panicked, "Where's Kina?"

Her twin brother turned his head as well, noticing she wasn't there.

"I'll go back in and look for her, you guys need to run now!" Hideki said.

Motoko tried to run after him, but a set of arms stopped her--she wasn't sure who.

"No, Hideki!" Motoko cried.
Nakida sat up with a start, immediately alert at the sound of screams. She looked around the room cautiously, noticing Inuyasha already up and going outside with Motoko and Hideki. Sisumi was awake as well, sitting up beside her yet not as alert as all the others. Shippo grumbled a complaint at the girl's movements- he was sleeping between them- as he rubbed his eyes of sleep. "What's going on?" He croaked, sleepily.

The she-wolf rushed to the door to follow after the dogs, the cat following behind after picking up Shippo. Shippo climbed onto her shoulder and snuggled there, half dozing- he was still a growing boy.

Nakida's eyes darkened and her stomach growled softly at the sight of blood everywhere, the scent completely filling her head. She did enjoy a snack in the form of a human every now and then, but she prefers to cook them first.

Her and Inuyasha growled at the immediate accusations, both cracking their chuckles as their claws sharpened for the fight ahead- their weapons not needed for such weaklings.

The she-wolf glanced back, glimpsing Hideki running back into the inn and Sisumi holding Motoko back from following. Where was the little one?

Nakida stepped forward, a line of flames covered the ground between her group and the accusatory humans; she wanted to give them time- to find Kina and to run. There was too many to fight off without killing, especially in her case.

"Go. You too Inuyasha. I'll occupy them here." She growled at all of them, especially Inuyasha. She's stall the humans.

"You can't handle them alone." Inuyasha growled back.

"I'm not gonna fight them! Just go! I'll catch up later, you know I'm faster." Nakida insisted to the stubborn mutt. "Just suck up your pride and lead everyone out of here. Leave the diversions to me."

Inuyasha growled at her with narrowed eyes, but she was right. He huffed, grabbed Motoko in one arm and Sisumi in the other and took off. Miroku sure to follow.

Nakida glanced back at the inn as the flames rose in height, causing the humans to step back.
Hideki scavenged the inn for Kina, searching every room in a panic. The inn was getting oddly hot. Hideki looked through the window observing the flames that Nakida must have cast. The side wall of the inn caught fire and continued to spread throughout, making it difficult for Hideki to breathe. Finding Kina would be harder.

He called for her while coughing.


No response. Hideki started to panic, which he didn't have the strength for. Finally, he found his younger sister, asleep in a bed at the far side of the in. Her clothes stained in crimson, her arms sticky with red from fingertips to elbows. Her jaw and lips covered in the same substance.

Son of a bitch, he thought. It was her.

He grabbed her and picked her up, running for the doors of the inn with his sister unconscious in her arms. He was worried he might not even make it in time. The inn was falling apart and the fire was spreading fast.
The humans cursed at Nakida yet held back, fearing the flames.

Some men started shooting arrows at her, noticing her distraction.

The wolf's hand came up, gripping an arrow that came too close to her and set it aflame, leaving only the metal arrowhead behind. She tossed it at the human, the metal piercing their foot. The human cried in pain and fall back on his ass, gripping his bleeding foot.

"That was on purpose too.." Nakida sneered, a smirk coming onto her lips. She really didn't like humans.

Nakida glanced back, noticing the inn catching on fire and cursing under her breath. She could conjure flames alright but her control was still a little iffy.

She held out one of her arms towards the inn, the flames drawn to her, lifting from the wooden structure and floating to her, absorbing into her skin. She had her other arm out towards the humans, palm facing them to keep the flames there. She hoped this would help the half breeds escape from the flaming death trap she accidentally created.
Hideki saw the flames being taken away, but they weren't dying off. Nakida absorbed them through her skin like liquid to a sponge.

The male dog exited the doors of the inn with his bloodied sister in his arms. He thanked every deity that he actually made it out of there. He nodded to Nakida as he ran in the direction of the group--a snarky comment dancing on his lips about Nakida and the fire, but now was not the time.

"C'mon!" he shouted back to her as he ran as hard as he could.
The flames were spreading too fast for her to absorb them all from where she stood.

A relieved look graced her face once Hideki exited the collapsing building with his little sister in his arms. She released the flames on the inn, her arm falling to her side and flared the flames on the ground towards the humans and made sure they jumped back before she took off herself.

Nakida was faster than Hideki and caught up to him quick, slowing down to keep his pace.
Hideki ran as fast as he could with Kina, still bloody with closed eyes. His arms felt the her dead weight and his mind felt the guilt. He couldn't believe it was her. Kina was responsible for those murders--what was worse was that she just went right to sleep after like it wasn't wrong; like what she did was as simple as taking a walk or reading a book. How could she?

Nakida caught up to them rather quickly--surely she could see the blood on Kina's arms, face, and clothes. Hideki turned his head to Nakida, his face wrought with worry and borderline fear. His dog ears pointed downward.

"I don't know how..." he said, gazing upon his sister. He didn't know what to do.


Motoko fought against Inuyasha's grasp rather violently, wanting nothing more than to be released. He was stronger than her to her own disappointment, but in her desperate state she tried to fight him anyway. She needed to make sure they were okay. She needed to save them. She screamed and kicked against him, even bit him.

"Let me go! I need to go back for them--I need my family! Let go of me--I can't be the only one left!" Motoko screamed, tears falling from her eyes.
Nakida smelled the human blood before she saw it on the younger half demon. It made her stomach growl once more, her eyes still a dark shade with hunger.

She glanced at Hideki, seeing his panic. She personally didn't understand the fuss as she ate humans regularly but these half demons seem to have a bit of an attachment to the humans, being half human themselves. She'd probably never understand. If it wasn't for the others- especially Sisumi- being there, she'd have killed them all herself. She had half a mind to go back and burn the entire town...yet the siblings and the safety of her group kept her from doing so.

Sigh. She'd hunt later, now wasn't the time..or place.

"Let's get to the others first. Then figure out what to do. I'm sure your sister is going nuts with worry..." She replied, a bit of reassurance in her tone.


Inuyasha easily kept a hold of Motoko, even with all of her struggling. He was rather annoyed but when was he not.

Upon entering a safe distance from the town, the dog stopped running, setting Sisumi down and tightening his hold of the female dog in his other arm. Only to keep her from running off and doing something stupid.

"I understand your need to go to them," he grumbled out, "but what would you do if you got hurt as well, not able to do anything?" He looked down at her expectantly.

"Just wait. They'll be here soon." He looked out towards the direction they came from, waiting. He hated waiting but he trusted Nakida. "Just believe in your brother..."
Hideki nodded at Nakida, eager to get to his other sister to figure out what the hell was going on with Kina. He kept moving forward in their general direction, hoping that they were able to escape without injury.

He held Kina close as he ran. The accusatory humans in the town were miles behind by now--there was no chance of them catching up, but Hideki kept running anyway. Not for safety but for answers.

Kina shifted in his arms. "Hideki..." she grumbled.

"It's okay. We're safe now. You're safe now..."

In many ways, she was still just a small child that he felt the need to comfort and console. Hideki was the older brother--he was charged with caring for her once their father died.


Motoko stopped struggling and looked up at him with heavy fear in her eyes. Tears still fell from those red, burning iris' but she kept looking at him. She hoped and prayed he could sense her struggle. He was half human, too.

"If they're dead, I have nothing to live for anyway," she whispered.
Nakida looked on and began passing Hideki.

"I'll go on ahead..." She muttered before taking off in a flash of smoke. She was sure nothing would happen, they were almost there anyway.


Inuyasha's own eyes were a burning mass of gold as he returned her gaze. But burning with what, nobody knows, not even himself.

He opened his mouth, about to defend Nakida when Sisumi started.

"Nakida would never let such a thing happen!" Sisumi announced with sheer absolute trust and faith.

Inuyasha's head nodded slightly in agreement. She may get on his nerves acting all high and mighty like that mangy wolf but he trusted her. He had faith in her too. He'd never admit it aloud but he had a feeling Nakida already knew.

The male dog looked down at Motoko, "You have little faith in your brother...shame..." He grumbled at her. "You don't always need to be the one doing the saving..."
Motoko narrowed her eyes at Inuyasha, brimming with anger and desperation.

"I have quite a lot of faith in my brother. If you knew what we've been through, you'd know that all we have is each other. Being without one another is like dying. I know I don't always need to be the one who does the saving. But there were dozens of people trying to kill us and it was him that stayed behind to get Kina. My family is all that I have left. I can't live without them!" she said, her voice cold and distant.

She struggled no longer. She stood still angry at that stupid, attractive dog for assuming that she had no faith or that she was selfish enough to want to save everyone on her own. She didn't want to risk her safety for the sake of pride--she wanted to risk her safety for the sake of knowing her family made it out.

What a jerk, she thought. I'm so stupid.
Inuyasha's eyes narrowed.

"At least you have each other..." The male dog growled. "If you have such faith, then wait..."

He dropped her right as Nakida appeared.

"Everyone okay?" The wolf looked at everyone with a question in her eyes. Frowning at Inuyasha for dropping Motoko as he did. She glared at him and held her hand out to Motoko. "They're right behind me." She answered Motoko's question before she could even say it.

Inuyasha glared back at Nakida, he knew she'd be back. He turned and started walking.
Motoko growled at Inuyasha as he dropped her, but quickly left it alone. She grabbed Nakida's hand, lifted herself up, and ran in the opposite direction that Inuyasha started walking in. They're right behind her. They.

"Hideki!" Motoko cried, her brother and sister finally in view.

She embraced her siblings, her eyes full of spilling tears and gratitude.

"Motoko..." Hideki began, but his twin sister had already looked down at Kina. All that blood...

Oh God. It couldn't be...

Motoko looked back at her brother in disbelief. She shook her head as awe struck her harder than a fist ever could.


Miroku walked forward with Inuyasha, striding evenly with him as he began to speak.

"Do you remember when Kagome would tell you that it was obvious Sango had feelings for me?" Miroku asked him.

Miroku held up a hand before Inuyasha could tell him not to start that crap and decided to quickly make his point.

"That half demon, Motoko. She has feelings for you. They might be small right now, but they'll grow. The fact that you held her back alone for her own safety will tell her that when it sets in that her family is safe," he said before walking ahead of Inuyasha without allowing him the time to answer.
Nakida glanced behind her as Motoko ran off, already knowing what Motoko will find when she caught up with them.

She caught Sisumi whom glomped her in a tight hug, though surprisingly not too tight. "I knew you would come back safely." The cat snuggled into Nakida, happy that her friend was safe and that their new friends were safe.

Nakida hugged Sisumi back and whispered to her. "I need to go hunt. I'll be back okay?" She pulled back and looked at the cat.

Sisumi nodded in understanding, knowing her full demon friend ate humans and let go of her. "Be careful." She smiled sadly.

The wolf nodded and smiled to her cat friend. She disappeared in a whirlwind of smoke.


Inuyasha glanced at Miroku as he approached, not expecting his next words. He opened his mouth to shut him up, cursing him for mentioning Kagome and even alittle surprised he was able to say Sango's name.

The dog looked at the monk skeptically, not believing this to be true after such a short time.

He shook his head quickly. Even if it was true, he can't let anything happen. He wouldn't let it happen a third time. More walls rose around his heart as he followed after Miroku.

Sisumi trailed after, Shippo on her shoulder.
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