Favourite weapons!


oh glorious
My favorite weapon?


The venerable M1911 pistol. Over 100 years of history, reliability rivaled only by the AK, and 7 rounds of hard-hitting .45-caliber stopping power. Standard-issue sidearm of the United States Armed Forces from its inception up until its replacement in 1985. If this gun doesn't take down your target, nothing practical will.
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Need to overthrow a government? Need to hastily arm large, untrained masses? Need to trek through the shittiest conditions on this earth before shooting things?

Then Mister, have I got a weapon for you!
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Ah yes. The piece of metal and wood that somehow make for the most reliable of all weapons...
Since childhood I have always loved weapons and blades (My dad loves them too :D); if I must list my favorite ones... AK 47, recurve bows, curved daggers, katanas, kukris, karambites, VSS Vintorez, KBP VSK 94, M1911, collection knifes, rapiers, Raging Bull revolver

If we take it to fantasy... I think that my weapon would be magic, I love the dark magic theme, Ice magic, summoning, wind magic, nature magic and spirits.

I think that resumes my preferences.

But if I must choose from my favorites, it would be: curve daggers, recurve bow, knifes and raging bull.
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Baybay, you are a AR platform kind of guy, but I was always a bullpop. It wasn't meant to be.
As far as weapons are concerned, I believe the goal is simple, to kill them and you not to die or get injured.
So therefore, If we were talking hand to hand, or close quarters, I believe I would want something that is short, sharp, and hardy for quick maneuvering, much like a knife or a short sword of some sort. If we are still talking melee, yet with range, I would prefer either a staff with lead weights on either end, or a pole-arm of some sort. If we are talking ranged, I would ask what range as each range has different disadvantages and advantages, such as pistols. Pistols have a fair range depending on their rounds they shoot and their model, but usually depend on who sees who first and where who got shot and if it is treatable. Personally I would have to go with a silenced .45 magnum for power with mobility. If we are talking about Magic, The best weapon is silence, dispel magic, anti-magic shell, spell redirection spells, duct tape, or getting really resistant to magic and then just pummeling the caster to death (You cant do incantations with your mouth taped shut.). If we are talking Science fiction, I would have to say you need to first Electromagnetically pulse them to short their electronic circuitry, then launch antimatter at them by use of specifically attuned energy fields that were inside a special device made from materials that do not conduct or allow energy to pass through thrown like a frag grenade while I'm running the other way (You only need a millionth of a drop to make a large explosion.). I digress, since I think i covered most of the bases, it depends on the situation at hand and whats available to you in that situation. Please let me know If I am wrong, but for me personally, I'm looking for mobility and power with my choices, also don't mind the colors please.

More Dakka is the philosophy any successful man should employ!
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Giant Robots (err cyborgs?) with souls of what just so happens to be the mother of the pilot.
A 12 gauge that shoots out a 12 gauge which shoots out a 12 gauge that shoots out a revolver that shoots out a bullet in the shape of a pistol.

In all cerealness probably a wakizashi, or a blade of any sorts...Think I can't use a butter knife as a weapon? ಠ_ಠ

Giant Robots (err cyborgs?) with souls of what just so happens to be the mother of the pilot.
Get in the fucking robot Shinji!
No offense, but I always saw the TAR as a rather ugly piece of equipment.
It grows on you, I assure you. Everything about it is rather thoughtfully designed and it has a surprising amount of features that aren't found on other rifles.

Besides, function > form, every time.