Favorite donut?

Umm... I don't really eat donuts often, they tend to be a bit too sweet for me... But if I'm gonna do em... Boston creme... Or creme-filled with maple glaze, I think? Or strawberry jelly filled. And that's about it o.o I'm not a big donut eater.

...You see I don't even have a joke this time. For the first time I don't even know what the fuck to say. I don't even know why I looked this up. If you can come up with a joke though, shoot.

(As for my favorite, chocolate with sprinkles)
Glazed Donuts from a regional store, Albertson's Grocery. Only kind I'll readily eat.
Cinnamon and Sugar Glazed, Buttermilk/Sour Cream Doughnuts. More specifically, the ones that look like they have a trough going around the ring of the doughnut.

So kinda like in this shape:


While I know it isn't having two doughnuts, it feels like it when I eat them. Eat the outer ring doughnut first, then the inner one. Awwyeah.
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There's a little donut shop called "Baker Ben's"... they make a "raisin square" to die for. Or at least worth the extra calories. Even though I don't count those things, anyway.
I miss Dunkin' Donuts T.T
My favorite donuts easily have to be the vanilla donuts with sprinkles from shoprite.

I think the Dunkin Donuts donuts taste awfurrr.
Duuude, I haven't had a donut in years. But if I had to pick, I'd go with powdered donuts, they're deliciously messy.
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I rarely have any doughnuts, but I have to say that my favourite are the ones from Krispy Kreme. That's, like, the only major retailer that I know of here in England.

...You see I don't even have a joke this time. For the first time I don't even know what the fuck to say. I don't even know why I looked this up. If you can come up with a joke though, shoot.

(As for my favorite, chocolate with sprinkles)
"Who ordered the Diabetes Pizza with extra heart attack?"
The regular glazed Krispy Kreme is my favorite donut!
Powered Jelly Donuts are my favourite.
Honey Dip being second.