- Posting Speed
- Speed of Light
- Writing Levels
- Douche
- Preferred Character Gender
- No Preferences
The Quest for Gebrun's Gold

You thought your life was over. After being arrested for your crime, the militia put you on the first prison ship bound for the ice wastes, where you would spend the rest of your days in slavery.
But one person on the ship had other plans.
It was last night that the storm woke you. The waters were supposed to be calm in these parts, but when a mast smashed through the ceiling of the hold, it was clear that something was very wrong. Your guards were rushing around, shouting and stricken with terror. Not wanting to drown in the cargo hold, you climbed the mast and reached the upper deck.
And that's where you saw Gebrun, the mad old coot who had been imprisoned with you since the start of the voyage. He was waving his arms around, summoning great waves and lightning strikes that were tearing the ship apart. In the chaos he came over to you and pressed an object into your hands, his mad eyes peering into yours.
"Gold, my friend! A treasure beyond your dreams! It's my legacy to you! Find it and live the life you've always wanted!"
And the next thing you knew you were plunging into the dark ocean. The ship was torn apart around you, the bodies of the guards and other prisoners sinking as you struggled. You clutched tightly the object the wizard had given you, keeping it safe even as you lost consciousness.
When you awoke, it was to the feel of wet sand pressed against your face and the sun upon your back.
You were alive. And Gebrun's words echoed in your ears.
But one person on the ship had other plans.
It was last night that the storm woke you. The waters were supposed to be calm in these parts, but when a mast smashed through the ceiling of the hold, it was clear that something was very wrong. Your guards were rushing around, shouting and stricken with terror. Not wanting to drown in the cargo hold, you climbed the mast and reached the upper deck.
And that's where you saw Gebrun, the mad old coot who had been imprisoned with you since the start of the voyage. He was waving his arms around, summoning great waves and lightning strikes that were tearing the ship apart. In the chaos he came over to you and pressed an object into your hands, his mad eyes peering into yours.
"Gold, my friend! A treasure beyond your dreams! It's my legacy to you! Find it and live the life you've always wanted!"
And the next thing you knew you were plunging into the dark ocean. The ship was torn apart around you, the bodies of the guards and other prisoners sinking as you struggled. You clutched tightly the object the wizard had given you, keeping it safe even as you lost consciousness.
When you awoke, it was to the feel of wet sand pressed against your face and the sun upon your back.
You were alive. And Gebrun's words echoed in your ears.
Okay, this RP will use the Wushu rules. Design whatever character you want and remember that the emphasis is on cinematic style and charismatic adventure. The rules are below.
No boring people allowed!
You start with 10 Character Points.
You must assign 1 point to a WEAKNESS.
The remaining points are assigned to TRAITS. No trait may have more than 5 points.
Also, choose ONE of the items below as the thing that Gebrun gave you on the ship.
You start with 10 Character Points.
You must assign 1 point to a WEAKNESS.
The remaining points are assigned to TRAITS. No trait may have more than 5 points.
Example: Character Sheet: Bob Smith
TRAIT 4: Close Combat
TRAIT 2: Charming Conversation
TRAIT 3: Trap disabling
TRAIT 2: Charming Conversation
TRAIT 3: Trap disabling
Also, choose ONE of the items below as the thing that Gebrun gave you on the ship.

Gebrun's Maps
</td><td>The Virl Wand
</td><td>Gebrun's Bag
</td></tr><tr><td>A collection of maps charting lands and cities you've never heard off, bound in a durable case with a compass included.</td><td>A mysterious wand made from a wood you don't recognise. The wand seems to have a mind of its own, working only when it feels like it.</td><td>A bag that magically stores whatever you put in it. The opening is about the size of a football, but anything you can get inside will be stored in a pocket dimension.</td></tr><tr><td>

Ring of Healing
</td><td>Prayer Stone
</td></tr><td>The old man's ring, which seemed to accelerate his natural healing, making a simple flesh wound vanish in less than a day.</td><td>The stubborn owl that followed the ship for days and refused to be shooed away. You think it might be the old man's familiar. It seems to understand what you say and can perform simple tasks.</td><td>A rare gemstone. Your remember the old man used to hold it whenever he was praying. You never could work out what his religion was though.</tr></table>SCENES
The roleplay is divided into SCENES.
In each Scene, you get 3 points of LUCK.
In each Scene, your enemy has a THREAT RATING, representing how many hits it can take.
You make as many posts as you like during a scene, until the encounter is over.
The roleplay is divided into SCENES.
In each Scene, you get 3 points of LUCK.
In each Scene, your enemy has a THREAT RATING, representing how many hits it can take.
You make as many posts as you like during a scene, until the encounter is over.
Example: Scene 1: The Bar Fight
(Bob is fighting an Orc drinking party with a Threat Level of 8.)
BOB: I headbutt the first Orc, knocking him to the floor.Then I roll away from his friends and grab a broken bottle on the way. I stick it in the nearest greenskin's ankle and he drops like a bitch. Getting up, I throw the broken bottle upwards. It severs the rope holding up the chandelier and it crashes down on top of two more Orcs.
BOB: I headbutt the first Orc, knocking him to the floor.Then I roll away from his friends and grab a broken bottle on the way. I stick it in the nearest greenskin's ankle and he drops like a bitch. Getting up, I throw the broken bottle upwards. It severs the rope holding up the chandelier and it crashes down on top of two more Orcs.
Once you have posted, choose a TRAIT that best represents what you have done. Don't worry if some actions seem irrelevant to the trait - just choose the most suitable trait from what you have.
You get one DICE per described action, up to a limit set by the GM at the start of the scene.
For each dice, choose if it is an ATTACK DICE or a DEFENCE DICE.
Roll the Attack dice first, then the Defence dice.
For every successful attack roll, he lowers the Enemy's threat rating by 1.
If every defence roll fails, he loses a point of Luck. The GM can write that character into peril or injury, forcing his teammates to assist him.
If all Luck is lost, you pass out / collapse from wounds / surrender / go into hiding, etc. The GM writes you out of the scene and then adds another weakness to your character sheet.
If the Enemy's threat rating is reduced to 0, the enemy is destroyed / routed / forced to surrender.
Once you have posted, choose a TRAIT that best represents what you have done. Don't worry if some actions seem irrelevant to the trait - just choose the most suitable trait from what you have.
You get one DICE per described action, up to a limit set by the GM at the start of the scene.
For each dice, choose if it is an ATTACK DICE or a DEFENCE DICE.
Roll the Attack dice first, then the Defence dice.
Example: Barfight Resolution
Bob chooses Close Combat as his Trait for that scene.
He chooses to divide his 6 allotted dice into 4 Attack and 2 Defence
He rolls the Attack Dice: [dices=4]6[/dices]
He rolls the Defence Dice: [dices=2]6[/dices]
He chooses to divide his 6 allotted dice into 4 Attack and 2 Defence
He rolls the Attack Dice: [dices=4]6[/dices]
He rolls the Defence Dice: [dices=2]6[/dices]
For every successful attack roll, he lowers the Enemy's threat rating by 1.
If every defence roll fails, he loses a point of Luck. The GM can write that character into peril or injury, forcing his teammates to assist him.
If all Luck is lost, you pass out / collapse from wounds / surrender / go into hiding, etc. The GM writes you out of the scene and then adds another weakness to your character sheet.
If the Enemy's threat rating is reduced to 0, the enemy is destroyed / routed / forced to surrender.
NEMESIS: Occasionally, the GM will introduce a Nemesis - a special character or trap that tests a particular player. The Nemesis does not have a Threat Rating but instead fights like a normal character. If the player defeats the Nemesis, he gains a Trait point which he can add to existing traits or use to start a new trait at Level 1.
SCENE-BREAKER: Once per scene, you may use ALL your remaining luck points to 'write out' an enemy. Roll 1 dice per Luck Point. If every dice roll beats the remaining threat level of your enemy, you can remove them from the game with a flashy stunt / awesome finishing move / witty one-liner. If the scene-breaker fails, the GM may introduce a new enemy with the same threat rating.
DEATH-SCENE: Once per scene, the GM may attempt to outright and tragically kill one of the players. The Enemy lowers the threat rating of an enemy to 1. He then rolls 1 dice for every Weakness the target character has. If the total beats the character's combined Character Points, they are killed.
NEMESIS: Occasionally, the GM will introduce a Nemesis - a special character or trap that tests a particular player. The Nemesis does not have a Threat Rating but instead fights like a normal character. If the player defeats the Nemesis, he gains a Trait point which he can add to existing traits or use to start a new trait at Level 1.
SCENE-BREAKER: Once per scene, you may use ALL your remaining luck points to 'write out' an enemy. Roll 1 dice per Luck Point. If every dice roll beats the remaining threat level of your enemy, you can remove them from the game with a flashy stunt / awesome finishing move / witty one-liner. If the scene-breaker fails, the GM may introduce a new enemy with the same threat rating.
DEATH-SCENE: Once per scene, the GM may attempt to outright and tragically kill one of the players. The Enemy lowers the threat rating of an enemy to 1. He then rolls 1 dice for every Weakness the target character has. If the total beats the character's combined Character Points, they are killed.