Fate of Fantasy Norindul (OOC)

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Well this isn't your typical like straight survival thing either. This is more about the build of relationships and the struggle to get used to a harsh fantasy world and such while progressing as a character. Survival is obviously and element but not the main thing. I loves your comic relief charry style Doomy. it does help to have all of those elements, I am only saying that I can promise you some pretty intense dramatic, and serious moments for little Zeiry.

Goes for pretty much all characters =D

okay ; 3 ; I will work them moments like a real pro!!!!
*puts on my nerd glasses*

I actually always wanted romantic drama o -o like no joke. I think it would be so much fun X,D
Its the best kind in my opinion. Especially if its a very conflicted thing, thats like my major plot candy honestly.

I knows you will work the scenes like a pro, staying true to the character and making a scene that we will all like die gushing to... XD I see it now..
Aaaaaagh, sowwie guys. >.< I will get to posting now...uhm...just need to catch up on everything first. o.O X3
I'm so looooost... XD Oh well, only have myself to blame, and with Cat it's not like it matters. o.O X3 I'll just have her drift somewhere. :P
I gave you things to work with XDDDD Sorry for like completely bombing you there but there was a specific thing I wanted to get done tonight. and it happened now Im just trying to get other peoples characters rolling by throwing in some long running npcs I will be using hehehe.
It's fine. XD I just saw, so I'm typing away furiously right now. :3
Awesome can't wait to read ill stay up a bit longer if need be to get a few back and fourths with ya if you'd like =D
Heehee, okay. ^^ Just... don't stay up too long if you've got work or something tomorrow. o.O XD Don't wanna be responsible for you falling asleep when you shouldn't. X3
XDD well Im off work the next two daysss sooooo XD
Ah, I see. XD Well, then it's fine, I suppose. :3 I don't have school today so~ XD
Woots about how many hours you think youll be online?
God I loved that post hahaha
I'm glad you like it. XD

Hmm... for now At least one or two, perhaps three more hours. After that I will still be online, but I might be drifting on and off. X3 Most likely. I'll be more or less available the whole day. Probably.
Sweet depending where Im at after my next post I may or may not go sleep for a few hours. Also just posted =D
Sowwie it took so long. X3 Posted now!
Heehee, okie. ^^
...... fffffff damnit.... french accent... dammit...

Anyways Ima reply now haha That was an awesome read her character is fun and Iv got plans that Id like to set in motion before I take off for a few hours. =D
Heehee, okay! XD She's a lot of fun to play. >:)

Duh, her name is French and all, you should have expected it! XD
Posteddddd =D
Gahhh it doesn't make it any easier! D= Most people just name people things for the hell of it, they don't worry bout the ethnicity and culture... french accents are... hot.. XD
*pats head* Well, then you can keep in mind that I usually do something without a reason. XD If my character is of French origin, then obviously she's given a Frensh name. The same goes for when they're of Japanese origin or...well...Swedish origin (*has named a character Ylva more than once*) o.O XD I usually like to give characters names fitting their origin, and with meanings that suit them in one way or another.

Well... once I actually named a character Zoroark just for the hell of it, but it worked and I was playing pokemon at the time so my mind was sort of half...focused on capturing that Zoroark, rather than on the CS. XD

French accents are, though. <3 Unlike...ahem... Swedish accents. They're terrible. >.<
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