Fate/Grandiose Delusion IC

[Aaron, Abandoned Mansion, La Mancha Outskirts.]

"Yes, sir, Saber!" Aaron said "We also need to get you some clothes that fit the times if there are spies. We'll stop by the store tomorrow." Aaron zipped his backpack. "Let's be off." Aaron got into the car. He drove down the windi road, and he pulled up to the Church. He knocked on the door.
"Father? It's Saber and his Master. May we come to check in?"
[??? , Front Door, The Church]

Instead of the man Aaron had been expecting, the door creaked open to a small coatroom of sorts and another set of doors leading into the church proper. On that door there was a note:
Church Note
I will not be in tonight.

If you have arrived for the partner tournament, please come back tomorrow.

If you require shelter for whatever reason, feel free to remain here until I can return.

- Father Salvatore

Well, that was that, it seemed.

[Father Salvatore, On a friend's boat, Somewhere along the north western La Manchan coast]

Earlier this phase...

The speedboat was going fast, cutting through the water like knife through butter as it made its way to the northern edge of the island. As he arrived along the coast adjacent to the lighthouse, the boatman slowed the vehicle down to a trawl. This would be far enough.

Father Salvatore was a man dedicated to his job. When he was asked by his superiors to go to America and oversee a battle in 10 years time, he accepted the job gratefully. His object? Keep the city safe, and the war a secret.

But such a premise was tragically and fundamentally flawed.

An overseer was just a man, a man tasked to do the impossible, to check the destructive forces of inhuman monsters fighting for their greatest desires. It was an impossible feat, no matter what he did he would die like any other man in the face of such power. Thus, the solution was simple: He required an equalizer.

Father Salvatore turned to the magic circle painted on the back of the borrowed boat.

"Silver and iron to the origin.
Gem and the archduke of pacts to the foundation.
Let the descending winds become a wall.
Let the gates in four directions close, rising above the crown, and let the three-forked road leading to the kingdom rotate.
Shut (fill). Shut (fill). Shut (fill). Shut (fill). Shut (fill).
Five perfections for each repetition.
And now, let the filled sigils be annihilated in my stead!
Let thy body rest under my dominion, let my fate (doom) rest in thy blade.
If thou submittest to the call of the Holy Grail and if thou wilt obey this will and reason, then answer my summoning!
—I make my oath here.
I am the person who is to become the virtue of all Heaven.
I am that person who is covered with the evil of all Hades.
Thou seven heavens, clad in a trinity of words,
come past thy restraining rings,
O keeper of the balance—!"

Prana surged as the circle grew brighter and brighter, calling to a greater plane of existence. It was a heresy, no doubt, but if he saved even a 100 souls from an early grave, he would be fine with being cast into hell for eternity. Upon the final line, the light from the circle engulfed the harshly rocking boat before fading away.

A splendid white knight stood before the heretic priest, a vermillion cross emblazoned upon his shield and a radiant sword at his waist.

Father Salvatore grinned. Undoubtedly, this was the Knight of God who had achieved the Holy Grail. And with this Servant here, there would be no destruction on Father Salvatore's watch.

On this, he swore his life.
[Aaro, The Church, La Mancha/Paciencia town]

Aaron read the note. He turned to Saber, who was in Spirit form.
"Hey, Saber, We need to check into our hotel. It's gonna be a long ride. Can you handle that?" Aaron laughed. He knew Saber would. He got into the car that was rented, and began the drive. He listened to the radio, which he had tuned to some NPR station. Aaron began the drive across the bridge.

[about half an hour later.]

Aaron stood in the hotel lobby. It was probably what he thought was the fanciest hotel in town, and Aaron had stayed in a lot of fancy hotels. Aaron stood at the desk. The woman looked up.
"Do you have a reservation?" She asked.
"Yes, do you have an Aaron White on there?"
The woman was silent for a moment.
"Yes. You're on floor number 7, room 22. It's the largest suite besides the penthouse." Aaron got into the elevator. He rode up to the seventh floor. He found room 22, and entered his room.
"Alright, you can appear now, Saber, were clear. Just remember, when someone comes by, stay hidden until we get you some normal clothes. Or don't, I honestly don't care!"
Aaron lay on one of the beds in the room and turned on the TV.
"Hey, Saber, you want some food? We can order room service."

[Saber, Paciencia Town, La Mancha]

Saber materialized next to his master's bed, grabbing the remote from his hand and turning off the TV. Walking over to the other bed, Saber sat down facing his master with a slightly disgusted look. He really hoped this man wasn't serious, but he didn't have much faith in that hope. "I don't need it, nor do I want it at the moment. Also, what we should be doing right now is planning our strategy for the war, not watching television and ordering room service. I don't know about you, but I'd rather not die in this war. So then, tell me your name, master, a courtesy you seemed to have forgotten upon our first meeting. And tell me what can you do to help us win this war."
[Aaron, Paciencia Town, La Mancha]

Aaron looked at Saber.
"I'm sorry. I had a long day. I flew in from Virginia. I just haven't had a break all day. My name is Aaron by the way." He looked at Saber. "I can provide Mana, and I know knife fighting, I can also provide Aerial Surveillance, and gain allies." Aaron said. "My best skill is that I can create Golems and Protective Amulets. I can also create fire." Aaron leaned back on his bed. "Tomorrow, after we get clothes, I'm taking you up in my plane to see if we can spot anything."

Arisa looked at the giant monster she summoned before her. He was taller enough to not be able to fit through a door frame, and had war paint on his face. He didn't look like the type that can fit into this era. "Well, aren't you tall for a Scottish person?" Arisa commented. She has been to Scotland before, but she didn't see anyone who was about a meter tall.

"Beserker, I am your master. My name is Mai, the adoring idol from Japan, or you can call me Arisa." Arisa said to Beserker mentioning who she was. Then, Arisa took out her phone, and began to write a text message to her mother. 'Just summoned him. He is extremely tall. :)' Arisa typed before sending it to her mother. After making sure it sent, Arisa put her phone away to look at the servant she summoned.

"Beserker? Can you shrink down or something like that? I currently stay in a hotel, and having a guy that's about the size of the door will ruin my image, even more with that sword of yours." Arisa spoke. She knows that swords are not welcome in America, just like Japan, and should be hidden because that is one of the rules of the Holy Grail War. She asked him to shrink down for that reason, and more for the sake of her image.
[Berserker, The Wilderness, A Clearing]

Sir William Wallace looked at the girl. "I'm sorry, I can not Shrink down. It is part of my Berserker Nature. I can however go into Spirit form." William said. William drew his Claymore. "You could also call me Braveheart." He began looking into Claymore. "Nice to meet you, Mai, the adoring idol from Japan, let us go to your Hotel." He put away Claymore. "I'm really surprised everything else about me bothers you, and the kilt is fine."

William went into spirit form and started following his master. "I hope you can support me, and that you know what you're doing!" He said rematerializing next to her.

[Marice Gottwald, North Point, North Point Lighthouse]

When the lighthouse begins to speak, Marice can't help but stifle a giggle. Pleasant smile on her face, she begins to step towards the large structure's threshold. "Anybody, is it? Well, I'm coming in!"

And with this, she strolls right up to the Lighthouse's front door. All would be well and done at this point, except for one simple fact-

She couldn't find the find the front door.

Now, it wasn't uncommon for buildings like this to have oddly placed entrance ways, but Marice had no way of knowing this. Frowning at the literal wall standing in the way of her visiting the magical voice, the young martial artist looks skyward, searching for another place she could enter the building from.

"Ah, there it is!"

Lifting the now extremely lightweight spear from her shoulder, Marice makes a short, four feet jump, spinning so that she would land butt-first on the spear. Hanging off its side, she pours her prana into it and quickly jets up to the top of the lighthouse-


Leaping off of her spear and preforming a fabulous 360º in mid air, Marice loops down and crashes feet-first through one of the upper lighthouse windows. After landing daintily and cross-legged on the floor, she purposefully looks towards the centre of the room, ready to greet the first strange person she saw.

[Pythagoras, Lighthouse Interior Top Floor, North Point Lighthouse]

Yes, yes, it was all according to calculation. Of course that was true; how could it not be? With his level of preparation and the sheer breadth of his current area of innate observation, Pythagoras's predictive capabilities were at the point where he could say "Don't worry, it was all according to my calculations" as every other sentence he uttered.

That didn't change the fact that the future was annoying. Like knowing the trajectory of a bullet but being powerless to stop it, knowing that this succubus girl would smash through his window and get glass everywhere didn't make said event any less annoying to deal with.

Well, he could have stopped her, but that future was less optimal to this one, so he didn't. Truly, this is the curse of his existence.

And so, after wordlessly walking over to the broken window and giving a quick mutter of a One Count incantation under his breath to allow it to knit itself together, the anomaly of the war faced the person who had made him need to repair said window. It went without saying that the feeling of burning told him of her nature and status, even if he hadn't already gleaned a disclosive sketch of her Being.

"Welcome to the North Point Lighthouse, Master chosen by the Holy Grail. I am the Servant Caster, owner of the Territory established here." The nerd comma fucking stated, giving a slight bow before continuing on. "If you would like to summon your Servant here, then by all means. I would ordinarily be more selective about such, but for one of your...specific nature, I'll permit such. I will however warn you though, any attempts to kill the hospitable host that I am playing will be punished with an immediate death."

Conversation is hard.
[Loek von Wallenstein, La Mancha Walmart... in line, on his way back to his apartment]

Loek cursed his rather elementary oversight. Where he was usually very meticulous, he had obsessed so much over the matter of preparing himself and trying to acquire a catalyst, something that had hardly been a simple task. Being rather new to the magical part of the world and the Grail War being far from the most popular ritual which would have afforded a much greater deal of popularity for the selling and information concerning various authentic relics, he had truly been a fish out of water on this one. Most mages didn't seem to care half as much about such things and the regular scholars tended to keep things enshrined in museums. Or they would sit there and argue over what might or might not be the authentic thing. In the end, he had been forced to "borrow" one such relic temporarily, a task that had taken much more time and planning than he had cared to spend on the matter. In the end, it had gotten him... a rock. To be more specific, it was a fossil of a horn, presumably the one used to anoint a certain Israeli king. In his scanning of myths and trying to figure out which hero might be best to summon, he had opted to go with simple effectiveness. He was under no delusion that he was on par with other great magi and could handle summoning some power heavy hero. He would have to supply said hero with enough prana and he was fairly sure that his was below average. And so after such a great trouble to acquire the artifact, here he found himself in line at the nearest Walmart, right at closing time, in line for some chalk. Lacking more sophisticated tools, he was going to work with the mundane.

"It seems as though there's always a rush in the last few minutes," Loek grumbled, though he was well aware it was only his own fault for not thinking about it until this late. It would be best to summon sooner rather than later which would leave him less vulnerable and give him more time to get acquainted with his Servant. And why was he here? Because he didn't feel like getting messy with strangling a chicken.

"That will be $3.27," the voice of the rather lazy and slow moving cashier called over to him. The exact amount cash which had been living in Loek's hand for the last ten minutes while he had waited for the lady in front of him to decide exactly what she could and couldn't afford was dropped onto the counter. After politely waiting for it to be counted, he picked up his purchase and swiftly departed from the store. After that, he swiftly made his way back to his apartment. He had best get started with the preparations. Being rather new to this spell and was going to have to do it out of a book, it would likely take him a while to do it just right.
Beserker mentioned the kilt. Arisa barley though about it more than anything. At first, she thought it was a weird American thing that was on her spirit since she summoned him in California, but then again she didn't see anyone with one on. To avoid embarrassing herself with her lack of knowledge, Arisa just didn't mention it. Now that he did, she must address it. "An idol has to be open minded." After saying that, a feeling that was like a burn was on her hand. She tried to keep her cool. She managed to endure it, but not without funny faces, and started to walk out of the forest.

Arisa went out of the forest using the GPS on her phone with little reception she could get. It was a bit hard to get some reception when there are trees in the way unlike the clearing. She walked on the streets where alone with the exception of a few people. "Of course, I know what I am doing. I did a little bit of research before summoning you so everything is fine. Just relax, and win the war." Arisa whispered, not knowing she could use telepathy to communicate.

Once arriving at the hotel, she went into the revolving doors, and took the elevator up to the 17th floor. Her room number was number 13 so after arriving at the door with the number 13 on it, she unlocked it with her phone. "Isn't technology great?" She rhetorically asked. Inside the bedroom, she sat herself down onto the bed, not looking at anything in particular. "Okay, some ground rules." She spoke trying to make the sternest tone she could make. "Thou shall not materialize. You will break the roof. Thou shall not do anything without permission. I can't have you destroying things. Thou shall not peep on me when I am showering. I know you want to, but I need privacy too." Luckily, she didn't end up using one of her command seals since her will wasn't strong enough.
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((Let's get this show back on the road, eh? And @Raijinslayer post next phase!))
[William Wallace, La Mancha, A hotel.]
William Wallace materialized lying on the bed. "Yes, my lady. I agree. I am sorry I disobeyed the rule, I just had to say that." He looked at the Tv Remote. "What is this contraption? It looks quite fancy." He hit the power button "And a box that talks? Technology truly is amazing! Are there any other wonders of this world I should learn about?"
