Haha, I sort of fell asleep earlier, but you've seemed to figure it out on your own. Good job! All I need from you is an explanation to go with your power. As for the explanation, in the last roleplay what we did was have the person kidnapped by the terrorist, but your backstory is fine. I purposely did this to give you freedom.
Maybe. I guess the older members would remember being a child there (or two depending if we go with the killing another child thing), but had no clue what happened to him.
I'm doing math and 23-17=6, that would mean he left at age six and given no time for the other members to know about him. Add 2 years he would be eight when he left. Only gives a few of the 17 year old to barley remember if he was there or not, aside from Yellow. Before I go on, do you get what I am saying?