Faraway Castle

The bastard child is on the mothers side

No give me back my ax! *Struggles to get ax back* How am I supposed to attack villages without it?!?!
-Grabs my sword- I'm afraid, I can't let you burn down anymore villages!
*sitting lazily in a tree tail hanging down* what a bunch of kids
love how out of shear boredom you started an rp all your own lol
Master plan >=D

*Looks back and forth in between Obli (I'm gona call you that =P) and Rain* Uhhh... she said it not me *Walks away whistling*
Well, is it all right with Evairy to be Lydia's twin sister?
I would think it shouldn't be a problem but you never know

*Looks back at battle ax*
:( My phone likes to fight with me so its not letting me delete it... but oh well...
You butt~!!! I was just throwing out possiblities. Now... *rips ax from your hands again.* NO~!!! *takes sword too* and you too~!!!
Butt... but ... but.. *looks at rainbow with begging eyes* we will play nice I swear!
*sighs* What are you soon? Stalking the forums? *gives axe back* I'm watching you... I shall attack if you don't play nicely, mister.
*Takes battle ax* YES! *Runs to nearest village*
-Looks around- ¬_¬ I'll take you on with my fists if you try any funny business
*throws the sword nearly hitting Nor* Stop... *tackles to ground* be good! *turns head to Obliv* you can have your sword back. Hehe
Butt... its... just one please!
*evil eyes* hmmm let me think about it... No. *pouts* you're being baddddddd
But.. its..erhhmm.. for a good cause... *whispers to Obli* distract her so I can burn down just one house... pleeessseeee.