Fantasy Stuff

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I'm looking for someone to roleplay with! The RP will have Action, Fantasy, Drama, Romance (sorta?), etc, etc.

Not the most appealing partner search thread, huh? Well, in all honesty, I've never been good at doing things like this. Is internet anxiety even a thing? Probably is. Anyway, I want it to be like Game of Thrones or something like that. Y'know, character death, politics, blood/gore, and blah blah many other things from the show.

And I have plenty of unique ideas for a RP like this as well as loads of interesting characters. So, if you're interested, please just tell me! ^-^
I'm interested! ^.^ PM me?
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Interested. PM me if you wanna rp. I like medieval fantasy with magic. Hope we can come up with something!
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