"I see you...." Dragon Age grinned, "Your dragons will be mine...Maker guide me into battle!...Or..." DA appeared from nowhere, rather close to Thrones. He'd been hiding...following Thrones for a while. Him and his filthy dragons.

"You made me sick. SICK I SAY!" flailing his arms about. At this moment he had a staff, which was sparking with electricity. "You there! Hand over your dragons...before they eventually eat you...which they will! I will show you mercy by slaying them" DA threatening smashed the ground with his staff, causing lighting to shoot out of it in random directions.

"Dragons must be defeated! Who knows, they could be corrupted by the darkspawn! THEN WE'LL HAVE A BLIGHT ON OUR HANDS....A BLIGHT!" DA seemed to look at Thrones for a second...before dropping his hands to his side.

"So...come on"

Thrones jumped, his sword in hand. "You! Dragon Age you fool! You dragon-murdering psychopath! You are clearly an agent of the White Walkers come to cast the world into an endless winter! By the Seven, you shall fall!" he roared, his dragons screeching, flapping in the air behind him. "You shall never have my dragons! They shall eat you instead!" he laughed, charging at DA while he was preforming EVIL MAGIC. "MAGIC!" he shouted in disgust, slashing his sword through the air towards Dragon Age. Thrones had had enough from DA about this, and was determined to end this today, with as much bloodshed as possible..... preferably DA's blood. How dare this fool call himself fantasy? HOW DARE HE!!

A hooded figure watches the Got/DA showdown from a nearby bush. An odd sight, seeing as he isn't the one in conflict. What caused it? Should he intervene? So many questions yet so little time... Either way, he still peers through... What does his sixth sense have to say about these guys? The two fighting are glowing gold, meaning that those two are the ones he should focus on. Once returning to normal vision, he begins to find a way to tail the two without being detected. Maybe he can jump in and push the two away.
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Meanwhile, in a chunk of Aperture Labs...

"Ugh... fuck." gowned Portal Fandom. She slowly came to, her vision was burry and her hammock was full of empty beer bottles. TF2 always had the best parties where she always got absolutely wasted. She dragged herself out of bed and slowly gathered her things. Cloths? Check. Toothpaste? Check. Portal Gun? Check. Booties? Check. Oddjob and Frank? Check-a-didlely-do. Portal walked up to the orange portal on her wall and ran in.

Portal was plummeting from the sky. She brushed her teeth and spat. She watched the spit zoom up as she sobered up. "LOOK OUT BELLOW!" She called before dropping onto the street directly in front of Trigun. Normally this would snap her legs, but her boots let her land like she only jumped a inch. "Hey oh Tri! How's it going?" While she said this, a certain glop of toothpasty spit split in two and landed on the heads of Game Of Thrones then Dragon Age.
Once Thrones got up and left Sherlock expressed a sigh of relief... which was quickly followed by a groan of annoyance when he heard the voices of Thrones and DA yelling outside. He turned to the Doctor and said "A moment if you please", Sherlock then walked to his desk and opened a cupboard taking out his pistol reserved for when he was bored or irritated. He made sure ammo was loaded and then walked out to his front window, pointed his gun in the air and fired off a few shots to get the fandoms attention. "Excuse me Dragon Age! But if I recall Darkspawn history correctly, which I do cause I'm Sherlock. Only Old Gods are at risk of being turned into Arch-Demons, not your run of the mill dragons. So unless if Throne's dragons are in fact three different Gods I think you're pretty safe from Darkspawn!".
Dragon age looked up at Sherlock, He paused for a second..."WELL MAYBE...they're all old gods! I wouldn't put it past the fool! though...I guess...there's only two old gods left...so...I guess only...two of them could be...Well I DON'T KNOW...Their still dragons! Evil little things!" Dragon age pointed at Sherlock. "You never know! They might eat you!"

Dragon age looked back down to see Thrones charging at him. He smirked before jumping away from the slash and pointing his staff at him. "Stop you bewildering idiot before I explode your head off. Not one more step! I do not wish to spill blood...aside from the dragons. Unlike you, I have magic. Like a PROPER fantasy should have. Not just everyone chopping each other heads off. All you see is blood! Your blind! Blind by the filth." DA looked at him, a smile widening.

"Your just like the darkspawn...Andraste's balls how do you not see! " DA looked back up to Sherlock. "Hello by the way"
Even with all the trouble that had been going on in Trigun's life recently, the baddassery of her anime's own soundtrack didn't let her stay in a bad mood for long, as she soon found herself dancing along as she walked, humming along with those soulful guitar riffs and closing her eyes as she quickly got lost in the sound. So of course it really shouldn't have come as a surprise to anyone that she soon thereafter collided with another Fandom, and was then knocked onto her back. She started spouting apologies almost immediately after Hetalia. "Ah, no, it wasn't your fault! I was too distracted by my music." she explained, pulling her headphones out of her ears. "Besides, the cross broke my fall." she told Hetalia as she pulled herself off the ground, the giant metal cross still strapped to her back beneath her.

Once she brought herself to her feet, though, she noticed that the Fandom in front of her seemed a bit… familiar. That curl of hair, and the logo on his shirt… Trigun contemplated. She felt like she'd seen it all before somewhere… "Oh!" she spoke up. "I think I've seen you around!" she told him. "You're a popular Fandom, right? You're um, um… wait." she tried to think of the name, but stopped herself when something else distracted her thoughts. Her ears perked and her eyes grew sharp as she heard Portal's warning cry, and looked up to find the girl plummeting from the sky, about to land right in front of her. "Look out!" she cried, swiftly grabbing Hetalia's arm and pulling him out of the way as Portal made her nonchalant landing.

"Oh, hi Portal!" Trigun replied as cheerily as possible, though she was still just a bit shaken about the whole Hetalia-nearly-getting-crushed thing. "I'm… fine." she replied after a moment's hesitation, deciding not to spill her emotions about Bebop all over Portal — she'd already embarrassed herself enough in front of Sherlock that day. "Currently just a bit lost… I don't visit Fandom Square as often as I should. Things change so quickly here." she scratched her head as she looked around the area. "Oh, and then I ran into this guy!" she added, gesturing to Hetalia. Getting distracted again, her face then turned to one of confusion as another thought hit her. "Also…" she spoke up, squinting her eyes and looking up. "Where did you even come from?" she asked, a bit bewildered. She was somewhat used to the mechanics of that funny space-bending gun, but… "Doesn't the out-portal still need to be on some surface somewhere?" she asked.


"Well goodbye then…" Doctor Who replied awkwardly as Thrones stormed out of the room, having ignored the pseudo-Time Lord completely. Shrugging it off, the Doctor turned his attention towards Sherlock's computer screen. Skimming over the headline, he almost immediately let out a small gasp. "Daleks!" he exclaimed, quickly scurrying over to the device and scrolling down the page, looking for any more useful information. "Why are there Daleks outside the Fandomverse, though? That's… troubling." he thought aloud. Ordinarily such trouble could only appear outside their little pocket dimension if it had followed Doctor Who there, but he didn't recall visiting such a place in recent memory. He supposed it was entirely possible that it was his future self that they'd followed, but if that wasn't the case, then it had some frightening implications about the strength of those creatures…

It was then that the sounds of a fight happening outside became audible, and Sherlock then made his way to the window, fired a few shots to get their attention and then started shouting down at them in what seemed to be an effort to break up the fight. Curious, Doctor Who joined Sherlock by the window and looked down at Thrones and what seemed to be some sort of dragonslayer fellow. "You know I'm impressed you know so much about all these different canons." the Doctor commented to Sherlock. Even he didn't know that much about any Fandoms beyond his circle of friends. Must've been the detective's long hiatuses giving him so much free time…

"You know I've never been fond of immediately resorting to violence to face an enemy you don't understand!" Doctor Who called out in response to Dragon Age's comment. "Have you tried peaceful negotiation?"
Starting to get irritated Sherlock said in response to Dragon Age "Hello Dragon Age. And yes dragons might be eat you, just like I might shoot you in the head with his gun! The Doctor might throw you into a black hole and let you get crushed into nothingness! But you don't see an order of Wardens bent on Killing us! Well... other than Daleks. But I am pretty sure you are not a Dalek Dragon Age! So if you do not mind, put the sword away and if you must go kill something that's actually a threat!". Then pausing a moment in reflection before pulling out his phone, opening the article on it he just showed the Doctor and tossing the phone down towards Dragon Age. "Like Daleks! Now I am pretty sure this means Daleks are at the WWII muesum. And I don't know about you, but I am pretty sure that Daleks are more dangerous than an Archdemon!". Normally, Sherlock wasn't one to want to drag such violent loudmouths to an investigation. But if Daleks were to be expected, then a fight was to be expected, in which case Thrones and Dragon Age might be useful. Even if for nothing more than cannon fodder.

Then in the quick period of silence he probably had before the two started yelling again he turned to the Doctor, somewhat of a smile returning to his face and replied "Why thank you. I take pride in learning about different fandoms, some are rather interesting. While others... well it just pays to know enough to talk reason into them".
"O-oh my. Homestuck-hubae!" Kpop couldn't understand half of what just came out of the other's mouth, but the emotional breakdown bit was simple enough to figure. Gosh, and she thought things were bad during the Gigapause; these updates made him ten times worse at least!

She continued to fret, still standing by the window in shock. What could she do that wouldn't trigger another outburst? Let's see, let's see...

"Uh, would you like some tea?" Slowly, Kpop moved toward the kitchen island. She swore, if there was some sort of tea-related sadness involved in that webcomic, she didn't know what she'd do.
"Yah... Turns out a fandom lives on a floating island. I never got a good look at it though." Portal explained, "Good way to wake up that is, falling from there." She took a big stretch and a yawn, the blue and orange lights on her headphones flashing on. Frank and Oddjob turned on as well, much to her annoyance. "Zzck! Tnnnk! Unngh!" Frank screeched. "Oh, hush." , she replied.
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Dragon age poked his staff in the direction of Thrones before frowning. "I tried! But if you don't see he tried to kill me with a sword. I'm all for diplomatic discussions, I mean...hell I stopped the Mage-Templar war with just talking....But I can't talk to someone who's trying to cut my head off like this buffoon" Dragon age sighed before looking over to Sherlock.

"Can you not shoot me in the head?...Plus....Doctor Who wouldn't kill me. He watches a kids show!...though it does have some...strange moments. Not that I was watching You watching it Doctor....ahem" DA let the two talk as he tried to sort himself out.

Dragon age looked at Doctor Who and Sherlock with a bit of a stupid grin. He lowered his staff and started to giggle. "ooooooh, You two I can see! The romance, the lovely romance. Trust me, I've already seen the fanfic....very detailed...very....very detailed." Dragon age seemed to looked at Thrones for a second. "No hitting me, truce...I decided that those dragons will live...for now" DA slowly walked away from Thrones.

He froze, "Daleks in...the real world? That can't...be good..."
Short answers, eh? Okay, there was nothing wrong wi-.
"Err, what did you just do?," Touhou questioned, not even remotely close to finding a plausible explanation of what the girl in front of her just did. Sure, all sorts of crazy stuff happened in the Fandomverse, but that alone didn't answer anything about what just happened. "Your eyes went all weird and stuff." Well, at least it didn't seem like it was harmful in any way, so there was that. Either way, the Fandom was too confused by the apparent randomness of the event to do much different than just stare at the silvery humanoid.
Dragon age poked his staff in the direction of Thrones before frowning. "I tried! But if you don't see he tried to kill me with a sword. I'm all for diplomatic discussions, I mean...hell I stopped the Mage-Templar war with just talking....But I can't talk to someone who's trying to cut my head off like this buffoon" Dragon age sighed before looking over to Sherlock.

"Can you not shoot me in the head?...Plus....Doctor Who wouldn't kill me. He watches a kids show!...though it does have some...strange moments. Not that I was watching You watching it Doctor....ahem" DA let the two talk as he tried to sort himself out.

Dragon age looked at Doctor Who and Sherlock with a bit of a stupid grin. He lowered his staff and started to giggle. "ooooooh, You two I can see! The romance, the lovely romance. Trust me, I've already seen the fanfic....very detailed...very....very detailed." Dragon age seemed to looked at Thrones for a second. "No hitting me, truce...I decided that those dragons will live...for now" DA slowly walked away from Thrones.

He froze, "Daleks in...the real world? That can't...be good..."

"You're bloody insane!" Throne hisses, but sheathed his sword, agreeing to their Truce. Thrones turned away, storming off down the road, towards the massive red castle looming in the distance. He walked alone, muttering to himself, ignoring the Dalek comment, as he didn't know what those were. "Stupid... bloody... Dragon Age," he growled under his breath as he continued to walk along the cobble, his eyes on the ground, his dragons flapping about him, making strange noises, almost taunting Dragon Age.
Hetalia finally looked up at the other fandom as he sighed in relief. "I'm glad to hear that you're okay! I thought I was getting better at being careful, but I guess I still have a ways to go. That cross sure must be handy, though." He scratched the back of his head a bit sheepishly. "Ehe~ It's nice to be recognized, and not in a bad way this time. I'm sorry I didn't introduce myself sooner! I'm Hetalia, and I believe in drawing circles, making alliances, and eating pasta with everybody!"

Standing up and striking a pose with a two-fingered salute, he gave a goofy grin, though it turned slightly embarrassed shortly after as he realized that he wasn't entirely sure of who this person was. "Um...I don't think I really know you well yet, but I'm sure I've probably seen you around before and just not known your name, so maybe--!"

Suddenly finding himself pulled away from where he was standing by the fandom he had just met, the excitable male let out a slight yelp as he heard something land behind him. Turning back around to see Portal standing where he had just been, he let out a breath that he hadn't registered having held until just now. "Ve...that was close...thanks for saving me there! That probably would have hurt!" Still a bit overexcited from having almost been squashed into tomato paste, the boy hugged his savior perhaps a bit tightly before looking over at the other fandom who had shown up. "Ciao!" He waved slightly, still latched onto Trigun. "You look familiar. I think I've definitely seen you before, or maybe...oh, that game, right? The one with the cubes and those robots!"
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It settled by themselves. AC didn't need to intervene so that was good. From the bush he was hiding in, he decided to stay even though that was dealt with. What are these "Dalek" things? Pieces of Eden or something else? Either way, he's interested. He still has to eavesdrop so he can't move or expose himself. What else? Oh, can't be armed.


"It was just a small scan. Nothing major," xe said. "My database is still in progress so I have to gather as much info about this realm as I can." REZ, the only fandom you seem to have a archive for is Space Channel 5. The reason being is that little easter egg in your game.
Sherlock then finally gave a sigh of relief, Thrones may have left which was a shame since his dragons would have helped. But at least the fight ended and Dragon Age was willing to help with the Daleks. But then hearing Dragon Age go on about the Doctor/Sherlock fanfic he scoffed and said "You people and your romances. So easy to manipulate... But although... No! Focus!" struggling between his 'Trying to be sherlock' side, and the side that represents the fans who actually do love such stuff. But then he looked to the Doctor and asked "So, now that's been taken care have shall we all get in the TARDIS and get ourselves a Dalek?". Sherlock said having already ran next to the TARDIS door, running in place excitingly for another chance to travel on the TARDIS.
Homestuck sniffled, wiping the wetness from his eyes. There was just so much crying from the fans that it was making him uncomfortable. He didn't even know why Kpop hadn't kicked him out yet or something. When he heard her offer him tea, he bit his bottom lip and thought about Nepeta's Land of Little Cubes and Tea. He missed LOLCAT and laughed through his grimacing face. Everything was a terribad reminder of something.

"I'd love tea, Kpurrop! If you could make some chameowmile or purrl grey furr meow, that would be purrfect!" He gasped a bit, flailing to calm himself down. Thankfully there were no more tears and Homestuck followed her to the kitchen, sagging against the island.
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For a while, Doctor Who just let Sherlock do his thing — as his friend was apparently a lot better at reasoning with other Fandoms than he was — until one of DA's comments managed to catch his attention. "I'm sorry what did you call me?!" the Doctor shot back at the term 'kid's show', fueled by the distaste held by Whovians everywhere for that label. "Augh… never mind." he quickly stopped himself from ranting further, knowing there were more important matters at hand. He then rolled his eyes when Dragon Age brought up "the lovely romance" between them. "Oh, come on, now — you're not the first to say that." he scoffed, turning away from the window. He was pretty used to that sort of thing by then, having been shipped with other Fandoms since before it was even called 'shipping'.

"Now then," Doctor Who grinned at Sherlock's enthusiasm as he walked towards the TARDIS. "Let's catch ourselves a Dalek!" he chirped before unlocking the doors and pushing them open. "You coming, Dragon Age?!" he hollered towards the window as he waited for their new companion to come inside and join them. He scurried inside, leaving the doors open as DA was presumably not far behind them.
Without a word, Sherlock just sprinted into the TARDIS the second the door was open. He then wandered off in one of the TARDIS's many hallways, and not even a second later he came out of another hallway wearing a detectives hat. "I know the TARDIS has infinite rooms Doctor, but they're starting to get a bit messy. It took me a while to find where I left this hat from last time". But then he vanished into the hallway he just came out of again, a moment later coming out of yet another hallway with a small stack of papers and photo's, walking up to the Doctor he handed it to him and said "These seem to be all the sightings and stories in the area that suggest Daleks". He then took a few back form himself and looked through them going "Let's see... Pig men in sewers... Corporation building odd antenna's on top of buildings... Oh wait, these are historical papers... The TARDIS dating system always throws me off". He then takes all the papers back a bit embarrased, re-opens the TARDIS door and simply tosses all the papers across in the floor in his room "I'll clean it later".
"Oh, hah, don't mention it!" Trigun replied a bit sheepishly to Hetalia's thanks. "And you said your name was, um, Hetalia? Oh, right! The one with all the countries?" she asked, the name starting to ring a few bells in her head. "Yeah, that sounds familiar now." she nodded. "Well, nice to meet you, Hetalia! My name's Trigun, and I fight for…" she paused for dramatic effect. "LOVE and PEACE!" she shouted, extending her arm with her fingers crossed instead of just giving a normal peace sign, copying Vash's signature pose as well as his adorable catch phrase. She couldn't help but grin every time she said it.

Then Portal told her about the floating island she fell from, and what a great way it is to wake up. "Hah, yeah, I suppose it would be." Trigun laughed in response, looking up at a spec of land in the sky that she supposed was the floating island that Portal mentioned. She then nodded when Hetalia said that she looked familiar. "Yup, that's her! Robots and cubes and funny portals and… something about cake, right?"
Dragon Age smiled as he was invited into the Tardis. His staff suddenly turned into two daggers, and he seemed to go invisible. Rather quickly, DA appeared in front of the Tardis. He poked his head and looked around. "This place is....umm, big" Dragon age stepped in and seemed to have his mouth open constantly. "What type of magic is this? I must ask..." Dragon walked over to Doctor Who.

"It's certainly is...bigger" He mumbled as he poked at some stuff. This stuff confused him, what was with all these levers and buttons? Dragon Age seemed mystified by everything. But there were more pressing concerns, if he remembered correctly on what Daleks were. Innocents lives were at risk! Well, Maybe. But he liked to think there were! He would be a hero!