Fandom Search!

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Original poster
Hi there! I am looking for a few roleplay partners as I have more time on my hands lately.

Romance is vital to any roleplay I participate in. No, I don't mean love-at-first-sight!
》No one liners. This is usually a given, but to ensure that it doesn't happen, I am stating it anyway. I'm flexible when it comes to length and usually try to match my partner's.
OC X CANON - I am all for doubling and in most cases I prefer it.
》If you are bored with the roleplay and want to switch it up or start a new one, please let me know! If you want to stop or take a break, that is okay. Just don't leave me hanging. I will offer the same courtesy.
》Sex - We can play it out or fade to black.


  • Harry Potter
  • The 100
  • The Walking Dead
  • Supernatural
  • The Vampire Diaries
  • The Originals
》 Feel free to suggest any as I feel I may have left a few out.
Hello! I know all the fandoms you mentioned besides Harry Potter lol (well I know it but not enough to rp) what canons are you looking for in each one if I may ask?
Hello! I know all the fandoms you mentioned besides Harry Potter lol (well I know it but not enough to rp) what canons are you looking for in each one if I may ask?

The 100: Murphy
The Walking Dead: Daryl
Supernatural: Crowley or Castiel
The Vampire Diaries: Damon
The Originals: Elijah or Klaus
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