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I can do both genders and if there is any other fandom you wanna try that I might know of, ask me.


Hibiki Emporium
Black Butler
[I can play: Sebastian, Ciel, Claude, Alois]
[I can play: Inuyasha, Kagome, Kikyo]
Fruits Basket
Love Stage
Show By Rock
Uta no prince Sama
Ouran High School Club

[I can play: Tamaki and Kyoya]
Movies and Books

The Devil Wears Parada
Hunger Games

Studio Ghibli
Harry Potter
Rise of the Guardians
Greys Anatomy
Percy Jackson and The Olympians

Video Games

Final Fantasy Series
.hack series
Dragon age series
Do you play anyone special from Grey's Anatomy?
Could you Play Kyo for me from Fruits Basket, or Hatori?
Ahh, I'd like to RP Uta no Prince-sama with you!!
Hey! I would love to RP with you! I don't really mind what gender I play, but i tend to like having the more submissive based personality.
Below I picked out which of these fandoms I'd like to RP with you, let me know if your interested.

Plain and simple.
But I could bend a write a Sango.

[BCOLOR=#00ff00]Fruits Basket[/BCOLOR]
Quick and Easy,

[BCOLOR=#00ff00]Ouran High School Club[/BCOLOR]

Real easy once more.

Pretty much any disney heroine ever to be honest. Though I wont do Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, or Snow White.
I'm rather fond of Marida, Arial, Mulan, Kida, any of the more out going gals.
I also like Jim from Treasure planet.
I can do OC for this too.

[BCOLOR=#00ff00]Harry Potter[/BCOLOR]
For this Fandom I like playing OC's, Draco, Harry, Hermione, Luna, and Bellatrix.
Granted i might not be to good at some of these characters, but their the ones I like to play!

[BCOLOR=#00ff00]Rise of the Guardians[/BCOLOR]
OC, or Tooth or Jack

Ziva <3
or OC

[BCOLOR=#00ff00]Final Fantasy Series[/BCOLOR]
Yuna, Rikku, or OC (not gonna lie FF10 is my all time favorite~)​
Hey there lovely! Would you be up for a Dragon Age Inquisition RP? I've only played Inquisition /shot/ but I'd love to give it a go!