• So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!


Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Look for groups
  2. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per day
  2. One post per day
  3. Multiple posts per week
  4. 1-3 posts per week
  5. One post per week
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
Preferred Character Gender
  1. No Preferences
Romance, Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Modern
Hello everyone! My name is Sam, I go by she/they pronouns, and I am 25 years old as of writing this! I'm originally from Quotev and have 10+ years of roleplaying experience, though I'm not that skilled with this site just yet- I've started rping on Discord as well, but it's still something I'm getting used to so I don't mind where we rp at! I don't have many rules or preferences when it comes to my rp partners, just a few that I'm a little strict about. First off, I don't mind roleplaying with minors but I'd rather know your age just so I know how tame to keep anything nsfw- I am not someone who goes very into detail with smut and stuff, not until I'm comfortable with someone and have talked it all out first, but I do ask for at least 16+ simply because I know how hard it can be to find rp's with someone and be just on the cusp of being old enough.

Another thing I ask is to have your replies at least 500 or 600 words, simply because I sadly can't work with smaller replies anymore and often times those will be the ones I get burnt out on and stop replying to. I am not that strict about grammar since I'm not the best with it either, I just ask that it's decent enough for me to be able to read what you are writing- also, don't worry if English isn't your first language either because I don't mind. I have roleplayed with plenty of people in the past whose first language wasn't English and have had a blast with it, so do not worry about that with me!

I'm a big fan of world building or at least making an outline for where we may want the rp to start off with at first, though I am also down for throwing in plot twists out of nowhere- just make sure that we are both comfortable with the types of plot twists we can pull with one another. This is another thing I'm down to talk about in full when we go to chat about our rp's! I don't have many do's or dont's when it comes to rping, so I do not do anything involving incest or extreme self harm- please let me know if there is anything you are against so I can avoid it as well! I'm down to talk a lot about our rp's since it can help a lot with my motivation in the long run when I start to get burnt out because of college! And as just a heads up,
there may be times where I can't respond due to being busy with college- if I haven't replied or reached out to you after a week, feel free to message me- because while I may not be able to reply to an rp, I may have time to just chat or come up with ideas for our roleplay!

Here's a list of fandoms I'm interesting in roleplaying as well as if I'm hard stuck on any character, keep in mind I may have left one or two out simply because I forgot to mention it/forgot it- so if you want to, feel free to comment a fandom if it's not on the list and maybe I just forgot to list it!

League of Legends
Destiny 2 (Currently playing through Final Shape, haven't finished it but having a blast so far)
One Piece (Anime/Manga/Live Action)
Transformers (G1, Prime, Animated, Armada, WFC series, WFC/FOC video games, Earthspark, Bayverse, Knightverse, etc)
Baldurs Gate 3 (I haven't finished the game, I'm in Act 3 and haven't finished cause of college/there's a LOT to that act)
Star Wars (I've watched the OG trilogy, the prequels, sequels, clone wars show, Mandalorian, Book of Boba Fett, Ahsoka, and some of Rebels.)
Soul Eater (I've watched the entire anime, will probably rewatch it sometime soon as a refresher)
Spy x Family (I'm caught up in the Manga as of 05/13/2024 and have seen the show and the movie)
Resident Evil (Mainly the games, but I have seen the movies as well)

And I thought I'd list below some of the original storylines I'd love to do as well, though as a heads up I know I like to talk out oc x oc original storylines a lot before I start them off so these would require a lot more world building!

- Greek mythology aus, I have a wide variety of ideas consisting of Hadestown (the broadway musical) au, to a Hades (the game) au, and more.
- Medieval fantasy
- Sci-fi
- Any storyline from an anime or manga
- Feel free to suggest some as well and maybe we can come up with some ideas!
Hello! My name is Spirit. I currently am trying out they/them pronouns, but I'm fine with she as well. I'm 19 years old and have been RP'ing for... I want to say now at least four years. I'll try to match your format of post with my reply.
I don't mind where we roleplay either, as long as said site or platform has notifications or I guarantee you I WILL forget to check :') English is my third language but, I'm not trying to brag, everyone says I'm good at it so I guess I am?? I don't know. Sometimes I forget words or make some grammar error that I didn't even know existed.

I do not RP NSFW, smut or romance so I hope that that's okay with you! Instead I write for the YA genre, which means all my characters are minors. If that is not okay with you, that is just fine and I will understand. I figured it was important to share.
I have never RP'ed in a program that uses word count, but I do think I can easily make that and much more in most of my replies. I am known to tend to write shorter replies during, say, dialogue or a quick action scene. But most of the time, my replies range from a few short paragraphs to absolute novel length. I've been told how much I write is intimidating, and I do get that. I am okay with shorter replies now and then, but most of the time I want at least a few paragraphs to respond to! I hope I'm making sense.

As for planning, I really don't need much. I need a rough outline of what kind of plot we want to do, how our characters meet and a reason for them to stick together. After that, I'm all good and ready to go on with our goal! For example '2 Adventurers meet, one is in trouble. The other helps and they find that they're both looking to take down BBG, so they stick together and go to do lots of quests until eventually ending up in the boss fight'. That's roughly enough for me!
I don't like to end roleplays, though. Instead, I play a plot until it's fizzled out and we can start a new one! I absolutely adore world building and I LOVE OOC connections. I am bad at small talk, but I can absolutely ramble on and on about our characters and the plot!! I love to discuss as we go. For example, we've discussed the start and now oops, we ran into an obstacle. Let's discuss! Hm, we've been doing side quests for a while... let's discuss the next step into the main story! Etc, etc.

I do have quite a few triggers, which can be found on my profile. Mostly, it involves animal abuse and death, gore, self harm/suicide, horror, bullying such as homophobia/ableism, NSFW and smut/romance, that sort of thing.
I am absolutely open to reminders as well, you will most likely find me going 'Hm? What's up?? OH WAIT, OH SHOOT MY REPLY, OH NOOOO'. So please... ping me, hit me up, whatever you need x'D

Mostly I am available but there is a thingy with mental health and spoons so don't take it personally if you see me online and I don't reply. I likely ended up trying, staring and giving up a few times. Or I am thinking about how to reply. I will always do my best to communicate what's going on in regards of my activity so that you know what's going on!!

As for roleplays, I can do both scifi and medieval/modern fantasy!!
Feel free to reply here or DM me, I don't mind. Looking forward to hearing from you, no matter what the reply is :) I hope you find this community really great!!

Hi! Im Darkerie, another Quotev survivor!
I use she/her pronouns and am 23.

I dint have any triggers and feel the same about nsfw stuff, its important to be comfortable with your rp partner before getting into topics like that.

I would love to rp either Overwatch or Baldurs Gate 3 with you!
I dont have set love interests for either of the fandoms because i like to keep it open for my partners interpretations of my ocs

im equally excited for both of those fandoms so if youre down for either of them let me know! ^_^
Hello Spirit
Hello! My name is Spirit. I currently am trying out they/them pronouns, but I'm fine with she as well. I'm 19 years old and have been RP'ing for... I want to say now at least four years. I'll try to match your format of post with my reply.
I don't mind where we roleplay either, as long as said site or platform has notifications or I guarantee you I WILL forget to check :') English is my third language but, I'm not trying to brag, everyone says I'm good at it so I guess I am?? I don't know. Sometimes I forget words or make some grammar error that I didn't even know existed.

I do not RP NSFW, smut or romance so I hope that that's okay with you! Instead I write for the YA genre, which means all my characters are minors. If that is not okay with you, that is just fine and I will understand. I figured it was important to share.
I have never RP'ed in a program that uses word count, but I do think I can easily make that and much more in most of my replies. I am known to tend to write shorter replies during, say, dialogue or a quick action scene. But most of the time, my replies range from a few short paragraphs to absolute novel length. I've been told how much I write is intimidating, and I do get that. I am okay with shorter replies now and then, but most of the time I want at least a few paragraphs to respond to! I hope I'm making sense.

As for planning, I really don't need much. I need a rough outline of what kind of plot we want to do, how our characters meet and a reason for them to stick together. After that, I'm all good and ready to go on with our goal! For example '2 Adventurers meet, one is in trouble. The other helps and they find that they're both looking to take down BBG, so they stick together and go to do lots of quests until eventually ending up in the boss fight'. That's roughly enough for me!
I don't like to end roleplays, though. Instead, I play a plot until it's fizzled out and we can start a new one! I absolutely adore world building and I LOVE OOC connections. I am bad at small talk, but I can absolutely ramble on and on about our characters and the plot!! I love to discuss as we go. For example, we've discussed the start and now oops, we ran into an obstacle. Let's discuss! Hm, we've been doing side quests for a while... let's discuss the next step into the main story! Etc, etc.

I do have quite a few triggers, which can be found on my profile. Mostly, it involves animal abuse and death, gore, self harm/suicide, horror, bullying such as homophobia/ableism, NSFW and smut/romance, that sort of thing.
I am absolutely open to reminders as well, you will most likely find me going 'Hm? What's up?? OH WAIT, OH SHOOT MY REPLY, OH NOOOO'. So please... ping me, hit me up, whatever you need x'D

Mostly I am available but there is a thingy with mental health and spoons so don't take it personally if you see me online and I don't reply. I likely ended up trying, staring and giving up a few times. Or I am thinking about how to reply. I will always do my best to communicate what's going on in regards of my activity so that you know what's going on!!

As for roleplays, I can do both scifi and medieval/modern fantasy!!
Feel free to reply here or DM me, I don't mind. Looking forward to hearing from you, no matter what the reply is :) I hope you find this community really great!!


Hello! My name is Spirit. I currently am trying out they/them pronouns, but I'm fine with she as well. I'm 19 years old and have been RP'ing for... I want to say now at least four years. I'll try to match your format of post with my reply.
I don't mind where we roleplay either, as long as said site or platform has notifications or I guarantee you I WILL forget to check :') English is my third language but, I'm not trying to brag, everyone says I'm good at it so I guess I am?? I don't know. Sometimes I forget words or make some grammar error that I didn't even know existed.

I do not RP NSFW, smut or romance so I hope that that's okay with you! Instead I write for the YA genre, which means all my characters are minors. If that is not okay with you, that is just fine and I will understand. I figured it was important to share.
I have never RP'ed in a program that uses word count, but I do think I can easily make that and much more in most of my replies. I am known to tend to write shorter replies during, say, dialogue or a quick action scene. But most of the time, my replies range from a few short paragraphs to absolute novel length. I've been told how much I write is intimidating, and I do get that. I am okay with shorter replies now and then, but most of the time I want at least a few paragraphs to respond to! I hope I'm making sense.

As for planning, I really don't need much. I need a rough outline of what kind of plot we want to do, how our characters meet and a reason for them to stick together. After that, I'm all good and ready to go on with our goal! For example '2 Adventurers meet, one is in trouble. The other helps and they find that they're both looking to take down BBG, so they stick together and go to do lots of quests until eventually ending up in the boss fight'. That's roughly enough for me!
I don't like to end roleplays, though. Instead, I play a plot until it's fizzled out and we can start a new one! I absolutely adore world building and I LOVE OOC connections. I am bad at small talk, but I can absolutely ramble on and on about our characters and the plot!! I love to discuss as we go. For example, we've discussed the start and now oops, we ran into an obstacle. Let's discuss! Hm, we've been doing side quests for a while... let's discuss the next step into the main story! Etc, etc.

I do have quite a few triggers, which can be found on my profile. Mostly, it involves animal abuse and death, gore, self harm/suicide, horror, bullying such as homophobia/ableism, NSFW and smut/romance, that sort of thing.
I am absolutely open to reminders as well, you will most likely find me going 'Hm? What's up?? OH WAIT, OH SHOOT MY REPLY, OH NOOOO'. So please... ping me, hit me up, whatever you need x'D

Mostly I am available but there is a thingy with mental health and spoons so don't take it personally if you see me online and I don't reply. I likely ended up trying, staring and giving up a few times. Or I am thinking about how to reply. I will always do my best to communicate what's going on in regards of my activity so that you know what's going on!!

As for roleplays, I can do both scifi and medieval/modern fantasy!!
Feel free to reply here or DM me, I don't mind. Looking forward to hearing from you, no matter what the reply is :) I hope you find this community really great!!

Hello Spirit, it's nice to meet you! While I've never roleplayed anything without romance, I wouldn't be against giving it a try! I love having longer replies and stuff but I don't mind shorter replies in between, especially since I know how I can be at times and that sometimes my brain just will not focus on something no matter how long I stare at something!

Also please, I feel that bit about the reply so much- just the amount of times I've forgotten to reply or accidentally didn't hit send for a reply is too many times. I always feel bad when I forget about an rp in the end and forgot to reply! But thank you for telling me your triggers, I'll do my best to make sure to keep them in mind and not do any of those! Also it's all good and I won't take it personally if you don't reply to me right away, we all have our own lives and stuff so it's all good!

Ooh those sound like a lot of fun, and so far the community has been pretty great!! Feel free to message me if you want to continue talking about rping together of course, and we can discuss what we'd like to do for said rp!
Hi! Im Darkerie, another Quotev survivor!
I use she/her pronouns and am 23.

I dint have any triggers and feel the same about nsfw stuff, its important to be comfortable with your rp partner before getting into topics like that.

I would love to rp either Overwatch or Baldurs Gate 3 with you!
I dont have set love interests for either of the fandoms because i like to keep it open for my partners interpretations of my ocs

im equally excited for both of those fandoms so if youre down for either of them let me know! ^_^
Hello it's nice to meet you Darkerie!! Ah yay, another Quotev survivor- it seems like there are quite a lot of us lol!

Alrighty I'll make sure to keep that in mind, I'm just glad people understand it when it comes to the nsfw stuff- and ooh I'm down for rping those as well! I have several oc's and crushes for both of those as well, just because I also like letting my partners pick first since I don't have a preference!

I'm down for either of them or both of them, depending on how much we click with our rp's! Feel free to message me and we can talk more about whichever fandom we wanna do right now!