Family Values

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"But what if it is? What if we don't know her at all?"
"We need to find out" he sighed "I will go talk to her, you lie down and try and rest. You work yourself too hard." He climbed the stairs up to Faiths room and entered without knocking
Ruth put her head on the table and sighed. Faith was sitting on her bed, reading a book. "Is dinner here?" she asked, setting the book down.
"Not quite" he said gently "we need to talk about school. They sent us a letter. What do you think it was about?"
She swallowed. "I have no idea. What did it say?"
"I want you to tell me what you think it said. I want you to be honest with me, Faith. I am your father after all. Do I not deserve honesty?" He sighed exasperated oh
She sat up. "I am being honest." She sighed. "Maybe it might have something to do with today?"
"Only a small part of it. How can your grades have fallen so badly so quickly? Is it a boy? Because if it is your education is more important"
"No, it's nothing like that," she said, looking out the window. "It's nothing. I don't want to talk about it."
"well you have to" he sat next to her "I love you and I want to be able to help you"
She stared at him and crossed her arms. "An artist is supposed to suffer."
"And you're an artist?" He asked confused "what do you mean?"
"I am an artist. Mom knows all about it, and I'm surprised you don't."
"Yeah but I thought you meant in a different sense" he sighed "is it that school in particular? We can send you to a new one if you like"
"No, it's not the school." She sighed and smiled. "I'm fine, Dad. Really."
"School disagree" he sighed "they want to put you on a special programme for people who are struggling"
Her eyes widened. "Like the kids who take different classes than everyone?"
"Not quite" he sighed "they want you to attend after school classes with the assistant head tecaher...and assign you a teaching aide to sit next to you in lessons. They also wanted to make you report to a parole officer regarding your attendance"
"Please don't make me," she whispered. "It won't work if you do it."
"I don't get a choice, darling" he cuddled her to him "im sorry if me and your mom have been neglecting you a bit recently"
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