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I'll make a post today or tomorrow. Probably something more interactable than what I made before.
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@Derp I think I'll be fine, I feel like the father our characters travel and the deeper the story gets, it'll help. Maybe????
@MYTH* want me to have your character encounter J4-CK? my synth courser.
I am resigning from the roleplay
oh.... well ok then, good luck in your future endeavors....
Alright, expect a challenge. He has mk vi combat armor.
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anyone still here?
Long over due but here's Madison County's mayor


Name: John Hancock
Age: 126
Species: Ghoul

Faction: None
S: 5
P: 10
E: 8
C: 9
I: 14
A: 10
L: 8
Job: Mayor of Madison County
Tagged Skills:
Rifleman Rank 5(FO4)
Locksmith Rank 4(FO4)
Toughness Rank 5(FO4)
Ghoulish Rank 4(FO4)
Local Leader Rank 2(FO4)
Weapons:(if you have any)
Armor:(if you have any)
Friends:(if you have any)
Born John McDonough, Hancock is the estranged brother of old Diamond City mayor, Mayor McDonough; the then non-ghoul John cut ties with his brother after the mayor banished all ghouls from Diamond City, resulting in the deaths of numerous innocent ghouls as the city turned on them. John tried to help as many ghouls as he could relocate to the town of Goodneighbor, attempting to save as many lives as possible, but many couldn't adjust to Goodneighbor. Their deaths would continue to torment him into the present day. John relocated to Goodneighbor, viewing it as a place for those who didn't fit in anywhere else. He is exceptionally punitive toward his enemies or those that break Goodneighbor law, but can be a good friend and valuable ally to those who treat him with respect, punish the guilty and protect the innocent.

He became a ghoul sometime after 2282, following the use of an experimental radioactive drug. In spite of his ghoulification, John Hancock considers the high "so worth it," as well as noting the near immortality he obtained as a benefit. Before John Hancock became mayor, the town was run by a ruthless mob boss named Vic. After witnessing the death of a fellow drifter by Vic's henchmen, John got high and passed out. When he came to, he found the clothes of the real John Hancock and, inspired by their presence, he took it upon himself to raise a militia and overthrew Vic from power. From then on, he became John Hancock, the mayor of Goodneighbor.

Hancock used to serve as the self-appointed mayor of Goodneighbor. The majority of citizens looked to him for guidance, and he acts as a source of reassurance concerning the looming synth threat. Following the events of Bobbi No-Nose's big plan (The Big Dig), a plot to steal from his stronghold, he claims to feel too pampered and comfortable. He gives a speech proclaiming his leave of absence. ("No one in power should be comfortable for too long.") Hancock then proceeds to offer his services to the Sole Survivor as a possible companion.

He didn't take to kindly to the Sole Survivor siding with the institute, he wasn't to hurt about seeing the brotherhood or the railroad destroyed but their deaths did weigh on his consciousness. As the sole survivor became institute director him along with the others, Cait, Preston, McReady, Piper, Danse, Curie and Strong began to cut ties with him. They collectively unified what settlers they could along with raiders and mobsters to fight off the institute's growing forces to keep Boston as safe for everyone as possible. They all failed and hundreds died. So the group Fled to the capital wasteland as the institute presence began to grow and take the east coast.

Hancock along with what few people remained began to unify the capital wasteland's settlements, in an effort to hold off the institute even further. With the exception of the republic of dave, well only those with common sense. United, settlers, scavengers, raiders and several other mercenary bands joined forces t fight off the institute, however the result was the same. The enclave had formed an alliance with the institute, giving each other access to forces and technology to forward their agendas. As yeas passed the group kept migrating, some paired up and had kids that Hancock would look after. Others like Porter Gage, Old Longfellow and Strong died during the Capital wasteland wars.

To help ease his mind he began to write his memoirs, in a book series known as "The Goodneighbor." He made a fortune selling the book and printing it, as years passed he herded his dwindling and weary flock to Texas where he managed to help them settle in a gated community, perfectly armed and well protected, however it's major downfall was the government in the place at the time, they were run by Caesar's Legion and had used the place as a slave trading mecha, On a nearby town in a stadium he managed to talk the settlers and the children of his dead friends into forming something like the minutemen, a people's army dedicated to protecting those who can't protect themselves. This was the begging of the Texas Rangers, The Rangers led an assault in Madison county, liberating all the slaves from Legion influence, once the town was cleared, he helped rebuild it into a fully functioning city.

Decades passed and certain problems began to loom over, lack of water being the worst. An emissary from the local vault came to him with a deal, they had the largest and most advanced water purifiers in the Texas wasteland. They would gladly sell them water, with the condition that the rangers do jobs certain superiors in the vault would want done. Hancock begrudgingly agreed, so his town wouldn't die of thirst. However this soon turned into a mistake as many people began to lose trust in the rangers and the vault dwellers began to extort the citizens of Madisonville, Hancock has since then threatened and even blackmailed vault dwellers from Vault 50 to give him water, it may not be much but it would be enough to keep the city from dying of thirst. The vault overseer did not take kindly to this and has since then had vault security assault and harass the city constantly.
Karma: Neutral
Name: Sykes
Age: 38
Species: human

P: 5
E: 7
C: 10
I : 8
A: 6
L: 9
Job: wanderer
Scrounge rank 4
Sneak 4
Intimidation 3
Hacker 3
Medic 4

10mm pistol
Lever action rifle
Friends: merchants

Bio: when he was born, he was born a killer. His family were gunners, and his entire child hood was training him in combat. at the age of 16 he has already killed dozens. He left the gunners with his younger sister, to wander the wasteland, helping people to make himself feel good about himself, which he thought was impossible. Over the years he traveled with many people and, learned that the wasteland doesn't care who you are it will take from you, when a group of raiders kid napped his sister and forced him to watch as they tortured her and killed her. This made him more quiet and distant. Wandering in the waste land thought him many ways to escape a situation, and find ways to always leave a fight unscaved. He developed a rude attitude and, quite the smart ass. He's always counted on his luck to get him through the waste land. Traveling through the waste land for a long time, made him understand and predict it. So he travels the wasteland killing raiders, helping settlers, and surviving.

Karma: good karma
he as a scratch that covers his left eye
3rd degree burns on both of his arms,
Stitches all over his body
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@Skrimps very good :) jump into the ic any time you can
@Skrimps it means you can start, the link to the IC is in the firt page
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